All Chapters of Tempting the Billionaire heir: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
160 Chapters
121After the funeral, the mansion that once stood as a symbol of power and wealth was now a hollow shell of its former self. The staff who had survived the brutal invasion had been sent home to recover, and the mansion was left empty, with the exception of Nolan and Alexa.Nolan had retreated to his room and refused to leave. He didn't bother to hire new staff to keep the mansion's state at bay. Every day, Alexa would spend her time making food for Nolan and prepping a nice hot bath for him to have. She would inform him of the food and the bath, but all she could ever get was the sound of his cries under his bed sheet.Alexa felt helpless in the face of Nolan's grief. She knew that he needed time to heal, but she also knew that he couldn't spend the rest of his life in his room. She tried to talk to him, to comfort him, but he refused to open up to her.Days turned into weeks, and Alexa's concern for Nolan grew. She didn't know what else to do. She spent her days trying to take care
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122Alexa looked at Jade with concern in her eyes. "What are you planning on doing now that you're free from Cody?" she asked softly.Jade looked up at Alexa, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know," she replied, her voice trembling. "David was the only person who ever loved me, and now he's gone. I feel so lost."Alexa put her hand on Jade's shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "I'm so sorry, Jade. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now."Jade sniffled and wiped her tears away. "It's okay," she said, taking a deep breath. "I'm just grateful to be alive, thanks to you."Alexa gave her a small smile. "I'm just glad I could help."Jade looked away for a moment, deep in thought. "I think I'm going to move somewhere no one knows me," she said, finally looking back at Alexa. "Start over, you know?"Alexa nodded understandingly. "I get it. Sometimes a fresh start is what we need to move on."Jade smiled weakly. "Yeah. And I think it's best if I keep my distance fr
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123As Alexa walks out of the hospital, she sees a man in a trench coat with a detective badge hanging from his pocket. He's a tall man with short grey hair, and his face is stern and serious. Alexa approaches him cautiously, wondering what he could want with her."Excuse me," she says, "can I help you with something?"The detective looks her up and down before speaking. "Are you Alexa? Saw you somewhere before. Do you know me?"The detective was a towering figure, with broad shoulders and a chiseled jawline. His piercing blue eyes seemed to see through the surface of things, as if he had the ability to discern a person's deepest secrets with a single glance. His dark hair was meticulously groomed, and his suit was perfectly tailored to fit his muscular frame.As he approached Alexa, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. This man was no ordinary detective. His very presence seemed to demand respect, and his steely gaze made it clear that he was not one to be trifled with.His
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124The guilt was eating Alexa up from the inside like a slow poison. She felt like a sinner who had committed the most unforgivable crime. The weight of her guilt was so heavy that she felt like she was carrying a boulder on her back every time she entered the mansion. The once-beautiful mansion now felt like a haunted house that reminded her of the grave mistake she had committed.The thought of confessing to Nolan crossed her mind several times, but she couldn't muster the courage to do so. She feared that he would never forgive her and would end up hating her forever. After losing Anthony, she couldn't bear the thought of losing another person she loved.Despite her guilt, Alexa continued to take care of the mansion all by herself. Nolan hadn't left his room since the day of the funeral, and Alexa knew that he needed time to grieve. But it didn't stop her from taking care of the mansion's needs. She dusted every corner, scrubbed every surface, and trimmed the garden back into its
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CHAPTER 125Nolan slammed the door of his bedroom behind him, his anger boiling over as he stormed into his room. He could feel his hands shaking as he tried to control his emotions, but the rage inside him was too strong. He paced back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of Anthony and the betrayal he felt.As he calmed down, he heard a knock on his door. He ignored it, but the knocking continued. Soon, he heard multiple people at his door. He was about to yell at them to go away when he heard Alexa's voice among them. He hesitated for a moment, but then decided to ignore them again. He didn't want to talk to anyone.But the knocking didn't stop. It continued relentlessly, and soon, Nolan began to feel like he was being invaded. He opened the door abruptly, his face contorted with anger. The group outside, consisting of Alexa, the board of directors, and a few other employees, all looked at him with concern."What do you want?" Nolan snapped.The board members stepped forward, l
