All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
328 Chapters
Hot Guys
Abby was waiting by the front door, just as we discussed. "Jack, you ready to go?"I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet. "Yep." I pushed open the front doors and stepped out, holding it open for Abby. Drake rushed past, knocking Abby over. I caught her before she landed on the ground. "Rude." I smacked him in the chest, sending him flying back. He tumbled into a group of students, knocking them over as he went, like the human version of bowling."Freak?" He held the back of his head. "Why'd you do that?" Drake's face was a mixture of shock and anger. Blood leaked from his eyebrow and he touched it tenderly. The salty and coppery aroma snuck up on me. My fangs fought to break free, the sharp tips grazing my bottom lip. I wanted him, his blood. I dove onto Drake and licked the blood. "Dude?" Drake grabbed my arms and pushed me back. He looked scared and a little fascinated. "What kind of crazy are you?' He glanced around at the other students and replaced his abhorrence with
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Kissed Me
That night I dreamed of the man I couldn't see again. He spoke of what it would be like to marry. How many children he wished to have, and where we would live once we were together. He spoke of Sharra, the creatures there, and about how I drank Abby's blood. I'd been humiliated by his words, but he kept talking anyway, explaining that what I'd done had been a survival instinct. He continued that I should be grateful I possessed such a predisposition. Otherwise I would be dead. I didn't want to agree, but a tiny part of my brain appreciated the support. Most strangely, he spoke of my wings and how exquisite they were. I hated to admit that while he talked the same part of my brain that appreciated his words also cherished them. And just like last time, right before I woke, he took me in his arms and kissed me. When my alarm went off, I wasn't as afraid of the man in my dream as I was the first time. I quickly got ready for school and went down to breakfast. Even though I'd drunk
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I Drank Her Blood
I grew up around unicorns, trolls, elves, and vampires. They all talked often, sometimes annoyingly so. But that was in Sharra. A talking cat in the human realm was completely different, probably because humans were normal here, as were the animals. They weren't supposed to talk. And a mist-creature wasn't supposed to invade human bodies either. Gatsby jumped on the couch. I sat beside him, working to get a handle on myself. "What is it?" Gatsby curled his tail around his paws. His yellow eyes studied me carefully. "I know what happened to Abby yesterday."I was stunned. "You do?" My hand found my way over my mouth. "It's okay, Jasmine. You didn't do anything wrong."My bottom lip quivered. "I drank her blood." My voice was barely above a whisper. Gatsby placed a paw on my knee. "If you hadn't, the demura would've killed you."Tears dripped from my eyes. I knew he was right."Don't cry. You're getting blood tears all over your shirt."Crying tears of blood happened with me once in
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Essence Of Evil
Cam and I hung out for several more hours. After he left, I went upstairs to change into my PJ's. Gatsby said we would talk later. He needed a way to get in, so I opened the window. Before I had a chance to open a book, he jumped into my room. "The boy seems to be doing better. You really are a good friend, Jasmine." He hopped on my bed and curled into a ball. "Um, thanks." I fluffed some pillows and stuffed them behind my back. Gatsby appeared to have fallen asleep. I cleared my throat. "Are you going to tell me about the demura?"His eyes blinked open. "I suppose I should."I crossed my legs and sat forward. "I'm actually surprised your genie friend didn't tell you about them.""Why is that?" I suddenly felt a little sick. Had Laeddin brought the demura to Salem?"Well, because a demura is the essence of an evil genie." He blinked several times, waiting for that bit of news to sink in. My heart pounded in my throat. "How can a genie be evil? Aren't they required to obey those wh
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Late For School
Laeddin still hadn't returned when I woke the next morning. His bedroom door was open, his bed still made. I dressed in jeans and a teal t-shirt, put my hair in twin tails, and put on a pair of teal Converse. They were my mom's favorite shoes. I'd seen her closet and the sixteen pairs she kept in there. She never wore them anymore, but she still loved them. I tried a pair on once and immediately understood why. They were super comfortable. When Laeddin took me shopping at Bloomingdales, I knew I had to have a pair. For some reason wearing them made me feel closer to my mom. I missed her. And my dad too.When I got down to the kitchen, I opened the fridge thinking there probably wouldn't be any blood, but it was there - a full glass of the red stuff. I drank it and then picked up my backpack. How was I going to get to school?Finally I decided there was no helping it. I needed him."Laeddin," I called. He appeared immediately. "Jasmine," he said. He sounded tired. He looked haggard.
