All Chapters of Rebirth of the scheming wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
34 Chapters
One step closer to my revenge
\Grey Remington\ I can’t believe that I am putting so much into getting married to that spoilt brat of Donald’s family, and I have had to go ahead plotting and plotting with a series of background checks just to get close enough to her so that at the end of the day she falls so deeply in love with me to the point that only the things that I want are the only things she wants.“Now, all I just have to do is to get this excuse of a party over and done with so that I can be rest assured that I am drawing closer and closer in my revenge plans against the Donald’s,” I mentally prepare myself to step out of the car in the company of the entourage that I brought with me, especially the bodyguards so that none of the Donald’s will dare ask me why my family members are not present at my wedding. “Are you having second thoughts?” my best friend Kyle inquires, getting my attention in his direction. “If you don’t want to go through with this wedding, we can always turn the car around now and I
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Moment of truth
\VALERI’S POV\ “What the hell is that sly woman doing here?” I question myself, befuddled as I trail her with my eyes till she stops in front of the devil itself, Grey Remington. “What the hell are these two manipulative people up to?” I question myself, tempted to go closer to them but I am still so terrified that the two people that caused my death in my past life are appearing in front of me. “Earth to Riri,” I hear Vivian says as she snaps her finger in front of me. “What’s up, mama?” I ask her “I think I should be asking you that question,” she says “I don’t understand,” I mutter, trying to divide my attention equally among my bestie, then Grey and his scheming wife. “Who the fuck are you observing like a lab rat over there and why do you have the same terrified expression that you had on your face earlier this morning when I woke you up,” she says stepping in front of me. “I am observing my nemesis,” I answer as I slightly brush her aside so that I can get a clearer view
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A win is a win
/Valeri’s POV/“These days, I find it hard to understand how ordinary assistants, for example, errand boys clean up nicely and afford expensive things,” she says checking Grey out and dusting his collar slightly even though there is nothing on the collar and my jaw drops in shock because how could my bitch sister refer to an egoistic person like Grey as an errand boy……I am so sure that he is not going to let this slide. “The truth is that I wanted to ask for your hand in marriage without being too obvious about it,” he says, confusing me further because, at this point, I find it hard to understand if I am the one he is talking to since he is looking at Mathilda instead. “It is understandable that your boss has heard a lot about our family and because of that he wants to be related to us, so where is he?” she inquires looking around the room while I follow her eyes to search for who she is looking for with her because at this point I feel that there is something that she is seeing tha
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An unexpected turn of event
/Grey’s POV/ “Hi there,” Maddison says, being unnecessarily cheerful as she approaches me which takes me aback because given the kind of person that she is, she can’t just be here to say hi and go back. “Congratulations on your wedding,” she says stretching forth her hand to shake me, while I contemplate on either leaving her hanging or taking the handshake for a while. “Thank you very much,” I say, taking her hand briefly and shaking it so that the whole conversation and exchange doesn’t get weirder than it already is. “I don’t see your bride anywhere,” she says looking around. “If you stick around long enough, you are going to see her,” I answer her. “I can’t wait to cross-examine my replacement,” she says with her voice dropping to a whisper. “If you have eyes and ears around me despite how guarded I am with information and the type of people that I allow to work for me, then I am very sure that you must have all the information you need to know about her by now,” I say refer
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Setting my wife straight
|GREY’s POV| Kyle and I make our way out of the party venue into the elevator without saying anything to each other, but I am 100 percent sure that without me having to say anything, he can tell that I am so pissed and today is not just the day that I can wear my poker face and pretend that everything is right because I hate people testing me, spying on me and trying to act smart with me, but those words perfectly describe what Maddison is trying to do with me and I am not enjoying it at all. “I will stand guard outside,” Kyle offers as soon as we walk out of the elevator and approach the said room 306 which has an epoxy resin sign with 306 displaying through the work of art, indicating that I am at the right place and Madison’s assistant that I don’t like, standing in front of the room as if his job description is that of a bodyguard instead of a personal assistant. “Thank you,” I mutter before going in because sometimes I get the feeling that I don’t show that I value my best fri
