All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
328 Chapters
To The Rescue
Abernathy landed on a patch of grass behind the castle. Again no one was about. "Where is everyone?""In Polonias, when a member of the royal family dies, everything shuts down and the people go into seclusion until the funeral." Abernathy lay down on the grass, crossing his front paws and resting his head on top. "But then how will they know when the funeral will be?" His answer seemed too easy. "It's always the same day and the same time and will be held in the grand hall of the castle.""Does that mean there won't be anyone guarding Leo?" That gave me a ray of hope. "There shouldn't be. Be ready, just in case." He smacked his lips. "Leo is in the cellar. Enter through those doors there." He indicated a set of double wooden doors just off the castle, near the base, angled into the ground. "Off you go. Rescue your husband, Cinderella." "I - He isn't my husband." My thoughts were everywhere as I slid off his back and went over to the doors. "If you say so," the dragon said. "Wil
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It's My Turn
Polly heard us coming and glanced over her shoulder. A smile splayed across her lips but didn't reach her eyes. "Cinderella. Leolas. It's good of you to come. It won't be long now," she said, her voice soft, her eyes lingering of Leo's face.I could have just kissed Leo and had the whole affair over with, but while I was in the fire, about to be burned, a thought came to me. And I knew as I stood there that my plan would work. "Listen, Polly, I have an idea."She turned her body so one leg was draped on the rock. I sat beside her, pulling Leo down with me. "What is it?" she asked. "Well - " I didn't know how to begin so just blurted it out. "You love Leo," I said, blatantly putting it out there. She sucked in a breath but didn't deny it. I hurried on. "And since you and I are sisters, that means if you married Leo, it would save the land just the same as if I married him." "We already talked about this. Polonias needs a heart." She coughed, her shoulders shaking violently. Leo
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Healing Takes Time
My eyes blinked open. I appeared to be surrounded by a cocoon. Pink and white. I pulled my hand from the dirt and touched it. So soft, like a petal, and I knew instantly that's what it was. As the new heart of Polonias, this was my flower. Soft footsteps came toward me. I wasn't sure what to do, so I waited inside the blossom, listening. In moments, I sensed it was Polly and Leo. They were happy. So happy! And there was more. She was already expecting. Without knowing how, I came out of the ground, my flower, a vivid pink peony, became clothing as I found purchase atop the grass. My eyes first caught and held Leo's. He looked the same, only the worried edge to his features had gone. When I noticed Polly, I gawked. She no longer looked like a thousand-year-old child, but a woman with long blond hair, bright blue eyes, and womanly curves. She looked like me. "Polly, you look beautiful," I said, utterly shocked. Going to her, I took her outstretched hands. "Hello, sister," s
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The Death Keeper
A noise came from deep within the dragon, almost like the sound of a thousand men humming at once. As it grew louder, I moved back to Polly and Leo. They took hold of my shoulders, protecting me. As well as the uproar coming from Abernathy, the color of his scales began to change. Shifting from their usual golden to an orange-red. Heat radiated off him, like a fire in an enormous furnace, causing me to sweat.The noise grew louder and louder until Polly, Leo, and I had to cover our ears. The sound reverberated off the dragon and all around us until I moaned at the pain. Abernathy's scales changed again from orange red to a stark white and his eyes rolled back into his head.When I didn't think the noise could get any louder, he lifted his head to the sky and opened his mouth, sending a stream of fire into the air. It shot high into the sky before arcing in every direction like a spider's web until the whole land was covered in a fiery ball. The air became thin and it was moment
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He's Looking For Me
I knew I was back in Sharra because of the smell of musty old spell books. Travelling was different this time. There were no witch mists. Nothing to distract me or sway me from my goal. It was a relief and yet another reason to be grateful for what Abernathy had done. Happy to be in my office, I used a spell to check the date and time. It was late Friday night. Snow was probably asleep, but I needed to speak with her. Only a little hesitant, I went to the mirror hanging next to the door. "Mirror, mirror - " I paused. It was the first time seeing my reflection since the magic I held when I was the heart left me. My face looked the same, but the white-looking burns of the leaves and vines still covered my face and neck. I checked my arms as well and knew they were all over my body. At the sight of myself, tears formed and fell onto my cheeks. It wasn't vanity. I didn't mind the marks and whether they stayed or not mattered little to me. That they were there reminded me of all
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Make Us Work
I got ready for sleep the old fashioned way and climbed under the covers, after setting my alarm for six. It was nice to be back in my own bed. As I drifted off, I thought of Abernathy - my father - and hoped he was healing up okay.In my dreams, I saw Abernathy flying through the night sky of Polonias, his black scales blending in until he was in a different sky, this time during the day. He landed on the lawn in front of a castle I recognized. He was in Sharra. Several worker vampires and guards circled him, but after he spoke, they dispersed, going about their day. "Cindy," someone called, knocking loudly on my door. I glanced at the clock and saw it was a little before six. "I'm awake," I said, groggy, not knowing who it was. "It's Abernathy. He asked to speak with you." The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put it to a name. "I'll be out in a few." There was no response. Climbing out of bed, I hurriedly pulled on gray camo pants, a gray tank top, and combat boots.
