All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
328 Chapters
Is He An Angel
My plan wasn't elaborate. Find Sera. Talk to her. Make her see what a foolish idea it was to bring someone back from the dead. According to Gabe that wasn't a plan at all. Stuffing back several very rude comments revolving around him being the leader of an army of angels, I asked him what he would do. Turned out his plan was basically the same as mine, just more elegant. I thought it over as I put on my Sarah Sanderson costume. Since I was blond, she seemed the easiest Sanderson sister for me to imitate, though she was a bit too bubbly for me. Still, she was twisted enough and dressing as her would be fun. I found the costume online and had my mom purchase it for me in the human realm then I brought it back to Sharra for tonight's party. The bodice was lavender and laced up the back, so it fit tight against my body. The skirt came to mid-calf. At the hips, the material was dark purple and the panel in the center was fuchsia. I wore black lace-up ankle boots with black tig
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Haunted House
"Can't you do a locator spell?" Gabe asked. "I can try." Locator spells could sometimes get wonky in Sharra because of all the enchantments surrounding the land and especially the academy. Gabe continued to scan our surroundings. "At this point it's better than nothing." "True. Let's get to the basement." I needed an item from there. Passing more groups of kids in costumes, none of whom were Heather or Sera, we exited the hall and hurried down several flights of stairs and hallways until we reached my classroom. There, I went to a shelf, searching for a map of Sharra. When I pulled it from its spot, I knocked another paper onto the floor. Frustrated, I picked it up and was about to put it back, but there was a word scrawled along one corner in old-timey writing. I knew the word because I'd seen it before in The Eye of Abernathy. The word was resuante and it meant resurrection. "Do we have time for this?" Gabe asked when I handed him the map. "I think we should make time. I'm
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Siphon Her Powers
I peeked around the hedge and saw a plain room. Several students were off to one side, behind bars. Most of them were crying, though a few seemed more interested than afraid. Maybe they thought this was all part of the fun. Standing over a body in the center of an enormous seven-pointed star, Sera was chanting words I mostly didn't understand. Large black candles burned a peculiar blue light at each of the tips. On the ground nearby, wrapped up in make-shift cocoon, lay Heather. Her eyes were shut, and there was a large splotch of red on her chest. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming, praying she wasn't dead. Gabe noticed her too. He looked ready to attack. But where was Mizrabel? I didn't want him to rush in there until we knew what we were up against. Thankfully, he was still letting me take the lead. Sera held a wooden bowl in one hand and knelt down, placing the bowl on the ground beside Heather though she was clearly talking to someone else. "Your life ended a
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What Happened To Gabe
By the time I arrived in the ballroom, all the students had been sent to bed. Snow sat at the head of a long table where the teachers were discussing the situation. "Is she locked up?" Snow asked me, her face concerned. "She is," I said, falling into an empty chair. For the next two hours we discussed what transpired and what needed to happen next. I explained what I knew, which wasn't a lot. I didn't know what happened to Gabe and Mizrabel, but I would find out. Professor Pops agreed to help. Coco would call a special gathering in the ballroom the following morning and have the therapist on hand for those who needed to talk. For many of the students, the academy was all they had and if they couldn't feel safe here, then where could they go? Classes would resume like normal on Monday and Tori agreed to teach my charms and spells classes until I returned. We were short staffed already, but I was of no use to anyone until I knew what happened to Gabe.The meeting over, I agree
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Angel Fight
My mouth fell open in shock. "Are you serious?" "I'm dead serious." His smile vanished and he glared. Somehow, I found that less intimidating. "You've already befouled our realm with your presence. I will not allow you to corrupt the greatest chayot we've seen in centuries." Jesse uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "And if I don't agree?" I asked, unfazed. I didn't care what he said, I wasn't leaving here without Gabe. "You don't want me to cross that proverbial bridge, princess." Malice glinted in his eyes.His threats were only making me angry. "I want to see Gabe," I said. "Right now.""Sure." He waved his hand and an image of Gabe and a beautiful angel with downy brown wings appeared. They were in a kitchen. She was baking and Gabe was seated at an island watching her, a soft smile on his lips. "You see?" Jesse asked. "He belongs with his own kind. He's happy. Content."I knew at once that this had to be Delphina. She wasn't old and wrinkly like I imagined, but beauti
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A Proposal
I tossed and turned and struggled to fight free of the haze. In my dream there had been an archangel and he and Gabe battled. I sat up, looking around the room frantically. It hadn't been a dream, but real. Jesse had beaten Gabe to shreds, but the Unknowns appeared before Jesse could kill him, and they'd put me to sleep and - My room in Sharra was just as I left it. My costume still hung over my closet door, but my spelled calendar revealed it was Tuesday. I'd been asleep nearly three days! I went to my bedroom door, desperate to find Gabe, and noticed I was in pajamas. "How the hell?" I ripped them off and threw on jeans and the first shirt I found before pulling on boots and rushing to the door. Before I could open it, someone pounded from the outside. "Cindy! Open up, it's me." I yanked the door open and threw myself into his arms. "Gabe," I said, burying my face in his neck. He growled, wrapping his arms around me as I clung to his hips with my legs. "How are you here?
