All Chapters of Tears of the Moon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
58 Chapters
Chapter Forty-One
Layla. There were so many people and the decorations were so sophisticated I was afraid to touch anything. Jaxon and I walked through the doors after the butler announced us and descended the stairs into the garden. Lights were strug above our heads and lanterns were on tables adorned with beautiful yellow roses and greenery. There were a handful of children running around and playing chase as they dodged through the party guests. I couldn't help but smile at their innocence. We slowly stroll through the pack and Jaxon stops to talk to pretty much everybody. I just say hello when he introduces me and I notice several questioning glances thrown at me from the pack people. "Jaxon, I need to use the restroom if you don't mind," I plead with him to allow me a moment to myself. This is far too many people for me. The bullet is also quite annoying as I have to try and keep it inside. Jaxon eyes me skeptically before glancing down at my lower half. "Leave it in if you know what's good f
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Chapter Forty-Two
Layla. The sky begins to darken as a storm begins to emerge out of nowhere. All the guests have stopped what they are dong completely to watch the drama unfold. I still have no idea why Grey is referring to me as Luna, but that's the least of my worries. My main concern is that the man I think I have started falling for, has clearly been doing things behind my back. I feel my chest tighten as an anxiety attack begins to build inside me. My hands are shaking as I try to control my fire but it is getting harder the more I look at Jaxon. Jaxon storms down the steps and begins towards Grey who squats down in a fighters stance. Trev pushes me further back and he, too, is about to face off with the Alpha. All because of me. The closer Jaxon gets I see both Trev and Grey twitching waiting for a fight to errupt. Just as Jaxon makes it to the edge of the dance floor, Grey shifts into his beautiful wolf and snarls threateningly at Jaxon, daring him to come any closer to me. "I'm not here to
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Chapter Forty-Three
Jaxon. I watch as Layla paces infront of Magenta, Grey, Trev, and myself. I feel like I am back in pup school and about to be scolded for some wrong doing we got ourselves into. Our headmistress was strict and Layla's scowl matches that of Headmistress Wendy. I don't even know how we have gotten to this place tonight. I remember getting a mind link from Magenta saying one of the Omega's had cut their hand in the kitchen and it wasn't healing. (Flashback to earlier this evening) I went inside to investigate the Omega's hand when Magenta mind linked again saying she had taken the Omega to the medical suite to gather bandages. I headed towards to medical suite and when I got there, all the lights were off. Even with our keen eye sight, it would be easier to patch someone up in a well lit room. "My, my, you look ravishing tonight," I hear Magenta purr as she steps out of the shadows on the other side of the patient table. Her dress is far too revealing for my taste and the way she is
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Chapter Forty-Four
Gretchen is wearing black ripped jeans with a black v neck long sleeve. She has her green snake wrapped around her wrist, I can't remember his name. Her red hair is made up of bouncing curls that reach down to her shoulders. She has brown eyes and a dusting of freckles across her nose. Although she looks around 20 years of age, she is actually closer to 150 years as witches age slower than most supernaturals. She is very powerful, very wise, and a woman you would never want to cross. "Ah, Jaxon, let's have a look at you." She says as she comes closer and holds me at arms length eyeing me up from head to toe. I hear Layla growl at her due to the fact I am still naked. "Gretchen, good to see you, High Priestess. You are early, I hope you traveled well," I respond politely as I slowly pull out of her embrace and place my hands infront of my junk. "Now, now, no need to be shameful. It's nothing I haven't seen before," She says as she chuckles. My eyes pop out of my head and I can feel
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Chapter Forty-Five
Layla.We enter Jaxon's dark room and I sniff in deeply enjoying the smell of his room because it smells like him. But right now it is tainted with the smell of Magenta on his skin crossed with blood and sweat."You need a shower, you smell like your lover," I snap at him while still in his arms. Before I can react, I am free falling to the floor with a loud thud as Jaxon literally drops me from his arms."Didn't Gretchen show you what happened? How can you be such a brat about something that was out of my control!" He fumes as he glares daggers at me from above."She did show me, but what I don't understand is how you could have even let it get to that point in the first place. How you could trust her enough not to worry about what she may do. I encountered her one time before she slobbed all over you, and I could even tell her spirit animal should have been a fricken snake!" I growl back at him as I raise to my feet. I stab my finger into his chest hard before continuing, "Did you e
