All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
341 Chapters
Chapter 221 - Talia
My head jerked to the side as fire lit up my cheek. I raised my hand to my face. It came away bloody. I looked at the woman. She gave me a finger wave. "I hope you're ready for the long haul, hellcat." She sneered the last word. She had rings on each finger. Each ring held a single colorless stone in the middle of a prong setting. I blinked. There was only one person who ever called me hellcat. Foster. This bitch thought Foster was hers? Cunt, please. Just on principle's sake, I wasn't going to let her have him. Had she asked nicely, I might have been willing to share. Maybe. Kinda. Okay, fine. I probably would have killed her for asking. But still. All this over a man? It wasn't like his penis was imbued with kinda was. Dang it. Another slap, more fire arced across my cheekbone. Only on the other side this time. "Stop ignoring me, suka!" she screamed in my face. "Damn, girl. Chill out. It's just dick." I tipped my head towards the huge table
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Chapter 222 - Foster
I could hear masculine laughter and high pitched feminine screams. My insides iced over as we ran through the halls. The mostly silent thpt, thpt, thpt of suppressed gun fire was barely audible over the noise in the main hall. Thank fuck for that. A double click sounded in my ear. All clear behind us. One more small miracle to add to the tally I was going to owe the universe for all of this. I brought up the blueprints of the main hall. Formerly used as a ballroom, it was now some kind of pretentious living room. A huge fucker that we had no idea how it was staged. For all we knew it was one big open space. We just had to pray that there was going to be some kind of coverage. On that note, I waved Striker forward. He had a scope and camera. Not for the first time this mission had his tech saved our asses. Including the Interpol guys. Striker eased in front of me, sent the mechanized scope around the corner. We all huddled around the camera display. I felt my belly erupt
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Chapter 223 - Talia
"NET!" one of the brothers shouted. Restrained with only an inch between our faces, I sighed a breath around the agony in my lungs as she was hauled off. Two guards frog-marched her to the far side of the room. They never once let go of her arms. Gathering my strength, I turned to look at the brothers Kuznetsov. "Is it time for the raping to start yet?" I smiled at them. Felt the blood well and ooze over my mangled lips. My belly quivered and twitched as the blade caressed my guts. Sweet fuck, who knew getting stabbed was so freaking awful?"Da." The oldest brother rose from his seat. He walked to the end of the table, slapped one of the guys on the shoulder. "He will go first. But we must get setup."With that, he swung a hand in a weird twirling motion. From behind the table, a small group of men came running. Cameras, lighting equipment, and something I was pretty sure was a boom mike were carried in. They scurried around like rats through the garbage. Little did they know
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Chapter 224 - Foster
No, no, no, no. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Not like this. The blood that covered Talia had my gorge rising as I tried to apply pressure to her unconscious body. They'd fired too early. Not everyone had been in position. We'd lost two men, two more were injured, and Talia was dying. Black anger slid over my mind. They should have listened to me. Should have waited. I told them not to go. I told them not to start. "Move, Fancy Pants." Someone shoved me to the side. I elbowed them back. They caught me in the face with the butt of their gun. "If you're not going to help her, move the fuck back," Roger said in his calm voice. "I'll take you down before I let her bleed out." There was no anger, no emotion. Just the simple statement of fact. I leaned forward, brushed him out of the way. "There's too much blood.""Then it's good Dr. House just arrived at the new location. Get your ass up, Fancy Pants." He knocked me out of the way again. Pulled Talia up and into
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Chapter 225 - Arkady
With everything going on around me, I was about to push to my feet and stumble after the man who'd run off with Talia. Smashing against walls, I tripped and slid down the halls in their wake. "Wait," I called out. I was pretty sure the knife had either nicked a lung or fractured a rib, because breathing was becoming more and more strenuous. Someone stepped out of a connecting hall. A gun in his hand. I sucked in a breath. "DOWN!" I screamed as loud as I could. The guy holding Talia dropped to his knees immediately. With the last of my strength, I gathered myself and launched myself between the shooter and Talia. I felt the bullet graze my temple as I fell against her rescuer. "You've got to get her out of here," I said as I felt him move under me. "I will." He pushed me off him. Turned and used my body as a tripod to steady his shot. Within moments, gunshots filled the space. "He's down. If you can get up, you can go with me," the man said. I nodded. He pu
