All Chapters of Donovan : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
166 Chapters
After his threat, he began to type something into his phone. Boma looked away from him and kept her gaze out of the window. She tried to distract her fears with the sight of pedestrians going about their business but it didn't work. Her mind stayed on her troubles. She was afraid of being claimed by him in the most formal way. She didn't want to be engaged to him, talk less of getting married to him. Maybe if he was gentle and she had met him as a gentle guy, she would have agreed but unfortunately, the opposite was her reality. For that cause, she was even more determined to escape him. She concentrated on her plans, allowing the thought of freedom to calm her down. These days, it was the only thought that calmed her down. She was so grateful to God that she met Fidelis. The irony of it all was that Fidelis was related to Donovan. She still marvelled at the coincidence sometimes. She hoped as Fidelis had suggested that once Donovan discovered she was gone, he would find someon
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She was left with no choice other than to endure the intimate moment. Endurance slowly gave way to weakness and acceptance.From acceptance, tiny jolts of desire began to spring forth as his lips kept caressing hers and his hands began to softly glide over her back.He broke the kiss instantly and stared into her lightly dazed eyes. Then he smirked at her and took her hands.She was still staring at him, surprised by the sudden truncation."You don't want my touch in the first place, so breaking it off unexpectedly is kind of my revenge."Boma had mixed feelings about his actions. On one hand, she had been falling as the sensual feelings he evoked started to get to her. But on the other hand, she was glad for the rescue.She should not like his touch. That was the right thing.Donovan observed her expression. She looked anxious. He wanted her to relax."I will leave you to get acquainted with your new home." he said, dipping a hand into his pocket and retrieving his wallet. Then he pu
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Boma paused, her heart beginning to waver. "You said that...that sleep overs were....""I said that sleep overs were allowed but next time, I would rather you let me know you have someone over. I don't like surprises. What if I wanted to stay the night?" She paused, frozen. When he chuckled, she started to relax, realizing he might be teasing her."Relax." he said, I was just playing with you. Enjoy the rest of the evening and see you tomorrow."Boma was relieved. She didn't know he could be playful. She smiled a little as she responded. "Thanks. Okay. Bye." Then she looked at an observant Hilda who shrugged. "You guys would have been good together." she remarked as she turned and headed inside the house, leaving Boma standing there, astounded.FEW HOURS LATERFriday had arrived and progressed to the evening. It was 7:30pm and the last part of daylight had faded, welcoming the night.Wilberforce Island University was alive with a flurry of night life. Some students were leaving the
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With Donovan's attention currently fixed on his friend, Boma willed her mind to stay strong and her brain to come up with a quick solution. She knew if Donovan found out, she would be in serious trouble. He would crucify her. She could already feel his hand tightening around her wrist as he stared at his friend expectantly. Tension steadily rose in the air. Boma struggled to battle her panic attack. She had come too far to have everything destroyed in so swift a moment. She fervently prayed in her heart for a miracle. Standing there beside Donovan, she fixed her eyes on his friend with thoughts of hope. It had suddenly dawned on her that he might just be the solution to her problem. She silently willed him to meet her eyes. She widened her eyes, staring intently at him so he would notice that she needed his attention. Her heart was slamming against her ribcage as she waited. The seconds of waiting time were starting to feel like a century. She could hardly breathe from relief w
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Their journey began early. As arranged, Donovan arrived around 7:00am with Standfast driving. They picked her up and she sat together with Donovan in the backseat. She inquired of Phillip and Donovan explained he was already at the ship ensuring their arrangement was not tampered with. They reached the island docks littered with canoes, speedboats and few yactchs. She noticed a bland ship being boarded by students and her face fell. It wasn't what she expected. "There is your titanic." Donovan 6said knowingly. "You wanted it. I warned you." The titanic was nothing but a big boat made of sticks and a roof top. It looked handmade by locals. From where she was, she could see that passengers would spread a mat at a corner where they would seat and the view outside was visible from inside. She concluded that it was just a hall in a ship with open windows and passengers just stayed in their own corner. She looked up at Donovan who had turned his attention to her. He always see
