All Chapters of Living with the Enemy.: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
151 Chapters
115. The Surgery Room.
Elena. The hospital was a flurry of activity. People rushed by in a blur, their footsteps echoing off the sterile white walls. I sat in the waiting room, surrounded by the sounds of beeping machines and the constant chatter of nurses and doctors. The air was thick with the smell of disinfectant and antiseptic, making my nose twitch. I watched as families bustled past me, some crying and others lost in thought. The sound of sobbing children echoed down the hallway, and I felt my heart break for them. I wondered how they could bear to be in this place, surrounded by so much pain and fear. While I waited for news from the doctors, my mind drifted to memories of Deangelo. I remembered the way he would smile at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. I remembered the way his hand felt in mine, strong and steady. Tears pricked at my eyes, and I blinked them away. Minutes ticked by, and I grew more and more anxious.I watched as doctors and nurses rushed in and out of Deangelo's room, their
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122. Some of his Memories.
Elena.I sat in silence for a few more minutes, sipping on the water, trying to calm myself down. After a while, I decided to take Luca's advice and take the children home to rest. I stood up from my chair, grabbed my purse, and walked over to Mia and Diego, who were sleeping on the couch in the corner of the room.I gently shook them awake, and they looked up at me with tired eyes. "Let's go home and rest," I said softly, and they nodded their heads in agreement. We made our way out of the waiting room, and I couldn't help but look back at the doors leading to the operating room, hoping for some good news soon.Diego's sobs were the only sounds that echoed in the house as everyone else slept. His cries tugged at my heartstrings as I tried to soothe him. I carried him around the room, rocking him in my arms with his head on my shoulder while trying to shush him. He felt so heavy, but I didn't mind; he was just a child, and he needed someone to comfort him. After what felt like hours,
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116. Blissful for me.
Sofia. I returned to the hospital after Elena and the kids had left. I felt a mixture of relief and anxiety as I heard that Deangelo was stable and recovering. Thankfully, his werewolf abilities were aiding in his healing process. I anxiously waited for the doctor to come out and provide an update on his condition. When the doctor finally emerged, I held my breath, preparing for the worst. To my shock, the doctor informed us that the trauma to Deangelo's brain might have affected some of his memories. While not all memories were lost, there was a possibility that some of them might be gone. It was uncertain whether those memories could be recovered, and there was no guarantee. Despite the uncertainty, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. The most important thing was that Deangelo was going to survive. Luca attempted to call someone for assistance, but nobody answered. He had no choice but to return home. Understanding the gravity of the situation, I knew I couldn't leave Deangelo's
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117. Something Missing.
Deangelo. I felt a piercing pain in my head as my eyes struggled to open. It was so intense that I couldn't move or speak. I tried to recall what happened, but everything was hazy. I felt helpless and afraid, strapped to a bed with wires and tubes sticking out of my body. The pain was so overwhelming that I thought it was going to be the end of me. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. I wanted to ask for help, but I couldn't remember anything or anyone. I felt lost and confused, like I was floating in a dark void. Slowly, the pain started to subside, and I began to see flashes of memories. I remembered my family, my pack, and my wife, then another unfamiliar face. The memories were blurry, but they brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. As I opened my eyes, I saw a room filled with machines and monitors beeping and flashing. The room was sterile, and the walls were painted in a dull white color. I tried to move my arms, but they were restrained by straps. I felt a cold swe
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118. Deangelo is mine.
Elena. I couldn't wait to see Deangelo. As I made my way to his room in the hospital, I felt anxious and nervous at the same time. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew I had to be strong for him. When I entered his room, I could see that he was in pain. He was laid on the bed, and he looked so pale and weak. I wanted to rush to his side and hold him, but I knew that was not possible as I would put our secret relationship into the faces of others or something worse could happen and this was not something that was needed at the moment. But immediately I walked into the hospital room, I could sense something was off. He was awake, and his eyes were open, but they were vacant. It was like he was looking through me instead of at me. I had never seen him like this before. In our relationship, he always looked at me like he loved me, like I was one of the beings that mattered so much to him. But now, it was like he didn't even recognize me. It hurt to see him like this, but I pushed my
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119. Protect what's mine.
