All Chapters of Living with the Enemy.: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
151 Chapters
Chapter 132: My father's Men.
Elena. I couldn't bear to see Deangelo and Sofia falling in love. It reminded me of what I could never have with him, a painful truth that haunted me constantly. So, when Mrs. Cali realized she didn't have a crucial ingredient for her dish, I saw it as a chance to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the house. I wanted to distract myself from my own pain. Without hesitation, I offered to help her and suggested going to the market to get the missing ingredient. I hoped that the busy market and change of scenery would give me a break from the heartache I was feeling. Mrs. Cali seemed grateful for my offer, and soon I hurried to the market. The fresh air and lively surroundings provided a welcome change from the heaviness of the house. As I walked through the crowded stalls and saw the colorful displays of fruits and vegetables, I let myself get lost in the vibrant atmosphere. Sometimes, I caught glimpses of couples holding hands and smiling at each other. Each tender moment stung, rem
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133: Torn Wedding Dress.
Sofia. I paced back and forth in the dining, frantically going over every detail. I soon sat in the midst of fabrics and lace, surrounded by an array of wedding dresses. Each one more beautiful than the last, and yet I couldn't make up my mind. The pressure of the decision weighed heavily on my shoulders, and frustration began to build within me. "No, this is not what I wanted," I snapped at the maid who had brought in the flower arrangements. "Do it again!" The maid trembled, her eyes welling up with tears. "I...I'm sorry, Miss Sofia. I tried my best." My frustration got the better of me, and I continued to berate the maid, my voice growing louder and harsher. "Your best isn't good enough! This is my wedding, and I expect perfection!" The maid couldn't hold back her tears any longer and began to sob. The sound of her cries echoed through the room, causing me to pause for a moment. I realized that I had gone too far, but my pride prevented me from immediately apologizing. Just as
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134: Let yourself come.
Deangelo. I still couldn't shake off the stagnant, unsettling feeling in my chest. The doctor had just left after giving me a clean bill of health. It should have been a relief, but instead, I felt a sense of unease creeping over me. My alpha genes ensured that my body healed rapidly, leaving me with no valid excuse to postpone the wedding any longer. I felt trapped, bound by societal expectations and the promises I had made. The idea of marrying Sofia, even though she had been a close friend of my late wife Jules, weighed heavily on my conscience. Jules had loved Sofia like a sister and believed she would be the perfect companion for me after her passing. At first, I embraced that sentiment, hoping that Sofia's presence would bring comfort and a sense of continuity to my life. But as the wedding day approached, doubts began to gnaw at my soul. Was I doing this for the right reasons? Was I truly ready to move on and commit myself to someone new? The truth was, I felt torn between my
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135: Memories of Elena.
Deangelo. I gazed out of the window, my mind in turmoil. The realization of my feelings for Elena had hit me like a tidal wave. How could this be happening? How could I find myself falling in love with someone I barely knew? And to complicate matters further, she was my children's nanny. It was a tangled mess of emotions and uncertainties. Amidst the confusion, one thing became painfully clear to me. I couldn't go through with marrying Sofia. It was like a truth that had been buried deep within me, waiting for the right moment to surface. The connection I felt with Elena, even in the short time we had spent together, felt real and genuine. It was the first time in a long while that something had felt right. As I contemplated my feelings, memories of Elena flooded my thoughts. Her captivating smile, the way she cared for my children with such tenderness, and the kindness she showed me when I was at my lowest point. There was an undeniable chemistry between us that couldn't be ignored
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136: Don't self-sabotage.
Mia. At school, I found myself trying to avoid everyone, slipping through the hallways like a shadow. Ever since Andrew and I had broken up, I couldn't help but wonder how things would change. Would the dynamics shift back to how they were before? Would people go back to bullying me or causing trouble just because I was no longer with him? I knew deep down that the connection I had with Andrew was special, but I couldn't help but question if his friends truly liked me for who I was or if they were simply being polite because Andrew was their friend. It was hard not to let my mind wander to the possibility that they were just sticking around to make him happy. As I walked through the school corridors, I couldn't escape the stares and whispers that followed me. It felt like everyone's eyes were on me, judging and speculating. I tried my best to maintain my composure and not let their opinions affect me, but it was easier said than done. I had always been aware that my relationship wit
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137: Grip of Bruno Amato.
