All Chapters of Taming The CEO's Son: A Marriage of Inconvenience: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
31. Guilt Tripping Round The City
-Leia-You would think I’d get used to my mother dropping bombs on me, but right now I am more pissed off than hurt.“Why?!”“Leia, calm down-”“No!” I exclaim, shaking my head at both Christian and my mother. “No, I want to know why you’re cutting your vacation short. We haven’t even left for Greece yet!”My mother looks down at her hands in her lap and one of her nurses takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. “I’m tired, Leia, and I want you two to have fun without worrying about me all the time.”I shake my head. “Mom, this vacation is so we can spend time with you before… before…” I can’t bring myself to say it and a sob chokes me up. “You can’t leave!”I feel Christian’s arms around my waist and lean into him without even thinking. He’s become my rock lately, always there when I need him, and I’m starting to worry if he’ll ever get sick of me. That would just be the icing on this ruined cake called my life, wouldn’t it?My mom gets to her feet and I reach out for her. “No, please,
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32. Honeymoon? Honeymoon.
-Leia-I suck in a breath, in awe at the beautiful view in front of me. Aspen is gorgeous, I’ve always wanted to come here ever since I was a little girl, but never thought I’d ever get the opportunity. Now I’m standing on Christian’s private airstrip, overlooking the vast snowy dips and falling in love with the sight. “This is just…wow…” I trail off with my hand on my heart.Christian chuckles and kisses the side of my head. “You like?”“I love!” I squeal, jumping into his arms. “This is perfect, Christian, thank you!”After Paris, I didn’t expect to feel like this, especially with my mother leaving for home. Just feeling happy now makes my heart clench with guilt, but I know she would have wanted me to enjoy this time with Christian.“Well, wait till you see the cabin,” he whispers into my ear and takes my hand. “I had it cleaned out and stocked yesterday, so we won’t have to go anywhere for a while. Oh, and it has a fireplace, too.”A tingle shoots up my spine at that promise and
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33. The Forbidden Word Version 2.0
-Christian-Leia is dressed in a skimpy little silk PJ set while I’m wearing a t-shirt and boxers, whipping up a stir fry.“I still can’t believe you can cook,” she says, leaning over the kitchen counter with a glass of red wine in her hand. “Why don’t you cook for me at home?”“Well, if you remember correctly, I’m barely home to even cook for myself,” I say while cutting up the chicken breasts. “But if I have some time off, I’ll gladly cook for you.”That smile on her face is everything and guilt rears its ugly head as I know when I get back, we’ll barely spend time together. My company stocks are stable again, but that doesn’t mean we’re still not the subject of sabotage.“Thank you, Mr. Moore, I’d love that,” she says before getting to her feet and walking to the windows overlooking the snow-dusted mountaintops.If I knew she loved this place so much, I would have brought her here sooner. The absolute wonder in her eyes is another favorite of mine, I need to see that more often so
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Regarding Updates
Hi there, Readers! I do apologize for this book coming to a standstill for the last two weeks. We're halfway through Leia and Christian's story, but there's still a long road ahead for them. Daily updates, with two to three chapters per day, will resume from the 1st of February and the book will conclude on the 10th of February. You can either read two chapters daily or wait for the completion on the 10th. Thank you for sticking around and not slamming me with one-star reviews for slow updates! I did not want to rush this story, and I am certain you will appreciate what will come next. Thank you again for reading! xx
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34. I Put The MISS in Misunderstanding
-Leia- The emerald dress I’m wearing seems to bring out the color of my eyes and I’m starting to see why Christian chose this color. It’s our last day in Aspen, and he’s decided to take me out for dinner before we have to leave. I sniff, but maintain a smile.We’ve been holed up in the cabin, wrapped up in each other without a care for the outside world. Well, Christian tried to but he was on his laptop and cell phone often. I can tell by the clenching of his jaw that something is up, but he’s adamant everything is fine. However, I know that look in his eye; it’s the same one Alexander wears when he’s about to face an oppositional CEO of a rival company. There’s something up with Christian’s company and he’s refusing to talk to me about it.By the third day, Christian was asleep, and I decided to go outside into the shed to get more firewood. Don’t ask me how I did it, but I slipped on the tiles next to the heated swimming pool.Yes, I fell in.He heard my scream and came running ou
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35. Antibiotic Psychotic
