Semua Bab The Mafia's Wild Flower: Bab 221 - Bab 230
254 Bab
Chapter 103
As Rosette carefully packed her things, the room witnessed her silent inner struggle. Each item in her suitcase seemed to carry the weight of unspoken emotions she had kept in her chest. The decision to leave hung in the air like an approaching storm.A cab pulled up outside, its engine humming with the city's rhythm. Rosette put her suitcase in the trunk with a determined yet thoughtful demeanor. The driver, waiting for instructions, turned to her and asked for the destination. With a resolute nod, she said, "airport," signaling the start of her journey away from the turbulent echoes of the past.As the taxi blended into the city lights, Rosette's phone buzzed persistently, revealing Khein's name on the screen. A moment of hesitation lingered before she answered. Khein's urgent voice echoed into the confined space of the cab. "Where are you, Rosette? We need to talk."In the dimly lit taxi, Rosette's expression stayed stoic, her determination unwavering. "I'm leaving, Khein. There's
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Chapter 104
Chapter 104 The airport's bustling atmosphere faded into the background as Rosette stepped out of the cab, her heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of her anxious footsteps. Her father, Xavier, stood at the entrance, a commanding figure in the midst of the crowd. As her eyes met his, a subtle shift in his demeanor occurred—a fleeting moment where the steely exterior softened, revealing the concealed warmth of a father who loved his daughter. Relief washed over Xavier's face like a gentle tide as he watched Rosette approach. Despite the ruthless reputation that preceded him, there was an undeniable tenderness reserved for his children, a softness that transcended the harsh world he navigated daily. His cold-blooded persona momentarily gave way to the vulnerability of a concerned parent. Tears streaked down Rosette's cheeks, a testament to the emotional storm she carried within. The sight of her, vulnerable and hurt, ignited a spark of anger in Xavier—a controlled, seething rage tha
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Chapter 105
CHAPTER 105The city lights streaked past Khein's car like fleeting memories, blurring into a hazy cascade of colors. He maneuvered through traffic with a calculated recklessness, not bothering to heed the speed limits as the urgency of the situation gripped him. The engine roared in tandem with the turmoil in his mind, a beast echoing the turmoil of his emotions.His usually cold demeanor was replaced by a desperate urgency, a vulnerability that clawed at the surface of his stoic exterior. The phone call replayed in his mind, a relentless loop of Rosette's words that carved into him like an unrelenting storm. He couldn't comprehend the sudden decision she had made. What had gone wrong between them? He tried to provide her with everything—luxury, comfort, a safe haven in his abode. So, why was she leaving?As he sped through the city's labyrinthine streets, Khein's knuckles whitened around the steering wheel. The car darted through traffic, swerving past other vehicles with a precisio
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Chapter 106
Once Rosette arrived in Russia, her mom was right there at the airport to meet her. They had this big, tight hug waiting for her, and suddenly, Rosette's tears just burst out. It was like a waterfall, non-stop. The comfort that she offers was enough to melt even the coldest person in this entire world. And it was quite true because Xavier is the living example of it.“I love you, sweetheart,” her mother said as she kissed her on the forehead.When they finally reached their huge house, the crying didn't stop. It was like Rosette's heart had a leak, and the tears just kept flowing. And then, like little angels, her nieces and nephew walked in. They noticed Rosette crying, so they didn't say a whole lot. Instead, they surrounded her with hugs and little pats on the back, trying to make her feel better. The kids had this magic about them, turning the sad atmosphere in the house into something less gloomy.“Don`t cry, aunt Rosey because I`ll cry, too,” Phiel said with an innocent look on
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Chapter 107
It’s been a solid one week since she decided to leave Khein for the second time around. At first she finds the first following days very difficult. It was still so fresh in her mind that leaving him for good may result of not being able to see him ever again. And it’s a possibility she is aware but not prepared for.But she knew it has to be ended.Rosette's phone buzzed with urgency, Wisrelle's name flashing on the screen. It’s been a while since she went to work. Her parents advised her to quit working for a few days so she can relax, calm down, gather her thoughts, and have a good rest. And in that one week, she can say she’s already rested enough.Picking up the call, she could sense a certain tension in her secretary's voice. Her brows furrowed in concern."Wisrelle, what's going on?" Rosette asked, a hint of concern coloring her tone."Ms. Rosette, I just received an urgent meeting request from Mr. Kho Bianchi. He wants to discuss some projects immediately," Wisrelle explained,
