All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
328 Chapters
Fight My Battles
As I watched them, I thought about how things changed since my mom became the vampire queen. Originally, male vampires were all hunters or drones who travelled into the human realm to mark possible future bodies for the vampire queen. Sharra gave them a portion of her magic so they could walk in the sunlight. They could only be killed by removing the heart. With female vampires or workers, they could be killed more easily by either the sun or a stake through the heart. But since my mom came into power, she gave every vampire some of her blood. Now a portion of her magic flowed through each of them. Male and female. There were no more hunters, except Christopher. There haven't been for a long while. With that magic came some additional changes. Like the fact that killing a vampire now required their heart be ripped from their chest. It was gruesome, but fact. As an original, no one knows how to kill me or even if I can be killed. Like the old originals, I came right from the seven mag
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Destroy All
"Breakfast. Five minutes," my dad said as he knocked on my door."Huh?" I forgot to set my alarm, but usually didn't need it. Pushing myself out of bed, I stumbled over to the window. I was late. Abrea probably wondered what happened to me. "Jasmine?" My dad knocked again. "I'm up. Thanks!" I needed to hurry but pushed open the window instead. As I stared aimlessly out at the landscape, I thought of the dream. Two entities had been speaking and their words filled my mind like they were within. Or, maybe I'd somehow traveled into their minds.*** "The vampire child is not performing as expected. She doesn't care about her destiny or the fate of her kind. She's a total disappointment." He slithered his body around the vast darkness that was everywhere and nowhere. The inkiness seemed to expand and contract, like breathing, around them. "There is always our first inclination." She glided beside him, producing an orb of light, just big enough so they could see each other. Not that it
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Want More Land
School was more of the same. Except Jon seemed to have grown an overabundance of nose hair during the night. I secretly high-fived my best friend. "Good one," I said, remembering Abrea promised to do something to him. After classes were done, I went to my rooms and changed into a teal gown with Zenny's help. Rushing as quickly as a princess was allowed, I made it to the meeting just in time, sliding into the seat next to my mom. She looked over disapprovingly since I was supposed to be early, but whatever. At the moment, I was doing my best not to fall asleep. The troll leader, Geth had a rather monotone voice. "We will continue to supply blood for the princess as you ordered, but we want more land," Geth growled.We were all seated around a large round table in the Great Hall. A glittering chandelier hung above giving off an ambient glow. The room was lined in gilded wood and pictures of previous royalty from the seven magics hung precisely along the walls. I admired the newes
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Secret Cave
As fast as possible, I ran out of the castle. Immediately, I took off my shoes, making my way into the woods. The wind against my toes tickled, but I didn't mind. Relaxing, I opened my mind, allowing my senses to feel, sense, touch, and hear the surrounding countryside. There was a family of deer at the stream to my left. On my right was a group of pixilettes collecting seeds from orange peonia plants. I listened extra carefully for a moment to see if Abrea happened to be with them, but she wasn't. The pixilettes were talking about creating a new flower color by mixing two seedlings together. It would be called tealender, which was teal and lavender together. They wanted to create it in my honor since I had a streak of teal along the front of my hair and my eyes were lavender. I beamed at their thoughtfulness and the intensity of their conversation. They continued their light discussion. Some believed my eyes were more violet than lavender and therefore the name should be teal
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Master Requests It
I stepped away, crossing my arms. "I've been coming here for years. Why didn't you reveal yourself before?"He looked away. "I enjoyed listening to you and the pixilette, Abrea, talk. Sometimes I get a little lonely."The idea that Laeddin, a strong and handsome man, felt the way I did immediately softened my heart. "Don't you have any friends?"He looked at me, his eyes sad. "I'm not allowed to leave until such time as my master requests it.""Oh, and who's your master?" My heart began to beat rapidly. "You are, Jasmine." He came over and took both of my hands in his. "I am yours to command.""You are?" For some reason that made my heart speed up and my face get hot. I tried to pull away, but he held me fast. "Yes. And I can grant you three wishes." His eyes flickered to my lips. "Nearly anything you want." "Really?" My mind whirled out of control at the possibilities. Most of my wishes were selfish. "I can ask for anything?""Well, sure. Anything within reason."I wanted to snort.
