All Chapters of Tears of the Moon: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
58 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One
Layla.After Jaxon yelled at me for killing Emma I fell into a deep depression. I didn't mean to hurt her, much less kill her, and I don't even really know how or why I did it. I wasn't under any emotional termoil like they put me through during my tests. What could have caused such a chaotic outburst?It doesn't matter. As soon as I get out of here I will end everything, Jaxon has proven that no one wants a monster like me. I don't even want me, so why would anyone else? I have no family to run to, no friends that would miss me uncontrollably. So what is the point?"The point is you are a warrior. A fighter. It may not seem like it now, but all of us who know parts of your story, know that you can fight through anything. And right now, you need to fight for your happiness, your acceptance of who you are, and for what is yet to come," Grey says in a stone like manner. How did he know what I was thinking?"I bet you are wondering how I kno
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Chapter Twenty-Two
Jaxon. I didn't know what else to do. Do I think taking her outside is reckless? Yes. Do I worry about an attack with her outside and her safety in jeapody? Of course. Do I worry about her burning down the entire pack because she has a surge of emotions? Absolutely. But do I worry more about her emotional state right now? One hundred fucking percent. The way she didn't even register that we were in the room. Or how her eyes became so hollow and lifeless. Her face as smooth as glass instead of laugh lines, tears, or furrowed brows. It all became too much for me to see. So I did the only thing I could think of and rushed her outside. She laid limply in my arms with her eyes wide open, yet no life was found inside of them. I had hoped I could get her dressed before taking her out in her flimsy hospital gown, but she couldn't wait any longer. I was going to lose her. Kicking open the door of the hospital, the sun bathed us in its light and I saw her eyes squint at the sudden intrusion
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Chapter Twenty-Three
Layla. I am beyond scared for what it is I agreed to do. But, when I look into Jaxon's eyes, all I can see is reassurance that he will take care of me. This is my last hope to see if whatever he has in mind will work to fix this brokeness inside of me. I want to feel something other than fear, sorrow, and guilt. "If you need me to stop I will need you to speak up. Not when you are beyond the point of return, but more so if you are starting to feel uncomfortable and not in a good way. Ok? We will take this slow. Are you sure you want to go down this road, Layla?" He questions me softly yet firmly so I know he is serious but sensitive to my feelings. He holds my face in the palm of his hands and his breath kisses my lips. An ache I have never known before forms in between my legs and it both excites and terrifies me. "Yes, I need you to take it all away, please." I say back with trembling lips as new tears build in my eyes. He sits there silently looking into my eyes trying to detect
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Chapter Twenty-Four
The first of my screams pierce the sky as my body arches off the ground as if I am possessed. Jaxon's mouth is licking in between my folds at an extremely fast rate and I don't know if this is what heaven feels like. My emotions of terror and ecstasy are conflicting one another. "Stop thinking, just feel," Jaxon says in a muffled voice from between my legs while his face is still buried. When he talks it rattles my lips causing more fluid to come out and my head to land softly back in the dirt. He sucks on my clit harshly while humming, he must have noticed how much the deep vibrations effect me. Before I know it, I can feel one of his fingers enter my quivering womanhood. I hold my breath, waiting for the worst. But he doesn't do anything just stops with his finger still inside and his mouth still attached while humming. I let myself relax as best as I can and dig my fingers into the soil. I can do this, I can do this, he isn't them, he isn't them. I keep repeating to myself. Once I
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Chapter Twenty-Five
I hold my breath in anticipation of being attacked, but nothing happens. And then it hits me, this wolf won't hurt me, for it is Jaxon. I vaguely remember seeing him on numerous occasions calming my fire down before I pass out every time I have lost control during one of our many tests."You are spectacular," I whisper adoringly as he creeps close enough for me to run my fingers through his thick fur. I start at the top of his head and gently place my hands behind his ears and scratch deeply. He seems to enjoy this as he sits on his hind quarters and leans into my touch. I work my way down his neck and to his back. He flops over onto his side to show me his belly and I proceed with scratching his belly for a few moments. His body wiggles on his back seeming to enjoy this encounter. I stop touching him which brings out a whine from him as he sits up and sneezes into my face."That's gross," I giggle as I wipe the beasts snot from my cheeks. He lays on his belly and beckons me with his
