All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
328 Chapters
Cave Of Lost Souls
We walked in and Pops looked up from the knife. He held the hilt in one hand and had the tip against one of his fingers. It wasn't a huge sword in length, but it was thick."Have a seat." Troy took the one closest to the window and I took the one closest to the door. "What'd you find?" Troy asked, leaning forward, picking up the knife. "It's old. Dated back to the Crusades."Pops handed over the knife when Troy held out his hand. "The craftsmanship is exquisite," Pops continued. "Not many in that time possessed skill required to make something like this.""Was this someone you knew?" Troy handed Pops back the blade."There is one who could have made it, but he's long gone. Sharra put him to rest." I started at the sound of her name. "What's his name?" I asked. "Arthur Pendragon." Professor Pops took the short sword from Troy and placed it in the top drawer of his desk. My body began to shake. "What's wrong?" Troy asked. Professor Pops clasped his hands together. "Jasmine?" "W
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Komoni Tree
I found Laeddin on the upper deck, staring out at the churning water. "Sorry about that," I said, coming to stand beside him. It wasn't that I was sorry about kissing Troy. Only sorry Laeddin had to see it. He shrugged, running a hand through his thick hair. "It isn't your fault. I didn't think; I just came." He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Laeddin was wearing the same clothes he left in more than a week ago. He looked haggard, his face scruffy, and his dark hair mussed.I touched his arm. "What's going on?"Urgency returned to his face. "I found something. An artifact. A crown actually. Made of elven magic and the branches of their sacred komoni tree.""Ko-mon-e?""Right. It's a tree that can only be found in their realm and there is only one." He didn't look at me but continued to watch the ocean. "What's so special about this tree?" As the yacht tilted and swayed, I watched him, wondering what it would've been like if we just met without the whole genie and master
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Old Hunters
I was flying again, and I carefully settled into the dream. Vision. Whatever it was. This time I knew I was inside Sharra's mind so I kept quiet, hoping she wouldn't notice I was there. "It's easy to tell when you're with me, vampire." She clucked her tongue. "Now I just need to get a hold of your body." She laughed into the cool night air. "The dragon you were with was a surprise. I wasn't prepared for him. But no matter."I didn't respond, hoping to get a glimpse of where she was and scanned our surroundings. The terrain was familiar. Not Sharra but Salem. She circled Professor Pops' yacht. Troy leaned against the railing, staring out at the agitated water. Sadness caused me to wonder what he was thinking. I wanted it to be me, but there wasn't a point. How could I be with someone who didn't believe I should exist? Sure, I was stretching. Troy seemed to sense Sharra even if he couldn't see her. "Get out of here." His features were confident as though he believed he could physica
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Circus Tent
Laeddin went out to speak with the uniformed men sitting in the green truck. They didn't say much except there was some "suspicious activity" in the area and advising us to "stay inside unless leaving was absolutely necessary". That was all the information they gave us. I told Laeddin the truth about seeing the kids in the Harmony Grove Cemetery and I explained about Sharra. "What are we going to do?" I asked when he didn't say anything. "You said she spoke and sprinkled red powder over the spots where they'd been?" Laeddin finally asked. "Yes." I thought about what I'd seen and remembered another bit of information. "Also, before they disappeared, she blew yellow smoke in their faces.""That sounds like something Sharra would do. She's always had a thing for the dramatic." He pulled a water bottle from the refrigerator and drank. Laeddin walked up the stairs. I didn't know where he was going but I followed. When we reached his bedroom Laeddin opened the door and went inside. "When
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I woke to the sounds of hooting and hollering and stomping feet and whistling. It was like a stadium full of spectators at a football game. I kept my eyes closed, trying to figure out what was happening without giving away the fact that I was aware. "Laeddin, so nice of you to come." My heart raced and my mouth went dry. Laeddin was here. Sharra said he would come, and he did."Release Jasmine now, Sharra," Laeddin said. "Of course, genie. I will. Just as soon as you give me what I want." "And what is that?" "Your power, of course," Sharra said matter-of-factly. The room went wild again."Why would you want it? You have great power already. I can feel it." Laeddin whispered. "Awwww, did you hear that?" Sharra glanced around at the Akuma who laughed and jeered. She went on, "While that may be true, I don't have enough. With your powers I'll be unstoppable." Laeddin had incredible power. I knew that. And so much more. As quickly as it came, the fuzziness in my brain cleared up. A
