All Chapters of Donovan : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
166 Chapters
After her outburst, Boma remained angry and would not talk to Fidelis. He called her several times but she ignored his calls. She was tired of everyone trying to tell her what to do. She thought Fidelis was different but now he too was being controlling, telling her not to hang out with Reuben. She decided she would not talk to him until after her dinner with Reuben so he would not attempt to interfere. For once she was going to trust her own judgement. Before she went to bed Fidelis left her a message. He requested she tell him the place and time so he would be aware of her whereabouts as he was responsible for bringing her to the school. He owed himself that responsibility. She was touched by his concern and wanted to do as he asked but fearing his interference, she ignored the message. She woke up to an SMS on her phone. She froze upon reading the content- By this time tommorow, you will be with me. Do not doubt it for a second. D. She panicked, then managed to shake the fea
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The tremors shaking her violated body, triggered by the fear of Donovan's reaction, eventually shook her to consciousness, so that her peaceful slumber was shattered by a sudden jolt. Her eyes flew open, and she was drenched in cold sweat, her heart hammering like a frantic drumbeat. The remnants of the nightmare clung to her, the images still fresh in her mind. In her dream, the feeling of helplessness had been suffocating, a vice grip on her soul. But now, with the veil of sleep lifted, Boma realized that it was just a dream—a mere phantom of her subconscious.A deep breath filled her lungs, and she exhaled slowly, willing her racing heart to slow its frenetic pace. The room around her was shrouded in darkness, but she could make out the familiar contours of her bedroom—the soft moonlight filtering through the curtains, the comforting presence of her books on the shelf, and the gentle hum of the night outside.Relief washed over her like a gentle wave, soothing her frayed nerves.
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Boma swallowed hard. How had Donovan found her? Was he just trying to scare her? She could feel tears starting to sting her eyes but she struggled to control herself. She would not reveal her location.She watched Reuben come to her. He smiled at her, failing to see her nervous expression.He informed her that he had placed their orders earlier and had just gone to see that everything was in order. She thanked him. Then she asked him why he changed the restaurant.He explained that they didn't have the special dinner he wanted.Boma asserted that he could have told her and he apologized for it.Then he made small talk about how he was aiming to be a better person like Fidelis.Boma encouraged his goals and their food arrived.The dimly lit restaurant exuded an intimate charm, the soft flicker of candlelight dancing across the wooden tabletop. Boma's fingers traced the rim of her wineglass, her eyes flicking anxiously toward the entrance with each passing moment.Reuben, sitting across
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Donovan clenched his jaw, his knuckles white against the steering wheel, as he drove through the dimly lit streets. Anger churned within him, a tempestuous storm fueled by a volatile mix of frustration and concern. He had intervened just in time, thwarting Reuben's sinister intentions. He had served justice the way it happened in his world. Reuben had to know he would meet his end by playing such a dangerous game. He had done what he had to do, but he couldn't shake the gnawing anger that had been ignited by Boma's reckless flight from him. Beside him, she wept softly, her tears a haunting melody of her fear and guilt. She believed that he would punish her for her escape, for her defiance of his dominating nature. The knowledge of her dread only intensified Donovan's inner turmoil. He glanced at her trembling form, his heart heavy with the weight of their tangled emotions. "Boma," he said, his voice softer than he'd ever heard it, "prior to your running away, I know how I was bein
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Time passed, ushering them into a new day and to the hour that Donovan wanted her response. They had freshened up and were done with breakfast when Donovan demanded for his answer. Boma didn't see much of a choice. If she accepted the punishment, he would still force her hand in marriage. She would rather avoid the punishment. Donovan kept the ultimatum that way because he wanted her as his wife. He also knew that she would rather avoid the punishment. Either way, he was done being single. He was also done leaving her to her whims. "I'm waiting." he said. "I don't want to be punished." her eyes were locked to his chest. "Good. So this is how it will go. You will inform your parents that you have met someone because I can tell you didn't do that the last time I mentioned it. Did you? Don't even think about lying to me." "I didn't...I did not tell them." "I thought as much, given your scheming. In the end I celebrated my birthday without you because you ran away, ruining my eng
