All Chapters of Living with the Enemy.: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
151 Chapters
109. Stalker at the supermarket.
Elena. Walking into the supermarket alongside Camilla, a sense of unease washed over me, refusing to be shaken off. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and I found myself constantly glancing over my shoulder, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of someone shadowing our every move. While I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason for this uneasiness, I knew it was connected to recent events that had unfolded. Camilla seemed to sense my unease, as she too wore an unsettled expression. It was clear that we both shared a heightened level of caution, knowing that it wasn't safe for us to be so exposed, especially after the alpha's warning about the Amato pack's search for members of our own pack, including Camilla and myself. I made an effort to focus on the task at hand—assisting Camilla with the shopping. I surveyed the faces of fellow shoppers, searching for any signs of suspicion or danger, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Our objective was to collect the necessary groceries
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110. Sofia's Lies.
Elena. I slowly opened the door to Diego's room and peered inside. The room was dark, except for a small night light on his bedside table. I tiptoed closer to his bed and saw that he was sound asleep. His tiny chest was rising and falling with each breath, and his hair was tousled around his face. I smiled softly and sat down next to him on the bed. I watched him for a few minutes, feeling a wave of affection for him wash over me. I couldn't believe how quickly he was growing up. It felt like only yesterday that I came in here as his nanny and he did not like me at all, and now he was so attached to me and even I feel like he is one of the best things I have ever gotten in my life. While I sat beside Diego, I gently ran my fingers through his hair, relishing its soft and silky texture. However, my tranquil moment was abruptly interrupted when he began thrashing and mumbling in his sleep. Concerned, I withdrew my hand and leaned back, observing him intently. In an instant, Diego's e
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111. Playing his dead wife.
Sofia. I was feeling pretty good about myself as I strolled down the hallway towards Deangelo's office. I had successfully planted the seed of doubt in the kids’ mind about Elena, and I was sure that they would be giving her hard time henceforth and as for Mia, she would start having doubts about Elena too no matter her loyalty. Hence, Elena would soon be out of the picture, the mere thought of having Deangelo all to myself made my heart race. I could hear the sound of clinking glass and the smell of alcohol wafting out from under the door as I approached his office. I pushed it open to find Deangelo sitting at his desk, he was slumped in his chair, a bottle of alcohol in his hand, and his appearance was disheveled. His shirt was un-tucked, and his hair was messy, but even in that state, he looked incredibly handsome. Despite the alcohol, his eyes still held that spark of intelligence and strength that I admired in him. His defined jawline and broad shoulders made him look even more
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112. Your Petty Games.
Elena. I took a deep breath before knocking on Sofia's door. I knew this conversation wasn't going to be pleasant, but I needed answers. I wanted to understand why Sofia had told Mia and Diego those things about me. It didn't make sense to me why she was always trying to stir up trouble. We weren't friends, but we were part of the same pack, and I thought we could at least have a civil relationship. I hadn't done anything wrong to her, and I couldn't comprehend her strange animosity towards me. When Sofia didn't open the door right away, I decided to enter her room. To my surprise, she greeted me with a fake smile. "Hey, Elena, what brings you here?" "I need to talk to you," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Sure, you could have shown some manners by knocking first," Sofia retorted as she sat up. I simply rolled my eyes, choosing not to dwell on the fact that I actually did knock before entering. I needed to get straight to the point. "What did you tell Mia and Diego about m
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115. I have had enough.
Luca.I couldn't help but replay the conversation I had with Sofia in my head. She threatened me, yet it was almost comical how she believed she had the upper hand in our situation. I knew that my feelings for Elena could cost me dearly, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to her.While I walked through the halls of the house, I tried to shake off the uneasy feeling that crept up on me. Sofia's words echoed in my mind, and I wondered what she would do if she found out the truth. Would she tell DeAngelo? Would she use it as leverage against me? I knew that I couldn't let that happen, but I couldn't stop my heart from longing for Elena.No matter how hard I tried, it just seemed like my thoughts were consumed by Elena. The way she moved, the way she laughed, the way her eyes sparkled in the light. I couldn't deny it any longer, I was in love with her.But what could I do? I knew Deangelo would never approve of this, never! Heck, he has a thing for the beauty too and its almost comical ho
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116. People on my Side.
