All Chapters of Tempting the Billionaire heir: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
160 Chapters
CHAPTER 141"You may be pregnant, my lady." Alexa's dry mouth slackened, her eyes widened, a lump formed in her throat and her head shook vigorously. "No way. That can't be. It's impossible. How could I be pregnant?!" Alexa leaned back to steady herself and a sheen of sweat broke on her face."I'll leave now, my lady. If you need anything, you can reach me through the phone on the desk or ring a bell." She bowed one last time before heading to the door."Wait!" The old lady stalled. "Send for one of the young maids. Tell her to get a pregnancy test kit as soon as possible." She rubbed the back of her neck and paced about the moment the door clicked.Pregnant?Biting at her fingers, Alexa mused, trying to put two and two together. She hadn't seen her period in two months. Alexa hadn't given it much thought because it fluctuated sometimes due to stress. It was also about two months ago that she'd had sex with Nolah without pills. Nolan hadn't also used protection that day. Her heart ra
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CHAPTER 142Cold beads of sweat broke on Alexa's face, her face turned ashen, her lips trembled, and for a probable one minute, all she could do was stare. "C-Cody, what are you-""Miss me, Alexa?" Alexa's eyes fluttered, her throat dry and her body went stiff. Her eyes darted the moment her senses kicked in. She tried to use her fingers to communicate with the shop owner via sign language. Her body however jerked the moment Cody pulled out his gun. In the next minute, he grabbed he by the hair and pulled her to his front, forcing her to watch the moment he pulled the trigger and blew off the shop owner's brains. A shrill cry escaped from Alexa's lips and she fidgetted, body trembling. Her heart almost exploded as the briefly saw the lifeless body of the shop owner, a pool of blood around his head.Cody overpowered her, pulling her roughly into the van ahead, and Alexa's numb hand dropped the box that contained the pregnancy test kit. As soon as she was in the van, Cody tied her han
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CHAPTER 143Nolan's POV It was a hectic work day for Nolan. He'd tried reaching Alexa that he would be coming late at night, but much to his surprise, she hadn't replied to his texts or calls. He'd been too busy to check on her again. Since it was already late at night, and he was heading home, he decided to see her at home instead. Nolan walked into his house and was surprised to meet an empty room. The bed wasn't made and Alexa's phone was lying right on it. He picked it up and saw that she hadn't used the phone since he texted and called her hours ago. "Alexa, Alexa." Nolan was quite aware that it was foolish of him to think that she was in the room, but he couldn't help calling her name. He marched to the second floor of his house, calling out her name. His face turned white, tendons stood out in his neck, and his muscles tightened. "Where is Alexa?" Nalon asked the old housekeeping staff whom he instructed to look after her."I-I-I don't know...She was in her room the last ti
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CHAPTER 144Nolan made his way to the district officer's office, having confirmed the particular station handling the case. Filing a report and going through court processes would have been cumbersome and time-consuming for Nolan, who had no time. The district officer was initially a little reluctant to provide a copy of the CCTV footage in his custody, but after Nolan explained the situation of things, he immediately forgot about the usual due process of law. The officer slipped the disc into his laptop and Nolan subconsciously ran his hand down his pants legs, pupils dilating. About five minutes later, Nolah staggered, his lips parted, and he suddenly became dizzy. How could this be? It was Cody? The same man who killed his father? His lips suddenly went dry. Scared that he would slump down to the ground, the officer held him, pulling him down a chair. After some probable five minutes, Nolah regained composure, having quenched his thirst with a glass of water. Suddenly, his sens
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CHAPTER 145“We will have to track down Cody but the only way we can do that is by waiting to get another call from him,” the police informed Cody. “Why should we have to wait to get his call?” Nolan asked, not sure of the terms.“We have a tracking device already, all we have to do is place it near the phone once he calls,” the police informed.Nolan nods his head as a sign to show that he now understood what they meant.“For now you have to get further evidence of the kidnapper and the relation of him with his father as it might give us a clue on why he continues to torment you,” the police demanded, giving Nolan the task of searching for more information. “Alright but why not commence a silent search and rescue them while we wait,” Nolan suggested to the police, they come to an agreement, after which Nolan goes back to the mansion to search for any clues of the hideaway or information.He goes into his father's home office for the first time since his father died. He rummages thr
