All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
328 Chapters
School Dance
Kimberly stepped forward. "It's about the Halloween dance." She was tall with curly blond hair. Her lips where painted red, but she wore no other makeup. "Oh?" I shuffled around some papers on my desk, waiting for them to go on. The last two years, on October thirty-first, the ballroom was transformed into something out of a scary movie with blood spatter on the walls, cobwebs dangling from the ceiling, eyeballs floating in the punch bowl, and ghosts flitting around the frigid air. The decorations were awesome, but change was good too. "We know the student body officers are in charge, but we were hoping to do something a little less blood and guts and more light and fun," Kaylan chimed in. She didn't wear make-up either, except her for lashes, which were thick and black, accentuating her brown eyes and brown skin. Her hair haloed her face in a short afro. "Yeah, like based on the movie, Hocus Pocus," Kimberly added. Kaylan and Heather agreed. "We could still do the haunted ho
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Someday Isn't Good Enough
I flinched at both of his questions. They were equally true but they were both important, too. Gabe needed to understand the seriousness of the situation. At the same time, marriage was a big deal. I knew that. Millions of people struggled to make it work. But for some damn reason, my marrying Gabe would save Polonias. How could that be a bad thing? Frustrated and stalling, I picked up the fork and cut into the egg before shoving it into my mouth. And sighed. The food was so good. "Where did you learn how to make omelets?" I asked, changing the subject while I collected myself. He took a bite of his eggs, chewing slowly. "Chayot headquarters. One chayot in particular, Delphina, is very adept at great-tasting art. She showed me how to make them." "Delphina?" I ignored the jealousy forming in the pit of my stomach. While she had a beautiful name, surely she had wrinkled skin, sagging boobs, and short curly white hair. He nodded before shoving a huge bite in his mouth and chew
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"I'm glad you're back, Cinderella." Polly gave me a small smile. "You won't think so when I tell you Gabe said no." The words caused my already broken heart to fracture further."I am sorry, Cinderella, but there is still a way. Do not lose hope yet, sister.""How?" I asked, wiping at my eyes, resolute in my willingness to do whatever it took to save her and this land. That she called me sister didn't go unnoticed, but I thought perhaps it was a way of greeting others within the land and not literal. At least that's what I wanted to believe at the moment. "Your marriage to Gabe would have saved our land. He is your soul mate, regardless of what those above him say. I sense the truth of it. But had you never left Polonias, you would never have met the angel, which means there is one from this land you can marry. His name is - "Before she could continue, Leo pushed through the lushness of the forest surrounding Polly's secret spot. He lifted a hand. "Is it okay if I come over?" He
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Polly's Paradise
If I had to pick a place to be married, this wasn't bad. It wasn't Paris. Definitely not. And that was okay. In a lot of ways, Polly's garden was even better. The magnificent waterfall colliding into the crystal clear pool, to the lily pads with lilies floating along the surface, to the way the lush grass danced lazily in the soft wind. There were dozens of flowers growing wild along the edge. Trees surrounded this place - the heart of Polonias. Polly's Paradise. That was what I wanted to call the place.Beyond the physical beauty was Polly herself. My sister. Her sweet disposition radiated around her. She belonged here. That much was obvious. Maybe it was because it was part of her.Then there was Leo. We were nearly strangers. He didn't love me any more than I loved him, but this wasn't about love. It was about magic, and it seemed our magics bound together would save Polly. I needed to go through with this."You'll marry me?" Leo asked again, and I saw the doubt beh
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Wedding A Stranger
Anna, Violet, and Quilla stood off to the side of us. Quilla kept wiping at her eyes like a doting parent watching her only child being married off. I found it comforting since my actual parents weren't here.Polly cleared her throat. "Now is the time of restoration. Our land has waited for this day for more than a thousand years. To be a part of this mending is - ""Twixit. By all that is magical, wait!" Quilla jumped in front of Leo and me, waving her hands in the air. Sparkles flew everywhere, causing her to sneeze."What is it?" I asked, concerned."You aren't dressed for a wedding."I looked down at my basic human clothing and shrugged. "It's okay." It really wasn't. I wanted to look gorgeous on my wedding day even if I wasn't marrying the man of my dreams. But how I looked wasn't as important as getting married and making things right in the land."It is not okay." Quilla stomped her foot, speaking words I didn't understand. As she spoke, my clothing was replaced by a stun
