All Chapters of Tempting the Billionaire heir: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
160 Chapters
CHAPTER 101As Alexa lay sleeping, she felt a shift beside her. She slowly opened her eyes, still feeling a little groggy. When she turned her head, she saw that it was Nolan lying next to her, cuddled up in the blankets.Alexa was surprised to see Nolan in her bed, but her instincts told her that something was wrong. As she looked closer, she noticed that Nolan appeared to be visibly drunk. She tried to wake him up, but he was unresponsive, his body limp and heavy.Feeling a mix of concern and confusion, Alex carefully lifted Nolan's arm and tried to rouse him. After a few moments, he began to stir, his eyes fluttering open. But he was still clearly inebriated, his speech slurred and his movements clumsy."Wha...what's going on?" Nolan mumbled, struggling to sit up.Alex helped him to his feet, trying to keep him steady as they made their way to his room. As they walked, she could smell the alcohol on his breath, and she knew that he had been drinking heavily.As Alex finished changi
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CHAPTER 102The next morning, Alexa woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. As she stretched her arms and legs, she couldn't help but think about the events of the previous night. The memory of Nolan's drunken confession and his plea for her to stay kept replaying in her head, causing her heart to race with a mix of emotions.But as she got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast, she was met with a grumpy and distant Nolan. He was sitting at the kitchen counter, his eyes fixed on his phone screen, and he barely acknowledged her presence as she walked in.At first, Alexa tried to brush it off, thinking that Nolan was just hungover from the alcohol he had consumed the night before. But as the minutes ticked by and Nolan continued to ignore her, she couldn't help but feel hurt and confused.Alexa's phone beeped, interrupting her thoughts. She picked it up to see a text from Anthony, her boss and Nolan's father. The message read:"Alexa, please come
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CHAPTER 103As Alexa stepped out of the car in front of Anthony's company, she looked around nervously. She had never been to his office before, and she wasn't sure what to expect. As she was about to head towards the entrance, she saw Anthony walking towards her."Alexa, my dear, it's so good to see you," he said, reaching out his hands to her. "You look stunning in that dress."Alexa felt her cheeks flush as she thanked him, feeling a little self-conscious in the tight-fitting dress. Anthony took her hand and led her towards another car parked nearby."Where are we going?" Alexa asked, feeling a little nervous."It's a surprise," Anthony said with a grin. "But I promise you'll love it."Alexa couldn't help but feel a little suspicious as they got into the car and drove off. She tried to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over her, focusing on the passing scenery outside the car window. After a while, the car turned off onto a long, winding road surrounded by lush green
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CHAPTER 104Alexa was still in the restroom with Jade, trying to explain everything that had happened so far, but Jade was still in disbelief. "How could you do this to Cody, Alex? You're supposed to be in a committed relationship with him," Jade said, shaking her head."I know, Jade, but it's not what you think. Anthony is Nolan's father, and he just wanted to take me out to lunch to discuss something," Alexa replied, trying to make Jade understand."But you're dressed in that stunning dress, and you're having lunch with a man who's not your boyfriend. That's cheating, Alex," Jade said, still not convinced."I'm not cheating, Jade. I love Cody, and he means everything to me. I just had to do this for Nolan's sake, and Anthony promised that he would help me," Alexa explained, hoping that Jade would understand."But what if Cody finds out? What will happen then?" Jade asked, her voice filled with concern."I don't know, Jade, but I just have to trust that Cody will understand," Alexa r
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CHAPTER 105Alexa looked stunning as Anthony led her into the grand banquet hall. She wore a shimmering silver evening gown that hugged her curves in all the right places. The back of the dress was open, revealing her smooth, toned back. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves, and she wore a pair of diamond earrings that sparkled with every move she made.Anthony looked equally dashing in a tailored black suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and chiseled features. They made quite the power couple as they strode across the room, with all eyes on them.Anthony made sure to introduce Alexa to all of his important investors, and she charmed them all with her quick wit and intelligence. Nolan watched from a far end of the banquet hall with his girlfriend, Kathy, who seemed to be jealous of the way he was looking at Alexa.As the night wore on, Alexa and Anthony danced to the soft music that played in the background. He held her close, whispering sweet nothings