Elena.I was seething with anger as she thought about the recent altercation with Sofia. I couldn't believe that she had attacked me like that and was still trying to undermine my position within the pack. I do not get what exactly her problem was with me at all and she would not even go straight to the point and tell it, it was just point blank clear to me that Sofia would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, that which I still did not know clearly.As I walked through the house, I kept replaying the conversation I had with Sofia in my mind. Something about it just didn't sit right with me. It was like Sofia was trying to get under my skin, to provoke me into doing something I would regret. But I wasn't going to give Sofia the satisfaction of seeing me lose my cool. I was determined to stay calm and collected, no matter what. And I knew that I couldn't do this alone. I needed to talk to someone I trusted about the situation.Camila came to mind. She and I had been close since I go
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117. Sparring with Diego.
Deangelo.I noticed that Diego was in a bad mood and was being rude to everyone. I couldn't understand why he was acting this way. I had been up early this morning trying to get everything in order for the day, and I had been looking forward to spending some quality time with my family. However, Diego's behavior was making things difficult.I tried to talk to Diego, asking him what was wrong, but Diego refused to say anything. I could see that my son was upset, but I didn't know how to make things better. I was frustrated and confused, not knowing what to do.Elena seemed to notice the tension between us both and tried to intervene. She told me that Diego had another fight with his friend but I ended up looked at her suspiciously but decided not to push the matter. I knew that Elena has been keeping something from him, but I didn't want to cause any more trouble.I tried to talk to Diego again, but the boy still refused to speak. I was getting more and more frustrated by the minute. J
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113. New Friends.
Mia. I walked into the cafeteria with a sinking feeling in my stomach. The detention I had to endure earlier left a bad taste in my mouth, and I knew my classmates would be gossiping about it. As I headed towards the usual table where Andrew and his friends sat, I noticed the twins waving at me from the corner of my eye. I was pleasantly surprised. They had been kind to me before, but I didn't expect them to go so far as to invite me to sit with them during lunch. Approaching them, they smiled and motioned for me to join them. I felt a bit nervous, but I decided to take them up on their offer. After all, they had stood up for me during the fight, and I felt indebted to them. I settled down beside them, and they introduced me to their friends, who were surprisingly welcoming. We started talking, and I found myself opening up to them more than I ever did with Andrew's friends. They genuinely cared about what I had to say and didn't judge me. I found myself laughing and enjoying their
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119. A spy in my pack.
Deangelo. I was at the dinner table with Elena and the family, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I thought about taking her out later that night. We had been so busy lately with work and family obligations and chores that we hadn't had much time alone together. I had planned a romantic evening for us and was looking forward to seeing her reaction.But when we finally got a corner alone and I suggested going out, she seemed hesitant and said she was tired. I could see the exhaustion in her eyes and knew that she had been working hard lately, taking care of the kids and keeping the house in order. Still, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.I tried to hide my disappointment and asked if there was anything I could do to help her relax. She smiled weakly and said she just needed some rest. I told her to take her time and that I would wait for her in my study.While I sat there waiting, I couldn't help but wonder why Elena didn't seem as excited about our tim
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114. Screeching of Brakes.
Elena. Deangelo and I entered the movie theater, and instantly, I felt a rush of excitement. Spending time with him always brought me joy, and this movie date was just what I needed. We found two seats in the middle row and settled in comfortably. As the lights dimmed, the previews started playing, and we eagerly discussed which movies we wanted to see in the future. Finally, the main feature began, and we both leaned back, grabbing our popcorn and drinks. I became engrossed in the story, feeling the emotions of the characters on the screen as if they were my own. Deangelo would occasionally lean in to whisper a comment or joke, and I couldn't help but giggle and playfully nudge him. The movie grew more intense and suspenseful, causing Deangelo's hand to tighten around mine. We were both on the edge of our seats, eagerly anticipating what would happen next. When the climactic moment arrived, we both gasped and held our breath. As the credits started rolling, we sat in silence for a
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