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Trust Is Foolish
"Leo!" I cried as pain tore through my insides. I worked to ignore it, focusing on the fallen prince. His head had smacked hard against a rock and he lay on the ground, his eyes closed. I knelt in front of him, placing his head in my lap, trying to think of a spell to heal him. One came to mind and I raised my hand as the words formed on my lips. "Silence," Mizrabel said, shooting a blaze of magic at my chest. Unprepared, for the impact, I fell back."Do not speak," she yelled, twisting her hand and causing my mouth to seal shut. She floated down, getting closer to us.I was confused. Was Mizrabel on my side or not? It appeared all she knew was how to betray those she was supposed to love. Quilla and Violet were huddled together, and I wondered why until I saw Polly behind them. They were protecting her.Anna jumped into the air, her wings beating against the air as she moved toward Mizrabel. She held something in her hand, but I couldn't tell what it was. "You will leave Polly an
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Save This Land
"Get up," King Loyalor shouted, grabbing me by the arm, shaking me. "Answer me." "Keep what's yours. I don't want any of it. All I want is to save Polly and this land and if you were smart, you would want that too," I spat, shoving away all emotions but the anger. "She's lying," Mizrabel said. "She only came here to take her place as queen of Polonias." My moth fell open in shock before I quickly closed it. Mizrabel was playing the king. That much was obvious. "Why are you doing this?" I asked her, ignoring the king, even though my arm pulsed with pain where he still held me. She rolled her eyes. "I'm here to help the king save his land from the likes of you," she said. "You're the one who's lying," I said between clenched teeth and knew without a doubt Polly was right. My mother wanted revenge. Did she want Polonias destroyed? It seemed that she did. Turning my focus back to the king, I tried to relax. "Mizrabel doesn't care about you or Polonias. Let me save this land and t
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Await My Fate
As we made our way back to the castle, I could see Leo's eyes were open. He was watching me but said nothing. What was there to say? We failed. Several times I tried to utter words to a spell that would set me free, but they wouldn't leave my mouth. Frustrated, I huffed. "What's wrong with me?"Lawson chuckled. "It's the cuffs. They won't allow you to perform any magic." "Figures." I sighed, wishing there was something else to do, but it seemed I was out of options. Merde. I was tres pissed and couldn't do a thing about it."You were supposed to be my bride. Now you'll burn. What a waste." Lawson glanced back at me. "Perhaps I can have my way with you before you die." His smile turned oily."That will never happen," I spat, disgusted. He didn't speak again.We rode through the forest, over a hill, and into a lovely meadow filled with pink and violet flowers. We kept going through the town built around the castle. The streets were paved with stone. Four wooden bridges went along
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Burned At The Stake
I woke to the smell of smoke. I opened my eyes and saw I was tied to a stake. A roaring fire blazed only a few feet from me.People were standing around, gawking and whispering as they watched.A bulky guard with beefy hands unrolled a parchment. His voice boomed out across the open field. "Cinderella, by order of King Loyalor, supreme ruler over the land of Polonias, you are hereby sentenced to burn at the stake until such time as you are dead." He glanced at me, and through the billowing smoke I held his gaze. He cleared his throat. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"Only one word popped into my head. "Merde." A curse word in French. One of my favorites. Truthfully, it was the only one I remembered.The man rolled his eyes along with the parchment and stepped off the podium and into the noisy crowd."Gabe," I whispered before repeating his name in my mind over and over. "I need you." Another guard shoved a torch into the fire, lighting it. When it was fully ablaze, he
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"Hello, Cindy," he said, breathing out two puffs of smoke. I shook my head in shock, unable to believe my eyes. "What the hell? Is it really you?" Part of me wondered if I died back there and this was some kind of afterlife dream. I hadn't seen the dragon in two years, since he helped me save Snow's mom. After our return, he simply vanished. "Yes, child, it's really me." Like a cat, he curled himself into a ball and rested his head on his front paws. "It seems your life is still crazy. I thought after you saved Ariel and began teaching full time, you would settle down a bit. Perhaps even marry your chayot boyfriend. Obviously, I was mistaken." "Obviously," I said, crossing my arms. He chuckled, sending twin clouds of smoke from his enormous nostrils."How did you get here? How did you know I was in trouble?" I wiped the soot and tears from my cheeks before rubbing my palms on the bodice of my dress. It had a really rough day, but it still seemed to be in one piece."I've been aliv
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