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Chapter Forty-Six
Jaxon. I have never apologized to anybody for any choice I have made in life. I have always kept my pride in check and accepted whatever consequences have been thrown my way for the choices I made, even in my younger years. My father taught me that if you make a choice you better make the right one, and even if you don't, you stick to your choice no matter what. But I knew I needed to try and atone for what happened last night, even if I wasn't in the wrong. I know I also need to speak to Trev and Grey and possibly apologize to them as well. And I need to make a formal announcement about Layla being the true Luna and my fated mate to the pack. I know they will have questions and want to know why it has taken me so long to announce her. They have waited just as long as I have to have a Luna. Someone to guide them and have empathy, as well as someone to help me see reason when I may form biased opinions from time to time. When I got out of the shower last night and couldn't find Layl
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Chapter Forty-Seven
Unknown. "You were supposed to bring her to me, were you not?" I question as I sharpen the silver blade againt the turning stone. I can smell the sweat as it permiates out of her pores. "Y-y-yes, sire." She stutters. I turn to look at her and I can see my beautiful masterpiece across her skin. Blood is dripping through the slashes and gashes I have created with my favorite silver blade. The hilt is made up of gold and maroon leather that is a perfect match for blood. Because the hilt is not made of silver, it does not harm me. Ha! Even if it was made of silver, I would not feel it. The nerve endings in my skin no longer feel pain of any sorts. "And she is not here because?" I ask softly. When I roar anger at my subjects it doesn't do much as my vocal chords do not sing the same sweet tune they used to. No, my calmness always has them pissing down their legs. "Master, I tried! Really!" She stammers and starts struggling against the chains that keep her bound to the chair she is si
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Chapter Forty-Eight
Layla."Have you been able to learn control over your fire?" Gretchen asks me as she peers at the notes Shelly, Jaxon, and I have made. Well, the new notes that is. It would have been helpful if we had Doc's notes too because his were more detailed. But we did what we could in the amount of time we could do it in."Yes," I reply as I bring the ice water to my lips and take a sip. We are all sitting on the back patio of the pack house near the rose garden. It is a nice bright and sunny day with just a hint of a breeze. The weather isn't too hot nor is it too cold. I have on a simple pair of denim shorts and a loose fitted tank top and my hair is pulled back in a loose french braid with small pieces framing my face. After my 'hunting' as Jaxon calls it, and our love making in the forest, we came home and got cleaned up before meeting with Gretchen."What can you do with it?" She asks as she sets the notes down on the patio table and leans forward with her elbows on her knees leaning in
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Chapter Forty-Nine
Jaxon.Gretchen won't tell us what she thinks Layla is just yet. She said she wants to be 100% sure before she says anything. She also said if Layla is what she is thinking, then all of our lives are in danger by her being here, especially Layla's. She told us not to utter a single word to anyone, and if anyone asks then we are to say she is a hybrid of a Fire Fairy and a wolf which we could pass off as to why she doesn't have normal Fire Fairy abilities. If she isn't a Fire Fairy, then what is she?I had briefly told Gretchen about what all has happened sense Layla's arrival beginning with Maggie until recently at the ball. All she did was nod her head once before closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. She told me not to even tell anyone else on the Council and to only deal with her. She will be leaving in the morning to receive some old texts from her previous clan. Gretchen said to expect her back in twelve days time and if she has not made it back by the thirteenth
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Chapter Fifty
Layla.Sitting on Jaxon's lap visiting with the other pack members has actually been a huge comfort. I never dreamed I could fit in and allow myself to feel like I am apart of a family. A family that I still have yet to fully figure out, but a family none the less."Here, Allie, let me take RoRo so you can finish eating," I suggest as I stretch my arms across the table for the baby."You haven't ate anything yet, either," Allie says as she tries to juggle RoRo and cut her steak at the same time. I push up on Jaxon's lap and lean over, trying to avoid his plate of food infront of me, and grab the baby. Allie, seeing my attempt to hold the sweet child, finally obliges and meets me half way to hand the baby over.Holding little RoRo I can't help but feel a warmth of joy spread throughout my heart and it is so overwhelming I feel my eyes tear up at the thought of holding my own daughter some day. I never had the white picket fence family growing up, quite the opposite really. But I know I
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