All Chapters of Taming The CEO's Son: A Marriage of Inconvenience: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
21. Happy New Year
-Leia-I don’t want to admit it, but I am enjoying myself shooting the shit with Christian. He’s been an absolute gentleman tonight and if I am being honest, he’s actually quite funny. I haven’t laughed this much in ages!“Wait, so she barged into your conference meeting wearing a fur coat while buck-naked underneath?” I ask incredulously as he’s recounting one failed conquest after another. “What the hell did she think was gonna happen?”Christian runs a hand over his red face, the smile on his lips contagious. “That I’d drop an important meeting with my Tokyo investors for her? Socialites seldom think further than their cell phones,” he says, shaking his head.I have no idea how our conversation got here, but it seems easy. We’re not expecting anything from each other and the alcohol seems to be loosening us up even more. “Christ, she would not have gotten past me if I were your PA. I can spot the fake ones a mile away,” I say as I sip on my red wine even though I’m already buzzed.
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22. This Is Me, All Of Me
-Leia-My heart sinks when I see the empty space next to me, and when I reach over to feel his spot, it’s ice cold. How long has he been gone for? Did he even sleep next to me? I don’t hear the shower running, so he must be gone.He’s left already; I thought last night would mean something different for us, but I’m just a fuck toy, aren’t I?I pull my legs up to my chest and rest my chin on my knees, noticing that I’m still naked and smelling Christian all around his room. Why did he leave without waking me up? Is he that embarrassed about what we did last night, or did he want to get away from me as soon as possible?Sighing, I close my eyes but the sound of the bedroom door opening has my heart racing. My eyes widen when I see Christian walking in with a tray of delicious-smelling food and two cups of coffee. He’s wearing no shirt and only those sinfully delicious sweatpants that hang just right at his waist. Lucille closes the door behind him with a grin on her face and he walks t
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23. What's With This?
-Leia- I watch Christian from across the table at brunch time, talking away on his cell phone. He’s not raising his voice to his employees, but he’s speaking in a low, commanding tone that makes my lady bits tingle. And to think, I used to say he’s not CEO material. He places his cell phone face down on the table and looks at me with a smirk tugging at his lips. “Is there a reason you’re staring at me like that, Red?” “No reason,” I say as I lift my mimosa to my lips. “Just admiring the way you boss people around.” Chuckling, he leans back in his chair. “Oh, now you’re admiring it? I used to think you hated that about me.” I shrug. “Guess I find it sexy now; you should totally use that voice in bed with me.” He raises his eyebrow at this. “I never would have taken you for the type to enjoy being bossed around.” “Out here, no; underneath you, definitely,” I say without shame and loving the way the thrum of his chuckle gives me tingles. It’s been about three days since the clin
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24. Just Hear Those Alarm Bells Jingling, Ring, Ting, Tingling Too
-Leia-The first day back at work after the winter break and Moore Industries is a madhouse. The stockpile of emails, the missed calls, voicemails, planning meetings, and arranging trips overseas. This always happens, and I always say that I’ll never leave for winter breaks again.It’s 4 PM when I eventually touch base again, and only because my stomach started growling. I order myself some lunch, lean my head on the table and breathe out a long-ass sigh; I am so going to enjoy that bath tonight.“So this is what you’re doing while I’m worrying about you?” My head whips up at the sound of Christian’s voice; so I jump to my feet, run towards him and throw my arms around his neck.“What are you doing back here?!” I exclaim. “I thought you had back-to-back meetings?”The thrum of his chuckle makes my heart soar, and he kisses the top of my head before breaking off the embrace. “Yeah, but I forgot to mention that I have a meeting right next door in twenty minutes, so I just wanted to co
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25. Just A Little Misunderstanding
-Christian-“Oh, come on, mate! Just an hour or so then you can go again!”I’m on the way to the airport when Jasper calls me asking me to join him and his cousin for a few drinks at his newly opened club. After finishing my long-ass meeting, I was tempted to go back to see Leia, but it was after six, so she would have left already.“I am literally on the way to the airport, asshole; some of us have work to do, you know,” I say while rolling my eyes.“Aw, but I promised Marc you’d be there!” Marc is the cousin Leia’s friend works for, the one who doesn’t swing the way most men do. “Please! You’re my bestest mate and it wouldn’t feel right without you!”Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose and try to calm down. “Sorry, Jas. I gotta be in Spain to meet with an investor and I literally just drove onto the tarmac. See you when I get back,” I say while listening to him groaning.“Wanker. Fine, I’ll let you go this time, but we’re definitely getting sloshed when you get back,” he grumbles