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Eleven Brothers
Laeddin pulled me into a hug. "We need to talk."The scent of his blood lit my throat on fire. Not to mention the way his skin smelled and felt. And the way he looked in his jeans and button up shirt. He was beautiful in every way. I pushed him back. "I tried to talk to you several times this morning, but you wouldn't listen." I crossed my arms. "I know. But there is something about me, about my family you need to know." He sighed. "It has to do with the demura."I twisted some hair between my fingers. "Go on." I already knew thanks to Gatsby, but I'd give him a moment."You better sit down. It's kind of a long story." He led me over to the couch. When we were sitting, he began, "Many years ago - ""You mean two thousand years ago, don't you?" I crossed my arms and leaned back against the cushions. Laeddin's brows furrowed. "How do you know?""Well, old man, if you would've let me talk this morning, I would've told you that I know everything.""Everything?" He smirked. "Well, smar
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Blanketed Fears
The night air was cold, and the sky was so clear hundreds of thousands of stars were visible. "Isn't it beautiful?" I asked, making conversation. "Beyond comprehension." "Ri - " I glanced at him and realized he wasn't looking at the stars but at me. "Oh." My face burned with embarrassment. I was grateful for the darkness. His hands were clasped behind his back. He nudged my shoulder. I nudged him back. "So where are we going?" Laeddin asked.He was the most relaxed I'd seen him. The dark did that to people. It washed away worries and blanketed fears. "If anyone knows how to find the chayot leader, it's my grandfather, Professor Pops." I pointed at the large house coming into view. "You're going to reveal yourself to him? I thought you wanted to keep it a secret. Besides, are you sure he still lives here?" He pointed at the fancy sports cars and trucks with lift kits parked in the driveway. "He already knows. He is my English teacher at school. And he positively still lives here
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Magic Carpet
We walked toward the house, but I got the sense Laeddin didn't intend to take us all the way back. "What's the plan?" I asked. The selfish part of me wanted to put off the confrontation with Jaffar for as long as possible. I didn't want to lose him just like I lost Abby. If Jaffar even agrees, my mind whispered. And part of me didn't want him to. I kept going back to my wishes. I had two left. Couldn't I just wish the genies were no longer demura? What would happen if I did? Would all of them disappear? Did that include Laeddin? I wasn't ready to have him be gone. Before Laeddin could answer, a golden carpet landed at our feet, shimmering in the moonlight. Laeddin stepped on and held out a hand for me. "Are you serious?" I asked, holding my ground. Riding on something was not the same as flying with wings. Laeddin smiled sadly. "A magic carpet is one of my favorite ways to travel."I glanced around at the houses in our neighborhood. They weren't close together. Trees, shrubs, flowe
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Wicked Deal
Laeddin found my hand under the water. He took it in his. "Two thousand years, Jaffar. You look well." I felt his shoulders shrug. "You look the same."His thin lips curled into a smile. "So do you, youngest son." As he spoke hundreds of skull monkeys appeared behind him. They sounded like a cheering crowd. Jaffar raised his bony hand and the monkeys quieted. "Who is the girl you have with you?" Laeddin's hand tightened around mine. I knew he was telling me not to say a word, so I kept quiet. "This is Jackie. She's my newest mistress." "Ahhhhh, well step out from behind the genie, child. Let me have a look at you." He waved his hand and Laeddin was forcefully pushed away.I really didn't want to look at him, so I pretended to be shy. "There's no need to fear me or the skull monkeys. We mean you no harm." He glided along the ground as though he were floating. I didn't respond but peered at him from under my lashes.Jaffar squinted shrewdly. "Interesting." To Laeddin, he asked, "Why
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Destroy Them
Laeddin jumped forward, grabbing his arm. "She isn't from our realm, Jaffar. You can't make a deal with her. It's against the rules of magic."Jaffar screeched, pushing him away as though he were made of paper. "I just did." He struck the ground once with his staff. A circular light shot from the ground and radiated across the land. Laeddin fell to his knees. I watched, waiting for the tattoos around his wrists to vanish. "Watch," Jaffar commanded. The scenery in front of me swirled like wet watercolors. And before my eyes was a new landscape. I watched a demura about to enter a body, but it suddenly stopped, glanced in my direction and then vanished. "That's one."From behind I heard Laeddin gasp. One of his brothers had just been killed before his eyes. I wanted to go to him, hug him and tell him I was sorry. I wanted to take away his pain, but I couldn't. Not while Jaffar was there. Not while I needed to make sure all the demura were gone. A similar scene to the first happened t
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