All Chapters of Stolen Heart: A Marriage on Paper: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
182 Chapters
Chapter 110 - Loved a Cruel Woman
Jade went to the hospital as she had some scheduled consultation today. She just can't leave without endorsing some of her patients.After the consultation, she went to the HR department to file an indefinite leave of absence. She never had a leave of absence for all the years she worked in this hospital. As a result, her leave of absence was approved right away. Surprisingly, as Jade went back to her office, a woman who had her back facing the door was standing in front of her desk. She turned around when she heard the faint creaking of the door. The smile on Jade's face faded in an instant when she came face to face with Sophia who was wearing her signature smug look. "Jade Leitner, are you obsessed with following my footsteps?" Sophia said in a mocking tone. Jade raised her brow. "You think highly of yourself," she retorted icily. Sophia burst into laughter. "Really?" "Leave, I don't have time for this madness," Jade said as she was having a headache talking to this woman.
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Chapter 111 - Have You?
As their eyes met, the smile on his face faded at once. Jade's blue eyes turned watery at the sight of Tyler with his second family enjoying their time together. While she and Tim were neglected. "Tim, mommy is not feeling well, let's go," Jade couldn't stand it so she had to say an alibi. Tim nodded, his mom was the most important person in his life. Seeing his father with a kid on his shoulder and a woman hugging him like what his mother does , he immediately understands that his father had another family. "Timothy!" Jason called Tim as he recognized him from afar. Tim halted from his tracks and looked at Jason. "Daddy, that's my friend over there," Jason excitedly pointed at where Timothy stood. "And he's with the surgeon who did a procedure in my heart." Tyler walked towards Timothy. "Tim, let's go," Jade didn't want to stay another second. However, Tim's feet seemed to have been glued to the ground. Tyler put Jason down as they arrived in front of Jade and Tim. "Daddy, th
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Chapter 112 - Panacea
He can't seem to reconcile the fact that his father had betrayed his mom while claiming he loves her. Tyler pursed his lips and listened to Jade's answer. "I don't know if he was really telling the truth," Jade replied and kissed Timothy's forehead. "Do you believe him when he says he loves you?" Could a man who loves a woman betray the woman he loves? Maybe, his father doesn't really love his mom. "I don't," Jade honestly answered. She couldn't conceal what was really happening in her relationship with Tyler anymore. After all, Tim already knew it. There's no point in hiding. Tim slid his tiny arm under her neck and placed the other over and hugged her neck, saying, "Even if daddy doesn't love you, Tim, loves you forever, mommy!" Sincerity punctuated Tim's words.Though still young, Timothy could see the pain in his mother's eyes. If his father couldn't genuinely love his mother. He on the other side can truly love his mom. All his life, his mother gave all the love she coul
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Chapter 113 - Daunted
"Are you the husband?" Luke gulped hard, he nodded knowing that the doctor would ask consent from the patient's closest family member. Tyler wasn't around, he's not going to sit around, doing nothing when Jade's life is on the line. "I'm sorry the child didn't make it," the doctor said with a grim face. "Your wife needs a blood transfusion now," she added, urgency lacing her voice as she spoke. "She has the same blood type as me," Luke answered at once, it's a matter of life and death and he can't afford to waste another second. He'll just face Tyler's fury later on, Jade's is his topmost priority. Tyler was in an important business meeting so he didn't entertain calls. While they were heading back to the company, he received a call from the mansion. "Sir, madam was taken to the hospital," the butler's trembling voice came over as soon as Tyler put the phone on his ear. "Where?" His heart filled with fear. His body shook like a tree shaken by a violent storm wind removing all i
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Chapter 114 - It's Just a Prank
In dejection, Tyler sighed. Ever since the incident with Sophia his relationship with Jade was an impasse. He had no one to blame but himself for impulsively throwing words that left a deep cut in her heart.He hadn't corrected his past mistakes and yet, he had made another grievous mistake. It's been a week since she got discharged from the hospital, as usual, Tyler had been at Sophia's beck and call because of the child she was carrying. Just a phone call away he would come running back to Sophia. Jade was tired. Too tired. Her battered heart could not take another torture from this man. The remaining intact piece of her heart was utterly shredded into pieces. So she made up her mind to end her misery. "Jade, your things had been packed up," Wilbur spoke from the other end of the line. She asked Wilbur to bring three servants with him to her mansion and pack up hers and Tim's clothes as she didn't want to bring any of the things Tyler bought for her and Tim. "Alright, I'll se