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Chapter 108
Navigating the cool night streets, Rosette sought solace in the dimly lit refuge of the nearest bar. The soft hum of conversation and clinking glasses surrounded her as she ordered a drink, the liquid serving as a feeble attempt to drown the cacophony of thoughts raging in her mind.Seated on a barstool, the bitterness of the drink mirrored the bitterness of her emotions. The recent events replayed like an unsettling skit, orchestrated by Khein, leaving her in a state of emotional confusion.Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as she wrestled with the aftermath of his actions. Was this his cruel way of seeking revenge for her sudden decision of leaving him five years ago?The complexities deepened as she mulled over the mixed signals he had sent—kissing her wounded lips even with the unexpected arrival of his girlfriend. The contradictory of his actions fueled the flames of anger within her. She grappled with the whirlwind of emotions, questioning his motives and her own role in a
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Chapter 109
The morning light streamed into the unfamiliar room, casting a disorienting glow on Rosette's surroundings. Still lying in bed, she felt a throbbing ache in her head and a heaviness that suggested a night of excess. As she opened her blue eyes, she found herself in a place she couldn’t recognize. Panic settled in as she struggled to recall the events that had led her to this unfamiliar place. Attempting to make sense of the foggy memories, Rosette's disorientation intensified. She looked around, trying to make out of the place she was possibly in. but she cannot remember a thing. Is she in a stranger`s house? What happened? A gasp left her lips as she realized that she must’ve went with a man after drinking a lot in that bar last night. A sense of vulnerability swept over her, amplified by the realization that she was without clothes. Anxiety gripped her as she grappled with the unknown, and a panic attack loomed on the horizon. In the midst of her distress, the door connecting to
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Chapter 110
The soft glow of morning light streamed through the curtained windows, casting a delicate warmth across the room where Rosette found herself. Disoriented and determined, she quietly tiptoed towards the door, her bare feet making minimal sound against the cool floor.She need to leave. She can’t stay here any longer. She will not allow herself be entangled with his web of confusing words and affection. She had enough, and she could only endure that much.Her heart raced with each step, fueled by a mix of fear and desperation. The room seemed to hold its breath as Rosette carefully turned the doorknob, hoping to slip away unnoticed. However, the creaking hinges betrayed her intentions, and just as the door began to inch open, a strong arm shot out, preventing her escape.“You are not going anywhere, my love,” he whispered against her ear, making her shiver.Khein, ever watchful, had sensed her attempt to flee. His presence loomed behind her, a silent force that thwarted her every effort
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Chapter 111
Frantically searching the room for her phone, Rosette's fingers danced across surfaces, seeking the familiar shape and cool touch of the device. The dim light added an extra layer of difficulty to her quest, shadows playing tricks on her senses. When her hand finally closed around the phone, a fleeting sense of relief surged through her—perhaps a lifeline to the outside world awaited. Her fingers, guided by both desperation and hope, danced across the screen as she swiped, tapped, and navigated through the device's features. She has to contact her family. She`s been kidnapped. It was against her will to come all the way here. Heck, she didn’t even expect him to suddenly show up! The phone, once a portal to connections and solace, now transformed into an instrument of despair. No bars, no signal—just an empty void that mirrored the isolation pressing down on her. “Fuck…” she uttered, exasperated. How the hell on earth there is no signal?! Are they on a very remote area?! How come?!
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Chapter 112
Rosette`s POV As I waited for him to finish showering, I sat on the bed with my arms crossed, a surge of determination coursing through me. There were numerous questions swirling in my mind, and I felt a pressing need to unearth the truth. I refused to linger in the shadows; I deserved clarity, and it was time to compel him to reveal the answers I sought. However, when he emerged from the shower, clad only in a towel that modestly covered his lower half, my well-intentioned conversation momentarily wavered. His physique, displayed before me, proved to be a distracting spectacle, and for a brief moment, I found myself inadvertently checking him out. He approached with an air of nonchalance, the droplets from his recent shower glistening on his bare chest. The tension in the room seemed to thicken as he sat down, the towel clinging modestly to his lower half. I took a deep breath, attempting to dispel the fleeting distraction his presence caused. "You've got questions," he stated, hi
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