All Chapters of The Mafia's Wild Flower: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
254 Chapters
Chapter 93
3RD POVRosette sat quietly in the plush seats of the private jet, her eyes fixed on the window. Khein was across the seat from her his expression as distant and indifferent as hers. But Amanda, on the other hand, seemed to find comfort in filling the air with chatter, her voice echoing in the confined space."Can you believe the traffic we avoided by flying?" Amanda exclaimed, her words peppering the air. She leaned towards Khein, her hand reaching out to grab his arm. "You're so lucky you have a private jet, Khein! It's like living the dream, right? I know because it took me 18 years before my father allowed me to have one!"She sounded like one of those typical spoiled rich kids. She's unconscious of the discomfort she brings to other people.Khein's reaction was minimal, a subtle nod accompanied by an uninterested hum. That made Amanda irritated that she started hitting on Rosette in order to gain a reaction from them."Anyway! Do you remember during college when we used to hang o
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Chapter 94
After the long 13-hour flight, they stopped at a restaurant in the country. Rosette stayed mostly quiet, feeling tired, while Khein tried talking now and then. But Amanda was like a snob, constantly complaining and making mean comments about Rosette.Khein didn't really show any care for Rosette. He acted like he didn't want to talk or be around her. He made sure to keep his distance and acted all cold, like he didn't care about anything. It hurts to admit it, but Rosette felt humiliated by his treatment towards her. She felt like she's the most unlikable person in the world because he shows no interest talking to her. Not that she want to engage in a conversation with him. No, not like that.Amanda kept going on and on about how things should be done and how Rosette was doing things all wrong. How bothersome she was for inserting herself in between them.Khein didn't say much, just nodded along with Amanda's words. Rosette felt hurt and tired but chose to stay quiet and let them talk.
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Chapter 95
A sigh escaped Rosette's lips as she entered Joni's room, finding the cat curled up on a soft cushion. Joni approached, purring contentedly and nuzzling against her. Overwhelmed with guilt, Rosette found herself apologizing to Joni, regretting leaving him behind for five years and neglecting to visit.She asked Joni how he had been during those years, wondering if his new owner had taken good care of him, if he'd been fed well, and if Khein had shown him love. Despite the cat's inability to respond, Joni meowed softly, offering reassurance that he was alright and that Rosette needn't worry about him anymore.Unbeknownst to Rosette, Khein stood silently in the doorway, observing her tender exchange with Joni.As they sat down for dinner that evening, the atmosphere seemed weighed down by the impending discussion about Joni's treatment.Khein's eyes held a mix of concern and determination as he delicately broached the subject. He meticulously outlined the intricacies of the treatment,
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Chapter 96
Rosette's POVI found myself sitting in the passenger seat of his car once again. The eerie silence that envelope us was enough to suffocate someone, yet it did the opposite for me. I found the silence around us eerily calming. Perhaps, it's because I didn't want to talk to him.On the other hand, I felt like it was beginning to disturb him. The silence and tension was just so thick, and I can't blame him if he finds it awkward.But I don't care. At all.When we reached his house, I made my way upstairs to the regal-like room. It was as if it was specifically designed for a certain someone. It was built in this way for an important person.I suddenly felt like I was invading a personal space. Surely, Khein built this room for his woman. He probably wanted the best for her and wants to treat her like a queen.Bitterness seeped through me as I let out a scoff. So, what? I can also provide myself with a wonderful room like this. My father even gifted my mother a real castle. We can liter
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Chapter 97
The atmosphere in the room crackled with tension, an unspoken battle brewing between us as I hastily stuffed clothes into my suitcase. Each movement was a testament to the growing void between Khein and me, an unsettling reminder of our unsettled relationship with each other.I have decided. I don't want to live here no more. No matter what I do, I was always be reminded of my position in this house. I am nothing but a mere visitor. Nothing more, nothing less.Perhaps, I've already crossed the line. I was being too much of a hassle from him. I was invading too much. Perhaps, I was beginning to annoy him.My existence is needn't here, and that's the harsh truth I should gracefully accept. Although it hurts, I need to.Khein's typically composed demeanor shattered, replaced by a tempest of suppressed emotions barely contained beneath the surface. "You think you can just walk away?" he barked, his voice tinged with a raw intensity that reverberated in the room.I continued packing, refusi