Deangelo. Doubt started to creep into my mind as I looked around at the deserted place that Elena had given me the address for. Should I turn back? It wasn't because of fear, but rather because I couldn't understand how Elena could have any connection to this location or how she even knew about it. However, my curiosity got the better of me, urging me to keep exploring. Honestly, there wasn't much to see in the first place. The walls were falling apart, and there was barely any furniture left. I found a chair with no arms and sat down, rocking it back and forth while I waited for Elena to arrive. I hoped she would come and tell me what she wanted, maybe it had something to do with my memories? Time seemed to stretch out as I pondered our situation. I had no immediate plans to marry Elena, that was clear. But deep down, I had a growing sense of certainty that our lives were connected, and our paths would eventually lead us together. In that dimly lit room, I let my thoughts wander. M
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138: In the face of my own death.
Elena. As we made our way back to safety, the feeling of triumph mixed with uncertainty filled the air around us. Inside the car, tension hung heavy, and a silence settled in. I expected Deangelo to bombard me with questions about my betrayal, seeking answers to make sense of the complicated situation we were entangled in. However, he seemed distant, lost in his own thoughts. Even Alessandro's voice, discussing plans for a counterattack and the complete destruction of the remaining Amato pack, failed to grab his attention. The silence dragged on, leaving me with a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered queries. The journey back seemed never-ending, and with each passing moment, my unease grew. I stole glances at Deangelo, hoping to catch a glimpse of his thoughts, but his inner turmoil remained hidden. Alessandro's excitement was palpable, in stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor. Luca, always the strategist, recognized the potential benefits of the plan, acknowledging that it
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139: The peace you seek.
Deangelo. I lifted Elena's lifeless body and brought her to Luca, who was the only one among us with a bit of medical knowledge. My mind was blank, unable to fully grasp the seriousness of what had happened. Luca took one look at her, his face filled with sorrow, and pronounced her dead. The truth hit me like a huge wave, overwhelming me with its finality. She had no pulse, her windpipe crushed and beyond repair. I stood there, shocked and unable to move, trying to process the events that had just unfolded. How could this be? I never wanted to get involved in this whole situation. To be honest, I was still reeling from the shock of the revelation Elena had shared with me. I didn't even know if I was angry or not, but I definitely felt betrayed and foolish. The thought of Elena being close to my children and the potential danger she might have posed to them weighed heavily on my mind. The fact that I had no knowledge of all this when I should have known made me feel even worse. I had
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140: Newfound status.
Elena. I opened my eyes, my mind struggling to make sense of the warmth and color that surrounded me. I was alive, and that fact alone was both surprising and bewildering. How could I be alive? I vividly remembered the feeling of Bruno's hands around my throat, squeezing the life out of me. The coldness had consumed me, and I had embraced the certainty of death. But now, here I was, staring up at Luca's anxious face. "Luca, what... what happened?" I managed to whisper, my voice weak and filled with disbelief. His eyes searched mine, his worry etched deeply into his expression. "Elena, I planned it," he confessed, his voice laced with a mixture of guilt and determination. "When Alessandro discovered your true identity, I knew DeAngelo wouldn't forgive you easily, especially with his memory loss. So, I secretly injected you with a toxin—a drug that simulates death." I blinked, trying to absorb his words. He had risked everything to save me, resorting to an experimental drug that cou
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141: A brutal Battle.
Deangelo. A growing unease consumed me, a feeling that something was not right. The arrival of the Guta pack brought a glimmer of hope, as they seemed kind and friendly, briefly easing my troubled mind. However, their initial numbers appeared surprisingly low. Their beta assured me that more of their pack members would join us by morning. Though unspoken, I found comfort in their presence, knowing that despite Bruno's injuries, his pack still posed a significant threat. And then, it hit me like a sudden gust of wind—an unmistakable sensation of an Alpha's demise, specifically that of Bruno Amato. Wolves typically couldn't sense the death of another unless they shared a deep bond as mates. But Alphas had a special ability to perceive the loss of a fellow leader, especially when tied by a tumultuous history. It resonated deep within me—Bruno was undoubtedly dead. Without wasting time, I shared this troubling news with the members of the Guta pack. If there was one thing I had learned
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