Semua Bab Stolen Heart: A Marriage on Paper: Bab 101 - Bab 110
182 Bab
Chapter 100 - Needed A Break
Luke was carrying the sleeping boy in his arms while he walked side by side with Jade. They looked intimate and like a family of three - father, mother and son. The scene before him was an eyesore.  "What time is it?" He asked coldly.  Surprised to see him home before midnight, Jade stopped in her tracks.  Deliberately ignoring him, Jade turned to Luke. "Thank you," she smiled and reached out for Tim.  "I hope you had a great time," Luke dotingly said.  "I did," she replied softly. Tyler heard her answer and it made him like a volcano that would erupt at any time. 
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Chapter 101 - Framed
Jade sensed his body became rigid.  "Did Colton say something," Tyler knew that his brother in law held a grudge against him because of what he did to Jade.  And Colton was there when he and Sophia appeared together in Jade’s office. Colton was obviously angry to see him with Sophia.  Jade shook her head denying that Colton had to do with her decision. "No, I just felt tired and needed to have some breather."  *Are you going to leave me?" Tyler lost his control. He had been in the military and disciplined himself to keep his emotions under control, however, when Jade was concerned, he couldn't.  Jade looked up, contrary to her
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Chapter 102 - Sophia Gets Whatever She Wants
Tyler looked at Jade with disappointment. How could she be petty? Sophia is in distress because of their child's poor health condition. Why can't she understand it? Is she that immature? She isn't even remorseful for what she'd done.Jade stared at Tyler who was holding Sophia protectively as if she was a delicate treasure afraid that even a simple touch would hurt her. Her heart was shuttered a millionth time as if it was impossible to put the pieces together. Tyler retracted his gaze and looked at Sophia. "Let's go, let's check on our son," he led Sophia out without looking at Jade. Sophia looked back and cast Jade a triumphant smile. The door closed loudly as if Tyler was signaling his displeasure. Jade laughed to herself. She was too naive to believe that he loved her. What happened today has proven that Sophia matters to him the most. He didn't even ask her what happened, he just believed whatever Sophia said. That night, Tyler didn't go home and stayed in the hospital wi
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Chapter 103 - Marks on His Body
He felt something heavy on his chest and opened his eyes. He saw Sophia's head resting on his bare chest with marks on them. He was so stupefied that he didn’t notice that there were other people with them. "Sophia, wake up," he said softly as he gently patted her face. Sophia's eyes fluttered and looked at him bashfully. Her blushing face could tell that something had happened last night. "Honey," Sophia shyly hid her face in his chest. Dr. Garnet couldn't take the embarrassment anymore. He was so embarrassed having witnessed such an intimate scene like this in the hospital. He cleared his throat which called Tyler's attention. He jerked his head only to find that Jade was looking at him with her icy gaze. Sophia acted as if she was embarrassed being seen with a disheveled look in the arms of Tyler. She buried her face in Tyler's chest. Tyler stood up abruptly, took his shirt that was on the floor and put it immediately. The marks on his body and Sophia's skin was a glaring in
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Chapter 104 - Dead Heart
"You're a liar! What's with the marks on your bodies? Both of you have lovebites, don't tell me, you bit your chest, did you?" She stepped forward and slapped him forcefully. All the fury, frustration and pain of betrayal amalgamated in her heart that it gave her strength to slap him that his face turned to the other side, leaving a stark handprint on his face. Jade was the only person who was able to slap him. If it was another person who had slapped him he won't let that person off the hook. Tyler inched forward swiftly and took her in his arms. "Listen to me, Jade. There's nothing between me and Sophia, I was simply there for Jason." Jade didn't move, she stood like a pillar. "Do you think I'm a fool to believe you?" Jade smiled bitterly. "Yeah, I had been a fool. I was naive, believed you cared for me that's why I gave myself to you," Jade laughed as she cried. "I'm the biggest fool believing you again that you love me and gave you a chance to trample on my heart again." She
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Chapter 105 - Prick
