All Chapters of Taming The CEO's Son: A Marriage of Inconvenience: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
40. My Secret Little Hideaway
-Leia-I wake up and hear the shower running, a slow smile spreading across my face. Last night was mind-blowing; Christian did things to me that had me nearly passing out from pleasure. Then he took care of me afterward, but as soon as I got into bed, I was lights out.We made up without promising the world to each other and I think that is a step closer instead of a step apart. I love that we can talk about things and not argue, how we get each other and appreciate the other’s space. Stretching, I’m about to get up when he saunters out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He sees me and grins. “Good morning, wild cat,” he says, but just as I want to ask what the hell he means, he turns around and my face feels like a volcano.Scratches and bite marks all over his beautiful skin!“Oh, god! I am so sorry!” I exclaim, but he just chuckles and walks to the closet.“Why? I love being all marked up. Now, when my back stings during my meetings today, I’ll think about you
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41. Secrets Uncovered...?
-Christian-Leia has been taking her own car more lately instead of going with Ben and Lucille has mentioned she’s coming home later, too. I know this shouldn’t bother me since she’s obviously spending more time with her mother before she passes, but she hasn’t even invited me to come along with her, either.Then there’s the gift I found that still bothers me to no end.I don’t want to speak about it with her because I’m sure it’s nothing to be worried about…but why do I feel so shit?Maybe I should try to spend more time with her, too. I don’t exactly initiate our spending time together. She might be thinking that she’ll be a burden to me when it couldn’t be further from the truth.Sighing, I lean back in my Phantom seat and close my eyes. I just got home after working a Saturday and I don’t even feel like heading inside. How did we get here? I mean, I knew starting my own company would take me away from those I love, but I used to be fine with it before I came to love Leia. I shoul
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42. Escalating Misunderstanding
-Leia-Things are weird lately.Christian barely calls me anymore and when I call him, he almost never answers. I understand he’s abroad right now, but ignoring me for no reason? My mother is getting worse - she sees her sister when she looks at me and talks about the good old days. Her cries of pain are etched onto my soul but there’s nothing I can do but watch her wither away. I have no one to turn to, not that I want to worry anyone. Suffering alone used to be a black spot the size of a golf ball, but now it’s grown to a yoga ball size. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up anymore…I just want the pain to go away.Sitting alone in the penthouse with Klaus on my lap, I look at my phone and wondered if I should call Delilah and Lucas. They’ve always been there for me no matter what, and I could use the shoulders. I take a deep breath and blow it out before video-calling them both. They literally answer at the same time and smile when they see me, but the second I see their face
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43. Beginning Of The End Of Us
-Leia- I throw down Delilah’s phone and rush to the guest bathroom, where I empty out everything I’ve had today. If I thought things would get better, I was in for a scary surprise, because things look worse than ever now. There’s a picture of Christian sitting at a club with a woman on his lap, he’s also been seen leaving with women and Jasper in tow. All this time I thought he was away on business, he’s actually been in town partying it up with his friend, who is a known womanizer. All this time, he’s fooled me and I’ve been none the wiser. When did this start? When did he stop loving me and what did I do to deserve this? “Leia,” Delilah’s soft voice sounds next to me and I feel her hand rubbing circles on my back. “I’m so sorry, honey.” I shake my head and flush the toilet before leaning my head on my arms. “I’m such a fucking idiot, Del. Why did I think he would stay faithful to me?” “Because men are pigs and you’ve fallen in love with the biggest one?” “Lucas!” Delilah his
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44. This Is Real Pain
-Leia-He thinks I cheated on him with Oliver because of the pictures he received. He’s been following me around, checking my bank accounts, and staying away from the penthouse. All because he thought I cheated on him,I went to my apartment after Christian kicked me out and cried the entire night, with zero sleep. It left me sitting with puffy eyes, no change of clothes, and no way to get my things back from Christian’s penthouse. He wasn’t answering my calls either; not that I expected any less. Swallowing my pride, I decided to go around to Delilah’s place. She took one look at me and nodded, but I was all cried out by then. Good thing we’re the same size, or I would truly be screwed because even my wallet and cards are still at Christian’s penthouse.After letting Delilah do my makeup, I took a deep breath, tucked my hurt away, and went to work. It will help me take my mind off the shitstorm that is my life right now. I like to think I hid my pain well because Alexander didn’t