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Party Sparkles
The next week was back to work and I enjoyed every second. Each class filled me with renewed vigor. I also spoke with Sera about seeing our resident therapist, which she agreed to do. We discussed the rumors that she wanted to bring someone back from the dead. She denied any part of it. As Snow said, it was obvious the girl had lied, so I determined to keep a close eye on her by asking if she would help with the setup of the haunted house. After some reluctance, she finally seemed to have a therapeutic breakthrough and for the briefest moment I saw a glimmer of kindness from Sera. The student body officers agreed to change the theme from gory and horrific and instead would recreate several iconic scenes from the movie Hocus Pocus, although they were keeping the haunted house scary and even decided to amp it up. I figured Sera would love that and each time I saw her, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Hopefully that would keep her distracted. The decorating committee created mag
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Resurrection Spell
Sera wasn't in the basement, but I found the spell book I thought she would've taken since it contained the spell for raising someone from the dead. That it was still in its place on the bookshelf concerned me. Mizrabel had contacted and used her once before, which meant it was possible the sorceress might do it again. The bigger question was why Mizrabel had chosen Sera in the first place. Sure, the girl was vulnerable and thus easy to manipulate, but it had to be more than that. It seemed too coincidental that Mizrabel had chosen Sera just before I found her. Plus, Mizrabel was my mother. Had she somehow known I would find Sera? Did something tie Sera and me to each other? If I knew how to reach Abernathy, I would have, but he was still recovering from the ordeal of freeing me as the heart of Polonias. I was on my own. The most worrisome question: Who did Sera intend to bring back from the dead? If Mizrabel was involved, I thought I might know, I needed to find Sera and s
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Glimmer Of Fear
I closed my bedroom door and locked it before going to the mirror and asking it to show me Snow. Thankfully, my best friend was still awake and alone in her study. I shared with her my thoughts and theories and told her I was going to Polonias and not to worry if she didn't see me in the morning since I didn't know how long I would be gone. Guilt pierced my heart momentarily after saying goodbye and changing from the dress I wore for school into a pair of jeans, boots, and an oversized indigo sweater with a V neck. Why hadn't I asked Gabe to go with me? He could have come and seen the place of my birth. My bloodline had kept the land of Polonias alive. Aside from that, the land was in my heart and I wanted Gabe to know that part of myself. Confused and irritated with myself, I took hold of the diamond star attached to the black choker around my neck. If my theories were correct, then Sera was in Polonias. I didn't know how it was possible since travelling to my land wasn't as
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Ties Thicker Than Blood
In the cafeteria the next morning, there was a happy buzz in the air. The dance was that night. Curfew was being extended to midnight and the students were excited. I got myself some scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, and salsa, and coffee to drink as well as some water. I searched for Gabe and spotted him over by Professor Pops. The two of them were having a serious conversation and I didn't want to interrupt. "Miss Croswell," Heather called, waving. I went over and sat across from her. She was by herself, which would give me the chance I needed to tell her what I found out. "Hello, Heather," I said, sipping my coffee. Mixing the eggs, cottage cheese, and salsa together, I took a bite. Then noticed Heather watching me. "What? It's good. You should try it sometime. High in protein and delicious." The girl made a face before dabbing some peanut butter on her banana and taking another bite.Gabe and Pops were done talking and he waved me over. I held up a finger. "So, Heather,
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