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Chapter 98
It's been over a week since that confrontation with him. I haven't seen him since then.Lost in the room he'd offered, I found solace within its four walls, hesitant to disturb anything. The allure of the items within was undeniable, yet my hands trembled, refraining from daring to touch any of them. I dreaded his potential reaction, anticipating his disapproval should I even graze a possession that wasn't mine.What he said that day still confuses me. He said he'd get me everything I want if I ask him, but at the same time, forbid me from having them. He was so unpredictable and indecisive. I can't honestly read through him. His actions have a different meaning to his words, and it's giving me a huge headache.As I gazed up at my reflection through the ceiling, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of connection to this room. Its ambiance, its very essence, seemed to align so perfectly with the vision I once held for my ideal bedroom. The mirror overhead reflected back a softened
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Chapter 99
Chapter 99 Rosette's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the play of light filtering through the sheer curtains. The soft rays of the morning sun gently caressed her face, coaxing her from the realms of sleep. A sense of disorientation lingered as she surveyed her surroundings, the room's unfamiliarity unsettling for a fleeting moment. Sitting up, Rosette took in the room's delicate decor — muted colors, a vase of fresh flowers on the bedside table, and a subtle fragrance that hung in the air. The confusion etched across her face began to dissipate as her gaze fell upon the source of warmth beside her. A slight gasp escaped her lips as she recognized the arm tenderly wrapped around her waist. A cascade of memories flooded back, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Rosette's eyes widened as the realization dawned upon her — she had fallen asleep next to Khein after tending to him the previous night. A mix of surprise and self-criticism flashed in her eyes, her internal
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Chapter 100
Chapter 100 Khein had been occupying my room for the past two days. Despite the clear signs of discomfort and a feeble attempt to protest, the weight of his lethargic body and my persistent nagging kept him confined to the bed. It wasn't as if he genuinely desired to leave; it was merely an excuse, and I could sense it without anyone explicitly telling me. It was just his way of avoiding acknowledgment. But, truth be told, it wasn't a big deal for me. If anything, it provided an opportunity to repay him for letting me stay in his house temporarily. The dynamics of our arrangement had shifted, and in the quietude of my room, there was an unspoken understanding that transcended the complexities of our relationship. His fever, however, was a cause for concern. It wasn't just your run-of-the-mill fever; it was quite severe. I marveled at how he managed to get up at all, considering the intensity of his fever. The past few days had seen him battling through, and it left me questioning th
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Chapter 101
Chapter 101 "Ma'am, he's not eating again," the maid reported as I spent some quiet time with Joni. A frown creased my forehead, sensing another issue to deal with. "Who? Khein?" I asked, a hint of worry in my voice. The maid nodded, looking concerned. "Yes, ma'am. He's also wondering if you're still here but won't come out of his room to see you." I clenched my teeth, irritation evident in my tone. "What's going on with him?" I questioned, frustrated by his refusal to eat and his reluctance to face the situation. It added to the growing list of things between us that needed sorting out. Fueled by frustration, I stormed out of Joni's room, determination in my stride as I headed straight to Khein's. The report from the maid about his refusal to eat and his reluctance to see me gnawed at my patience. I couldn't let this go without addressing it. Knocking on his door, I waited for a response. When none came, I gritted my teeth, growing more irritated. "Khein, we need to talk," I cal
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Chapter 102
Chapter 102I watched him through the window of my room as he walked towards his car, his hand fumbling for the keys in his pocket. The image of what had transpired earlier replayed in my mind, leaving me utterly baffled. Speechless would be an understatement. Why would he choose to share an intimate moment like that just before going to pick up his girlfriend? And, more bewilderingly, why had I allowed him to do so? In that moment, I felt like I was not only disrespecting the other woman's feelings but also making myself out to be a fool. I berated myself mentally, feeling stupid, insensitive, and, in my own eyes, a total fool.The internal disgust I felt was palpable, an overwhelming wave of self-loathing crashing over me. The realization of my own actions weighed heavily on my conscience, and I grappled with the consequences of my lapse in judgment. The conflict within me intensified as I questioned my motives and allowed guilt to seep into the very core of my being. What had posse
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