All Chapters of The Mafia's Wild Flower: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
254 Chapters
Chapter 113
In that moment, we both seemed to understand each other without saying much. The tension in the room started to ease, and instead of accusations, there was a quiet agreement that we both had some things to figure out. The newfound clarity felt like a fresh start, an opportunity to talk openly and fix any cracks in our relationship. It was like a small light in the room, showing us the way to a better future together. "Khein, things are all messed up. How do we even…. fix this and move on?" I asked, unsure of what the future held. The tension from our recent talk lingered, and it felt like we had a lot of work ahead to put things back together. I don`t know. Even though we had it already talked, I am still uncertain and kinda doubtful if we could still make it work. I`m afraid i`ll only mess things up, again. He reached for my hands, a gentle warmth in his touch. "We start by being honest with each other. No more secrets, no more running away." His sincerity tugged at the barriers I
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Chapter 114
As I stood at the sink, hands deep in soapy water, a pair of familiar arms gently wrapped around my waist from behind. The initial surprise jolted me, but I soon relaxed into the embrace, leaning back against Khein.Khein's voice, soft and reassuring, accompanied the comforting touch. "I hope you don't mind the interruption," he said, his breath warm against my ear.I turned my head slightly, meeting his eyes with a smile. "Not at all. It's a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?"He chuckled, the sound reverberating through the small kitchen. "Just wanted to sneak up on you and steal a moment. You looked lost in thought."I smirked, conceding, "Guilty as charged. It's been one of those days."Khein tightened his grip, and we stood there in easy silence for a moment.He broke the quiet, "It's cool to get lost in thought, you know. But it's also cool to share those thoughts. So spill, what's on your mind?"I laughed, appreciating the shift from routine to a more lighthearted convers
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THIS IS IT!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!! THANK YOU A LOT FOR READING THIS BOOK!! this helped me a lot since i am still mourning and recovering over my loss. this has become my therapy, my escape from reality, and you guys were there to witness it! i would like to take this chance to thank each one of you for being patient and understanding. even though my loved one is no longer here to celebrate the new year with me, i am still have that i get to know you guys. active/silent readers, you all are very much appreciated! always keep safe, stay humble, spread kindness, and always to choose and ove yourself before anything or anyone! thank you so much... words cant even describe how grateful i am to u guys. you made my whole year a wonderful year!! lovelots...
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Chapter 115
KHEIN`S POVI found myself standing there, fixated on the disappearing glow of Rosey's car. She just left with her siblings before the ball could even end. It's like my whole world was crumbling with each passing moment, and my fist involuntarily clenched as if trying to hold onto the fragments. The night air was heavy with the sting of regret, and the ache in my chest was almost too much to bear.Rosey's departure felt like a brutal twist of fate, and the emptiness she left behind seemed vast and insurmountable. Each heartbeat echoed the painful rhythm of her exit. The vulnerability in that moment was palpable, and the gravity of the situation held me in its grip."Isn't it something to watch her drive away like that?" Amanda remarked, her tone a mix of playfulness and sarcasm.Unable to bear the mocking any longer, I shot her a glare and gruffly told her to back off. Yet, Amanda's laughter persisted, seemingly impervious to the gravity of the situation. Her amusement heightened the
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Chapter 116
Chapter 116In the quiet night, with only the soft hum of the air conditioner in the background, Rosette found herself restless. The unfamiliar surroundings and recent events had kept sleep at bay. She decided to take a walk on the balcony, where a gentle breeze swept through the curtains.Looking up at the night sky, she contemplated her feelings. The door creaked open, and Khein joined her. His eyes resembled the stars—deep, mysterious, holding untold stories.In the quiet night, they stood together, surrounded by the vast sky connecting their unspoken thoughts. In the dim light, their connection felt tangible, like invisible threads tying each star in the cosmic tapestry.As she gazed at the stars, Khein's presence comforted her. His eyes revealed a depth echoing the vastness above, sharing untold stories. It was a moment where words weren't necessary, and the language of the night embraced them in shared understanding."Trouble sleeping?" he asked, his voice a comforting melody in
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Chapter 117
