All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
341 Chapters
Chapter 201 - Arkady
I forced myself to watch. To remember what would happen to me if I went against these men before it was time. To remind myself that there are worse things than death. As I stood at the door, I found myself praying for the first time in a very long time. To a God I wasn't sure I believed in any longer. Protect her mind, dear Lord. Her body can heal. Protect her mind and her spirit. Keep that fire alive within her. After what felt like years, but I knew was no longer than maybe an hour, the bosses were done with her. They zipped up, rolled out as if they'd just taken a short lunch break instead of destroying a woman's body. Her sense of self. "Uberi yeye. Podumay snova dat' yey privilegii, my zastavim tebya vzyat' yeye," Barrikad said, a slight grin on his face. Clean her up. Think to give her privileges again, we will make you take her.I clenched my fist to keep from bashing him into dust. How they'd found out about the privileges in the first place, I had no idea. But her c
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Chapter 202 - Foster
I pushed through the door of the safe house I'd set up almost ten years ago. One of my mentors had told me to make sure I always had bolt holes. Even when I left the Agency. Damned if she hadn't been right. Checking the low tech security system, I finally let out a breath when I saw that it was unchanged from the last time I was here. I threw my shit on the table, sat down on one of the dusty chairs. Twenty-four hours behind her. The knowledge sliced through me again. I knew the longer it took to find her, the less likely I'd find her in one piece. Thankful I'd slept on the plane, I started pulling stuff from my bag. My laptop set up and my phone acting as a hot spot, I was on the line with Nik and Turo as soon as the call connected. "I'm picking up a couple of burners. Once I have the numbers, I'll make sure you get them. Please tell me we have at least cursory information on the group Papa mentioned.""Good afternoon to you, too, Foster," Nik said. "Can the shit, Nik
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Chapter 203 - Talia
I stared at the door. Wondered what had spooked Arkady so badly. Did it have to do with the men who'd just been in here? Were they coming back?The breath backed up in my lungs as the bottom of my belly dropped away. My heart started to pound as every single ache and pain in my body shrieked in remembered agony. I shook my head. I couldn't go through that again. Not ever. But certainly not right now. I huddled against the wall, my gaze glued to the door. Air struggled to penetrate my lungs. My lungs pinched and shook inside my chest. They couldn't come back. They couldn't come back. Just as the edges of my vision were starting to go black, I sucked in a huge breath. Slapped myself across the face. "Get your shit together, T." Almost as if I was standing outside myself, I nodded to the invisible me. I could do this. I could get control. I could bend destiny and fate to my will. Taking another deep breath, I pulled it deep into my lungs. Held it for as long as I could. Push
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Chapter 204 - Talia
The harsh grating of the door had me launching from my spot. My arms and legs were numb, not to mention I couldn't tell if I still had an ass. It didn't matter. Adrenaline was my friend. As soon as a dark head of hair passed by the edge of the door, I pounced. Beating at the person's head and shoulders, I fought like a woman possessed. My breath started soughing in and out of my lungs as my vision blinked between white and black. "Damnit, Talia," Arkady finally said as we crashed to the floor. He had me stretched out underneath him with barely any effort. His golden eyes were hard. "What the fuck was that?"I spat in his face. He leaned down, wiped it over my tits. Asshole. "Do that again, and I'll-""What? Rape me?" I bit out, shoving my face up into his. His expression shut down as his face went white. He backed up, let me move. "No. I told you, I won't rape you. That doesn't change just because three days have passed."I blinked. My mind went blank. "What?"Si
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Chapter 205 - Foster
After shoving one of the burner phones under a familiar park bench, I sat and stared at the dark sky. Waiting was one of the worst parts of this job. But my contact wasn't willing to be seen talking to me. I understood it. I could even appreciate it. But it pissed me off to have to be at the mercy of someone else. That Talia was effectively at the mercy of someone else. In so many more ways than one. I just prayed that she was holding out. Holding on. I'm coming for you, Talia. Just hold on for me, hellcat. Give me time to find you. Part of me scoffed at the idea of being someone's-anyone's-hero. But that Talia Amatucci was the one who literally depended on me, grinded my guts. I'd given up the cloak and dagger of life or death when I left the Agency. While I still worked in counterintelligence for the corporate world, the stakes weren't nearly as high. Nor as deadly. I still took my work seriously, but no one died if I got the information wrong. Or didn't react fast eno
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Chapter 206 - Arkady
Shoving the door open once I had the lock free of its newly eroded casing, I called out. I really didn't want a repeat of the last time I'd come in here without announcing myself. "It's Arkady."A choked soft sob. "Come in."I gritted my teeth and hardened my heart against the relief I heard in her smoky voice. Getting tangled up in the trouble she represented was not in my game plan. Either short- or long-term. Helping her at all had already gotten her severely punished. I wasn't sure either of us were prepared for her to be punished again. "I've got your food for the day." Turning slightly, I saw that she was huddled on the bed. The blankets were still in a neat pile at the foot of the mattress. She nodded, but didn't get up. "Thank you."I slid the tray onto the bed. Questions and promises pushed at the back of my throat. Demanded they be voiced. Swallowing them all, I simply nodded and turned back to the door. "Knock on the door when you're done. I'll take the tray."