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Kiss Your Bride
"Are you ready?" I glanced at my mom in the mirror's reflection. "More than ready," I said, getting off the chair and adjusting my wedding dress. White with a straight collar that went off my shoulders, it was glorious in its simplicity. The bodice hugged my curves and an enormous train trailed gracefully behind me. My veil hung long from a small tiara Polly had placed around my head. My mom cleared her throat, pushing me away. "You don't want to wrinkle your dress and I don't want to have you redo my makeup," she said, her eyes misty. "Right." I glanced over her shoulder at Snow. It wasn't that long ago that we'd been preparing her for her wedding. Snow winked. "Alright, well, I'll meet you out there. If we're not careful, your grandma will make a fuss over something and use her magic to get in a fight with one of the vampires. We don't need a blood-sucking war on your wedding day." Mom made a face before closing the door, leaving Snow and me alone. "Can you believe it?" Sno
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Spring Fling Dance
"You're mine," I whispered, tracking the hottest guy in all the realms with my eyes. He didn't attend the Seven Magics Academy. I knew that for sure because I knew everyone. Maybe he was new? "Say what, Jasmine?" Jennifer Flora had been giving me a play-by-play on how she turned rock into stardust during spells class when I saw him. "Nothing. Sorry." I cleared my throat, tucking some hair behind my ear as I clutched my hands together. "Why don't you go back to the dance? I'll meet you inside later," I said, taking off after the guy."Sure," she responded but I was already heading down the hall, hoping to catch sight of him again.As an original vampire, stalking was as easy as breathing, especially since the Seven Magics Academy was my home and had been from the beginning. Even when it was still just an expansive castle and not a school for the supernatural. I peered around the corner and he came into view. Thick blond hair, dazzling eyes, lean muscle for days and tall. Over si
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Heavy Caterpillar
Monday morning, I woke, climbed out of bed and stretched my wings, showered, dressed, and then flew out my window to explore Sharra with my best friend, Abrea. It was our usual ritual and my favorite time of day, like life stretched itself awake. All was peaceful and filled with possibilities. Abrea and I helped a fairy lift a particularly heavy caterpillar onto the branch it intended to use as a home for its chrysalis. We also assisted an elderly troll in his desperate quest to reach some juicy berries at the top of a rather large tree. Now we were seated on the stone ledge at the top of the turret closest to my room watching the sun finish its rise. "Jasmine. Come inside. We have a lot to do today." My mom stuck her head and shoulders out my window near the top of the castle, searching for me. I stifled a laugh as I watched her head turn from side to side. She wouldn't find me though, because I sat directly above her. I sighed heavily. "Fine." My mom gasped and cracked her he
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By Their Blood
My mom's stern expression softened as I watched her reflection. "Most importantly, I'm your mother." She leaned down, our heads side by side and she squeezed my shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with love. I studied the two of us together, once again astonished by our similarities. We both had black hair, though mine had a streak of teal in itThe shape of our faces were the same as well as our high cheekbones. Our lips had the same sort of thickness and we were the same height. There were differences too. Her eyes were an unusual color, reflecting the various hues within the spectrum of the seven magics while mine were always violet. My skin was naturally tanner than hers. And then, of course, there was the huge difference between us. I had wings, obnoxiously large wings that protruded from my back like those of a giant black bird. The worst part was they never went away. Like fairies' wings did. I had them on my back at all times - no matter what. Sometimes I longed to sleep on my
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