All Chapters of Stolen Heart: A Marriage on Paper: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
182 Chapters
Chapter 120 - Something Was Amiss
The flight from Switzerland to Austria was excruciatingly unbearable to Tyler as he kept thinking about Jade and Tim. Their giggles echoed dizzily in his mind and their smiles were like the sunlight giving warmth to his cold and void heart. Rubbing his temples, he leaned on the backrest. He closed his eyes to take his mind off Jade but his mind could only see her face, her big shimmering blue eyes and her smile that was as bright as the sun. Tyler inhaled deeply and slowly released the air as a budding frustration started to overwhelm him. He was perplexed that he was smitten with a married woman. What was in that woman that she could make his heart feel this way. While they were in the plane, Luke's assistant, Ross, gave him a file. The file contained information about him, Sophia and their child but information about him and Jade were omitted. Later, the car halted in front of the mansion. He looked at the mansion and he felt familiar with the mansion but at the same time an
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Chapter 121 - Sly Fox
At dusk, Tyler still had a slight headache. He went down as his stomach made a growling sound. While he was coming down the stairs a smile made its way on his lips without his knowledge as his thought was on a particular woman in Switzerland who had bright blue eyes and a voice like music. Sophia saw this and walked towards him, she thought that he was smiling at him. "Tyler, honey," she hugged his waist only to be rewarded with a rigid body and a frown. Tears gathered in her eyes as her eyes collided with his cold eyes staring at her. The longer he stared at the pitiful face of the woman who claimed to be the love of his life the more his heart got confused. Here he was in the arms of his so-called woman but his heart seemed to have been left in Switzerland. Did he really love this woman? Even if his brain had forgotten her, his heart wouldn't stop beating for her, right? His heart would still feel the love for this woman despite his mind not remembering. Could it be that he
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Chapter 122 - Jade's Twin Sister?
"Is my wife and child inside?" Tyler frowned seeing his driver's dilated eyes and mouth closing and opening like a fish gasping for air after it was taken out of the water. He was going to ask the dumbfounded driver again when the door opened. "Welcome back, sir," the butler said. Tyler looked at the man and asked, "Good thing your here, you can answer my question since you're here." The butler glanced at the driver's stunned face and shifted his gaze to Tyler quickly, nodding his head. "Is my wife and child inside?" "Sir?" The butler choked in his own saliva and began to cough. Tyler was puzzled and furious all at the same time. Why can't they answer a simple question? They could simply say yes or no. He walked past the coughing butler and went in. Tyler himself wondered how he came to know where the master bedroom was. Once inside the master bedroom he looked around to find Sophia but she was nowhere to be found. He breathed a sigh of relief when she's not there. Dryin
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Chapter 123 - Even Without It
His bothered heart was soothed by the care that was in her eyes. Luke smiled and pulled her in his arms, putting a gentle kiss on her head. Jade laid her head on his chest and could hear the loud banging of his heart. When it was time for Tim to go to bed, Luke volunteered to tuck him into bed. Jade was reading a novel when Luke entered their room. He had a quick shower. Jade was still reading when he walked out after donning his pajamas. He laid down on the bed but did not sleep as he was waiting for her to sleep. Considering that Luke could not sleep well with bright light, she put down the book and switched off the lampshade, leaving the dim light at the corner of the room. As Jade lay down on the bed, Luke turned to face her. "Do you want to say something?" Jade knew that there was something that's eating him up. "Jadey, will you hate me if…" Luke couldn't continue what he wanted to say to her as fear overcame him. He was not a fearful man but when it came to this woman
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Chapter 124 - You're My Wife
In a hurry, Tyler made his way towards the plane that was waiting to take him to Switzerland. He has to find the truth about that woman in Switzerland. Why does she look like his wife and have the same name as his wife? Is it possible for two people who look the same and carry the same name? Just as he sat after boarding the plane. Tyler's phone went off. He looked at the caller ID and frowned as Sophia's name flashed on the phone screen. At once he rejected the call and switched off his phone before putting it back in his suit pocket. Staring at the clouds with brooding eyes, a darkly menacing aura covering him like a smoke stopped the obviously titillated flight attendant from approaching the gorgeous man. Apparently no amount of seduction would sway this man. The aura he was emanating was enough to smother the evil intention of anyone. The short flight was a pure torture. He wanted to find out about that woman, who managed to steal his heart. Is she his wife? But she's dea
