All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
341 Chapters
Chapter 231 - Talia
I walked into the safe house under my own steam. It took about a week, but I was finally free of all restrictions except lifting. I had to wait for my abdominal wound to completely heal for that to be lifted. "Honeybunses, I'm home!" I crowed into the empty foyer of the house. The thunder of stampeding feet rushed towards me. Jessa got to me first. "What the hell, babe? We were supposed to come get you." She pulled me into her arms, looked me over with her medically trained eye. She smiled when she finished, looked me in the eye. "You're feeling much better."I nodded, pulled her in for a hug. "In large part thanks to you."She poo-pooed my words. "Queen, you've been kicking ass this whole time. I think Fate is scared of you right now."Foster pulled me from her arms and caught me up in his.I grabbed his head, smacked my healed lips to his. He made a sound low in his throat as he changed the angle. I wrapped my legs around his waist, met him thrust for thrust. "Ahe
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Chapter 232 - Epilogue I - Jessa
I covered my mouth with my hand. I was both horrified and astounded at the bravery and moxie of Tali. That woman was my adulting goal, and I was pretty sure I was older than her. Nico pulled me into his side, pressed a kiss to my hair. "He'll never hurt anyone again."I nodded. "Your sister saw to that."Nico chuckled. "Yeah, she did. She might be annoying, but damn has she got some balls."A giggle escaped as my phone rang. Nik's name scrolled across the screen. "Hey, queen. How's it?" I asked. "Jessa." Nik's voice was solemn. "I need you to get everyone on your end of things to get on this call. Now."I told Nico. He ran to get Talia and Arkady. I put the phone on speaker while the rest of us waited. "Nico's gone to get them. What's wrong, Nik?" I've never heard her voice like this. Not in all my years of knowing her. "I only want to say this once."As if he heard my praying, Nico came rushing back in. His sister and Arkady hot on his heels. "We're all here, Nik
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Chapter 233 - Epilogue II - Domenico
I caught Jessa as she passed out. "Someone get the phone."Smoke, Maggie Rollins, picked it up. "We're still here, Grasshopper. Go ahead.""Is Jessa okay?""Tell us what's going on, Nik. Please." I carried Jessa to the couch. Laid her flat. Talia ran from the room. She was back in moments with a bottle of water. I smiled at her in thanks. Breaking the seal, I poured some into my palm. Splashed it on Jessa's face. I knew she'd want to hear anything about her missing sister. She came awake with a start. "Jaz!""We know where she is, Jessa. We need to go get her," Nik said. "If the intel is reliable, and from everything we can tell, it is, then Jasmine is being held in some kind of facility in Croatia. Under..." Nik's voice trailed off. "Some woman named Marika.""Karine said someone would kill Marika if we showed up," Foster said. We all looked at him. "Roger, Striker, Mas, and I were there." He looked at the other men. They all nodded. "Croatia. Where in Croatia
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Chapter 234 - Epilogue III - Foster
We stood on the tarmac. I watched the woman I love, the woman I've been trying to save for the last three weeks just get on a plane without me. What kind of horrible thing had I done in a past life to earn this kind of karma? A million possibilities rushed through my head. Fine. But it still sucked ass. And not in good ways. Talia stopped at the top of the stairs and turned back. I love you, she mouthed. I love you, too, I said back. She lifted a hand to her head, her thumb and pinky spread wide. She wiggled it near her head. Call me. She winked, ducked under the bulkhead and walked onto the plane. She better get ready for some stellar phone sex. I was already aching for her. Nico clapped me on the shoulder. "Let's go save some people."I nodded. Damn my luck for getting into such a great family.
