All Chapters of The Mafia's Wild Flower: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
254 Chapters
Good day to everyone right there! I have great news to break for y'all! You can now re-read the chapters from chapter 78 until chapter 81 because it was already revised. Sorry for the confusion! I was focused on writing these days that I got the chapters mixed up when updating, and accidentally posted the future chapter before the supposed chapter on that specific event in the story, but don't worry y'all! You weren't spoiled that much! hehe! I will be posting a chapter a day from now on so stay tuned for more updates! comment down your thoughts and don't forget to enjoy! always be happy and may you always have a blessed heart!And also, I would like to use this platform to spread awareness of the current war in other countries. my heart breaks every time I think of those people affected, and if you guys could offer them help, it would be highly appreciated! A PRAYER IS ALREADY A HELP! so please Pray for their lives :>love y'all!
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Chapter 84
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the cozy ambiance of the old-fashioned café, luring me into a nostalgic trance. Lost in the confines of my thoughts, I sat at the corner table, tracing the rim of my cup absentmindedly, reminiscing the whirlwind of emotions that had defined my past with him.The memories flooded back—the clandestine meetings, the whispered promises, the entangled lives we led. My mind danced through the moments we shared, the laughter, the tears, and the echoes of our last conversation etched vividly in my mind.In the midst of my reverie, a sudden sense of disorientation washed over me. I blinked, the realization dawning upon me like a sudden jolt—a startling revelation that shook me to my core.Five years had passed since our last encounter in that car, the memories now veiled in the mist of time. I had not seen him, heard from him, nor crossed paths in what felt like an eternity. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, a pang of longing mingled with
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Chapter 85
It's the day. Today is the scheduled meeting with the client, and I am freaking rushing inside my room as I prepared for the meeting that will happen later. As I busily prepared, a gentle knock disrupted the chaos of my bedroom. I looked up to find my mother peering in, a wide grin adorning her face."Morning, sweetheart! How's the prep going?" Her voice carried an contagious enthusiasm, momentarily diverting my attention from the scattered documents on my desk."Good morning, Mom," I replied, glancing back at the papers. "It's a bit hectic, but I'll manage."Her eyes glimmered with excitement. "Can I come in?""Of course, mother." They just went back from their vacation yesterday, and I haven't seen her the whole week. Her eyes just had this sparkle within them that was telling me she had a really good time with dad."Your father and I had the most incredible time on our vacation! The beach was just breathtaking."A faint smile played on my lips. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mom."Five
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Chapter 86
As I settled into the car, the familiar hum of the engine enveloped me while I dialed my secretary's number. "Hi, it's me. Any updates on the client?"My secretary's voice crackled through the phone. "Yes, I've gathered information about Mr. Kho. But oddly, there are no photos in the database.""No pictures at all?" I replied, a tinge of unease creeping into my tone. It was an unusual situation, one that stirred a hint of discomfort within me.I took a sharp intake of air as I pondered what was going on. Normally, it would be an easy thing to find a data about a person or even huge companies. It's my forte, after all. However, it was a wonder why my team was unable to hack into this person's personally information. What the fuck?"None," she confirmed. "It's all just text-based information—business history, achievements, but no visuals."The absence of any visual reference left me feeling oddly unsettled. In a world where information was readily available, the absence of a photo felt
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Chapter 87
I stormed into my office, frustration and pain brewing inside me. As I slumped down into my swivel chair, I massaged my temples, the events from the meeting and the haunting conversation with him replaying in my mind like a broken record. An inexplicable ache gripped my heart, and I resented the turmoil it caused.Just as I tried to collect my thoughts, my phone rang. It was Ustin, my cousin, back in the country after a long time. "Rosey! I'm back! Meet me at the airport, would ya?" his voice burst through the line with enthusiasm.All of a sudden, my headache vanished as if it was never there at all. A rush of excitement flooded me, replacing the sadness in my soul. "Of course, Ustin. I'll be there." I replied eagerly, my mood lifting.Hurrying out, I hopped into my car, my thoughts buzzing with anticipation. The day was still long and it was still morning. It wouldn't be a bad idea to spend my noon and lunch with him. Besides, I missed that bitch a lot.I swear to God, his call lift
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Chapter 88
"How are you, Rosey?"As I entered the familiar corridors of our home, my father, Xavier, met me with a stern yet concerned gaze. His imposing figure, though intimidating, couldn't conceal the subtle worry etched on his face. Without a word, I closed the distance and enveloped him in a tight hug, feeling his strong presence comforting me in ways words couldn't express."I'm fine, Dad," I murmured, even though my fatigue weighed heavily on me. The encounter with Khein had drained me, but I couldn't bring myself to disclose that to my father. "Just tired and in need of rest.""Do not pressure yourself too much, sweetheart, hmm?"I smiled at his thoughtfulness and couldn't help but to melt. His fatherly love never failed to catch my fragile and soft heart."Yes, dad," I answered sweetly.He ruffled my hair.Curious about my mother's whereabouts, I asked, "Where's Mom?" His gesture directed me to the garden where I found her, tending to the vibrant blooms with her characteristic grace.
