All Chapters of Donovan : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
166 Chapters
As the zip slid down to the end just below her bra line, Boma felt a rush of vulnerability overwhelm her.She was overcome with desire but also conflicting emotions. She did not want to have sex with him to hurt him for being controlling.Knowing him, he was determined to consumate the marriage and he had said as much. But tonight she wanted to be the one in control and she must stand her ground.His fingers left her zipper and traveled ever so softly to the hands of her dress. He tugged them to their sides and she felt the material drop to her waist, exposing her bosom in the sheer red lingerie top that encased her pert breasts."I'm glad you wore it for me." He said. "It looks astonishing on your beautiful body. Makes me curious to see the matching one beneath your beautiful curves."He had bought her the undies and told her to wear it on their wedding day. He wanted to have fun uncovering it, he shamelessly told her in the note that came with the dress which had been delivered at
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Following his subtle but firm demand, Boma continued to stare at him, awash with shame at the thought of complying. "You heard me." His voice was a murmur, heavy with expectation. Reluctantly, she let her hands drop to her sides. His eyes became inflamed with desire at the lushious sight before him. Her bosom, firm, pert with points that enticed him to the core. Her hands started to lift in a move to cover her vulnerability. "Don't even think about it." Her hands dropped to her sides again and he watched her points harden under his gaze. Her breathing became fast and he could see her trembling slightly under his relentless perusal. "You're mine to savour." He said and she didn't know why she suddenly felt her core start to moisten. "Get used to my eyes feasting on you. Ok?" She nodded, unable to find her voice. Goosebumps had surrounded her skin, kissing it fervently in response to his dominance. He stepped closer as though he could not get close enough. Embarrassed by what w
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Donovan released his hold over her hand. He had sensed her resistance. He could still recall her protests in the car. Hence her words didn't come as much of a surprise. Still, they sparked a fierce anger in him. Her eyes widened in further panic as his lashes narrowed at her and his jaw tightened. Amidst his turbulent emotions, he struggled, managing to contain himself, reminding himself that this was their wedding night. He wanted nothing but good memories. He was prepared to take responsibility for their happiness. The air in the room thickened as he processed her words. As if by a miracle, his angry demeanor quickly began to subside as he considered that she had her reasons and he was ready to hear her out. "Why a year?" he asked, his tone a blend of curiosity and faintly subsiding fury. The silence that followed was heavy, filled with unspoken tension as they navigated this uncharted territory in their newlywed relationship. Boma was afraid he would explode in anger but n
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94 At his promise, delivered with calm determination in that deep and sensual husky voice, her heart thudded anew. She was overwhelmed with need, she was anxious, she was astonished. "D..." She didn't even know why she was calling him. "I love when you call me that." He said with a smirk, one finger gently caressing her cheek. It moved to her ear and then his lips replaced his finger "Now, let me go back to handling my baby." He murmured for her hearing before starting to lick her there, inviting new sensations as her body heated up with lust again. He played with one ear using his fingers while he loved the second with his tongue. Her moans and squirms returned, intensifying as he began to move his hardness against her crotch without making any attempt to penetrate her. The new sensation sent her senses spiraling out of control. The rocking motion was slow, binding, causing her to want more as her hips began to move up against him, seeking more. Her orgasm was building again
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His demeanor had softened to a gentleness she was glad to see. "I'm ready to lead us to that beautiful place." He said. "Don't be afraid, okay?" She nodded. He held himself up on one hand while using the other to guide himself closer to her entrance, attempting to find the perfect angle for penetration. He felt her tense up as he pressed the tip against her, and looked down into her eyes as she stared right back at him curiously yet stiffly, as though she was expecting only pain. "Try your best to relax, Sweetheart, I am not about to kill you. Take a deep breath for me, okay, baby? Let go of that tension." Boma nodded, exhaling shakily as she relaxed her muscles, and Donovan put just enough pressure against her that he began to slowly sink into her warm, tight channel. "Spread your legs further for me baby." He said and as she obeyed, he got the first inch or thereabout inside. She gritted her teeth together as she began to feel some discomfort coming from his entry spot. "Bear