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My Mom's House
"Where are we?" I asked when the mist cleared. The room was dark, but I was able to make out empty shelves and pictures hanging on creamy walls. Lamps and furniture were covered in white sheets. Several inches of dust coated the room. "This is the house your mom grew up in." He pulled the sheet off the couch and rolled it into a dusty ball. Thick dust puffed in the air. Laeddin coughed and tossed the sheet on the floor. "Really?" I sneezed as I studied the room. I always wanted to see my mom's house, but she never let me. "And my dad grew up in the next house over, right?" My uncles teased that their house was a sprawling mansion while my mom had lived in a shack. She laughed but it was obvious there were some painful memories. For that reason I hadn't pushed her to come. Occasionally she would share a good memory, but it wasn't often. The room Laeddin and I stood in was definitely small though. Smaller even than my bedroom in the castle. "That's right." His words brought me out of
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Rub A Lamp
I gave an exasperated sigh. "I like you too. But if you knew anything about genies, you'd know we can't consider ourselves equal when one does the wishing." He pointed at me. "And the other," he smacked a hand against his chest, "must grant it."I went to the bar stool and slumped over, resting my head in my hands. "Why should you be my servant - " I shrugged. "Or whatever, if I didn't call upon you - or something." It was confusing. "Wasn't I supposed to rub a lamp? Where is your lamp?"Laeddin sat beside me. "The cave you and Abrea often visited. That was the inside of my lamp. Basically from the moment you found it, I've been your servant. I was just worried about showing myself to you too soon. "Why me and not Abrea?""Simple. You brought Abrea into the cave. You found the cave. It's been you for a long time.""Oh," I said, lifting my head and looking at him. "And I shouldn't wish to no longer be a vampire?"He shook his head, a strange emotion flitting across his face. "No, plea
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Laeddin took us to a place in New York City called Bloomingdales. We had a salesperson help us. It was fun buying clothes after the small freak out I had when I turned to study my reflection in the mirror and saw no actual wings.Okay, a big freak out. "What's wrong?" Laeddin asked, popping into the dressing room with me. I screamed again, quickly covering myself with the shirt I was about to try on. His eyes roamed over my body quickly before focusing on my face. "Look at my back," I said, turning it toward him, my teeth chattering. His eyes got dark, like emeralds, and he licked his lips. I was mesmerized by the action. When he didn't say anything, I continued on. "There are tattoos of wings on my back." "I tore my gaze from his face and focused on the reflection of my back in the mirror. The wings were outlined in black and filled in along the edges. I knew tattoos were a thing in the human realm, but I never thought about having one, let alone one that covered my whole back.
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Human School
On Monday morning, I woke with a mixture of excitement and apprehension swirling in my belly. The sun was just starting to rise, and my first inclination was to fly because Abrea would be waiting at my window. Except she wouldn't be this morning. My emotions floated to the surface. I needed Abrea. She was my friend. Before I got out of bed, I took a moment to really enjoy laying on my back. It was heavenly. Finally, I jumped out of bed and ran to the window, pushing it open. Birds chirped their song. Small animals rummaged in the trees that lined the back yard. A deer lifted its head and bounded away. My throat burned at the sight of the doe. I needed blood. At this point, it was beyond bad. More than a week since my last breakfast, I couldn't ignore my hunger any longer. "Where's a unicorn when you need one?" I whispered fiercely, turning from the window, surprised by how sad I felt. I missed my best friend. Having Laeddin was great, but I had to be careful of my attraction to
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First Day Jitters
The school was big, bigger than the castle. Laeddin dropped me off at the front of the school. "I'll be back to pick you up at two forty."I climbed out of the car. "Thanks. See you later." I watched him drive away. All my senses were heightened. New smells - weird smells - assaulted my nose. And there was so much noise. At the Seven Magics Academy, there were less that seventy-five students. Here it sounded like a flock of sea birds calling to each other. Hundreds of humans swarmed past. They went up the stairs and through the front door. I turned, trying not to wobble in my heels, and followed the brunt of them.Inside the school, the air became denser, probably from all the bodies. Straight ahead was an open area with hallways breaking off to both sides. Ahead there were two sets of double doors, with a staircase to the right of the doors. "Are you lost, honey?" A guy with short black hair and skin much darker than mine bounced in front of me. His face was friendly. Dark eyes spark
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