All Chapters of Donovan : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
166 Chapters
The room felt oppressive as Donovan's stern gaze bore into Boma. His voice, low and foreboding, sliced through the air like a blade, giving her no room to stall. "I said start talking. Where are you coming from?" he questioned, the weight of his authority laced in every syllable. Boma, feeling the gravity of the moment, stammered, "I... I just went out for..." she thought of what to say but there was no forthcoming explanation. "I went to...I went" Her voice broke off as he rose and began to unbuckle his belt., impatience etched in every move. "Maybe you think I'm playing here." He said as he pulled it off the loops and folded it in half white she took a step back from him, her chest hammering with fright. "I asked you a simple question. Where were you? Where the hell are you coming from?" "I..please, I went to.." He took a step forward and she took one back. He spoke as he continued approaching her while she kept backing away in fear, her eyes starting to mist up. "P
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102 She didn't dwell on the depressing thought for long. She apologized to herself for contemplating suicide. She thought of the world and how wide it was. Everyone had one challenge or the other. She would have to deal with hers the best way possible. She didn't know how to spark that change but she decided to be hopeful it would come. And then perhaps she would get to live a more peaceful life. With those encouraging thoughts she stopped crying. Donovan returned in the late morning hours. He brought food as promised. His demeanor was stoic. She stayed wary of him. He seemed like a stranger to her. They shared the meal at the table in silence. Boma wanted to kill the unsettling air and searched for a topic to converse about however briefly. "I know it's still early but did you have your test yet?" She asked. He regarded her with skepticism. He seemed surprised that she would care about his activities after what happened between them the previous day. "Yes." "How was it?" "F
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Harry did a good job explaining the literature course she struggled with as well as some general social science courses she was forced to take as a year one student. She thanked him after the class and he graciously acknowledged her thanksgiving. Afterward she exited the hotel ready to attend the next one. Once she was home, Donovan called her to ask about her day. After their talk he inquired about any difficult course so he could get her a private tutor. Since she already had that covered and for free she said she was fine. He said he missed her and ended the call. After class the next day, her three friends surrounded her and handed a list to her. They had been carrying out word of mouth survey of what students wanted and Boma was thrilled to receive it. She hugged the girls closely. She didn't have to be so affected by their gesture since it was because of Donovan but she was. She knew it was because their action was touching. "We did it for you, not him." Queen said. "Thank y
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Seated beside Donovan in the backseat of the car, Boma felt the oppressive silence engulfing them. Phillip steered the vehicle, navigating the island streets with an air of detachment. Boma chose silence, fearing any utterance might trigger Donovan's simmering rage, ready to erupt with the slightest provocation. She had grown adept at navigating the storm of Donovan's temper, but today felt different. His anger seemed unrestrained, an unpredictable force that she struggled to comprehend. Donovan, in the throes of frustration, drummed an impatient finger on the seat, his narrowed lashes revealing a tempest of fury as he stared out the window. Boma cautiously assessed his mood, silently beseeching that the tempest within him would subside. Perplexed, she couldn't fathom the cause of his wrath. Attending classes to better herself was hardly an offense. Wasn't he the one who suggested getting her a tutor? Now, with an unexpected opportunity arising, his ire flared against an activ
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"I think it was about four days ago." She said "You think?" "I... believe it was four days ago." She corrected, knowing he wanted her to be sure. "Go on." "We happened to stumble into each other and..." "Where?" "The pharmacy..." "What were you doing at the pharmacy?" Boma paused for a moment, realizing she had to change her story. "I meant the eatery close to the pharmacy." "I'm starting to find problems in your story. Because the only time you went out that day on your own as I can remember was after you more or less sneaked out to buy food if I should put it that way. There was no mention of a pharmacy." "Yes. I meant to say eatery but... " "Boma." He interrupted. "Yes." She fervently hoped he would not pin her down with that slight slip off. "I'm a man of details. I pay attention to details. Sometimes when you give me explanations, I find these little slips and choose to ignore them. Today, that is not going to happen." "I'm not lying." "I can remember when I was qu