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Chapter 207 - Talia
With Arkady out of commission, I darted for the door. No telling how long he was going to be out of commission. Phone. The word streaked across my brain like it was lit up with neon. Leaping up to the bed, I stood on tiptoe to feel around on the small inset ledge where the lights were. I grabbed up the phone, prayed the ten minutes of charging had done enough to hold me. I stuffed the phone into my waistband. Jumping off the bed, I ran over and grabbed up some of the bottles of liquid from my first aid stash. With two bottles of what I assumed was isopropyl alcohol armed and ready, I moved to the hallway. Not bothering to take the time to push the door shut behind me, I ran down the hall. Tried not to splash myself with the alcohol. My only weapon, I kinda needed to make sure I could use it on any enemies who appeared. From my previous escape attempt, I knew there was only one hallway that went anywhere. I arrowed for it immediately. Nothing short of death or capture was go
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Chapter 208 - Foster
The line still open to Nik, I stepped out from my hiding spot. "Karine Petrova, what an unpleasant surprise. What are you doing here?"One of the reasons I'd left Moscow was standing right in front of me. Her white blonde hair was secured under the black balaclava, only her bright blue eyes remained visible. She snorted. "I'm not the one far from home, Maks. It would seem that you are. So I put the same question to you: what are you doing here?""Business."One of her pale brows rose. "My sources say that you got out of the business a couple years ago. Are you back in the rank and file?"I held my silence. She didn't need to know anything of why I was actually here. Considering I'd gone out of my way to make sure I wouldn't need to contact her, not talking to this woman was on the top of my priority list. "Cat got your tongue?" she purred as she edged closer. I held my ground and my silence. I should just shoot her in the head and be done with her. But that would raise
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Chapter 209 - Talia
I didn't have a lot of time, and since none of my other ideas had gotten me anywhere so far, I needed another track to follow. Pulling the phone from my waistband, I thanked the stars that it was still there after the mad dashing up and down that stupid hallway. Wishing I had some water to wash off the alcohol, I pushed the thought from my mind. I had no idea how much longer I was going to be here alone. Using the phone was now a necessity. Even if I didn't know what would happen. I had to try. Powering up the device, I waited. One ear attuned to the door and anything beyond it, I was counting the seconds until the home screen showed up. It felt like forever. As soon as the little bar graph showed I had some signal, I sent out a call. Prayed it went to the right number. Memorizing phone numbers had become obsolete since I carried my phone around with me everywhere. Please let this be right. Please let this be right. "This is Willow.""Willow. Oh, my goddess." Tears ru
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Chapter 210 - Foster
A cold slap of wind jolted me awake. I stared up at the sky, vibrant pinks and blues painted the expanse as far as I could see. Mornings were my favorite time of day. Everything was fresh and new. Not sullied by the secrets and lies that eventually came to ruin everything. "Ser? Ty v poryadke?" Sir? Are you okay? A man asked as he stood over me. Dressed in a long trench coat, a briefcase in one hand, an insulated cup in the other, he peered down at me. I nodded. Rolled to my hands and knees. Blowing out a breath as the world spun on a different axis, I waited for my belly to settle before getting to my feet. Turning, I said, "YA khorosho, spasibo." I'm fine, thanks. Dusting the new snow off my clothes, I walked away. I had to get back to the safe house. Get a hold of Nik and Turo. Start looking for the Kuznetsov family as soon as possible. Not to mention find out what the hell Karine was talking about. When I was almost back to the apartment, I pulled the burner phone from
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