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Donovan traced his finger lightly along her jaw line. She stared at him with wild eyes. Then he smiled. "Look at her face. So nervous. Don't worry. I won't touch you, okay? I was just kidding." He backed off from her. "Enjoy the sail. I want a nap." She started to relax and he smirked at her knowingly. Then he turned away from her and returned to the bed. Boma watched him flop onto the bed, shutting his eyes and letting her be. Boma stood by the window, her eyes wide with wonder as she gazed out at the serene lake. She stayed by the window for a while, enjoying the peaceful scenery of nature. She could already hear the call of freedom.Her face lit up with a radiant smile at the thought of it. Her hair fluttered gently in the breeze. She watched the ripples on the water as the ship glided smoothly, feeling a sense of tranquility and adventure all at once. The beauty of the creeks captivated her, and she couldn't tear her gaze away from the picturesque scene unfolding beyond
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Boma sat nervously, her fingers trembling as she stared at her phone. As the screen continued to display Donovan's incoming call, she hesitated, her heart pounding with fear. She didn't want him to know where she was, fearing his reaction. With each passing second, the weight of her decision grew heavier, torn between answering and risking his anger or ignoring it and facing the consequences later. Maybe there won't be a later, she thought. She was gone from him and gone for good. That was her hope. Yet, she was petrified. "Why aren't you answering?" Fidelis asked. "It's Donovan. He is supposed to pick me up today for school." "Hmm. Well, you can't take the call." "I know, but I'm scared. He doesn't like missed calls." "Is your location on?" "I turned it off this morning." "That was smart of you." "Thanks. But he wants my location on all the time." "Ok. Take the call and tell him you're home." "Then you have to stop driving." "Okay." Fidelis slowed down the car and par
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Inside a bedroom in Ronald's mansion, Donovan was finished dressing up in a smart outfit before the mirror. An SMS buzzed his phone and upon checking, he saw it was from Boma. He opened it and paused as his eyes took in the content. He refused to believe what he was reading.His brooding dominance surfaced in the aftermath of taking in the message. His forrest eyes, usually filled with resolve, faltered as he took in the message again: "It's over between Us. Do not bother looking for me."A tempest of fury surged within Donovan, an emotion he had rarely allowed himself to acknowledge. His grip on the phone tightened, and a sinister fire danced in his eyes. He had always been the master of his domain, a ruler of hearts, and this abrupt act of defiance threatened to shatter the very foundation of his dominance.The walls of his opulent sanctuary, once symbols of his conquests, seemed to close in on him, echoing the turmoil in his heart. This wasn't a challenge he could tolerate. It w
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Boma's call went unanswered. She dialed the number once more, but the outcome remained unchanged. Restless, she chose to make her way back home and persist with her attempts. Upon reaching her abode, she settled at her reading desk, poised to retry when her father's call came through. "Hello, Papa," she greeted. "I have wonderful news," he exclaimed. Boma was curious but kept her focus on her friend's well-being. "I can't wait to hear it," she replied, maintaining an enthusiastic tone to not overshadow his happiness. "Do you remember the Permanent Secretary position I used to talk about?" Boma recalled. "Yes," she replied. "And I know you decided not to let it bother you anymore." "That's right, but I've been shortlisted for it," he proudly announced. Boma froze, realizing Donovan's influence might be behind it. Why would he continue helping her father when he knew she was no longer involved? "That was since last month. I didn't want to say anything until it was confirmed. B
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As the sun bathed the school grounds in a warm, golden glow, Hilda stood just outside the imposing wrought-iron gates. She was supposed to leave school the previous day but after learning of an impromptu test, she had to stay back.She had made the difficult decision to leave the school behind, if only for a while, to escape the tangled web of secrets and fear that had ensnared her. Her breath caught in her throat as she hailed a taxi cab that had pulled up to the curb, her refuge from the impending storm.Unknown to Hilda, Donovan had orchestrated his plan with military precision. His obsession with finding Boma had driven him to the brink of madness, and he knew that Hilda held the key to unraveling the mystery of her whereabouts. Donovan's henchmen, shadowy figures in the periphery, approached the unsuspecting Hilda, their movements as calculated as a chess master's opening gambit.Just as Hilda reached out to open the cab door, strong hands grabbed her from behind, pulling her ba
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