All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
341 Chapters
Chapter 211 - Arkady
I waited outside the door like the good little foot soldier I was pretending to be. My higher rank meant nothing to these men. Not now. Not after what had happened. So I stood there, gaze on the opposite wall. I could hear her talking. Probably on the phone I'd managed to smuggle in for her. She needed someone to come get her out of this before shit went sideways. When the men started coming down the hall, it was too late to signal her. But at least the door would be harder to open, giving her extra seconds. Barrikad, Ustin, Kostas, Dusan, and Gavrie all stomped down the hall. The second generation of Kuznetsov men. Each more insane and brutal than the last. I prayed they were here just to talk. Barrikad waved me away from the door. Motioned for one of his brothers to open it. The asshole couldn't even be bothered to open his own door. He was insufferable. Standing as I was across the hall, I saw Talia sitting on the new mattress I'd given her. More prayers ran through my m
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Chapter 212 - Talia
How did this guy put off so much freaking heat? It was like sitting next to a bonfire. And I wasn't wearing enough layers. Pushing thoughts of Ark from my mind, I powered up the phone. Prayed the startup didn't take as long as it had the first time. I wasn't sure I'd be able to stand it. He was being too nice. Too understanding. Too...not evil. Finally, the phone showed the home screen. I couldn't be certain, but I thought we both let out sighs of relief. Focusing solely on the phone, I punched in Willow's number. Ark finally got back down, scooted over until his hip was against mine. "I don't want to try the speaker, just in case it's too loud." I just prayed I wasn't waking her up. Or disturbing her. Or pulling her from sexy times. That girl deserved all the sexy times she could ge-"Tali!" she shrieked in my ear. "Let me get everyone else on. We've set up a whole system. Give me two seconds, but don't you dare hang up on me."I looked at Arkady. "She's my sister."
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Chapter 213 - Foster
Bzzt.I sat up, gun in hand, as I cleared the room. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I finally realized it was my phone. Bzzt. Grabbing up the vibrating monster, I flicked it open. Not even bothering to check the ID. "Da?" Yes?"Oh man, I totally should have run a translator program to talk to you in Russian," Nik said, a pouty sigh in her voice. I smiled. Dropping the gun to the mattress, I scrubbed a hand down my face. "There's always next time. What have you got for me?""Tali called again."My entire body went into hyperalert. "She's okay?""We've got her exact location. Encrypted data packet. The whole shebang. Bad news? They are in the middle of some kind of underground tunnel system? Not quite the metro that everyone uses. My research shows that there's a secondary system. Is that right?.""Yeah. Fuck." The word was more breath than sound."Exactly. However, Ryker has a plane headed to you with six guys. Turo and Momma rallied some of the German family mem
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Chapter 214 - Arkady
Pushing through the door to my room, I made sure to lock it and secure it with a secondary implement to keep anyone from coming in. Even if they had a key. I stood in the quiet for a moment, just looked around my quarters. For the regular observer, it would look pretty normal. Bland walls, huge bed with a single pillow and blanket to go with the dark sheets. No plants to speak of and no pictures to show any relationship outside of the family I'd joined. But if someone were to look a little harder, they would see the cage this room really was. The cameras in each corner of the room that recorded every breath, movement, fart, and nut scratch. The bars on the windows that were supposedly to help keep us safe. Even the attached bathroom had bars on its windows.Opposite the bed was a huge computer setup. Four screens held over forty-eight camera feeds. My own room included in the number. Being the second in command of the building and family security held its own special torment.