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26. Long Distance Loving
-Leia-After the other night’s disaster, I’ve decided not to jump to any kind of conclusion when it comes to Christian. I burnt my goddamn fingers and was left to suffer without talking things through with a man I know is good for me.He might have a history, but that’s just it, right? Everyone says he’s changed, my mom likes him, he’s hard-working and doesn’t lie to me. I know it’s just my insecurities speaking, but what does Christian even see in me?The tabloids always have him with skinnier women than me, tall blondes, or brunettes who have legs for days. Women who wake up looking like they’ve stepped out of a magazine. Not someone with red hair, a little pouch on her belly, and boobs that gives her backaches. What’s so special about me? “Stop it, Leia,” I chastised myself for the third day already. “He wants you; he’s shown how much he wants you, not them!”And his texts…gosh his texts warm my heart, while his selfies warm my lady bits. I knew Christian could be naughty, but ho
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27. A Selfish Daughter
-Leia-I visit my sleeping mom again when I’m done with work. She’s been sleeping most of the time and apparently, it’s all the meds for the pain they have her on. Why is she in so much pain now, though? Are the treatments not working?After saying goodbye, I walk out to the waiting car, but then someone calls out my name. I turn to see Oliver running towards me, his blonde hair moving as if he’s on a TV ad for Maybelline. “Hey, long time no see,” I remark when he comes to a stop. “Have you been well?”He smiles. “I’ve been great, love, but I need to speak with you about your mother,” now my heart is trapped in a fist and it’s growing tighter as the seconds tick by. “Is something wrong?” Oliver sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Lydia is refusing to take the new treatments,” he says and just like that, fate drops a bucket of ice-cold water on me.“What? What do you mean…Why is she refusing them?”“I think that’s something you need to discuss
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28. My Home
-Christian-After Leia’s call, I immediately packed and got my private jet ready. There’s no time to sleep when my woman is on the other side of the world feeling shattered. I can always sleep on the flight over, but for now, she needs me.Just a few more minutes before we land, just a few more minutes before I see her again.This will always be an issue until I have my company be an established name, and while I used to love jet setting, now I can’t stand it. I want to go to work and come home to my wife, have dinner with her, and listen to her talk about her day. I want the small things with Leia, but I can’t right now while my company is still fledgling.But, I will always drop whatever I am busy with just for her and this thing with her mother is tearing her apart. As much as I know it hurts Leia, I also understand where Lydia is coming from. My mother was tired of everything, too, and when she heard nothing further could be done, it came as a relief to her. She wanted the pain t
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29. The Forbidden Word
-Leia-I wake up and stretch, then abruptly stop when I feel a hard body against me… not only that but the thick length of a cock against my butt. That’s when I remember Christian is home. The shower, the washing, the talking, and making plans to take my mom abroad. It wasn’t a dream, he was really here!Grinning, I snuggle more into his embrace, until I hear a groan. “If you wiggle your ass any more than that. I’ll have to do something about it,” Christian says in a voice thick with sleep.“Ha, can't do anything without sorting out that morning breath, Mr. Moore, and I won’t kiss you while mine is rank as well,” I say and I’m about to get out of bed when he pulls me back and gets on top of me.There’s a naughty grin on his face, but he doesn’t say anything…he just nudges my legs open and moves lower.My eyes widened, knowing I'm not wearing panties. “Christian-!” but he shuts me up by running his tongue up the length of my folds. I moan and arch my back from the bed, but he holds me
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30. Paris, Dahling
-Christian-Her smile right now is intoxicating; watching the way she interacts with her mother, her laugh, the way her eyes light up when her mother holds her hand… I would do anything to chase this feeling over and over.Lydia’s clinic finally said yes to the trip; after I told them I would hire two full-time nurses and assured them Lydia would be fine, they relented. Well, Leia told them, not me. She wanted to do it herself.So here we are, on our way to one of the hotels my father owns on the first stop of our vacation. At first, Lydia refused to go, saying it was a waste of time, but she came around eventually. This trip means a lot to Leia since her mother’s decision, so I’ve decided to spare no expense to see both of them happy.When we walked into our hotel room, Lydia gasped and placed a hand over her heart. “Oh, this is beautiful, Christian!” she exclaimed with nothing but wonder in her eyes as she stared over the night skyline. “You truly didn’t need to do all this.”I sho
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