All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
328 Chapters
Ripped Away My Wings
"Ms. Ryder? Are you listening?" Mr. Henry, my grandfather looked over the top of his reading glasses. That was me. I, Jasmine, the only princess of Sharra was pretending my last name was Ryder and was sitting in history class, daydreaming. Something I found myself doing a lot lately. "Uh, sorry. What was the question?" As I spoke, I scrunched down in my chair. Several students snickered. Drake called me a freak under his breath. My blood boiled, but I pushed it down. A quick glance at the clock above the door confirmed history class would be over two minutes. Two horrendously long minutes. "Was the Civil War necessary to abolish slavery?" Mr. Henry came around his desk, removing his reading glasses and tucking them into the pocket of his tan sweater. I would never tell him this, but the students at school called him Mr. Rogers. The description fit. He always wore a sweater over a button down shirt and he always wore slacks with the same pair of loafers. Personally, I though
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Actually Human
"Really?" Peter said, putting his hands on his hips. He came closer, studying my back. "It looks about the same." He sounded accusing, not that it was any of his freaking business.But I felt like I should explain. "I had a run in with Drake and an elfish woman. The wound reopened." I showed them the blood on my shirt. Tears pricked my eyes and before I knew it, I hopped off the stool, ran up the stairs and tossed myself across my bed. Yeah, not my finest moment. I lay there with my arms tucked under my body, still clutching my bloody shirt, and forced myself not to cry. Sometimes, when I was super emotional, if I cried, my tears would be red, like blood. But since Jaffar stole my wings, I'd become so close to human it was scary. Perhaps I was actually human. I knew I was no longer me - a vampire created from the seven magics and the blood of my parents - that was for sure. I was a shadow. A shell. A husk. The worst part about the feelings was that I was now exactly what I believed I
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Troy In A Tree
Darkness enveloped me and I calmed a little. As a vampire, I loved the dark. When I reached the end of the drive, I debated whether to go left or right. Right meant I would head toward Pops' house. There wasn't any place else to go after that. Left meant I could walk around the neighborhood. That was what I needed. But I couldn't make my legs move that way. My heart kept urging me to go right. I wanted to see Professor Pops. Maybe even Troy. They were good friends. "Hey."My heart jumped. The voice came from above. I looked up and saw Troy sitting on one of the larger tree branches quite high up, his legs dangling over the edge. "Hey yourself," I returned, clasping one hand over my heart. "How did you - " Before I could finish, he jumped. I was momentarily frightened for him, until he landed with a thud on both feet, crouching slightly. There was a huge smirk on his face."I'll bet you ten bucks and a ride on my back that you need some time alone with me." He straightened. I had to
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Glad You Are Here
When I got inside, Laeddin was back in the living room with Peter. He had a look on his face that said we would discuss what he just witnessed later. The TV was still on and Peter was focused on it. I glanced around, then remembered my mom had left. The serious conversation I planned couldn't happen tonight after all. I thought about her in Sharra, curious about whether she changed back and forth between herself and Zoe. If not, she would totally freak out Ciana, the vampire who helped raise me. I loved Ciana. She'd taken care of me since I was little when my parents were working. We played together during my mom's long meetings. In that moment, I remembered the vision right after Jaffar took my wings. She was flying and went into the mountain where all evil supernaturals were imprisoned. There she woke someone. A vampire she called Velencia. And Ciana had entered the tomb. My nanny betrayed me. Betrayed my mom and dad. Everyone. Our whole world. She was on Sharra's side. My mom n
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Worn Leather
After I shared what Gatsby told me as well as what I witnessed just after Jaffar took my wings, we both decided it wasn't much of a leap to think the Mistress and Sharra were the same. With that knowledge in tow, we debated what to do with the information. We had several heated discussions about what her plan was with the Akuma and the dwindling light, if she was causing it. We also knew we needed to tell Pops and we definitely needed to tell my mom and dad. Before we talked to them, Laeddin wanted to see what information he could find in his realm's library. It was located in one of four circular towers that made up each corner of his family's castle. When we arrived, I sneezed. The castle library's air was dusty and smelled of old paper and worn leather. The books were on shelves that began at floor level and went all the way to the top in every direction, three-hundred-and-sixty degrees of books. We each grabbed a tome and started reading, pouring over the thick volumes that he