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45. Fainting Spells
-Leia-Rain.The weather matches my mood perfectly as I watch my mother’s casket being lowered. I haven’t cried all day; I’m not sure if it’s because I have already cried so much already; right now that numb feeling has settled in my heart and I don’t think it’s going to move at all.I didn’t bother to let my father or siblings know our mother had passed away; what would be the point? They sucked her inheritance dry and then left without another word, so no I do not owe them this message.Another person I didn’t tell was Alexander and Christian - again, what’s the point?Walking forward, I throw a single white rose onto her casket and it lands with a gentle thud, then I walk towards my car even as my friends call for me. There will be no ‘after-tears’, no well-wishing, or anything of the sort. I didn’t want any of that, I just want to go home and curl up into a ball with my cat.Thankfully they all accept my privacy, but I know it will only be for so long. I haven’t told Delilah or Lu
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46. Erasure
-Christian-Life is moving in slow motion, everything is still happening as if I didn’t lose my purpose for living. The morning after I kicked Leia out, it took everything in me not to call her back or answer her calls. I wanted to beg her to come back, that I’ll put everything behind us if she forgave me and still loved me.But my pride stopped that.Her scent was still all over my penthouse so I immediately had her things packed up and taken away. I wanted no sign that she lived here, I wanted every trace of her removed from my life. But I couldn’t be an asshole and have her things left outside, so I had them pack it all away. Now my penthouse is an empty shell once again; it doesn’t even smell like Leia anymore.It’s been two months since I saw Leia last, two months since I removed her from my life, and two months since I’ve touched alcohol. The smell of it reminds me of the ugly things I said to her, and I am already stewing in my guilt as it is.I’m never home anymore. I always
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47. Taylor Swift Once Said...
-Leia-I’m laying on Delilah’s couch with my hand over my belly, stroking it gently. Ever since I started eating better, the hectic nausea went away, and I started filling out nicely. You can just make out my bump now, almost four months later. “Aww, is he moving again? Damn it, I always seem to miss it!” Delilah says as she sits down on the floor next to me and leans her head on my stomach. “When are you going to move for me, Bean?”I can’t help but chuckle at her pout. “It’s not full-on movements, you know; it feels like tickles at times,” I say for the tenth time, but she just grumbles and crosses her arms. “So unfair-”A knock at the front door silences her and when I look at her expectantly, she shrugs and moves over to the door. I immediately see her stiffen up when she looks through the peephole, then she turns to me with wide eyes, scoops Klaus up next to her, and puts him in my arms. “I need you to go to the bedroom,” she hisses I look at her questioningly and she sighs. “
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48. Accidental Meeting
-Leia-I hear Delilah sneaking into the bedroom and feel as she wraps her arms around me. I have no idea when Christian eventually left the apartment because I’ve been crying in here non-stop ever since. The last time I cried was when I found out I was pregnant and I’ve refused to shed another tear ever since. There was only me and my life with my baby. No one else will come close.Or so I thought - the second I saw how broken Christian was, all my defenses crumbled to dust. He was hurting as much as I was, I could see it in his eyes. He knows what he did was wrong, how he treated me was wrong, and thought an apology would take away weeks of pain.I love him, but I am not naïve.“Are you gonna be okay?” Delilah asks behind me. “Need me to go beat him up for you?”I laugh through my sobs and clasp her arm closer to me. “No, I’ll be okay. I needed him to hear me say that…It had to come from me. Hopefully, he moves on as I will,” I say.If anything, this will probably make Christian try
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49. Advice From Loved Ones
-Christian-My father’s eyes widen when I walk into his study at his home and he stands up to greet me. “Oh, this is certainly unexpected,” he says as we embrace. “What brings you around?”He gestures to the bourbon and I shake my head. “Nothing for me, thank you. I’ve actually come to seek your council,” I say and he gives me another raise of his eyebrows.“Again, unexpected but most definitely welcomed. Come, let’s sit next to the fireplace,” he says and we walk over to the entertainment section of his study.He pours himself a glass of the amber liquid and sits down next to me on the plush sofa. “Is this about Leia?”I chuckle at his ability to suss me out and I nod. “What gave it away?”The corner of his mouth lifts in amusement and he leans back on the sofa. “Well, you’re no longer looking as if you have the entire world on your shoulders, for one. And that determined spark is back in your eye,” he says, then he takes a sip of his glass.I heave out a sigh and lean back on the so
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