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Chapter 125 - Madness
With eyes as large as a saucer, her mind tried to digest what had been told to her. A minute later, she laughed. "You have gone mad, Mr. Zimmerman. I am someone else's wife. Have the doctor check your brain." Having said it, Jade turned around, leaving Tyler standing still in surprise at her response. In daze, Tyler watched her getting farther from her but before she completely vanished from his sight, he snapped back to his senses and followed her with large strides. When he caught up to her, he hugged her waist from behind. Jade's back stiffened and was erect like a ramrod. "Behave yourself, Mr. Zimmerman. You are acting like a caveman." Dumbfounded, Tim looked up at his mom. He hadn't heard his mom use a stern tone before. "Go inside and ask the nanny to give you a snack." In understanding, Tim nodded his head while blinking his big eyes. Afterwards, he lifted his foot to head towards the villa. At his age, Tim, an extremely tall boy, was able to reach the villa, shortly
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Chapter 126 - Back to Austria
The hands of the clock struck twelve but Tyler hadn't come into the room. Sophia got up from the bed and went to look for Tyler. She was fuming that Tyler chose to sleep on the couch in his study rather than sleeping on the same bed with her.'You can escape from me for now but you can't escape from me forever' Switzerland"Are you okay?" Luke asked Jade while he caressed her head. After he came back from a two day business trip, he observed that there was something off with her. "I'm fine," she looked into his eyes, trying to find an answer from his eyes. She kept putting away what Tyler said however, no matter how hard she tried not to give it a thought they kept coming back. Luke lovingly traced her straight and narrow nose bridge using his forefinger. "Okay, I will have a week break. I'll take you and Tim to Norway." Jade leaned her head on his shoulder. "I think I need that," she said, sighing. "Are you bored?" Luke felt a little guilty, she's an accomplished surgeon but
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Chapter 127 - Plant and Pluck
"Yeah, it's really a small world, Mrs. Schneider," the way he say 'Mrs. Schneider' sounds like he was mocking her. Jade was furious and wanted to get even. Her darkened blue eyes locked with his hazel eyes that were dancing with mischief. "Did you bring your son here Mr. Zimmerman? Oh, by the way, I love to meet your son and love of your life, Sophia Zimmerman," her comeback was like a sharp blade cutting away his amused smile, leaving him bleeding in agony. Satisfied that she was able to cut his arrogance, Jade smirked and looked down on the boy beside her. "Let's get going Tim, you don't want to be late on the first day of school, do you?" "Good bye, Mr. Zimmerman," Jade wished that she didn't have to cross paths with him. "Bye uncle Tyler," Tim waved his hand, Tyler nodded but his gut twisted when Tim called him 'uncle.' Remorseful that she chose this school for her son but she can't do anything now. She can't plant and pluck his son whenever she likes. Enduring is what she
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Chapter 128 - The High and Mighty Tyler Zimmerman Being Scolded
Oblivious to her surroundings as her sole focus was on her son, Jade didn't see Tyler standing beside the police officers; however, Luke saw him. Luke shot him a cold gaze but Tyler ignored it. "Mommy, you're smothering me," Tim complained while he giggled. Jade pulled away and scrutinized him. Her hands were trembling as she checked her son. "Are you hurt?" "I'm not, Uncle Tyler wouldn't hurt me," Tim saw his mom's eyes wide as a saucer in unbelief. Surging anger overcame her and didn't think what would come out of her. "What? That prick took you from the school?" Luke sniggered, hearing her name called Tyler. Tyler clenched his fist. "Mommy?" Tim was surprised to hear his mom say such a thing to a person, especially to someone who was nice to him. Jade realized what she had spoken just now and looked guiltily at her son. "Uncle Tyler is here," Tim said, watching what his mom would do. Jade turned her head and saw Tyler intensely looking at her with his jaw set.Her fury b
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Chapter 129 - Bordering on Insanity
Every single detail he had all recounted it leaving nothing untold. "I have my sister in law and nephew's photo when they were still alive," Jared took his phone and opened his social media account. "Here, take a look." Tyler hadn't had a second thought, took Jared's phone and looked at the pictures. Luke's wife looks exactly like his wife but what befuddled him was that Tim doesn't look like him. "What's my son's name?" Tyler asked. "Your son's name was taken from our father, Timothy. His name is Timothy Johan." Tyler's eyes turned dark. He didn't speak for a good minute, Jared kept his mouth shut, for he knew that his brother didn't like being disturbed when he was thinking."Was there any man around Jade when she was alive? Brother or friend?" Jared smirked. "She's already dead, are you still possessive over a dead person? You have to get over her brother?" Livid, he slammed the table. "Answer me!" Jared jumped from his seat. "Keep your cool," he lifted his hands in surrend
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