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Chapter 215 - Talia
I snarled as I broke open another ice pack. At this rate, I'd use the whole bag of them before tonight. Whatever time that stupid dinner was at. The loss of time was starting to get on my nerves. Hell, it was starting to drive me batty. No windows, I couldn't even give an estimate of what time it was. No sense of passing days or nights. Just the low lights of the cell and variable interruptions to trip my fight-or-flight system. I felt like I'd been here for both a couple days and a couple years. I made it back to the bed. The bottle of water Arkady's man had given to me wasn't even a quarter down yet. I glared at it. Between the aches and pains of my body, the possibly damaged kidney, and the lack of a sense of time, I was beginning to feel like I was losing my mind. Not a good thing when I needed to be sharp enough to try to escape at a moment's notice. I laid back down on the bed, slid the newest ice pack between the mattress and the sweatshirt I was still wearing. Sighe
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Chapter 216 - Foster
Pulling up to the curb at the arrivals section of the Moscow airport, I ran the information Nik had given me through my mind again. Antonia had been moving product into Russia for a couple years now. Karine had been her contact. Her broker. Her go-between. According to Mas, who still hadn't arrived yet, Antonia had been meeting with the Russians two years ago in Italy. That's when they'd hooked up and Antonia had gotten pregnant. The front passenger door opened moments before the other doors did. I wasn't really surprised when I saw Mas slide into the front seat. Nor was I really surprised when he had a knife at my throat in the next breath. "My sister dies, you die," he said in his broken whispered voice.I nodded carefully. "As your entire family has stated. I'm bringing her back Mas.""My name is Wraith until this is over." He pulled the blade from my neck. "You got it, Wraith. Your handler said you would be here earlier." I turned to look at him. A wry smile pul
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Chapter 217 - Talia
Sitting on the bed was nice. Quiet. Almost peaceful. If I weren't the guest of the crazy Kuznetsov brothers, I might have found it nice. "How long have you been here?" I asked Svetlana. She shrugged, turned to me. "It feels like forever."I nodded. "I get that. I know I haven't been here that long, but it freaking feels like it."She smiled. Went back to studying her nails. "Why did they bring you here? And why were you down in the cells?"I heaved a sigh. "A blood debt, I guess. Apparently, someone in my family killed someone in theirs."Her eyes widened slightly. "Have they been...mean?" Her face blanched slightly. I bumped a shoulder into the air. "I wasn't expecting the Ritz and free HBO. I'm still alive. That's all that matters to me."A sad smile pulled at the elegant lines of her face. "They can be quite vicious when they want." She rubbed a hand over her arm as if in reflex or long habit."Have they been mean to you?" I asked. I pushed at the heavy blanket
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Chapter 218 - Foster
"Talia," Nik said. "Can you hear me?""TALIA!" Willow screamed. "She's gone. The line is dark. And we can't risk calling them. That could give away their position." "That's assuming they cut the call themselves," Striker said. "If they've been found out..." he let his voice trail off.I wanted to punch him in the face. But I knew he was right. "Nik, get us hooked up with Arkady's handler's supervisor. Now." Anger, fear, and horror dug into my guts. Wrenched and whipped them around. And, as if that weren't enough, it felt like urgency was an acid that drenched everything. "Dialing him in," she said quickly. "Who's taking lead?""I am," I said immediately. "This is Amber Hershel. How can I help you?"I stayed silent. Obviously, this wasn't the person we were hoping to talk to. "Hey Amber. I need to speak to Raymond again, please," Nik said. "Of course, Ms. Pelaez. Could you verify your access code, please?"Nik rattled off the string of letters and numbers so
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Chapter 219 - Talia
The stupid dress was caught around my legs as Svetlana came in, her goon squad behind her. I couldn't push the skirt of the dress out of the way far enough to get to my feet. Something landed on my back. Brilliant, arcing pain danced through my body. "AHH!" I bit off the scream as my body jittered and quivered under the onslaught. Rolling my lips in, I mashed the already abused flesh between my teeth. "Arkady, you know better than to get involved. Don't you remember what happened last time you couldn't keep your nose out of matters that didn't concern you?" Svetlana hissed as she walked up next to me. She grabbed a handful of my hair, yanked my head back at a sharp angle. "You're not so special, you know." I spat in her face. Smiled fiercely when the bloody saliva hit her cheek. "Special enough to get VIP treatment, I think."She glared at me, her green eyes bright. With her free hand, she wiped her cheek. Smeared it down my face. "You looked better in blood, little do
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Chapter 220 - Foster
I double clicked the mic on my rifle. The pre-arranged signal for all clear. We'd taken down at least three perimeter guards. Someone was expecting something. I would be willing to bet it was Karine. She was brilliant at making sure every contingency was covered.I waited at the head of my tunnel. Mas and his team had split up to cover our backtrail. Make sure there weren't any surprises for us on the way back out. That was even assuming we'd get to come out the back way. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It squeezed twice before I rammed the knife into his belly. "All clear," Mas said. In this type of situation, it was probably good that he had a damaged voice that rarely went above a whisper. "On your go."Nodding, I moved forward. We were two tunnels away from breaching the Kuznetsov property if the blueprints Nik had given us were correct. Please, deities, let them be correct. I would rain hell down on the Kuznetsov family if they thought to broadcast the gang rape and murder of
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