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"Where will I live in school now?" Boma asked. He was amused at her question. She wanted to know where she would be residing since they were now married to each other as students. He had not given it much thought but now that she was mentioning it, the obvious answer was right before him. "You should know where you will live." He responded. "Where?" Boma still wanted confirmation. "At your husband's apartment, of course. Where else?" Boma was not too keen on that. "What of the apartment you rented for me? I've barely lived in there." "You want to stay there?" She opened her mouth, ready to respond but winced with discomfort instead. Donovan knew the reason. His beloved new wife was now feeling the aftermath of her deflowering. Her palm landed protectively over her mound. Her eyes looked into his. "I feel some ache and...maybe soreness." "That's normal. You just had sex for the first time so you're bound to feel some aftermath of discomfort. Sorry, dear, it will pass. Let's
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Boma's gaze met the imposing figure before her, a man whose scrutinizing eyes seemed to delve into the depths of her soul. The room hung heavy with tension as he demanded an explanation. "What is he talking about?" His voice thundered, filling the room with an intensity that demanded attention. Summoning courage, Boma spoke, her words laced with a mixture of trepidation and determination. "I'm a student. Pregnancy will have a significant impact on my studies, so we decided..." "We?" His interruption was explosive, his accusatory gaze now fixated on Donovan, who was now being a silent pillar of support. "We are students," Donovan asserted, his voice carrying a firm resolve. "Pregnancy would undoubtedly distract us during this crucial time." Ronald's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized them both, an unsettling storm brewing within him. "What then is the point of a marriage? You both should have just waited until your graduation." He rose in anger. "I need to see you privately at
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The following day, Boma returned to school activities- studying and attending classes. She enjoyed the warm welcome from her three new friends. How time flew, she thought as they hugged her on sight at the classroom.These girls could not stand her before but now, all that was history. She liked that. After class the girls surrounded her, bombarding her with questions about her honeymoon. She was in no hurry to leave as Donovan told her they would be having lunch. Boma was not used to talking a lot and having many friends but she was starting to like the attention which she never had before. She was beginning to get comfortable with her new found situation. "It was great." She responded. That much was true, she thought as she met the eager looks on their faces. "Wow, your bad boy husband was a lot of girls' crush you know." Queen mentioned. Boma already knew that. "I know." She admitted and recounted the encounter she had at the girls' restroom some time back. The girls laug
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99 Following the information, Boma desperately sought a solution. The lunchtime rendezvous took place in the quaint restaurant. Donovan had chosen a discreet corner, perhaps to ensure privacy or maybe to shield their conversation from members of his fraternity. As Boma joined him at the table, the low hum of conversations and clinking cutlery surrounded them. Despite the seemingly casual setting, Donovan wasted no time reiterating his former declaration. "I hope you heard what I said before I left the car," he stated, his eyes searching hers as if for a daring reaction. He was fully prepared to counter such. Boma, acutely aware of the eyes of other diners, nodded solemnly. "But, I hope we don't have do anything" she inquired, her voice hushed to match the private nature of their conversation. Donovan leaned in, his words measured, "Get it into your head that I've reconsidered things. Grandpa Ronald made some compelling arguments, and I believe it's time for us to star
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Boma left the confines of Donovan's house, boarded a shuttle to the estate's main gate and entered a cab leading towards the nearest pharmacy.She prayed that Donovan would return the following day so there would be no chance of trouble.The pharmacy bustled with muted activities, a symphony of hushed conversations and the occasional clatter of medicine bottles. Boma, acutely aware of the prying gazes around her, moved through the aisles with a delicate blend of urgency and discretion.She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with fellow patrons or pharmacy staff. The last thing she needed was to cross paths with someone who might recognize her, someone potentially connected to Donovan.Wilberforce Island was small and students often knew each other or someone who knew someone. Everyone was connected in some way. And the connection ran deeper the longer you were in the school. She had a bit of luck because she was in year one.The air of anonymity the pharmacy provided became her
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