All Chapters of The Mafia Lycan's Obsession : Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
295 Chapters
Reports V
Lent rubbed his knee gently in thought, as he looked on at Jutul, wondering what next the lad had to say. Of course he knew that Storm had healing powers, after all she had used it on him, but he hadn’t been aware of the strength. The girl looked…weak. She looked like an innocent, someone that wouldn’t hurt a fly. To think that she had disfigured her step brother's arm was preposterous, although he thought it fair and deserving to the stupid boy. But to think Storm had done it, was nothing short of amazing and shocking. So, if she had superhuman strength, what else does she have? Was she even a human? If she wasn’t, then this might change some narrative. Could that be why Kaden was so hung up on her? Had he in some way had suspected that the girl wasn’t human? Lent knew that Lycans rarely found their fated mates, unless the goddess showed them some mercy. At the time of Kaden’s shift, Kaden had been sad, thinking that the goddess had loaded him with a curse when he had found
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Reports VI
It was official. Storm wasn’t human. Lent could see the realization in Kaden’s dull movements and Casper’s freeness. The girl wasn’t fragile. She could protect herself. Worse, she had a knack for attracting other supernaturals. “Jutul, what year are you in?” He heard Kaden asked Jutul, and soughed. Of course, Jutul would have to take over Storm’s investigation and protection. That relaxed him in a way. The lad was capable. “Second year.” Jutul replied, already knowing the task that might be assigned to him next. “That’s good. Take care of Storm. Communicate the same to the others in the clan attending the college. Y’all should keep an eye on her. You are in charge. Any form of insubordination, you can report back to me. And lest I forget, just tell them that Storm is a friend if they ask about her. Don’t give any more details other than that statement. That’s all. I don't want any rumors around the clan. Am I clear?” Kaden asked, and Jutul nodded frantically, almost getting up on
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Reports VII
Lent inhaled, exhaled, then inhaled again, trying to say something to what his friend and leader had just mentioned, but just breaths came out. He tapped his chest, as if to free the slight pain that had lodged there. What was that? He never had heart issues. He will have to check in with Jiraq to be on the safe side. Till then, he had to stay and stomach the truth that Kaden just revealed. Storm was his mate? That would explain his alpha’s hungness on the girl, but why hadn’t he said something earlier, that would have stopped him from developing a crush on her.It was Casper that still broke the silence, getting tired of spewing curses. Kaden just sat still staring at them, waiting for more reactions.“What did you just say? Wait…are you already aware of the news that Jutul had been dishing to us all this while?” Casper inquired, disbelief coating his features like a second skin. He was still trying to understand how the feeble girl they have come to know had powers, and now his be
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Reports VIII
“So, Kaden, what are we going to do? About Storm I mean? It's obvious that they want her. We can't let her be taken. She is our future Luna, you know-when we regain your rightful place in the pack.” Lent asked, folding his arms across his chest, relaxing deeper into his chair, already stilling himself to accept reality. Storm wasn't his to take. She had never been in the first place. He had a mate somewhere else. He just had to be patient.Kaden sighed, dissecting Lent’s words. Reclaim his place in the pack? How was he going to do that? As the days go by, his appetite for the throne wanes and dissipates. As a matter of fact he cared less about the throne or its people, they were in the hands of his brother. They were in good hands. What he only cared about was getting mates for his family here. But Lent always believed that he should go back and fight for what actually belongs to him, his right place as the alpha of the pack; his gamma even thinks that his younger brother might be be
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Reports IX
Lab rat? Now, when Lent put it that way, it was quite revolting. “I wasn’t a lab rat, Lent…I was just trying to know if it would be a better fit for the clan. I have a lycan, so if it's deathly, I wouldn’t be likely to die unlike you all. I was doing it for the good of the clan.” Kaden stated, not liking the term lab rat at all. “I see, but don't do that again, Kaden. Seriously. You should let us in on these things,” Casper opined. “So, what were the results of the experiment?”Kaden paused, knowing that his response will give his friends ample reason to state that what he had done was wrong. But if he hadn’t done it, who would? Lab rats couldn’t be used for this test, it was a werewolf with a collar around its neck, and he wasn’t about to sacrifice any of them, not even the rogues. Yes, a percentage of his clan were werewolves from other packs, who had been ousted or exiled, or fugitives from a war. June and her brother who had been attacked by those unknown assailants were one of
