All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
328 Chapters
Magical Trees
Leo stood in the entrance looking handsome. He wore a blue and silver jacket and black pants, the ends tucked into shiny black boots. His sandy-colored hair was combed back, but one lock kept falling over his right eye. He whipped it out of his face, then brushed his hair back with his fingers. Perfect lips curved upward in a smile as I watched his eyes slide from my face down my body and back up again."You look magnificent, Cinderella. I hope you don't mind if I escort you to the party."I smiled, glad he was there, that I didn't have to go alone. "Thank you," I responded. "I would like that very much." Especially since I didn't know where the party was being held.Leo stuck out his elbow, and I took it. We walked together down the hall, past several closed doors, through a large sitting area, down several sets of stairs until we finally arrived at a grand ballroom. It was twice the size of the one in Pops' house. Music played in the background, and several elegantly dressed co
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Party Crasher
When the soup course was finished, the bowls and wine glasses disappeared. Thankfully I was able to empty my glass before it vanished. The second course was plates filled salad greens, along with chunks of pear and cranberry and celery, cucumber and slivered carrots. Another wine glass appeared at the top of my plate. It held a clear, bubbling liquid. I took a bite of the salad, enjoying the textures and flavors as I waited for a blasted man to drink from his glass.When no one did, I leaned over to Leo. "Care to take a drink so I can?" I winked, and he chuckled. "Of course." He picked up his glass. I watched his expression as he gulped down a large swallow. He was focused on his father, as though they were having a conversation only they could hear. Finally, Leo set his glass down. "I - " Leo began but wasn't allowed to finish before the king stood. He raised his glass, and everyone else in the room followed suit."To Cinderella. We welcome you to our humble land of Polonias.
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I'll Go With You
What happened after Mizrabel left was kind of a blur. People spoke words, but it all sounded like a muffled foreign language. Someone lifted me, and I was carried, then laid on a bed. Quilla appeared. Between her sneezing and bright yellow and green outfit, there was no way I could mistake her for anyone else. Her concerned face came close to mine. She peered into my eyes - so did Leo and the king. Even Anna Belle and the leopard I hadn't talked to yet -What was her name? Violet. Even she came into the room and looked at me. I couldn't figure out what they were doing or what was wrong with me. I knew I needed to get out of bed and begin looking for the glass lyre.When the room was quiet, I closed my eyes, trying to imagine what Mizrabel meant about going home. If she was my literal mother, wouldn't that mean Polonias was my home? But if she actually meant where I was raised, I would need to go back to Salem, which made no sense. I would remember seeing something as strange
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Easily Lose Myself
I liked the idea of Leo coming with me. At the same time, I didn't. It could get awkward. "Um, that isn't necessary." My heart sped up.Leo tucked his hands in his front pockets. "I'm going." He threw his shoulders back. "That's final, Cinderella."For him to use my full name made me feel like a child being scolded by an unhappy parent. I didn't like it. Through gritted teeth, I said, "Since when did you start making decisions for me?"He crossed his arms. "This isn't only about you. It's about this land. As the Prince, I feel it wise to go wherever you go." He raised an eyebrow, and I got the feeling he wanted me to understand more than what he was saying. This had to do with his father, the king. He must've ordered Leo to go with me, which meant he had to go. He wasn't given a choice."Fine," I said. "When do you want to leave?"Leo stepped close. "Now," he said, taking my hand.I didn't mention I used the hourglass to travel to Sharra the day before. Instead, I took hold of it
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My Thighs Trembled
Closing the door, I called Snow using magic. "Mirror, mirror, made of glass, find me Snow White, do as I ask."Immediately I was able to see into Snow's bedroom. The vampire queen's husband stood, naked, his derriere turned toward the mirror.I cleared my throat, looking away. Dorian was handsome, but he was also like a brother to me, and there was something so wrong about ogling him. He yelped. "Son of a - Snow, the damn mirror's for you." He dashed into the bathroom, mumbling something like, "Why can't mirrors just be used the way they were intended?"I fought back a snicker.Snow appeared in nothing but a towel. "Hey, Cindy. Long time no chat." She laughed, tucking the bath sheet more tightly around her."What the hell do you two do all day? Are you even handling the queenly stuff? What about the school?" I huffed. "Or do you spend all your time in this room? Doing - I mean damn." I shook my head, only a little jealous. Okay, a lot. Snow snorted. "We're newlyweds, Cin." She glan