-Leia-Wait, what the hell just happened? Is he leaving me here?! I turn my head to look for him and see him chatting with the blonde. She nods, walks away and then she returns with my coat, causing me to frown at the exchange. He comes back to our table with the coat in his hands and drapes it over my shoulders. “We’re going back to the cabin,” he says and I blanch.“What do you mean? We’re on a date-”“One we wouldn’t have gone on if you told me you were still feeling sick, Leia,” he says, pulling me to my feet. “They’re delivering our order to the cabin, so don’t worry.”I blink and my lips are a thin line while he leads me out of the restaurant. Damn it, I was really looking forward to our date but now I screwed it up twice. Great going there, Leia!The drive to the cabin is spent in silence, with Christian white-knuckling the wheel all the way back. I don’t know what to say to break the silence, much less ease it. So I do what I should have done in the first place - I shut the
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36. Right Through Me
-Christian- Full tilt into work and I’ve barely come up for air. I was right about being wary of the rival CEO because we found out he had rats in my company. They were feeding him information, and details about our marketing campaigns, strategies, and who we had in our crosshairs. To say I’m angry is putting it fucking lightly; my company is close to losing everything and the more I fight, the more I get pulled under. Balling my hands into fists, I lean my head against them and breathe out a long sigh - today has been worse than usual. We lost three big clients because of the rival company showing them my marketing campaigns and there’s nothing I can do to prove they were our ideas. Everything is snowballing, and I have no idea what to do. The little voice in the back of my head tells me this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t go on that vacation with Leia. But even as I think it, guilt grips my heart. There’s no way I can blame this on her when I planned it. How am I going to
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37. That Little Voice Screaming Doubt
-Leia-After weeks of planning this dinner, so excited to finally be spending time together after the busy schedules we had…only for me to constantly look at my watch, wondering where the hell Christian is.It’s our one-year anniversary, and I booked us a table at his mother’s restaurant for 7 pm tonight - it’s 8:30 pm now, and he’s not answering his phone at all. I know I told him about it, I even had his PA write it in his diary, so he cannot pretend he didn’t know.He’s been a mess since his company was on the brink of ruin, but Alexander has been helping him in more ways than one and he started spending less time at the office but more time out of the country. Did he forget about tonight when we just spoke about it two days ago?By 9 PM I realize he’s not coming and with a long sigh, I trudge back upstairs to change into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grab my keys and head back down, knowing where I’m going after this. There’s no way I’m staying here and waiting for him when I
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38. Make Up?
-Leia- I forgot how therapeutic it can be to just have a good cheesecake with my coffee and company who is not expecting you to say a word. I’ve been listening to Oliver droning on about his boyfriend (I know, right?) but oddly I don’t feel annoyed. It makes me forget about my own problems for a little while and that’s exactly what I need right now. Throughout our chat, he doesn’t ask me about why I broke down, he simply talks my ear off and I am eternally thankful for it. Now I’m on my way back to the penthouse, wondering what I’ll find. My phone died sometime during my visit to the clinic, so I don’t even know if Christian has tried to call me. Has he realized he missed our anniversary? I’m actually terrified of going home only to see he’s not there and as I pull into our designated parking spots, that fear turns into anxiety. He’s here at home, waiting for me. Breathing out a sigh, I make my way to the elevator and wait with bated breath until the door opens. I didn’t know wh
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39. Belated Anniversary
-Christian-I couldn’t afford to cancel these meetings, but if I had to choose between losing Leia and losing these contracts, I would pick the obvious choice.Yes, I almost lost my company a few months ago, but I have learned from it and put things in place so it wouldn’t happen again. I was arrogant in my business dealings and trust me, I have learned my lesson.Now, as I prepare this meal for the one person who loves me without prejudice, I can’t help but think about what I almost lost. This deal I brokered last night could spell the end of my troubles for a long time. It will put me on the map, so I don’t have to worry about anything but keeping this client happy. “Smells good in here,” Leia says as she rounds the corner into the kitchen. She’s just gotten in from seeing her mother, but she’s not looking as stressed as she usually does after the visits. “Whatchu making?”“I’m afraid you’ll have to wait, Mrs. Moore. Go get cleaned up and comfy; everything’s almost ready,” I say, s
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