All Chapters of Tears of the Moon: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Layla. I am awoken from my deep sleep by this annoying beeping sound that seems to be in rhythm with my heart. There is also a soft dripping sound along with it. As I start to open my eyes I have to squint to adjust to the harsh lights cascading down into my eyes. The room smells sterile, it's quiet save for the beeps and drips, and the lights are blinding. I must be in a hospital. But how did I get here? And why am I here? My eyes flutter open and once they have fully adjusted to the lights I look around. Stainless steal walls, light blue gown, medical equipment, and a handcuff on my left arm. This is the strangest hospital, I have never been inside one with walls like these. Handcuff? I do a double take and attempt to pull on the cuff only for it to pierce my skin. The metal jingles against the bar of the bed but doesn't give way to my attempts. Why am I handcuffed? What happened? As I sit here and ponder on so many questions I can hear the distinct sound of arguing out in the h
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Chapter Twelve
Jaxon. I lay on top of my mate watching as she sleeps peacefully. I am still in my wolf form and plan to stay this way as I continue to use the calming on her. Feeling her chest rise and fall in slow even breathes, her eye lids fluttering as she appears to be in a dream of some sorts. Her hair is splayed out around her like a halo and she couldn't look anymore beautiful than she does right now in all her naked glory. Layla's waist is slim, her breasts firm and perky and just the right size for my big hands. Rose colored nipples the size of dimes are just calling out for me to lick them. I don't, for fear of waking whatever beast slumbers inside her. I hear footsteps approach her door causing me to glance over my shoulder and begin a slow snarl, waiting for the intruder. The door handle turns slowly and in walks a female nurse holding a new gown. "Oh, Alpha, my apologies, I thought you left. Would you prefer me to dress the patient or would you like to do the honors?" She whispers a
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Chapter Thirteen
Layla.I'm awoken to the sound of someone in my hospital room. Cautiously, I open my eyes and see a nurse placing a tray of food on a metal side table next to me. Everyting appears to be metal in this room which I am coming to understand is because of the fire I keep unintentionally creating."Good morning, miss. I have brought you some breakfast. We were unsure of what you preferred so we got you a little of everything, including some juice and extra water. You must be extremely thirsty," She states shyly as if she is unsure how to approach me. I can't say that I blame her, I'm not even sure how to approach myself either."Thank you, it all smells wonderful. Can I ask you something?" I question as I look at my lap and pick at the itchy hospital gown."Of course. I can't guarantee I have the answers for you but the Doc will be in shortly incase I can't answer properly.""Do werewolves exist? Or was I just having the craziest most realistic dream of my life?" I ask and can feel my chee
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Chapter Fourteen
It has been 15 days that I have been locked in this hospital room. Jaxon comes to visit often to run the tests to see what is causing my fires. It is still so new to me that I possess powers and that the supernatural world that I have gravitated to my whole life, is real. Witches, werewolves, whatever I am, all exist. When I was younger and didn't have any friends or family, I would live in the books depicting the lives of such fantasies. And now, I am apart of it. I have this strange connection with Jaxon that is indescribable. I want him around me all the time and sometimes I force myself to get worked up just so my fire explodes and he holds me to put it out. I feel selfish doing that, because it causes him harm, but he doesn't seem to mind. He has started being almost caring. Some days are better than others with him though. Just yesterday he came in with his nostrils flaring and his face red with anger. It had frightened me and I began to cry. He looked at me with comtempt befor
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Chapter Fifteen
Jaxon."Now that I have some free time, Trev, why don't you fill me in on how Maggie died," I begin as I sit behind my desk with a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. It's only 9 in the morning and Trev and Grey are sitting opposite my desk with files in their laps of everything they would like to discuss with me during our meeting. I haven't had much time to focus on the pack as most of my time is spent with Layla trying to figure her out. Doc has taken blood samples, hair samples, and even tried gauging how hot her fire gets in order to figure out who and what she is. We have narrowed it down to a few options, the one would be not possible as this species has not been seen or heard of in over four hundred years. The other two options could be a possibility but we don't know for sure. It's hard to know when she hasn't fully shifted. While I have been out, Trev and Grey have been helpful in running the pack in my stead. "She was burned to death," Beta Trev states simply."Not poss
