All Chapters of Amatucci Family: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
341 Chapters
Chapter 191 - Talia
THWAP! My head bounced against something hard, jarring me from the void of sickly nothingness. On my back, all I could see were the low lights overhead. Bile coated the back of my throat as I tried to breathe through the nausea. The sloshing and slipping of my brain from one side to the other. "She's awake," someone called in a high voice. Unable to push it down, I made it to my side before my stomach gave a giant heave. Only to be caught by whatever they had over my mouth. Vomit rushed up into my nose, was forced down into my throat. My airways. Terror and fear swamped my mind as all my options for breathing were removed. I was going to die here. Suffocating on my own vomit. "The fuck! Get the tape off her mouth. She's going to die and then where will we be?" a man yelled as someone darted forward in the cramped space. As soon as the ripping pull of my delicate flesh was completed, I was coughing and spitting. Fire burned my nostrils as air forced its way through
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Chapter 192 - Foster
"I swear to the gods, Turo, you shoot me again, I'll rip your throat out," I snarled as his stupid timer went off again. "I'm working as fast as I can. Making me bleed out on your girlfriend's couch isn't really going to help me work any faster.""Hey, that's not my couch. At least, I didn't buy it," Nik said. "Gramps, you make him bleed as much as you want." She blew the sadist a kiss before she buried her nose in her computer again.Turo smiled. "See? She doesn't care if you bleed out." He raised his hand again. I braced for the impact. How many bullets could one stupid Glock 23 carry? For fuck's sake. Every single one of them had been a grazing strike. But damn it, they still hurt like the fires of hell. My phone rang before he could pull the trigger. I had it connected and up to my ear before he could say anything. Or pout. The sick fucker pouted when he didn't get to shoot me on time. "Ambright," I said quickly, my voice a little higher than normal as effervescent
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Chapter 193 - Talia
I woke to a face full of water. Coughing and spitting so I could actually breathe proved a more difficult chore than I had thought possible. Might have something to do with the black cloth they had over my eyes. Assholes. I needed to figure out what these douchewaffles wanted so I could go home. Hopefully still alive. If this was a bid for ransom, then they'd caught themselves a live one. How they'd known I would be vulnerable was another thing I needed answered. If we had another mole in our organization, I was going to start breaking faces. As soon as I was free. The cover over my head was ripped free. Along with a chunk of hair. Just as the bright lights stabbed my retinas, a huge fist collided with my right cheek. Biting back the cry of pain, I fought to remain conscious. Blacking out so often wasn't really good for long term brain health. Or mental health. Granted, torture wasn't really high up on my list of activities to increase memorization either. Sliding
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Chapter 194 - Arkady
Get your shit together, man. You've worked way too hard to get this high to blow this over a single skirt. I nodded to myself. I had to stick around for a little bit. It would raise too many brows if I left immediately. The sick fuckers who called themselves my brothers would never find anything in my behavior that would make them look at me harder. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I watched her sleep. Under the swelling and fractured bones, I could see that she was pretty. The photo of her I'd studied for the abduction helped shape those curves and lines in my mind as well. When she wasn't sassing people bigger than her, I could practically see the ready tension in her body. The desire to jump in with both feet. That could get her killed. Very easily. It also made for some fucking fire in bed. Most women here were too timid, too broken by the life of being sex workers for the family. My hand worked better, especially when the blank eyes and fake moans made me feel like a mon
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Chapter 195 - Foster
Glaring at my watch, I noted the time. They had an eight hour jump on me. They could be anywhere in the massive country that was Russia. Literally anywhere. Luckily, something had come up with Momma and Papa, and the Amatucci children had been unable to fly with me. Which was good. Better than I'd planned on, actually. I couldn't do what I needed to do if they were around. There were some things a person just couldn't hide when someone was in his pocket. The international phone Nik had slapped in my hand at the airport rang. A smirk rose as I read the name scroll across the screen. Mistress Nikanya-Answer Immediately. "Yes, Mistress?" I asked. A chuckle and a lower pitched hiss came over the line together. "Might want to watch what you call me, Ambright. Turo's kinda possessive like that.""Then you shouldn't have listed your name that way in my phone. What's up?"I heard Turo growl in the background. "Seriously, Cricket? You could have just put your name on it. You