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Chapter 235 - Nico
I slammed my fist down on the small table, glared at the man across from me. "No! I refuse to allow that to happen."The man smiled. I felt my balls curl up inside my body and start to shrivel. Thank the goddess I'd already gotten Jessa pregnant."It doesn't matter if you allow it. It will happen," he said, his voice a low, broken whisper. "You can fight me, but you will lose."Narrowing my eyes at him, I studied his posture. Relaxed, confident, in control. No emotional leakage whatsoever. The man was a bloody statute sunning himself on a summer day with a cool breeze to settle the heat. I sat back. Jessa was going to fucking kill me. Hell, I'd hold still to let her do it. But there was no way around this guy. I should know. He was my little brother. I nodded. "Fine, but you get to tell Jessa." His dark bronze skin washed pale as he swallowed. He gave a short dip of his chin. "Fine." He picked up his phone, punched in the numbers. Massimo's face pinched as he he
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Chapter 236 - Jessa
Arkady hung up the phone. Gave me a sad smile and put it on the seat beside me. "They're trying to be safe, Jessa. They're not abandoning your sister."I wiped my eyes, kept my head on Talia's shoulder. Feeling like a nauseous idiot wasn't helping the tears clog up. "I know. It just feels like it's been forever. And she's right there." More damn tears built behind my eyes, burned in my throat. "I've been searching for her for so long."Arkady sat back in his chair. He didn't say or do anything but watch me. His light brown eyes steady. "She won't be the same girl."The place in my heart that held my sister twisted. "I know."Arkady nodded. Tali slid over a little, pulled my head into her lap. "But she's got you. And the rest of us. We'll give her the best shot at recovery that she'll get." She ran her fingers through my hair. I nodded. Love spilled through me like hot lava. I hadn't known I was missing a big messy family until Willow crashed into Ryker's life. But I would
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Chapter 237 - Nico
Taxing over to the private airfield customs line, we gathered our stuff and waited for the plane to come to a complete standstill. The guys were all good to go: their gazes focused with that relaxed tension in their bodies. We were a small, well-trained strike team. We just had to tell customs we were here for a vacation so we could start on our mission. Easy peasy. The co-pilot came out of the cockpit. "We've been cleared to disembark. Thanks for choosing Elite Air for your private travel needs. Enjoy your stay in Italy, gentlemen." He shook each of our hands as we deplaned. They had quality service. But nothing could compare to using family or family resources for what we were about to take on. I just needed to make sure we had a plane available. Puddle jumping back and forth from Croatia to Italy too often would raise too many red flags. I made a mental note to call Turo. We had a shit ton of logistics to figure out. And if there was ever a planner in our family, it was
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Chapter 238 - Jessa
I blinked as something cold and damp made a home on my forehead. Groaning, I tried to turn away from it. I needed heat, smoldering, suffocating heat. Not cold. "You're literally green, Jessa. Stop wiggling around. We're about to land," Tali snapped at me as she held my head still in her lap. "I'm never flying on anything smaller than a 747 ever again." I closed my eyes and tried to hold on to my stomach. She chuckled. "I'm not sure that would be cost effective for the family."I clamped a hand over my mouth as the plane dipped and swayed to a lower altitude. Oh sweet goddess, this was going to be awful. I wanted to curl up into a ball, scream like a baby, and have Nico cuddle me on his lap. Surrendering my Badass credentials was going to be bad enough. Having to pick them up out of the puke was going to be humiliating. Right now, though, I just didn't care. Someone grabbed my hand in their warm ones.I opened my eyes, saw Smoke kneeling next to the couch. As I wat
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Chapter 239 - Nico
My phone rang just as we were getting ready to sit down for dinner. I sighed, pulled it from my pocket. When I saw Nik's name scroll across the screen, I called out to the room, "Pack it up, we're going to mission ops."Two of the tech team ran over, grabbed my phone. "We'll get it all set up for you, Capo.""Thanks. Just call me Dom, please."They nodded and rushed off. I doubted they'd do what I asked them about my name, but I could try. Well, keep trying. It was essentially useless asking them to be less formal, but Andrea preferred the formality on the regular. Her domain, her rules. Walking with the tide of the tech team and strike team operatives, I carried my plate and glass of wine. Striker and Roger were chatting about something in low tones, a couple chuckles passed between them. Something about Roger made my skin chill, but he was Mas' man. And from what I heard, he was a stellar lieutenant. I could deal with the creepies. Mas and I brought up the end of the t
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Chapter 240 - Jessa
Nico's face changed into one I hadn't glimpsed in a while. He seemed more like the man who'd yelled and screamed at me when I first met Willow. The implacable demand on his face, the raging will that he kept ruthlessly restrained and funneled into action. He's getting ready for war, I thought to myself. Part of me rejoiced at the caged ferocity on his face. The other part of me whimpered for what my battle would cost his soul. In him, I saw my sister's salvation, my salvation. But also, his damnation. I wouldn't let this consume him. Wouldn't let him take up the burden I'd carried for the last twenty-six years. If I had to let go of the dream of finding Jaz to save Nico's soul, I would. "You still there, counselor?" I asked softly. Something flashed in his eyes. Brought him back to himself, to me. He nodded, that sexy, charming smile pulling at his delicious mouth. "I'm with you, doctor."My heart melted. "It seems we've got some work to do."He nodded. "We do. But e
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