Sofia. I had just arrived home after spending the whole day at the hospital with Deangelo, feeling completely exhausted. As soon as I walked into my room, one of the maids handed me a package that had just arrived for me. I took it from her without really thinking anything of it and set it on my bed, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Deangelo. I sat down on my bed and opened the package, curious to see what it could be and as soon as I tore open the box, an awful smell hit my nostrils. But as soon as I saw what was inside, I let out a blood-curdling scream and tossed the package away from me. It was a dead rat, lying lifeless and stiff inside the package. I was horrified and felt a shiver run down my spine. Who would do such a thing? And why send it to me? While I tried to calm myself down, I heard the sound of footsteps running up to my room. The other staff members had heard my scream and were coming to check on me. I quickly threw the package under my bed, not wanting a
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120. Wiped off his heart.
Elena. Days had passed, and I hadn't had a chance to spend time alone with Deangelo, the alpha. Even though he had been brought back home for his treatment, it seemed like there was always someone around him. But today, Sofia mentioned that she had an urgent commitment, which meant she would be away from Deangelo for the first time since the accident. That was my opportunity. I patiently waited for Sofia to leave, and as soon as she was gone, I quietly slipped into his room. As I laid my eyes on him, my heart sank. He appeared so different. It was undeniably Deangelo lying in that bed, but his gaze was vacant, and he didn't seem to recognize me at all. I tried to shake off my worries and moved closer to him, hoping to provide some comfort. I reached out to embrace him, but he gently pushed me away, confusion evident on his face. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice distant and devoid of warmth. My heart shattered into a million pieces. This wasn't the man I knew—the one who held me c
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128. Mystery woman in my Dreams.
Deangelo.In the depths of my unconscious mind, vivid dreams unfolded, carrying me to a realm of enchantment and mystery. Within these dreams, there was a woman, a presence that stirred my soul in a way I have never experienced before and the funny thing was the fact that she was not even my late wife, but her significance to me was very much undeniable, a unique connection that resonated with every fiber of my being.As I delved into the realm of dreams, I could feel her love enveloping me, caressing my heart with tender affection. Her touch, so gentle and comforting, reassured me that I was not alone. Yet, frustratingly, her face remained obscured, as if a veil had been cast over my vision, denying me the pleasure of seeing her true identity.In our dream world, we embarked on various adventures together. One moment, we were strolling hand in hand through the bustling city streets, vibrant with life and energy. The next, we found ourselves nestled in a cozy theater, immersed in the
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129. I want her back.
Salvatore.I sat in my study, enjoying the attention of another maid. I then sat back in my leather chair, feeling the softness against my skin as my maid works her magic on me. She worked hard to please me, but my thoughts were elsewhere. My eyes were fixed on the picture of Elena hanging on the wall in front of me. I couldn't help but imagine her in my arms, under my control. I imagine her in my bed, her hair spread out on my pillow, her body moving beneath me as I make love to her. I could almost feel her skin against mine, her lips on my neck, her fingers in my hair.But it was not just about the physical. I wanted her in every way possible. I wanted her to be mine, to belong to me completely. I wanted her to share my life, to share everything with me.My mind wandered to the last time I had seen her. She was so beautiful, so pure. I could sense her vulnerability, her need for escape. I knew I could be the one to provide that for her. I longed to feel her skin against mine, to hea
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121. Salvatore's Presence.
Sofia. I finally mustered up my courage and headed towards the designated meeting spot to meet with the Amato park as agreed. However, as I arrived, I was taken aback to find Salvatore waiting for me instead of Bruno. A mix of anxiety and curiosity swirled within me as I approached him cautiously. What could Salvatore want from me? I wondered Salvatore's presence alone was enough to send shivers down my spine. His reputation precedes him, and I have heard enough whispers about his violent tendencies to make me fear being in his presence. Yet, here I was, standing before him, trying to maintain a composed facade despite the churning emotions inside me. His piercing eyes locked onto mine as I approach, and I could sense a dangerous intensity emanating from him. It felt as if he could see right through me, penetrating into the depths of my secrets and desires. I instinctively took a step back, but something compelled me to stay, to face him head-on. "Salvatore," I uttered, my voice tr
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