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CHAPTER 106Alexa was surprised to see Nolan approach her and Anthony on the dance floor. She wondered what he wanted, especially after what happened earlier in the day. Anthony was equally surprised to see his son, but he smiled and greeted him."Nolan, what brings you here?" Anthony asked."I just wanted to talk to Alexa," Nolan replied, looking at Alexa.Anthony nodded and excused himself, leaving Nolan and Alexa alone on the dance floor. Nolan took Alexa's hand and led her to the center of the floor."I'm sorry about Kathy earlier," Nolan said, looking at Alexa."It's fine," Alexa replied, not really knowing what to say."I know it's not an excuse, but she's been having a hard time lately," Nolan continued."What do you mean?" Alexa asked, curious.Nolan hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Her mother has been sick, and it's been hard on her.""I'm sorry to hear that," Alexa replied sympathetically."I just wanted to apologize for her behavior earlier. She didn't mean to be ru
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CHAPTER 107As Alexa stood on the balcony, trying to calm her nerves and process the events of the evening, she noticed a familiar car parked at the end of the driveway. It was Cody's car. Panic set in as she realized that he was here, right outside the mansion.Her heart started to race as she quickly made her way back inside, trying to avoid being seen by Anthony or Nolan. She made it to the door and started to open it, but before she could step outside, she heard Cody's voice behind her."What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed.Alexa turned around slowly, dreading the confrontation that was sure to follow. "I-I was just trying to relax," she stuttered, hoping he would believe her.Cody didn't seem convinced. "Relaxing? Really? You know we have a job to do tonight, and you're out here risking everything by being seen."Alexa felt a twinge of guilt. He was right - if Anthony or Nolan caught her with Cody, it could ruin everything. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I just needed s
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CHAPTER 108Alexa turned to face Kathy, bewildered at what she was insinuating. "What are you talking about, Kathy?" she asked.Kathy let out a bitter laugh, "You really don't know, do you? You're the reason Nolan doesn't like me anymore."Alexa was taken aback by Kathy's words. "What? That's not true. I haven't done anything to come between you and Nolan," she said, trying to defend herself.Kathy rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, Alexa. You've been parading around here with Anthony, flaunting your new relationship in everyone's faces. It's no secret that Nolan had a thing for you before Anthony came into the picture."Alexa shook her head in disbelief. "That's ridiculous, Kathy. Nolan and I are just friends," she protested.Kathy scoffed, "Friends? Please, Alexa. You don't know anything about relationships. Nolan has been ignoring me ever since you started hanging out with him. He's clearly interested in you, and you're too blind to see it."Alexa was starting to get annoyed at Kathy's
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CHAPTER 109Nolan led Alexa through the darkened mansion towards the poolside. The only sound came from their feet hitting the tiles."Are you sure this is a good idea, Nolan?" Alexa asked hesitantly."I'm sure," he replied with a grin. "Trust me."As they approached the pool, Nolan pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from his jacket pocket."Here, have a drink," he offered, pouring the amber liquid into each glass.Alexa took the glass, feeling the coolness of the glass against her hand. She brought the glass to her lips and took a sip. The warmth of the whiskey seeped through her throat, spreading throughout her body.Nolan sat down on the edge of the pool and motioned for her to join him. Alexa sat down next to him, feeling the coolness of the tiles against her skin."I'm sorry about earlier," Nolan said, his voice low. "I shouldn't have pushed you like that.""It's fine," Alexa replied, taking another sip of whiskey. "I just don't know what to say."Nolan chuckled. "You
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CH110As the morning sun shone through her window, Alexa woke up with a smile on her face, ready to face the day ahead. She remembered Anthony's invitation to his company and the thought of it made her feel excited yet nervous. She quickly got up from bed, washed her face, and got dressed in a sleek, black dress.As she was applying her makeup, there was a knock on her door. She was surprised to see Anthony standing there, looking dashing in his suit."Good morning, Alexa," he greeted her with a smile."Good morning, Anthony," she replied, feeling her cheeks flush with excitement."I hope I'm not disturbing you. I just wanted to invite you officially to my company. I would like to introduce you to the board of directors," he said.Alexa was surprised but also flattered that Anthony would introduce her as his woman to his board of directors."Wow, that's a big deal. But isn't that too soon?" Alexa asked, feeling a bit hesitant.Anthony understood her concern and quickly replied, "You'r
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