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Chapter 146ALEXA'S POVThree nights had passed and Cody was becoming more impatient. He paced around in anger, trying to think of what to do.In anger, he grabbed my weak and bruised body and brought his mouth close to my ears. “Can you see now that Nolan doesn't give a damn about you? He doesn't care about you, that's how these wealthy people behave. You left me just because of him and now, you can see the grave consequences playing before your eyes,” Cody said as he dropped me on the floor in frustration.I yelped in pain, and I was terrified of what else he could do in anger. Nolan can't possibly leave me, I know he loves me and can do anything to save me.“Nolan would come to save me, I knew that. And if he fails to come, I'll make sure I save myself from this mess and come back to hunt you down. You will beg at my feet for mercy, Cody,” I voiced out with all the strength left it in me.“Whoa, I love that boldness and certainty. If you really think you can get out of here and co
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Chapter 147ALEXA'S POVThree nights had passed and Cody was becoming more impatient. He paced around in anger, trying to think of what to do.In anger, he grabbed my weak and bruised body and brought his mouth close to my ears. “Can you see now that Nolan doesn't give a damn about you? He doesn't care about you, that's how these wealthy people behave. You left me just because of him and now, you can see the grave consequences playing before your eyes,” Cody said as he dropped me on the floor in frustration.I yelped in pain, and I was terrified of what else he could do in anger. Nolan can't possibly leave me, I know he loves me and can do anything to save me.“Nolan would come to save me, I knew that. And if he fails to come, I'll make sure I save myself from this mess and come back to hunt you down. You will beg at my feet for mercy, Cody,” I voiced out with all the strength left it in me.“Whoa, I love that boldness and certainty. If you really think you can get out of here and co
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Chapter 148ALEXA'S POVAfter the shootout, the police had called the paramedics. One of them attended to me, to treat the wounds and bruises that Cody had inflicted me with. I observed my environment as other paramedics combed the area and picked up the dead bodies.I could see that they were the bodies of the men that inflicted pain on me. They had beaten me and made me see hell on earth. During those times, I had thought I was going to die but thankfully, I was strong until the end.I noticed a body bag that they were carrying with ease. It was Cody's dead body, I looked at him, gave him a spiteful look. If I had not withdrawn from these bad ways, this would have been my end too.Thank goodness that I left those sinful ways. I looked away as they carried his body into the vehicle. Then I began to worry about Nolan.Nolan wasn't able to save me, and he hasn't come to see me. I'm sure he knew that I was saved already, or could he be planning something?Not long after I thought about
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Chapter 149I felt anxious and my tummy churned as I saw the letter. I looked around and noticed the mess that was around Nolan, where he sat. It seemed like he had thrown things out of anger.Fear gripped me as I felt the air was tensed, I looked at Nolan with guilt and regret. Then he looked up at me, and I could see disgust and anger beaming like lasers at me. He kicked a small miniature model of the BCI building next to his father's desk. I jumped at this reaction and my hands became cold, I began to apologize to Nolan as I knelt down.He didn't say a word and brought out a necklace that Anthony had given to me. I couldn't bear to look at him for long, guilt had overwhelmed me.“How long have you been hiding this truth from me? How long?” He slammed his wrist against the table, with rage.I began to stutter as I couldn't control my words due to fear of being caught, and not in the nicest way.“How long have you been lying about having a brother? “ He asked, with rage in his eyes.
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CHAPTER 150He slowly moved his hands around her as he moved her closer to himself, she could see the hesitation in his eyes as he slowly moved his hands around her and it broke her slightly.She placed her hands slightly on his shoulders as she looked into his eyes.“Nolan?” She called slightly, like a woman playing the role of a seductress.“Alexa” he called back before finally speaking up. “Are sure about this?” He asked her and she sighed as she cupped his face with her hands, smiling slightly as she stared at him.“Yes, I am. There’s no need to worry” she told him.He smiled, it was all he ever wanted to hear and before she could speak again, he turned her over on the bed as he slowly started to caress her lips, slamming his lips right against hers as he thrusted his tongue right into her already open mouth.She let out a slight moan as he cupped her breasts with his hand, unhooking her bralet as he did so. She let out slight moans, turning him on. The night was so pleasurable
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