All Chapters of Second Marriage, Ex Regrets So Much: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
350 Chapters
Terrence Edmin didn't expect that Mike would ask such a question. When he was stunned, he couldn't help smiling.This was simply a God's assistance!It was not in vain for him to accompany the child to play complicated jigsaw puzzle games these days. That was awesome!At this moment, Terrence Edmin was also very curious about the answer of Snow Cecy? In the face of her child's own speech, would she agree or refuse resolutely?Out of curiosity, Terrence Edmin didn't stop or help Snow Cecy, but looked at her expectantly."Ahem... Mike, are you trying to choke me to death? I'm eating. Why do you ask these questions?" Snow Cecy coughed twice and finally calmed down. Then she hurriedly changed the topic, not wanting to answer the question directly."Mommy, I really like Uncle Edmin. I want him to be my daddy, okay?" Mike didn't get the answer, but kept asking."Well..." Snow Cecy stammered, her face blushing. Her eyes wandered, but she didn't dare to look into Terrence Edmin's eyes.Seeing
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"Mom, didn't you hear what I said just now? You didn't listen to me carefully!" Mike said unhappily when he saw that Snow Cecy ignored him directly.Snow Cecy came back to her senses and hurried to ask. Looking at Mike, she said, "I'm sorry. Mom was absent-minded just now. Mike, what are you going to say to mom?""He said that he also prepared a T-shirt for you. Would you like to change it? In parent-child clothes with Mike?" Terrence Edmin suggested."Well... No. I've already changed my clothes. It will take too much time." Snow Cecy refused without hesitation.In such a situation, she went out in parent-child clothes with Terrence Edmin and her child. If the paparazzi took pictures of her, the Vicdor Blake would definitely take this opportunity to blame her .Therefore, Snow Cecy was well prepared for going out this time, with masks, hats and so on."Okay," Terrence Edmin agreed.The three of them went out hand in hand and headed for the technology park.Terrence Edmin drove the car
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Blake’s mother's attention was all on the child. Leyi smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer.She had thought that she could cover it up with the excuse her baby. But to her surprise, Mrs. Blake’s reaction was bigger than she had expected. She was so anxious that she said she had a baby subconsciously.However, the fake baby was made up out of nothing, so she didn't dare to be exposed in front of Mrs.Blake. She smiled and explained in a low voice, "I felt sick last night, so I bought a pregnancy test stick. I didn't expect that I really got pregnant and hadn't gone to the hospital for examination. I wanted to share this good news with Vicdor, but Vicdor blacklisted my phone number, so I couldn't contact him at all."Thinking that she couldn't get through to Vicdor Blake and didn't reply to him even if she sent him a message through wechat, Leyi felt a little disappointed, so she had to come to Blake’s mother and ask her for help."Alas... It's not Vicdor's fault. After all, the
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Although the Vicdor Blake's room was locked, as the owner of the Blake family, Mrs.Blake had the key to all the rooms in the room and easily opened the door."Well, you'd better go in and have a rest," said Mrs.Blake with a smile to Leyi.Leyi nodded, took a deep breath and entered the room.After entering the room, she looked around and found that the room was very warm, which was not the style that Vicdor Blake would like. On the contrary, she felt a little bit of Snow Cecy's elegance and warmth.Leyi's face changed. She didn't expect that Vicdor Blake still kept the style of the room when he was with Snow Cecy. Did he really miss Snow Cecy?Thinking of this, Leyi's face darkened and he looked around the room inch by inch.When she walked to the bedside, she was stunned. She stared at the photo hanging on the head of the bed in disbelief.At that time, the wedding photos of Vicdor Blake and Snow Cecy were hung on the wall aboveboard and were not taken off."You keep the wedding photo
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The noise from upstairs was so loud that Mrs.Blake, who was busy stewing soup downstairs, heard it and rushed upstairs.When she rushed out of the kitchen, she saw a security guard rushing in.After being stunned for a while, Blake’s mother asked unhappily, "what are you doing here? Do you know it's illegal to trespass in someone’s residence?""Mrs.Blake, I'm so sorry. Mr.Blake called us in person." the security guards explained to Mrs.Blake in a hurry.Blake’s mother frowned deeply. She couldn't figure out why her son suddenly called the security guards. Out of curiosity, she followed several security guards upstairs.When she went upstairs, she found that Vicdor Blake was trying to drag Leyi out of her room."Get out!" Vicdor Blake said seriously."Vicdor, I know you are angry with me, but please listen to me first. I really didn't betray you, and I didn't mean to damage this wedding photo..." Leyi said to her while crying."Vicdor, what are you doing?" Mrs.Blake saw this scene as so