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Hilda's voice crackled through the speaker as she answered the call, her attention momentarily diverted from her studies. "Hello?" Hilda said, glad to see Boma's name on the screen. "Good to hear from you, babe" Donovan, maintaining a stern expression, leaned back in his chair, observing Boma closely. "Hilda, this is Donovan." His voice caused a silence as Hilda's senses became more alert. She wondered why he was calling her on Boma's phone. Before she could wonder for long, Donovan resumed talking. "We're having a little discussion here, and I thought you could help clarify something." Hilda's brows furrowed in confusion. "Okay, what's going on?" Donovan glanced at Boma, prompting her to speak. Her voice trembled as she began, hoping Hilda would save her by instinct. "Hilda, it's about four days ago when you asked me to get paracetamol from the pharmacy near Donovan's place. Can you tell Donovan I ran into Harry at the eatery?" A pause lingered on the line, and Donovan's gaze
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Donovan continued belting her behind, ignoring her pleas and cries."This is not just for your disrespect." He said, punctuating each word with a smack. " It is also for your lies.""D, please, I'm sorry. Please."He paused, granting her some temporary relief. She was sniffling profusely."Please sir, please.""You know what?I don't even trust you and Hilda. Don't think I'm stupid. If I really wanted you on the hot seat, I won't even let you speak. So don't think I didn't notice that little code you provided for your friend. I know exactly what you guys did.""No,""Shut up." He said, emphasizing his command with a smack."Aargh""Shhh."She tried to control her cries. "Are you going to deny that you and your friend were lying to me?"She shook her head. "No, please...argh!" She cried out as he delivered another smack. " Please, please please...""Tell me exactly where you met Harry. Because after now, I am going to find out. Your lies must stop."Boma was sweating despite the cooln
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Boma took a leap of faith and decided to tell the truth. But before that she bolted to the bathroom."Hey, what is it?" Donovan was confused as she ended up closing the door.He rose, casually approaching the door, his expression befuddled as he noticed her locking herself inside.As she sobbed behind the closed door, he realized there was more to the situation than met the eye."What is it, Boma? Why are you locking yourself away?""I don't, I ..please..." Boma was blubbering at the thought of Donovan finding out the truth."Listen, will you just talk to me." He urged none too gently. His tone caused more torrent of tears.Donovan pondered the situation for a few seconds and realized she had escaped for a reason. And it could only mean she had done something bad."What did you do, Boma? Does it have to do with the pharmacy?"She didn't respond but the waterworks continued."I promise I won't touch you. Just open the door and tell me what's going on.""I can't. You're going to spank m
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As Boma cautiously stood before Donovan, her eyes met his gaze. His expression was somewhat unreadable, causing a nervous flutter in her chest. Oh God, she thought, despair creeping in. Wasn't this what she had been afraid of? Was that him about to change his mind and descend on her? Was he angry? She could not tell. Her heartbeat was racing fast. Donovan stared at her, stupefied for a cause he could not quite define. He knew he looked unreadable right now. Searching himself in that critical moment, he tried to understand his feelings. Seeing her expression of uncertainty and fear, he knew it was because of his current stoic expression. He could tell she was afraid he would not keep to his word. However, little did she know that beneath the surface, his emotions were a mix of relief and deep concern. He knew what he was feeling now and it was so overwhelming, he was lost on how to express it. He was used to shaking his deep emotions off. He had learned from Ronald that it was weak
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Despite her apprehension, Boma eventually decided to answer Harry Silver's call. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, she pressed the answer button and brought the phone to her ear. "Hello?" she said, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness. There was a brief moment of silence on the other end before Harry's smooth and composed voice came through. "Boma, it's Harry. I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time." Boma's heart raced as she struggled to maintain her composure. "No, it's fine," she replied, trying to sound casual despite the turmoil brewing within her. "I'll get straight to the point," Harry continued, his tone businesslike. "I've been considering a proposition that I believe could be mutually beneficial for both of us. I'd like to discuss it further over lunch. Are you available tomorrow?" Boma's mind raced as she processed Harry's words. A proposition? What could he possibly want from her? And why now, of all times? Besides, wasn't he scared of Donovan findin
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