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89 Days Until Total Darkness
Five days ago I made my second wish. It was that Sharra would use her magical dagger on herself instead of Laeddin. She had to obey and Laeddin and I escaped her lair. That's the thing about the genie's magic, it's more powerful than the most powerful vampire ever and that's why Sharra wanted it. We returned to my home in the human realm and hoped she was dead. It didn't take long to know that hope was in vain. My wish didn't even destroy the Akuma. The days continued getting darker. Akuma kept coming. On top of that was something else. A pestilence had fallen over all realms. To most creatures, they appeared to be nothing more than large grasshoppers, but with my eyes - original vampire eyes - I saw the truth.Not only were the bugs eating their way through all the world's crops, they were eating their way through all creatures as well. When bitten, regardless of gender or species, they became Akuma. Sharra's lackeys. The chayot got involved and tried to smite the pestil
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Vampire Hunter Diet
The creature stood so the top of his head nearly reached the ceiling. He opened his eyes. They were the same color as the flower petals. "Who dares awaken me from my slumber?"Strapped to his back were two swords. He was covered from head to toe in a uniform that reminded me of a ninja. The only part of him showing was his eyes. Even his head was covered in a thick black hood. Remembering my upbringing, I cleared my throat. "Good sir, my name is Jasmine." I gave him a small curtsey. If my mom could see me now, I thought. "I've come to claim the piece of crown you guard," I went on.His eyes started to glow. "That is not possible, Jasmine. If you try to take it, I'll be forced to destroy you." Crap! I glanced back at Laeddin. He shook his head, took hold of my hand, and we were suddenly back at my house. "Why?" I pulled out of his grasp. "What if he moves it? Or worse, actually destroys it?""He won't. He can't," Laeddin said, shaking his head. "Are you sure?" I was so angry I wa
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Foolish Girl
"You didn't let me kill the genie and now you're going to suffer more than you believed possible. Even at this very moment Ariel is dying or dead. See?" Pictures of dozens of Akuma attacking Ariel in a strange city appeared and I watched while they ripped her apart."Noooooo!" I screamed and sat up, opening my eyes. I was in my room. Sweat dampened the sheets. I climbed out of bed and went to the window. How could I find out if what Sharra had shown me was the truth? Without my wings and my magic I couldn't just return to my land. A shadow crawled across the yard and I jumped back, frightened. "Laeddin," I whispered and waited, my mind unable to let go of what I'd seen happening to Ariel. It wasn't Laeddin, but Gatsby. The cat suddenly appeared outside my window. His yellow eyes stared through the glass. "Let me in, vampire," he said, lifting his paw and patting at the window. It was odd the cat could talk, even weirder that he seemed to know so much, but beyond that, he was adorab
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A Giant Whale
So high up, the stars were bright and beautiful, and amazing. A coil of sadness snuck its way around my heart. Even though I tried to push it away, the truth was I missed my wings, missed them more than I ever believed possible. Like my pinky fingers, they seemed like nothing more than a small addition, one I could live without, maybe even do better without, but that wasn't the case. My wings weren't just a small addition. They were a part of me. Without them I didn't feel whole. "How long will it take us to get there?" I shouted against the wind, knowing he was flying us to Mizu.A deep rumble filled his throat. "No need to yell, vampire." "Sorry," I hollered again.Without warning, Abernathy dove. We were over an ocean and I realized we travelled a great distance in a very short amount of time. The dragon picked up speed and we went faster and faster. "What are you doing?" I asked, suddenly terrified, bracing myself against the impending collision with the water."Hold on tigh
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Death Happens
We scanned the burning city of Mizu for survivors. If only there was a way to change them back."They've all been turned, but I know how to help them," Ariel shouted, seeming to read my mind. I faced Ariel, pushing several pieces of hair out of my face. "You do?" "Yes," she said, her blue eyes glistened with determination. "We need to get to my office. Head north, Abernathy. Go that way!""No, we must leave, Ariel. Once Sharra has turned a creature into an Akuma, there is no going back. The soul has been burned out of them, leaving only a shell. At this point they are nothing more than Sharra's puppets. They do her bidding without conscience, remorse, or understanding." "That can't be true. I have a spell that can reverse even the most - " Ariel started, but Abernathy cut her off. "I cannot allow you to remain here a moment longer," he growled, sending a stream of fire into the bubble protecting Mizu. The fire wasn't like the normal red and orange flames. It was gold, black, and bl
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