All Chapters of Living with the Enemy.: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
151 Chapters
122. The weight of Guilt.
Elena. While nursing my broken heart, I still struggled so hard to comprehend Deangelo's hurtful behavior towards me. His coldness and dismissive words echoed in my thoughts, a constant reminder of the rift that had formed between us. The children, always perceptive, sensed my sadness. They attributed it to my worry for their father's well-being, a reasonable assumption. However, they couldn't grasp the depth of my concerns, the heavy uncertainty weighing on my heart. Their innocent attempts to comfort me evoked a mix of gratitude and sorrow. Diego, the youngest and most observant of both of them, approached me with his wide, innocent eyes filled with genuine concern. "Don't worry, Aunt Elena," he reassured me, brimming with hope. "Daddy is strong. He'll get better soon." His words acted as a soothing salve to my wounded soul, a glimmer of hope amidst my inner turmoil. A faint smile curved my lips, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his earnestness. Diego's innocence brought a ray o
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123. Sofia is not just your toy.
Salvatore. Both Bruno and I had our doubts and suspicions about each other. Bruno believed that I may have acted on my jealousy of Elena and Deangelo's relationship and hired someone to harm Deangelo impulsively. On the other hand, I entertained similar suspicions about Bruno. The tension between us had become unbearable, and I could no longer endure the uncertainty. It was time to confront Bruno and seek answers. With a mix of apprehension and determination, I made my way to Bruno's residence. The atmosphere was charged with an underlying tension as I approached his grand estate. Finally, I stood in front of the imposing entrance, feeling a surge of adrenaline that fueled my resolve. Regardless of the consequences, I needed to uncover the truth. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the heavy doors and entered Bruno's domain. The interior exuded wealth and power, reflecting Bruno's status and influence. Each step I took brought me closer to the confrontation that had been brewing in
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124: Preparations in private.
Deangelo. I woke up early in the morning, still feeling groggy from sleep. Sofia was by my side, which brought me comfort, but something deep down felt off. My body longed to transform into my wolf form, to experience the freedom and power it brought, but my injuries from the accident held me back. It frustrated me that I couldn't go for a run and release the pent-up energy inside me. While I lay there, my mind drifted back to the incident that left me in this state. The memories were fragmented and confusing, like scattered puzzle pieces that didn't quite fit together. I saw glimpses of twisted metal, screeching tires, and blinding lights, and the pain I felt at that time, both physical and emotional, was overwhelming. I desperately wanted to regain control over my body, to feel the strength surging through my veins once again. But the doctors warned me not to rush the healing process, as it could have serious consequences. So, I reluctantly accepted my current condition, even thou
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125: I love Sofia.
Elena. I moved through the rooms of the house, going about my daily tasks, but I couldn't shake off the heaviness in my heart and mind. Ever since the intense confrontation with Sofia, where she ruthlessly threatened to expose my secrets, and the growing distance between Deangelo and me, a cloud of sadness hung over me, dimming the joy I once felt. I tried to find enthusiasm and comfort in my usual routines, but it felt futile. Everything I did felt empty and meaningless. The vibrant energy that used to drive me had faded away, leaving behind a hollow void inside me. While I mechanically folded laundry, my mind kept replaying Sofia's hurtful words. The weight of her threat pressed down on me, filling me with anxiety and fear. The life I had carefully built, the fragile sanctuary I had created, now seemed on the verge of collapse. I had worked so hard to establish myself here, to escape the shadows of my past, and now it felt like everything was unraveling before my eyes. But it was
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126: Getting Married.
Elena. I woke up to the gentle sunlight peeking through my curtains, casting a warm glow in my room. Blinking away sleep, I noticed a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on my bed. A small note accompanied the flowers, and my heart raced as I reached for it. The note read, "This is to dry your tears." Mixed emotions swirled within me—curiosity, hope, and a hint of apprehension. Who could have left me this thoughtful gift? And why? With the bouquet of roses in my hands, I felt a surge of anticipation. For a brief moment, I dared to imagine that Deangelo had regained his lost memories, that he remembered the love we once shared. Hope flickered in my eyes as I hurried downstairs, enveloped in the sweet scent of the roses, as if they held promises of something new. But as I descended the stairs, my excitement faded into confusion and disbelief. The house buzzed with excitement, guests chatting and laughing, their faces filled with joy and anticipation. Something big was happening, but
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127: Warmth and Familiarity.