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The following day had Donovan and Boma on their way back to school. As the sleek, SUV glided through the dimly lit streets, Boma stared out of the window, her thoughts a swirling tempest in her mind. Donovan sat at the wheel, his firm grip on the steering wheel reflecting the iron grip he held on her life. His dominating personality had always sent shivers down her spine. They approached the off-campus apartment he had secured for her. She knew it was a gilded cage, a luxury prison she was trapped in. Her fear of Donovan had started from the onset and she had learned to keep her thoughts and desires hidden deep within, like buried treasures in the sands of her silence. Donovan glanced at her, his piercing eyes hidden by the shadows of the night. "I cannot wait for us to become one." he said but she didn't respond. He didn't care. He just smirked and brought the car to a halt before the estate. She watched him retrieve a familiar looking ring. "This is the third time I'm replaci
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The grand engagement party, hosted by Donovan himself at an exclusive off-campus hotel, was a spectacle of opulence. The ballroom was bathed in the soft glow of a thousand fairy lights, creating a surreal atmosphere. The exquisite fragrance of fresh white lilies filled the air, and a live jazz band serenaded the guests, setting the mood for a night of enchantment. Donovan, a striking figure in his impeccably tailored black tuxedo, exuded an undeniable charm. His handsome face hid the depths of his daunting nature, an open secret to those who really knew him. Yet a secret to those who didn't. He had made the event open for his coursemates, friends and fraternity members. Boma wanted something quiet but he said he was running for student union president, so he was now a public figure in the school and wasn't prepared to make it small. "Didn't I say I will make you the envy of many girls in this school?" he had asked. "Well, this is one way. End of discussion." Now he moved thro
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The grand doors of the luxurious suite creaked open, revealing an expanse of muted opulence that seemed to swallow Boma whole. Donovan stood beside her, his striking silhouette casting an enigmatic shadow that danced across the plush carpet. The remnants of the engagement party's fervor lingered in the air, but for Boma, the night was far from over. A hesitant shiver ran down her spine as Donovan's deep voice resonated through the room. "It is my utmost desire tonight that you be ready for what awaits us. Are you?" His words were laced with a veiled promise that made her pulse quicken. Boma's gaze flickered up to meet his penetrating eyes, the faint light accentuating the chiseled contours of his face. "I-I suppose so," she stammered, her fingers fidgeting with the delicate fabric of her dress. Donovan closed the gap between them, his towering presence sending her senses into a whirlwind. "Don't be afraid, my love," he murmured, his voice a hypnotic melody that enveloped her. "I
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The gym pulsed with the rhythmic beat of pounding feet and the clanking of weights. Boma, her pulse racing in anticipation, stepped onto the treadmill, acutely aware of Donovan's formidable presence beside her.Donovan's intense gaze bore into her as he adjusted the treadmill settings. "Let's make this count, Boma," he commanded, his voice a low, compelling rumble.Boma nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay."As the treadmill roared to life beneath her, Boma felt her muscles strain and her heart pound in sync with the relentless rhythm of her feet. Donovan's voice cut through the cacophony of the gym, urging her to push harder, to go beyond her limits. With each stride, the tension between them crackled, a potent mix of apprehension and an undeniable, magnetic pull.Droplets of sweat trickled down Boma's temples as she struggled to keep pace with Donovan's relentless drive. "You're almost there, Boma. Keep pushing," he encouraged, his voice a potent blend of authority and su
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Boma texted Queen about having a bridal shower and the girl responded almost immediately that she and her friends knew exactly what to do. After class the following day, Queen, Bella and Tracy met Boma about the bridal shower. They suggested having a meeting at a bar outside the campus in the evening and Boma agreed. That evening, along with Hilda, Boma joined the trio at the bar and they started to make the bridal shower plans. The girls were full of ideas- talking about games, food, dress code and venue. Boma appreciated and marveled at their expertise. As she took notes, making a list for the budget, she realized her phone had been on silence due to class since the early afternoon hours. And she had barely checked it. She had a sudden urge to check and saw that there were several missed calls from Donovan at random times. She noticed he was calling again and received it hastily. "Hello." she said. "Where the fuck are you?" his voice, icy filled the phone, freezing her. To
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