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We didn't capture any of the Akuma. Troy, Peter, and I decapitated them all. There were five in the cemetery. The unicorn led Peter and Troy deeper into the cemetery to ambush them. But we cut off all of their heads. As soon as the head severed from the body, the Akuma fell apart, shriveled up and dissipated. Emotionally, it was difficult to kill, but I got over it quickly when it was us or them. Christopher's blood pumped through my veins and the more I fought the stronger I became. If I thought it was appropriate I would've cheered. My vampire abilities were back in force and I used them to their full potential, grateful I could actually help. Troy and Peter noticed too. After the last Akuma was beheaded, Troy came over. "Jack, you kicked ass." He held up his hand for a high five. I didn't leave him hanging. "There's my girl," Peter said, pulling me into his chest for a hug."Thanks," I said, enjoying the compliments. When I pulled back, Peter squinted, staring at my mouth. "You
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Combat Boots
Sunday morning, I got up and immediately craved Christopher's blood. Laeddin still wasn't home and Gatsby was gone. I hoped he was okay. Last night he promised to tell me about Sharra, but he wasn't around. The dream or vision or whatever still lingered in the back of my mind. I wasn't sure what to make of it. Was I seeing what was truly happening or was it all a lie? I had a feeling it was similar to what happened between Christopher and me. It was real. If that were true, and I believed it was, the whole thing scared me.After I dressed in jeans, my combat boots, and a plain black tee shirt, I went to the window. Sunlight peeked through the clouds. A light wind blew. Leaves that should've turned brown and died weeks ago rustled in the breeze. I tapped the glass, trying to decide if I should listen to Gatsby and leave the window open or do as Troy suggested and close it. Finally I decided to leave it open. For now. If the cat hadn't returned by tonight, I'd close it. Especially if L
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After Gatsby left, I texted Troy: We need to talk. Are my mom and dad back?No. Has Laeddin returned? Troy replied. No. And I'm starting to worry. I can't go back to his realm without him, either. Peter and Zoe just showed up. They need to speak with you too. We're coming over. K. Dress for Akuma hunting. We're going again tonight.Got it. I ran upstairs. Since I was already wearing jeans and a tee shirt, I left those on, but changed into my favorite black boots. Then I grabbed a black hoodie. The back had a teal skull sporting a pink bow. I thought it quite appropriate for what we would be doing. I swiped some gloss over my lips and fixed my ponytail, then went back downstairs to wait. Not too many minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I opened it, expecting my mom, dad, and Troy, but it wasn't them. It was a woman with long red hair, striking blue eyes - exactly like my mom's - and the creamiest skin I'd ever seen. It was almost transparent. She wasn't very tall, and she
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Tribal Tattoo
The first step in our plan was to capture an Akuma. Alive. Everything else hinged on that. We would set up traps and hunt without killing. I didn't think it was possible, but we all agreed to try. It was two in the morning. We were back at the Harmony Grove Cemetery since there were so many Akuma on our previous hunt. Ariel took the northwest corner. Peter had the northeast. Zoe kept eyes on the southeast. Troy had the southwest. And Laeddin and I had the center. "What's going on with you and Troy?" Laeddin asked. We were standing near a fancy monument complete with concrete stairs leading up to it. To the right was a gothic style church built in nineteen hundred and five. At least that was what I was told. The church had a tall, pointed spire that rose from the center, along with four smaller spires, one at each corner. The carvings were intricate. Some might call it gaudy, but I thought it was amazing. "What do you mean?" I turned away from Laeddin, not sure how to talk to him ab
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Since Martial Law had been put into effect, I hadn't been able to go shopping. It would have been nice to buy a new dress and wear it to the dance, but I would be fine. At least we were having the dance. In Salem, for one night only, martial law didn't affect us.I checked the time. Troy would be by in two hours. We were going to dinner first - at his house. Professor Pops had hired someone to cook for us. After that we would take a limo to the dance. Peter and Zoe planned to meet us there. When the dance was over, we'd been given special permission to take Professor Pops' boat out but not far and only until sunrise. Then we would be escorted off the water. Overall it sounded like a blast and I was really looking forward to it. "If I only had a dress," I said to my reflection in the bathroom mirror. "I might be able to help with that." I jumped, grabbing hold of the sink before spinning around. My best friend fluttered in. "Abrea," I gasped."Hey traitor." Her arms were crossed,
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