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Chapter Sixteen
I pick Layla up bridle style as Grey comes into the room. He sees the woman he has vowed to protect with his life and a series of emotions pass through his eyes. Sadness, anger, guilt, are a few that I notice right away. "Don't do this to yourself Grey. Not now. Go get Doc! Hurry!" I say as I watch more blood pool around my feet. I can feel the wound on my shoulder begin to heal but my mates wounds are not.  "Come on Layla, baby, wake up! Wake up Layla! You need to open your eyes for me!" I gently shake her trying to get her to wake up. I know if she can get her fire going she has a chance at healing and hopefully won't be permanetly scarred. Not that I would care, but she might. I know Emma had a tough time with her face being marred.  Doc comes running in covered in blood and without clothes, he must have joined in the fight as well. I can still hear fighting from outside the hospital and I am torn on staying with my mate, and protecting my pack.&
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Chapter Seventeen
Layla. I am on my beach again only this time I am floating on my back in the ocean as the waves rock me back and forth. My long hair is floating around me as my hands caress the water rocking below me. My eyes are closed and it is just me and these waves. Slowly, my body drifts closer and closer to the white sand but every time I am almost there, the waves suck me back again. I decide to swim to shore, as I have grown weary and pruney from the water and the sun bathing my skin in its light. I try to swim but everytime I get close enough, the water drags me back once more. My heart rate is accelerating as I fight against the current that has turned from smooth and methodical, to choppy and rough. The sky begins to darken as a storm brews. I have to get back to shore, but I just can't seem to fight against the raging waters. My arms and legs turn to weights as I begin to bob above and bellow the surface, inhaling water every time. I am going to
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Chapter Eighteen
Jaxon. I don't know why I screamed at her like that after everything she has endured these last few weeks. Sometimes I cant help it, burning rage courses through my veins remembering Emma. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. And what hurts the most is I still want to take revenge- a life for a life- but I am conflicted knowing it is my mate that caused her death. I wonder if I would have loved her and how things would have turned out for us if she hadn't killed Emma. After watching her through the emotional tests we put her through, I know she couldn't have possibly done it on purpose. A tragic accident. But it doesn't make it any less painful knowing she killed the last of my family. I look at her and I see tears well up in those big beautiful eyes of hers and decide it is best if I leave to cool off. Ash is whining in my head telling me I should go to her, comfort her, even apologise, but I can't do that. Not yet. Not while I am still grieving for the sister I lost. I silent
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Chapter Nineteen
"Let's skip the pleasantries, shall we? I have questions and you will answer them. If not, then you will soon find out why I am known as the ruthless Alpha," I calmly state as I grab a pair of dirty bolt cutters. "Fuck you," The rogue says as he spits a giant ball of phlegm that land at my feet. It's slightly hard to understand him with all of his teeth missing, but I get the point. The phlegm wad doesn't make it on my feet and half of it dangles out of his mouth and drips down his bloodied chin. "Suit yourself. Now tell me, why were you and that sorry excuse of a pack attacking my people?" I know the answer, this is just a trial question to see if he is going to be forthcoming with information. "Should you cooperate, I will let you live to see your mate. Should you not, she will feel every pain I inflict on you and die a slow death." I say as I walk closer to him observing his mark before I extend one of my claws and slice through the mark on his neck. He winces but
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Chapter Twenty
After my fun with Gareson Green and his body had been disposed of, I decided to pay a visit to our second prisoner. Now, this one is going to be tricky because I can only ask yes or no questions. And there won't be anyway for me to know if he is telling the truth or not. But still, I am going to give it my best shot. I have Trev grab the laptop that has the video of Gareson's fairwell downloaded on it because I want to show our captive what is in store for him if he doesn't cooperate. Upon entering his cell I find him hanging by his arms from the ceiling. His legs are bound together with chains and a giant lead ball is attached, not allowing him to swing and potentially kick me. "Hey, dick face, wake up," Trev hollers as he goes over and slaps the guy across the face. They guy stirs and instantly schools his face into an expressionless mask. Trev procedes to load the video and the guy watches it while I watch him for any reaction. To my utter surprise he smirks and t
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