Displeasure arose from Jade's heart, narrowing her eyes, she said, "Tyler, don't talk nonsense to the child." Timothy blinked his big eyes and innocently held Jade's belly. "Aunt Pearl, told me about the symptoms of a pregnant woman." Jade could feel her son's excitement. However, given their circumstances now, getting pregnant will just worsen things. "There's no baby in there," Jade didn't want Tim to be disillusioned. Timothy looked up at his father, he gave him a puppy look. "Daddy, can I have a brother or a sister?" "Yes, you'll have it soon," Tyler patted the boy's head. Timothy beamed. "Really?" Timothy couldn't help but jump and shout. "I'm going to be a big brother!" "No! You're not having a sibling," Jade objected which popped her son's bubble. Timothy sat on the bed dejectedly. Jade felt the sadness of her son although she wasn't looking at him. She felt sorry for him. Their supposed trip to Germany ended up in a two week holiday in Greece. "Are you all set?" Ty
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Chapter 106 - Sinister Looking Witch
Instead of getting angry with her. Tyler pulled her in his arms and whispered. "Baby, I'm glad you're back." He was glad that he could draw a reaction from her. She's no longer like a mechanical doll that showed no emotion at all. Jade stiffened as she realized that he was able to elicit some reaction from her. "Tyler, I'm so tired of your game. Can you please let me go? Find a new woman you can play with. Aren't you bored yet?" Tyler tightened his hug as if he was trying to smother her life. "You're not my plaything! You're my wife! As long as I live, I'll never let go of you. Bear that in your mind," he showered her with his kisses. "You are mine," he declared. 'Yes, I'm all yours but you've never been mine,' she replied in her mind. She let him be and didn't struggle anymore. She laid her face on his chest as the rigor of day caught up with her. It was another day, the sun was rising from the east, blessing the earth with its warmth. But, Jade still felt cold inside. The on
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Chapter 107 - If Only She Could Erase the Bad Memories
Tyler smiled when his suspicion was confirmed. He had been observing Jade for the past few days. She was lethargic, always yawning and she would sleep all the way from the hospital to the mansion everytime he picked her. He had also observed that her food preferences changed and became weird. For example, she liked eating sour food. He heard her requesting Gregory to find a sour strawberry. She would sneak in the middle of the night to eat ice cream with that sour strawberry. Jade didn't know that Tyler would follow her secretly to check what she's been doing every night. Jade held her still flat tummy in surprise. She looked down while she caressed her belly. And her motherly instinct was awakened in an instant. When she looked up, her eyes met Tyler's tender gaze. She couldn't describe her feelings when she saw that gentle smile on his handsome face. "We have another baby," Tyler placed his hand over her abdomen, the warmth of his hand spread reaching her heart. The ice aroun
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Chapter 108 - Overreacting
Tyler sighed. "What should I do to make you believe that I truly love you?" Jade looked up at him. The light cast an enigmatic aura onto him which made him look otherworldly. She stared at him for a while before opening her mouth to make her reply. "You should ask yourself what would make me believe you."What she was trying to say, if he truly loves her he would know what she loves and hates. He would figure it out as she wasn't hard to read. Any man who loved his woman would do everything to show his sincerity to his beloved. Women across the world wanted their men's absolute loyalty and faithfulness. No one wants to be cheated. If she isn't jealous at all, she doesn't love that man. Tyler stood up and carried her in his arms towards the bathroom when he saw that it was about lunch time. Immediately, after getting ready, they came down for lunch. Jade looked at Tyler when she overheard Cecilia and Jared's voice. "Did you tell them?" "No," he shook his head. "Jade, darling
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Chapter 109 - She is Sophia Ludwig
As they were having a meal together, Tyler received a phone call from Sophia. "Tyler!" Jade frowned when she heard Sophia screaming. "Jason fainted." Tyler stood up and left in a hurry without a word. He didn't even give Jade a glance and just walked away. Jade lowered her head and had a tight grip on the cutlery in her hands, turning her knuckles white. Cecilia looked at Tyler's departing back with dismay and slightly shook her head. When Tyler arrived at Crescent mansion, his large strode carried him to Jason's room in no time. His heart sank as he saw Jason, lying on the bed unconscious. "Tyler," Sophia threw herself on him but Tyler pulled away. He held her arms and let her sit on the edge of the bed. Sophia gritted her teeth. He just exaggerated things so that Tyler would come home as he hadn't been home for a long time. Jason didn't pass out but slept. "Tyler, can you stay here? I'm afraid what will happen to our son," she looked at him with. Her eyes were begging him a
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