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Stupid Boys
Leo came up behind me and touched my shoulder. I shrank away, repelled at having someone other than Gabe touch my body. I was still mad at Gabe, but I didn't love him any less. I couldn't shake the fact that Leo might be lying. Stupid boys."Is it true? The glass lyre is a person?" I asked the question but already knew the answer. Gabe had no reason to lie about that.Leo went over to my bed and sat. He stared ahead, not looking at anything. "I hoped to wait until we found it - him or her or whatever."I was frustrated. "Well, which is it? An it, him, or a her?" The words came out clipped, sarcastic - my way of dealing with things I didn't understand or was afraid of. Also, I was tired and needed this day to be over. So tired. A spell from The Eye of Abernathy flitted off my lips. "Bohemia coverith irreavilth." That would keep us invisible to anyone who came into the room. I should've done that in the first place instead of asking Snow if we could stay at her old house next to
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Stop Loving You
When I reached the top of the stairs, I gave Leo a sideways glance and knew I couldn't go. "Can I meet you later?" I didn't know where he would go, and at that moment I didn't care. It was apparent Gabe still wanted to talk.Leo scrunched his brows together. "I thought you were through with him." He threw his hands in the air, frustration oozing from his pores. "Please," I added."Sure. Whatever." Leo walked out of the kitchen, and I heard the front door slam.Professor Pops came up the stairs and cleared his throat. "I've got some work to get done. If you need me, I'll be in my office.""Thanks, Professor Pops," I said, suddenly feeling nervous Gabe and I were going to be alone together."Of course." He disappeared inside his office, closing the door. Gabe came forward and wrapped me in a hug. "I hoped to see you again."I clung to him and tried to forget everything he said to me that night, not so long ago. But I couldn't. I stiffened. "I'm here," I said, but stepped back, pushi
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They Are My Brothers
I wasn't the greatest cook. Okay, I sucked at all things cooking related, but I was at least proficient enough to put some ground meat in a pan and slap it on a bun. I got him some chips, a pudding cup, and a large glass of ice water too. When he finished it all, he was still hungry, so I made him a banana split. That finally satisfied him."You are amazing," he said when he sat back in his chair.I resisted the urge to blush. It dawned on me after I put the cherry on the banana split that I could've used magic and made him a meal fit for a prince. Too late now. "Thanks," I said, putting the empty bowl in the sink and rinsing it.He got out of the chair and came around, taking my hand. "I guess we need to go confront my father and brother."I held my nose. "First, I think you need a bath." If I had to be around him, he needed to smell tolerable. Also, I wasn't ready to give him up just yet. I hated to admit it, but I enjoyed being around him. He gave off a quiet, kind aura.
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The Truth
"Get inside, and we can talk." Mizrabel ushered us through the door to her home. I expected the place to be small, a hovel, something that went along with the inside of a giant tree. I figured the furniture would consist of branches, leaves, and a fire pit.Instead, the home was spacious and airy with billowing white curtains, a chandelier made of different colored gems, and a large open kitchen. The floors were black marble. A lush black rug sat in the center of the living area and surrounded by dark red furniture and a slate gray fireplace."The bedrooms are down the hall through there." She looked at Quilla. "You won't be staying here. You and your strange fashion sense will go back to wherever it is you came from." She flicked her finger, and Quilla's outfit changed from lavender to a putrid green."Oh no, you don't," Quilla said with a sneeze and changed her outfit back. "Rude." Mizrabel snorted and altered it again."Twixit. That's enough." Quilla switched it back.Mizrabe
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Witch Mists
"Will you marry me?" I said the words aloud, hoping practice would calm my nerves and steady my beating heart. It didn't. So I tried again. "Gabe, my one true love. Will you marry me?" I grunted. That sounded stupid. I had just left Polly and was clinging to the hourglass charm dangling from the chain around my neck, desperate to reach Gabe. Before entering the witch mists, my thoughts were clear and focused on Pops' mansion since that was where Gabe lived when he wasn't out saving humankind from evil supernaturals. But then I became distracted by all I needed to do."I'll marry you." The voice came from within the witch mists and I started. Those words were the first I understood coming from the beings who dwelled within. I turned at the sound, slowly seeking out the one who spoke. Though I knew I wasn't supposed to. Leo - no, Lawson - advised some of the creatures within wanted to trap unsuspecting travelers. "Who said that?" I squinted, searching for the culprit, my steps slo
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