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CHAPTER 126Alexa wakes up early in the morning, feeling anxious and restless. She knows what she needs to do, but the thought of it scares her. She prepares Nolan's breakfast and takes it to his room, but this time, she doesn't just knock on the door and leave it outside. She gathers her courage and enters the room, hoping to see some progress in Nolan's condition.To her disappointment, Nolan is lying in bed, in the same position he has been in for weeks. He doesn't acknowledge her presence, and Alexa feels a pang of sadness in her chest. She knows she can't give up on him, but she also knows she can't force him to get better.Days pass, and Alexa continues to bring Nolan his meals and check up on him. She notices that his room is becoming more and more cluttered, and the smell of the room is becoming unbearable. It's clear that Nolan has given up on himself and has no intention of getting better.Finally, after a month of waiting, Alexa decides she can't take it anymore. She enters
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127As Alexa walks into the dining room, she sees Kathy arranging boxes of pizza with a young woman she recognizes from BCI. The woman is packing the boxes neatly, ensuring that the toppings are evenly distributed. Alexa approaches them and asks, "Kathy, what are you doing here? I didn't hear Nolan invite you over."Kathy turns around and smiles at Alexa. "Oh, hey, Alexa! The board of directors ordered my family to help the nanny in convincing Nolan to come back. We're just trying to do our part."Alexa nods, understanding the situation. She's surprised to see another person with Kathy, a man who looks to be around the same age as her. "And who's this?" she asks, gesturing to the man.Kathy giggles and takes the man's hand. "This is my boyfriend, Laurence. He works for my father's company."Laurence smiles warmly at Alexa and introduces himself. "Nice to meet you, Alexa. Kathy's told me a lot about you."Alexa greets him politely before turning her attention to the other woman. "And w
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128The morning after Layla and Laurence's visit, Kathy and the others packed up and left the mansion, leaving Alexa alone with Nolan once again. As they were leaving, Kathy turned to Alexa and said, "I'm sorry for Nolan's behavior, Alexa. I hope you know that he doesn't mean to be so difficult."Alexa shook her head and replied, "There's no need for you to apologize, Kathy. I understand how hard this must be for him."Kathy's expression softened. "I just wish there was more I could do to help him. But I trust that you'll take good care of him. He's the hope of BCI, after all."Alexa nodded, grateful for Kathy's kind words. "I'll do my best."As the group left, Alexa felt a mix of relief and sadness. She was glad to have some time alone with Nolan, but she also missed the company of the others. She headed back into the mansion and up to Nolan's room, carrying his breakfast on a tray.When she entered the room, she was surprised to see Nolan sitting up in bed, looking a little more ale
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129Alexa walked into Nolan's room with a heavy heart. She had seen him in such a weak state before, but each time she saw him, it felt like the first time. His eyes were sunken and lifeless, and his skin was pale and fragile. She felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she realized how much he had been through in such a short time. "How are you feeling today, Nolan?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle.Nolan froze in his place, not sure how to respond. He knew that Alexa had been working tirelessly to help him, but he didn't want her to put herself on the line to avenge Anthony. "You don't have to do this, Alexa," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.Alexa looked into Nolan's eyes and told him sincerely, "I know I don't have to do this, Nolan. But I want to. Anthony was like a brother to me, and I can't just sit back and watch as his killers get away with it. I will do whatever it takes to put them down." Her words were firm and resolute, and Nolan could see the determination
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CHAPTER 130A month has passed since Nolan's graduation and he has been working tirelessly to fulfill the company's quota. He had taken up every project his father had left behind, and with the help of the skilled architects in the company, Nolan had been able to complete them with ease. Despite the pressure, Nolan had found a sense of fulfillment in his work.Alexa, on the other hand, had been busy managing the mansion. She had taken up the role of the housekeeper since Nolan had insisted that she didn't have to do it all alone. However, Alexa had been hesitant to hire new staff as she was used to doing everything herself. But after much persuasion from Nolan, Alexa finally gave in and agreed to take on the additional help.Nolan had made sure that the new staff were well-trained and capable of taking care of the mansion's needs. He had also instructed them to take direction from Alexa as she knew the ins and outs of the mansion better than anyone. With the new staff on board, Alexa
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