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"The child is yours, we have only one man in this family, whose else will it be if it is not yours?you can slander me, but don't slander our child,."Vicdor stared at Leyi's acting expressionlessly, and then sneered,"Mom,you really sure she is pregnant?""What do you mean."Mrs.Blake was stunned after hearing this and looked at Vicdor Blake."Just literally meant. she is good at acting, I don't know if she is acting now."Leyi's heart skipped a beat, she suddenly felt a deep crisis and felt that she was exposed."hello, nobody here?Sister in law, are you at home? I came to visit you."Hoho's voice came from outside the door.The few people on the upstairs heard the voice, and were distracted at the moment, especially Mrs. Blake,she came to her senses and shouted to the downstairs,We're here."After saying that, she whispered to Vicdor Mrs.Blake, "no matter what, Leyi is your aunt's niece. No matter how you dislike her, you should save her face."Vicdor Mrs.Blake didn't say anything. He
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Hearing these words, Mrs.Blake smiled reluctantly. She really didn't know how to explain it.Today is really a mess, so she doesn't know what to solve first."His second uncle, don't haggle over with juios. Vicdor is in a bad mood recently. He didn't mean to be against you." Mrs.Blake patiently explained."Hehe, it's hard to say. After all, he has the final say in the Blake family , so he can do what he want to be done!" Uncle Blake said.Mrs.Blake smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to answer.After all, the second master had a problem with them because he was forced to move out, but now he has caught hold of it. He can't stop making trouble. It's good to profit from it!Leyi was sent to the next room by the security guard and lay down to rest. She smiled pale and said, "I'm fine.""Sister in law, now you should tell me, what's the matter?" Hoho asked anxiously."What else is going on? It must be Vicdor who bullied people!" Second master Blake said in a strange voice .He is also a s
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"The custody of the child must not be transferred to Snow Cecy!" Mrs.Blake's face changed, and her heart suddenly became firm when she was shaken.Even if she destroys the child, she will never let Snow Cecy threaten the Blake family with the child!"Alas... it would be easier if we didn't have this child. This child is a roadblock to Vicdor's divorce!" Hoho suddenly sighed."That's right! This child is so troublesome," said Uncle Zhuang.Originally, the Blake family's cake was not big. If a child has to get share of it, his benefit will be damaged.So he didn't want such a thing to happen. It would be better if the child disappeared.Mrs.Blake is also worried about this problem. This child is really coming at a bad time, which is too eyesore.But even so, the child cannot let him fall into the hands of Snow Cecy. Otherwise, Snow Cecy has a capital that can threaten the Blake family, which is absolutely impossible!It seems that she should use some methods to seize the children. It wou
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Leyi was enlightened by Hoho's words.After careful consideration, she looked at Hoho and smiled: "Auntie, I'm sure I'll handle this properly. This will kill two birds with one stone. It makes Mrs.Blake hate Snow Cecy even more, and it also makes a gap between Vicdor Blake and Snow Cecy."In this way, Vicdor Blake and Snow Cecy can be divided between the lives of two unborn children.She doesn't believe that Vicdor Blake can ignore these and stay with Snow Cecy."Well, I'll go first, and you can do it by yourself." Hoho doesn't have much affection for this niece.She thinks Leyi will only drag her .After Hoho left, Mrs.Blake come back soon."I have asked someone to cook chicken soup for you. This baby is going to be well fed. You've had an abortion before and your body has been hurt. If you don't keep this baby well, in case something happens, it will be fatal." Mrs.Blake is very excited about the upcoming baby.So when she was happy, she didn't find Leyi's face was ugly.Leyi smiled
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She looked at Mike helplessly: "Stinky boy..."After pinching Mike's little face, Snow Cecy felt sad again.Mike is so attached to Terrence Edmin because he is so kind to him. In the final analysis, this child has never been loved by his father. As long as a little person like a father appears in his world, this boy will be completely trapped."Don't be angry with your child. He just wants to have some healthy happy memories. Even as an adult, we should make them for him."Terrence Edmin spoke softly and earnestly.She is not angry at this at all.The face was slightly hot, so she could only nod in a muffled voice and eat the loss.When the arrived at the Science Park, it was the time of the biggest weekend traffic. Snow Cecy unconsciously squatted down to hug Mike, who was already shouldered by Terrence Edmin,His broad arms are really safe.Snow Cecy seems to have an impulse to lean up and try.Because it is a weekend, most of the people who come to the Science Park are parents and c
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