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Chapter 89
I was lost in my thoughts when a gentle touch interrupted my reverie. Looking down, I met the innocent gaze of Phiel, Mavi's lovely daughter, who was reaching up to touch my face."Why are you sad, Auntie?" she asked, curiosity was etched on her innocent and angelic face.Her question caught me off guard, but before I could respond, she added, "Don't worry, the fairy will make it better. She will take away your worries!'Her words were so simple yet unexpectedly soothing. They sparked a smile on my face."Oh, Phiel..." I uttered. I lifted her up on my lap as I kissed her cheeks. I always have a soft spot on children, specially with my siblings' children. I treat and I see them as my own, and my love for them will never change even if I will have a child on my own in the future. I may be their aunt, but I am also their mother. "Are you okay now, Auntie Rose?" she asked, her blue eyes blinking as she looked at me with her soft gaze.I nodded my head, my smile widening. "Yes, Phiel. Aunt
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Chapter 90
I stood in the kitchen, gripping the handle of the coffee mug tightly, my fingers shaking as I mixed it.The tension in the air was almost palpable, suffocating me with its weight. How could I have allowed him inside? My mind raced with self-criticism, regretting the hasty decision I'd made moments ago.With each stir, I cursed myself for being so impulsive. This was a mistake—a grave one, at that. Yet, no amount of regret could undo my actions now.I just allowed him in. Fuck it.Inhaling deeply, I fought to compose myself. Erasing any trace of emotion from my face, I managed a neutral expression as I poured the coffee into the mug. It's too late to regret my impulsive decision. I had already embarrassed myself too much.Approaching him, I handed the steaming cup, careful to maintain an air of collected composure. My heart was pounding in my chest that I could literally hear it in my own ears.I silently cleared my throat.Sitting opposite him in the living room, I tried to exude an
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Chapter 91
I stood there, the charged silence almost crackling with the weight of our unspoken thoughts. His brown eyes bore into mine, an unspoken question lingering between us. Why had he chosen to unravel the carefully crafted peace I had built around me for the last 5 years? His sudden appearance felt less like a twist of fate and more like a deliberate disruption, reopening old wounds.My glare seemed to have little impact; he remained unaffected, almost impervious to my confrontational gaze.He cleared his throat, a subtle movement that drew my attention. Fingers tracing across his hair, a gesture that held a sense of composure and deliberation. Leaning forward, he addressed me with a calm demeanor that contradicted the turmoil within me."Ms. Ivanov, my intention wasn't to stir any misinterpretations. It was perhaps inappropriate to initiate a casual conversation in this manner," he responded, his expression still devoid of any visible emotion, sidestepping my question once again.Ha. Go
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Chapter 92
Sitting quietly beside Khein, I gazed out the window, feeling torn as we headed toward the airport. Leaving without explaining properly to my parents felt like a tough call, but I needed to go and didn't want to burden them with my reasons. Maybe Dad saw through my excuse about a week-long meeting, but thankfully, he didn't protest my leaving.As I sat there beside Khein, my emotions were all jumbled up. I felt nervous, a bit happy, a little sad, and a whole lot of confusion. I couldn't make sense of it all, so I decided to just keep quiet.I had so many thoughts in my head, running around like a squirrel running through a spin without any specific destination to go to.I was just thinking...Some people may think that it is overacting of me to react such way for a mere cat. But they can never understand this pain in me.Joni, the cat that I adopted, helped me in so many ways I couldn't imagine. He was there during the darkest moments of my life. He was there when I felt the happiest
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