All Chapters of Rebirth of the scheming wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
34 Chapters
Drunk wife episode
|Grey’s POV| I blink back in shock to process everything that Kyle just said to me and the only logical explanation behind his action is that he abandoned me just to have fun with his latest catch and it is extremely annoying. Kyle is the president of the Playboy’s Association in this city, and as much as he takes spreading his payboy gospel seriously, he puts me second to none, so I just don’t get why he put that blonde above me. “Did I overreact by any chance?” I stop to ask myself. “Well…. I guess Kyle is right and we can take the night off from worrying about this whole revenge thing,” I try to convince myself as I get out of the car. On getting out of the car, I saw the driver standing outside, so I beckon for him to come closer. “You sent for me sir,” he says as soon as he approaches me. “I am going inside for a party, but I don’t know how long the party is going to last, so just be on standby so that if I need to go home before daybreak, I won’t have to start looking for
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Face to face with my worst nightmare
|Valeri’s POV| “Water…water,” I mutter half asleep as the thirst sensation and oral dryness at the back of my throat become unbearable for me but no one is answering me. “Vee…..please get me water,” I plead because my head is seriously pounding, so I just want to drink water and go back to sleep to see if sleeping a little bit more will help to relieve my headache. “Here you go,” a male voice that is completely different from that of my bestie’s voice offers and the alarm in my head goes off as I swiftly flutter my eyes open to see who it is, forgetting the throbbing pain in my head. “Ouch…” I wince in pain. “You had a little too much to drink last night, so I asked the kitchen to prepare a hangover soup for you and it should be here in no time,” he informs and on hearing that, my eyes start to dart back and forth around the room to take in my environment. Hold up… Wait a minute… “How did I leave the party venue yesterday night?” “Most importantly, why am I in the Remington ma
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Fingers crossed
|VALERI’S POV| I stay in bed pondering on what to do with myself and my life now that everything is progressing fast. I won’t say that I didn’t see this coming, I know that a lot of things that I experienced in my past life are bound to happen again especially because I have lived that life before, but I was hoping to keep stalling because I was looking for the best way to deal with the situation, but I don’t think I have that luxury of time anymore especially when Grey took laws into his hands and brought me all the way here without permission. No matter what I need to do in this life, one thing that I am very sure of is that the history of me living in the same house with Grey Remington’s legal wife and having them play me for a fool can not repeat itself, but the question now is how can I get Maddison Remington out of this house especially when she is hiding under the identity of Grey’s first cousin? “Will look unreasonable if I bring up the issue in front of Grey?” “Most impor
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Will you be willing to work for me?
|VALERI’s POV| After spending the whole day waiting for Grey to reply to my message so that I could get over the over-familiarity/ me trying to tolerate the two-faced bitch who has been trying to get into my good graces by showing me around the house, giving me movie recommendations for kick-ass heroines and even going as far as watching the movie with me instead of giving me breathing space and leaving me alone. I didn’t know how to react around her, especially when I could see through her façade of niceness, so I had to put her to good use by asking her to recommend movies for me because I am still new to this scheming and manipulation lifestyle. She instead on watching the movie with me because she claimed that getting into my personal space to understand my likes and dislikes will help us know each other better which is entirely new to me because the longest conversations that we had in a day, in comparison with my past life because I was occupied with sucking up to my family an
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A conversation with Grey Remington
|VALERI’S POV| Instead of saying anything in reply to the question that I just asked, the line suddenly goes dead on my bestie's side before my phone starts to vibrate on my ear, and on checking my phone to see what the fuss is about, I get a request of Vee asking me to switch the facetime audio to a facetime video. “Why did you suddenly switch the call?” I question Vee as soon as I accept the call request. “Because I wanted you to say whatever you had to say to my face,” she answers and I wait for her to say something in reply to what I previously asked her. “You asked me to work for you?” she interrogates me with a raised eyebrow. “I know that the fact that you are still yet you gain your foothold in the modeling industry as an upcoming model and content creator doesn’t mean that I should limit you to my father's company, or have you put your eggs in one basket, but more than me wanting you to work as a model in my father's company, I need you to work for me because in a place l