Deangelo. I woke up and saw the gentle sunlight streaming through the curtains. The dream I had just had slipped away, leaving me with a lingering feeling that something important had happened. I felt frustrated as I tried to remember the details, but they kept slipping away like puzzle pieces that didn't quite fit. I sat up in bed, the sheets gathered around me, and let my mind wander through the maze of my thoughts. Images flashed in my mind, like quick glimpses of a forgotten past, but they were elusive, slipping away before I could grasp them. Sofia and I were busy getting ready for our wedding. She seemed eager to rush through the preparations, wanting everything to be done quickly. I understood that many women have a strong desire to be married, so I tried to be patient and supportive. Sofia was filled with excitement and energy every day as she planned every aspect of our wedding. She wanted it to be perfect, and her enthusiasm rubbed off on me. Sometimes, I wished we could s
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128: A Desperate Kiss.
Deangelo. The house buzzed with excitement as everyone got ready for the upcoming wedding. People were putting up decorations, inviting guests, and there was a general feeling of joy and anticipation. But amidst all the hustle and bustle, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of indifference. Instead of feeling happy and excited about the wedding, it only reminded me of the emptiness I carried within. My son Diego was especially thrilled about the celebration. He had a sparkle in his eyes as he helped decorate the venue and talked enthusiastically about the upcoming festivities. Seeing his joy made my heart warm, and I couldn't help but smile at his contagious excitement. I wanted to share in his happiness, to be carried away by the joy that surrounded us, but a heavy feeling of emptiness held me back. As I watched Diego running around, his laughter filling the air, I couldn't shake the sense of detachment. It felt as if I were just a spectator in my own life, disconnected from the e
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129: Can't force Love.
Elena. My heart raced as Deangelo's lips met mine in a passionate kiss. In that moment, all rationality escaped me, and I allowed myself to be consumed by the intoxicating allure of his touch. But even in the midst of this stolen moment, Sofia's words echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of the boundaries I must not cross. I mustered every ounce of willpower within me and pulled away abruptly, the heaviness of Sofia's warning settling like a weight on my conscience. It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over me, instantly dousing the fire of desire that had ignited between us. I couldn't let this escalate any further; I had to put an end to it before it spiraled out of control. With a heavy sigh, I wiped my hand across my lips, a gesture meant to convey disgust and detachment. It pained me to do so, but I knew it was necessary to protect both myself and the fragile dynamics of our relationships. I must not encourage any further intimacy with DeAngelo, no matter how t
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130: Illusion of Desires.
Deangelo. I woke up drenched in sweat, my heart pounding as fragments of the dream lingered in my mind. It was her again, that woman who always seemed to occupy my thoughts. We were strolling along the beach, her touch sending shivers down my spine. But just as quickly as the dream began, it transformed into a harsh reality—I was in Elena's room, reliving the kiss we had shared. In that moment, I couldn't ignore the overwhelming desire that coursed through me. The guilt and shame that usually accompanied thoughts of Elena seemed to fade away, replaced by an insatiable longing. I wanted more—more of her touch, more of her presence. The line between my dreams and reality blurred, and I found myself succumbing to the irresistible temptation. I reached out, capturing her lips with mine, and the kiss deepened, surpassing the point where Elena had stopped our connection. I was consumed by the sensations, the warmth and eagerness of the person beside me. But as our passion intensified, I r
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131: Bring Bruno to his knees.
Salvatore. Bruno called for a meeting of the Amato park members, and I was there too. We gathered in an underground club that belonged to the park. As I walked through the dimly lit corridors of the club, my heart raced with excitement. This meeting, organized by Bruno, was a crucial moment for the Amato park, and I knew I had to make a strong impression. The club was our secret meeting place, where we could discuss our plans without anyone snooping around. When I reached the entrance, two strong security men stood guard, their serious faces showing their loyalty to the park. They knew me well, as they had seen me progress within the park over the years. I greeted them with a nod and a firm handshake, silently acknowledging their importance in our grand scheme of things. These security men were more than just guards - they were the backbone of our operation. They made sure that only trusted members of the park could enter, protecting our secrets from outsiders. And one day, when I r
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