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Chapter 196 - Talia
The grating screech of the door brought me awake with a harsh jolt. Immediately, my body was locked and loaded for bear. I would do my best to escape today. Just a few pesky details needed to be ironed out. My full bladder merely one of those details.Pulling the blanket up around me, I sat up. Looked towards the door. Or at least, I thought I was looking in the right direction. Both of my eyes were crusted shut. Okay, Pesky Detail Number Two...get my eyes to open. Check. "I have come with your food. You will not get anymore until tonight." With that, I heard Arkady set something down on the floor and push it. Assuming he wasn't a complete asshole went against my common sense, but I needed at least one ally in this hellhole. "I can't see. Can you bring it to me?" I asked. Made sure to keep my voice firm. The light shifted slightly behind my eyelids. I hunched back against the wall. This whole being even momentarily blind thing was awful. I had a new respect for people
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Chapter 197 - Arkady
I hid the smirk that wanted to rise to my lips as I saw Sergei and Dmitri on the floor, their throats slit. Seems the Italian Princess had more to her than just fancy clothes and an important bloodline. Why these idiots continued to see women as nothing more than brood mares and fuck toys, I'd never understand. Some of the most vicious people I'd ever met in my life had been women. And they felt no pain or sorrow for their ways. And why should they? They were surviving. In this world, that was the name of the game. "Naydi suku. V nastoyashcheye vremya," I barked. Find the bitch. Now. I didn't really want her found, but since it was either her or me, I would sacrifice her. Survival. What a bitch. The handful of men who accompanied me fanned out. Each of them took a branch of the underground facility. Not quite a bomb shelter, it had originally been designed as a secret metro system under Moscow for when the USSR was still functioning. Unless the princess was a ghost, she wou
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Chapter 198 - Talia
Stay upright. Stay upright. Stay upright. I chanted the words, tried to brand them on my brain. I couldn't lose consciousness now. It would ruin all the hard work. The tough façade. Whatever respect I'd just earned. I fought to stay not only upright, but to keep walking in a straight line. Who knew blood loss coupled with dehydration could be so awful? I snorted mentally. Right. Maybe I should ask some of the guys I'd helped interrogate how the body responded to such things.A few months ago, when I learned everything about my best friend/sister and the monster she'd been married to, I'd had to ferret out moles in my own line of the organization. Foster had been so helpful in that area. Foster. The Asshole. He was so fucking pretty and so fucking annoying. Bossy. Bitchy. Other than his dick, I didn't really like him. But what he did with his dick...damn. That man rocked my world in ways I didn't even know it moved. Someone grabbed my arm before I faceplanted the wall.
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Chapter 199 - Foster
I knew it was a dream. But that didn't stop me from enjoying it again. Anytime I could relive a full-blown fantasy come to life was something I was going to take advantage of. She slapped my ass just as I had slapped hers. Not quite the rocket launcher of the express elevator that had taken us to Ryker's penthouse apartment, we descended at a much more leisurely rate. My hand still cupped her ass. Warmed the skin I was going to paddle. I was harder than a fucking steel spike, but I would be winning this little bet the girls had devised. The doors finally opened into the garage. A cold blast of air tempering my body for a brief second. I inhaled deeply as I walked us to my car. "How drunk are you?" I asked. "Not so drunk I can't get you to beg."I smiled. "What's ten multiplied by -""Shove your math up your ass, Foster. You don't want to play with me, fine. But I will be getting satisfaction tonight. You're welcome to join, but I don't actually need you."My teeth
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Chapter 200 - Talia
I stood with my ear pressed against the steel door. Tried to slow my breathing so I could pick up any sound other than the heartbeat that was thumping through my ears. What the hell was going on? And why was I supposed to be quiet?My face still ached from the hard blow of Arkady's hand. I pushed back the tears that wanted to form. He was nothing to me. Nothing but a means of escape. The fact that he was sometimes nice should hold no bearing. I needed to remember that he was doing a job. Even if he wasn't always an asshole, I was still a captive here. I had to admit that having him in my corner was really the only positive I'd been able to find. That he was willing to stand in the gap for meant I could relax. If only for just a little while. And I needed that. Well, I wanted that. That comfort. That space to breathe. But it certainly wasn't a need. I needed to stay alive. I needed to get out of here. Those were true needs. As I stood at the door, I heard muted ton
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