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Reports X
Trauma? Sessions? Kaden almost chuckled, finding the report funny, but for the seriousness in the man’s face and the fact that he had probably worked his ass off to give this report, or did he? Well, if Kaden hadn’t heard from Jutul a very concise report, he would have thought to take up this man at his offer, but now that he knew that Storm was superhuman, that changes the narrative. What if her nightmares were correlated to her powers, and not some psychosis? What if they were warnings? What if they were events that an ordinary human doctor couldn’t understand? He didn’t want his mate to be used as a lab rat, if they ever found out about her superhuman-ness, and so he knew that he had to make up some story to push the man away from him until he had spoken to Storm, and hear from her what she really wanted to do. If she was interested in the sessions, then he would ring up the doctor, but for now, he had to lie. “No, she isn’t around at the moment. But when she is, I will ring you
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Reports XI
“Except in brains of course.” Casper opined, still finding the whole situation hilarious. Lent laughed at the phrase, nodding as he did, whilst pitying the dude who had thought that he could outsmart Kaden and go unscathed successfully. If Fabiola would have known, he wouldn’t have taken his brother’s identity. “Your twin brother, you say, eh?” Kaden asked, and Fabiola nodded, gasping in pain the next minute, when Kaden slowly and meticulously drew a line on his face with the knife leaving a trail of blood and a pop of red flesh in its wake. The man shouted, now shaking his thighs which he had attempted to clutch together to prevent the escape of the scent of his urine, for fear of a worded punishment.Kaden took in the whiff first. “What the hell, man!” He screamed, taking steps away from the growling man. The knife had cut real deep. It would leave a scar. Casper and Lent, seeing the little pool of urine on the floor, cussed out loud, and bellowed Sonia's name. Sonia ran in, won
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Jiraq’s Report
“You know the clan people have been waiting in the meeting hall for more than thirty minutes…” Jiraq started, as he watched Sonia leave the room with her cleaning equipments. “Mitan had mentioned that to me, immediately he had seen me heading toward your office. He wanted me to inquire if the meeting would still be holding this morning.” “Of course it would; right after my meeting with you. Your reports to me now will play a huge part in the information I will communicate with them in the next few hours. So, tell me, Jiraq, what were your findings?” Kaden asked, inhaling deeply for the first time since Fabiola had deconsecrated the room with his urine. Fabiola. He still wasn’t done with the man. When Liam is fully recovered, his friend would help him recover all the money the swindler had taken from him. Liam would also help him to reach out to the real Gabiola and report his brother’s misconduct. Talking about Liam, how was he doing now? Kaden resolved to see him immediately after
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Jiraq’s Report II
Kaden took in the reaction of his friend and tried to understand the reason; but try as hard as he could, he couldn’t understand why Jiraq would give such a reaction at the mention of his mate’s name. The only thing he could say was that Jiraq knew something that he didn’t know about his mate.Please, it should not be another crush. He thought, though he doubted it was anything in the line of that. He had never heard Jiraq talk anything about any girl. Like Lent, he was waiting for his mate. But unlike Lent who was at least interested in mingling and going to bars, Jiraq wasn’t even interested in all that. The dude was always in his lab, thinking of solutions and ways to make their lives easier. And if he wanted to unwind, there was a little bar space in the clan where alcohol wasn’t sold but was always available. That was where he stayed, either that or the library. Similar to Casper, he loved books, he loved the smell of books. “Jiraq, say something. What is the problem? Do you kn
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Jiraq’s Report III
“She is calling? What are you waiting for? Pick the call!” Lent whisper yelled, glaring at a still surprised Kaden. Kaden was shocked that Storm was calling him. He couldn’t help but wonder if all was actually well, if trouble had already arisen, if whoever was after her had caught up with her, if a bounty hunter had finally found their hideout. The thought had him getting up sharply from his seat, and looking around as if searching for a weapon. He couldn’t afford anything to happen to her, not now when he was sure of who she was. When he saw Lent palm his face and Casper sigh, out of disbelief, he knew that he was already acting unlike him. He looked down at his phone, the call had ended. He had missed her call. What was wrong with him? “You would never know what is going on if you don’t answer the call. Calm down, Kaden. She is fine. Now, you can call her.” Jiraq said, not truly believing the entirety of his words; he was only attempting to calm his alpha down. And then he neede
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