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My bestie got me covered
|Valeri’s POV| After the rather unsettling exchange of words that I had with Mathilda, I started looking around for Grey who was supposed to be talking to my dad, but my dad was busy talking to investors and Grey was not with him. I started looking around the room for Grey without success but one thing that I found strange was that Madison, Kyle, and Grey suddenly disappeared from the hall I started wondering if they had something on their sleeves because a lot of things had changed from the wedding that I witnessed in my past life and I have no idea if the reason for me feeling so out of place at this wedding is because I didn’t pay so much attention to what was going on around me then. Grey and his best friend finally decided to grace us with their presence, and after they did the wedding part started properly with Grey and I exchanging rings, and saying our vows which was nothing special… we just repeated after the officiating minister and after that, we were asked to seal our ma
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Abort mission
/Grey’s POV/ Thankfully, the sham of a wedding has finally come to an end, and all I just need to do now is to make a mental note of a few people that has close ties to Jack Donald’s and his company because I think they may come in handy eventually. “Hey man,” I lean backward in an attempt to give Kyle instructions, then it suddenly occurs to me that he is nowhere around because he was busy spreading his gospel during my wedding, trying to mingle with his latest catch that turned out to be the feisty blonde from earlier. Anyway, I don’t blame him…’s got to do what they have to do to keep his body and soul together more so, we have been through a whole lot today so he should get to blow some steam while I carry on with my plans. “There he is,” Jack Donald’s voice resounds, pointing in my direction. “Grey……” he calls out to me. “Meet Mr. Collins, one of the latest investors in our fashion house,” Jack Donald introduces me and I pause as I take in the sight of Madison’s fa
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Over-energetic blonde
/Grey’s POV/ I make my way out of the hotel without anyone trying to talk to me because people outside the business world barely know me, and in no time I locate my car that the bodyguards packed right in front of the hotel instead of the parking lot so that it is easy to locate them. I try to wait outside for Kyle for a few minutes, but he seems to be taking forever to step out of the same hotel that I just walked out of, so I decide to wait in the car instead because my body is more than tired from the rigorous activities that I put it through today, and I am not about to collapse, not at this point in my life that I have a revenge plan that is starting to take shape to stick to. “Hey,” I acknowledge my little crush that I completely forgot that I asked to wait in the car for me, as soon as I set my foot in the car so that I don’t come off as rude. “Hi,” she answers without lifting her face from the phone that she is busy pressing. “It is nice that she seems to not have time f
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Try carrying your cross yourself
/Grey’s POV/ “Can I talk to you for a few seconds?” I speak up, gesturing at Kyle after leaving everyone to jubilate for a while. “As long as you people talking means that I get take my bestie inside, then you guys will be joining us later, then I am super cool with that,” she tables her condition while I stop to process what she is saying especially because Kyle keeps acting like he doesn’t know that I just want to get rid of the talkative blonde so that we can talk in private. “Whatever sails your boat,” I reply to her because I will subscribe to anything just to get her off my track. “I like that…” she says sending me an exaggerated wink while shaking her body back and forth. “I know that we are going to get along so well,” she says as she moves from my side and goes away from the window. “What the hell man?” I mouth to Kyle as soon as Miss Blonde’s attention is focused on talking to my little crush. “Calm down man! I got this,” he assures me, and I hiss because he is ac
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It’s party time
/Valeri’s POV/ I waited for my bestie to come up with an excuse that would stop me from going to the Remington’s mansion which happens to be my worst nightmare at the moment, and the next minute she showed up with Grey’s smoking hot best friend. I was still trying to process why she came in person instead of getting back to me like we agreed on the phone then I saw how she was all over Grey acting like a crazy fan girl to obviously annoy him. While still on the topic of annoying my husband, I found out that the idea that she wanted to come up with was a double date between Grey, me, her, and Kyle.Even though I was dying out of embarrassment, I had to act cool about the whole situation while praying deep down that she won’t irritate Grey any further than she was already doing because I knew that I will be the one to suffer the consequences of her actions. Thankfully, Grey was not in the mood to act like the egoistic and self-centered person that he always is because he just allow
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