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Chapter 115 - Collided With Reality
Gregory, who heard him frantically calling his wife and son, went upstairs. "Sir," he said, his voice wasn't too loud nor too soft. Tyler turned. "Where's my wife and son?" Gregory, with red eyes as unshed tears stung his eyes, opened his mouth. "They left for Germany, but they met a.." "Stop!" Tyler was in denial, he can't accept the truth. "Colton called, Jade and Tim passed away on the spot," it was Pearl who dropped the bomb. "No! They aren't dead!" Tyler spoke with so much anguish. "Yeah, I wish it wasn't true and we were just in a nightmare and woke up that it wasn't true," Pearl bawled, her friend Jade was no more. She can't hear her little precious Tim say that she's the loveliest aunt he had ever had. "Stop crying they aren't dead!" Tyler was agitated to hear Pearl crying. "They're alive!" As he went down, he collided with reality. The televsion was open as Wilbur was watching the news regarding the car accident in Germany. The newscaster said, "Austria lost her fin
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Chapter 116 - Drowning
A bitter smile appeared on Tyler's handsome face. Jade hadn't forgiven him. Just as she did back then, she left him without a hint. "How about my son's remains?" He was hoping that Jade didn't deprive him this time. "My sister loved Tim with her life, my sister died with Tim in her arms. They were squash and it was impossible to separate them so they were cremated as one." Tyler pressed his lips into thin lines and didn't speak for a long time. Taking a sharp breath, he walked towards the urn. He didn't know how long he stared at Jade's photo. "You didn't even say goodbye to me, how could you be so cruel?" His long finger glided on the surface of her portrait and then it shifted to the urn. Two years passed by in a blurr. "Madam we found a man in the mountain, he is bleeding," Tyler was brought by two men into a villa near the mountain. "Bring him to the room," the woman said as she opened the door wide so they could bring Tyler to the room. Immediately, the woman took the med
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Chapter 117 - Introverted
Tyler frowned as he couldn't remember how he ended up in this place. The woman saw him frown and got worried. "Are you not feeling well? Do you want to be taken to the hospital?" She held his hands. Tyler pulled his hands at the burning sensation as if electric current passed through his body. The woman was stunned when he jerked his hands away. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment. "Umm… how about I'll contact your family so they can get you from here." Tyler shook his head. "I don't remember who I am and who my family is." "What? You have amnesia?" She jolted from her seat in surprise. "You don't have an identification card with you…" she paced back and forth near the floor to ceiling window, thinking how to help this man. "Alright, you stay here. When my husband arrives from his business trip, he will help you find your family," she broke up the silence. Tyler was uncomfortable when he heard that the woman was married. He doesn't know this woman in front of him yet he felt
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Chapter 118 - The Feeling of Satisfaction
The tremor in her voice made him come back to his senses and was remorseful to have used a stern tone to her. "I'm sorry, love," his voice gentled considerably. "When are you coming home?" She asked him instead, making his heart melt like a marshmallow. She had always been his weakness. She was also responsible for breaking the barrier he put up to protect his heart. When it came to this woman, he seemed to be defenseless. "There are few things I need to take care of in the collaboration. It'll take me a week to finish everything, most likely," he said with his lips twitching and she giggled. Getting bored staring at the window, Tyler decided to go out at the beginning of dusk. The stairwell echoed with the sounds of pounding feet, the woman absorbed doing embroidery, looked up. The light coming from the chandelier bath Tyler with light outlining his figure. He looked like he just came out from a magazine, though his forehead had bandage it did nothing to reduce his attractive
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Chapter 119 - Everyone Knows Tyler and Sophia's Love Story
An inexplicable pain and glum swallowed Tyler's heart. A crease formed on his forehead as he frowned. Why does he feel like this?"So, where is our guest, wifey?" He dotingly asked as he touched the tip of her nose. "He is upstairs," she answered with her big blue eyes looking at him. Seeing her sparkling blue eyes like the deep blue sea shimmering under the sunlight, he whispered. "You're so beautiful." She looked away bashfully. They had been married for a long time and had a son but she's still blushing profusely whenever he sings about her beauty."Oh come on, don't be shy," he spun her to look at him but she put her palm over her face to hide her blushing face. The man threw back his head and let out a hearty laughter. After his laughter died down, he caught sight of Tyler who was standing on the landing, watching them. "Tyler?" His laughing face turned grim. The woman was surprised. "Do you know him, Luke?" In an instant, Luke sighed silently and hugged the woman tightly.
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