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Jaxon. "I see... Long auburn hair with a slightly annoying wave to it. Green eyes and long lashes with thin eyebrows. Freckles on a nose that doesn't agree with the rest of my face. I see three hideous scars that show I am weak. I see a pitiful excuse of a human being. If I can even call myself that anymore. Jaxon, why am I doing this? This is just showing me everything I dislike about myself. My eyes are too big for my face causing my nose to look disproportioned--" Layla begins picking herself apart and I can't take it anymore. I lay down on her back propping myself on my elbows so I don't crush her tiny frame under my giant one. I lean over her shoulder so our faces are side by side looking at each other in the waters reflexion. "I am going to stop you right there," I say gently, "You see this hair?" I ask as I take one finger and twirl a strand of her thick locks around my finger, "It reminds me of who you are. Fire. It's fierce yet subtle, showing a softer side to you. A caring
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Layla. We had went back to the hospital after our day, and part of the night, outside. It was wonderful and I felt some much needed energy enter my body and soul after we had returned. I was a little upset that I had to be put back in my dungeon, as I called it, but Jaxon promised if I work hard every week then he will try and take me outside at the end of each week if I am able to start gaining control of my powers. The days have passed slowly and I have felt more in control of my emotions the more time I spend with Jaxon and we open up to each other. Just last night he came and brought me my supper and we ate together. He told me some more about werewolf heritage and how they originated. I was so engrossed in his stories that he had to stop several times to remind me to eat my food. I have gained a little weight but nothing crazy, if anything it has accentuated my small curves into modern sized and I feel confident in them. Shelly has been kind enough to go out and get me some n
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
The eyes are black as night and his hot breath smells like rotten carcasses. He is a dirty gray color with scars littering his body. He shifts into a young man that is tall and lanky and also covered in scars from head to toe. Some are circular, like cigarette burns, and others look like he has been cut up with knives and claws so many times. My heart pities him, such a rough life for someone so young.Another man approaches with long nappy hair that is on its way to becoming dreadlocks with how unmaintained it is. He is also covered in scars and missing part of an ear. He wipes his bleeding nose with the back of his hand."You did good Rourke," He grumbles as he slaps the young man on his back, hard. "Boss will be pleased. Hell, he may even feed your skinny ass. Let's grab her and get the hell out of here before that sadistic bastard catches us." He says as he wipes more blood from his nose.Five more naked guys all in the same state show up. They are all bleed
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Jaxon. I have no idea if this is a part of Doc's final test or not. The way these wolves are fighting, it isn't a game to them. They are going for the kill. Watching Trev get a chunk of his ribs ripped out and the way he cried out in wolf form was enough of a sign that this might just be a real attack. I have faith in Grey to get Layla to safety, so I continue working on taking out these bastards. Every time I get one down two more resume the fallens place. I reached out to my warriors who have just arrived to help Trev and I take out the trash and we begin taking them down with ease now that the playing field is level. I'm trying not to let my mind wonder to Layla because everytime I lose focus a new wolf gets the jump on me. I watch as Trev's body is trying to heal but due to him not being in a resting state, it is having a hard time catching up. Every breath he takes I watch the skin on his ribs seperate and his rib cage shines bright white through the muscles and seperated tissu
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Chapter Thirty
Layla. "What did you do?!" Jaxon yells at me. I have no words, because I don't understand what it is I just did. I am watching with bated breath as Grey gasps for air. The slice in his neck slowly starts weaving itself back together as the blood stops pouring from the wound. The burns around his ankles and wrists from the cuffs are changing back into healthy pink skin. His wounds on his face start pulsing as the blood starts circulating back through his body and they, too, begin to heal. All I had done was cried on him as I prayed for him to live. Prayed for him to get better. I couldn't stand the thought of losing yet another person because of me. Sure I wasn't the one that ultimately killed him, but it was because of me none the less. I watch as Grey coughs a few times as Jaxon goes down on his hands and knees to sit behind Grey and pull him into a slight sitting up position against his chest to allow oxygen to enter his body easier. All I can do, is watch. Whatever I did saved
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