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A perfect wedding present indeed
|GREY’S POV| As if dealing with a drunk wife the whole night was not enough, my first wife came to the room to ally with my ‘little crush’ this morning right in front of me, using the identity of my first cousin and that is rather Unsettling because I have thought of various reason why Maddison will want to be friends with someone like Valeri especially when both of them look so incompatible but the only logical explanation that I can find is that Maddison just wants to make things hard for me even though I already warned her to stay out of my business. “Not today Satan,” I muttered as I walked out of the room because I had a lot of stuff to take care of, especially concerning Maddison’s father who is now on my radar so I couldn’t add Madison’s silly stunt to what I had on my plate. I have been busy with Kyle the whole day trying to figure out how we are going to start putting the people that we bought over at Donald’s Couture to work because I want to take over Donald’s property
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First day at work
/Valeri’s POV/ “After an extremely chaotic get-ready with me on a Monday morning, I am finally at work so let's get right into what we have to do today,” I try to motivate myself as I step out of the elevator and make my way to my office. “Hey babes,” Vee sneaks up on me, putting her arms around me. “You are looking really beautiful and radiant this morning,” she complements and I smile. “Thank you babes……you also look very beautiful and radiant,” I compliment her, playing with her cheeks as we both burst out laughing. “So how is everybody on your end, and how did your talk with Grey go?” she inquires, and I look around to be sure that no one heard us. “You completely forgot to give me a heads up,” she grumbles. “Shhhh…..there are eyes and ears everywhere in this office and the last thing I want is for gossip to start flying around just because my spoiled sister and her minions think they know what is going on in my life,” I caution her, as I drag her into my office. “Now that
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Revenge must be gotten
|GREY’S POV| “Hey, I am talking to you,” I suddenly see Kyle in front of me snapping his finger in front of me. “How can I help you?” I question him. “How can you help me?” he scoffs. “Every single time I talked to you, you have been absent-minded, making me repeat myself countless times and you seriously think there is nothing wrong with that?” he argues “What is it this time,” I question him. “It was understandable that you were able to see not motivated to work on Monday because we went through a lot last week, but this is Wednesday and you still had the same attitude you had on Monday,” he complains “What attitude did I have?” I ask Him. “You keep on zoning out,” he complains bitterly. “I have not been zoning out, I have just been critically thinking about something,” I correct him. “What is so important that is making the mighty Grey Remington’s brow take a worried curve?” he inquires, taking his seat in front of me, with worry lacing his voice. “It is not somethi
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Honey moon shenanigans
|Valeri’s POV| I stay in the same position that I have been since Grey's message came in, reading and re-reading the message over and over again because I can’t seem to wrap my head around why I am getting such a text from him. “Valeri, let’s make unforgettable memories together by going on a honeymoon trip together this Thursday,” he sent. “I have called your secretary to clear your schedule from this afternoon so that you can have enough time to pack your things because you deserve a trip like this and more,” I read again. I have been suppressing the urge to call Vee to get her ass up here since I got the message, but I know that she is busy with her first photo shoot with Donald’s Couture, and if it was just our company that was involved, I would have dragged her out and made her reschedule the shoot for another time, but we are a collaborating with other brands. Also, this first shoot is kind of huge for Vivian because today is just day three of her working in Donald’s
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A pep talk for revenge
|Valeri’s POV| “What the fuck just happened?” I ask as I blink back in shock realizing that Vee just walked out on me when we are in the middle of an argument. “Did Vee and I just fight over this whole revenge thing?” “What did I do wrong to make our misunderstanding escalate in a matter of seconds?” “Was I the problem?” “I stop to ask myself a series of questions as I replay the events that just happened in my head,” “What is the way forward for me now?” “Should I just ignore the fact that my bestie and I are at odds and just focus on the issue at hand?” I bombard myself with a series of questions. “You know what?” I say to myself. “I will just ignore whatever Vee and I have going on between us and focus on the honeymoon shenanigan since she asked me to do what pleases me,” I hiss angrily as I try to go back to my work. I try to focus on my work but I can’t seem to concentrate because that is exactly what happens to me when I am fighting with my bestie, I can’t
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