This is a free chapter for you guys! Thanks for suporting this book! A few more chpaters and we'll finally say good bye to Khein and Rosey... CHAPTER 117 It happened so quick before they knew it. Up until now, it was hard for Rosette to process how they end up that way. She never imagine this day would come. After what happened to them in the past, she was hopeless. It was like a dream that is impossible to achieve. Yet here she is, with the man she truly loves. “Huh…” she whispered. Staring at the engagement ring gracing her finger, memories of the one he had given her five years ago flooded her mind. There was a time when they were engaged, caught up in a promise of forever. However, life took an unexpected turn, leading them down separate paths that stretched into what felt like an eternity. Circumstances, like the hands of fate, intervened, whispering that the time wasn't right back then. Neither of them was ready to shoulder the weight of such a commitment. Rosette, haunted
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Chapter 118
His brows furrowed as he glanced at her briefly, then gently scooped her into his arms, carefully laying her down on their bed. He hurried off to get a glass of water.As Rosette sipped the water, she felt a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. Khein's concern had an intensity that surprised her, making her realize the depth of his worry. She couldn't help but chuckle at his stern expression.His fingers continued to run through his hair, a clear sign of the residual tension. "Don't do that again. You scared me," he reiterated, his voice a blend of relief and a touch of scolding.She couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "Kinda overreacting, ain't I?" Her sheepish grin contrasted with his still-concerned demeanor.He sighed, sitting down beside her. "I just want you to be okay. I put effort into cooking, and seeing your reaction... well, it got to me."She reached out, playfully nudging him. "I appreciate the effort, really. Maybe just stick to the usual recipes next time?"Khein's in
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Chapter 119
Chapter 119Nervously tapping her finger on her lap, Rosette was biting her lips. She did it gently though because Khein’s keening eyes were watching her.They were already back in the city, to the city’s hospital specifically to have a check-up. Although she knew she might be pregnant, but it still made her nervous for some reason to be able to hear the result from the doctor itself.On the other hand, Rosette felt like Khein was unfazed. He looked calm, as if it doesn’t bother him at all. He was just looking at the door where the doctor exited a while ago, waiting for him to come back with result. Her phone vibrated, signaling the return of the network, and with it, her connection to the world. Glancing at the caller ID, she saw her younger brother's name flashing on the screen. With a mix of curiosity and nervous anticipation, she answered the call, bringing the phone to her ear."Yes?" she greeted softly, momentarily forgetting her nerves."Rose," Xieb's voice came through, deepe
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Chapter 120
Chapter 120The dinner eventually arrived, and Rosette and Khein prepared themselves for the news they were about to share. Rosette was bubbling with excitement, eager to reveal the joyous announcement. She felt more than ready to embrace motherhood, knowing that this time it would be a different and fulfilling experience. The scars from her past loss were still there, but they didn't paralyze her with fear. Instead, she faced the future with hope and gratitude for this newfound blessing.As she adorned herself with makeup, Khein couldn't help but express his admiration. "You look so beautiful, baby," he commented, watching her with affection.She rolled her eyes playfully and chuckled. "I always am, but thanks."His smirk only widened, and the exchange carried a lightness that reflected the love and joy they shared. In this moment of anticipation, Rosette's heart swelled with a mix of emotions—happiness, gratitude, and a touch of lingering apprehension. However, the positive anticipat
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Chapter 121
Chapter 121“Hi,” Rosette said, engulfing her younger brother, Xieb, in a warm hug as they arrived at his restaurant.“You’ve gotten quite thick, huh? You must be well-fed these days,” he teased, earning an eye roll from Rosette.“Of course. Duh.” She glanced back, noticing Khein observing them as they exchanged greetings. A smile played on her lips as she took a step back and wrapped her arms around Khein. “Babe, don’t just stand there. Introduce yourself to my brother.”Khein responded with a small smile and extended his arm for a handshake. “I’m Khein Bianchi, Rosey’s boyfriend. I suppose you are her younger brother, yes? Xieb Ivanov if I am not mistaken.”Xieb's gaze shifted to Khein, offering a tight smile. “Yeah. Nice meeting you.”The two men stared into each other’s eyes with a seemingly silent sparrow. Despite his initial reservations about men around his sisters, Xieb recognized the genuine affection between his sister and Khein. While a protective instinct lingered in the ba
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