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Chapter 226 - Foster
"What?" I growled low as I stabbed at the keyboard again. "She made it to Jessa," Nik said in my ear. "She's lost a lot of blood, but Jessa thinks she should be fine."I blew out a breath, felt the band around my chest relax slightly. I didn't make it go away completely. Nothing would do that, but holding her in my arms. And I was fucking stuck in this stupid hellhole trying to read Cyrillic so I could give Nik direct access to the computer. I wasn't even in on the fun of questioning Karine. Or Svetlana, or whatever else she wanted to call herself. "Last line of code, FP. I promise," Nik said in my ear. I pushed everything else aside, focused on the problem at hand. If I could get Nik what she needed, then I'd be able to get out of here. Go smash some heads in. Well, maybe not smash them in. Turns out Interpol agents still adhere to the Geneva Convention over here. More's the pity. "YES! That's it," Nik crowed in my ear. "You can run along now. As long as no one shu
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Chapter 227 - Talia
I blinked, couldn't see past my lashes. Groaning, I lifted my hand. Or tried to. Something was stabbing the back of my hand. Trying my left hand, I let out a soft sigh at getting it to move the way I wanted it to. I rubbed my eyes. Blinked some more. Finally. Low light brightened the space, but it wasn't familiar. I looked all around, tried to find something in the weirdness that was recognizable. There. In the far corner was a man I knew. "Ark," I said. My voice was so quiet, I wasn't sure it even made it out of my mouth. But he heard it. He jolted awake, grabbed his belly with a groan. "You're awake."I nodded. Probably more of a chin wiggle than anything else, but it worked. "Yeah." He bolted up from his chair, his arm cradled his belly. "Let me get the doctor. Hang on." He tapped the end of my bed as he raced by. Ripping the door open, he stuck his head out. "SHE'S AWAKE!"He pulled his head back in and made his way back to my side. "You've just come out of su
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Chapter 228 - Arkady
I stood watch at the monitors in my old room. Something was bothering me. Nik still hadn't been able to find some of the files that should have been on the system. I had no idea what files in particular she was looking for, but I was more than willing to help find them. "I'm at my terminal, Nik," I said over the phone. "Good. Now, open up a window and type this." She gave me an executable command. As soon as I hit enter, I watched the screens flicker and shake. Then they went to some kind of gray screen. I told her what had happened. "Yes! Okay, pull up a new window."Following her directions, I watched as the screens all came back up. But something was different. "Do you see it?" she asked. I nodded. "Out loud, Weber, I can't see you."I snorted. "Yes, Nikanya." I picked up the phone. "Let me route you in. You can guide me through."She sent me the next line of code so she could hook into the security system feeds in the estate. "You're golden.""I'm leaving
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Chapter 229 - Talia
I sat on the hospital bed. Mentally whining at the knowledge that I'd given up a premium king size bed for a lumpy twin size. What the hell had I been thinking? Kill Barrikad. That's what I'd been thinking. That man was going to die by my hand. We just had to wait for him to show up. That fucker better show up. "Lay down, T. I need to get some blood from you, and you're practically vibrating," Jessa said again as she brought in the tray for the specimen collection. "How did you get privileges here?" I asked as I pulled my feet up and stretched out on the bed. She laughed. "Are you kidding me? This is an overworked urban hospital. They practically shoved me into a room for you. You came into a hospital with your own doctor. Why wouldn't they say yes?""Um, because laws and stuff." I pressed the button to bring the head of the bed up just a little. I hated lying flat when I was awake. Unless I was getting my world rocked. That was the single exception that I could think
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Chapter 230 - Foster
I paced the small room again. The sun had set hours ago. This section of the hospital was quiet except for the soft bustling of the night shift nurses. The feeling in my belly told me we were about to meet face first with some danger. "Stop thinking so loud," Talia complained from her bed. "You're giving me a headache."I walked over to her side. Brushed my hands down her face. "I can give you some more meds. Jessa said the thallium treatment can make you nauseous."She shook her head. "I don't want anything else inside me that the goddess didn't put there."I snorted softly. She smiled, peeked up at me through her lashes. "Except you. I think she meant for you to be there.""Damn right she did, Hellcat." I leaned down, kissed her cheekbone. Even though her lips were still healing, the bruises fading from her face, her skin was so fucking soft. I felt like an addict. Like I had this need inside me to have as much of her against as much of me as possible at all times durin
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