All Chapters of Second Marriage, Ex Regrets So Much: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
350 Chapters
looked at Mike helplessly and said, "you brat..."Pinching Mike's little face, Snow Cecy felt a little sad again.Mike liked Terrence Edmin so much because Terrence Edmin treated him very well. After all, this child had never been loved by his father. As long as there was a person like his father appearing in his world, he would fall in love with him completely."Don't be angry with him. He just wants to have some healthy and happy memories. As an adult, we should create a play for him."Terrence Edmin persuaded in a soft tone.Snow Cecy was speechlessShe was not angry at all.Her face was a little hot, and she could only nod in a muffled voice to take the loss.When they arrived at the technology garden, it happened to be the most popular time on weekends. When Snow Cecy subconsciously squatted down and was about to hug Mike, Mike had been carried on Terrence Edmin's shoulder,His broad arms gave her a sense of security.Snow Cecy wanted to have a try.It was weekend, so most of the
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Vicdor Balke didn't tell anyone that Leyi was pregnant.He also called Leyi and warned her not to tell anyone about it. If anyone knew that she was pregnant, they would definitely doubt who the father of the child was. It was asking for trouble to expose her pregnancy at this time.What he didn't know was that this was exactly what Leyi was thinking. She was eager to keep it a secret, so that Snow Cecy wouldn't be wary of her.Mrs.Blaky took Leyi to the Blake family's old house to nourish the fetus.As a man, Mr. Li was very angry with those large-scale videos, so he didn't show any good face to Leyi.Even if Mrs.Blaky reminded him that the baby in Leyi's belly might be the grandson of the Blake family, he didn't say anything. Instead, he mocked, "are you sure that he is the grandson of the Blake family? What if he is someone else's? By then, all your efforts will be in vain to take care of him?""She has promised that there is only one man, Vicdor. She has been with Vicdor all these y
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"Do you think I work so hard to find out the truth just to get back to Vicdor Blaky?"Snow Cecy knew that Leyi was short-sighted, but she didn't expect her to be so short-sighted.She twitched her lips speechlessly. "I don't think so much of a man. I just want to give my father and me justice!"She had been in prison for several years, and all the grievances she had suffered needed these evidences to reverse the case!"It happened five years ago. Even if you have found the evidence, how can you believe it?" Leyi tried to drive a wedge between Snow Cecy and her. "Don't lose anything in the end. Instead, you will lead a more miserable life with your child.""You..."Snow Cecy clenched her teeth and looked at Leyi, "didn't you ask me out to have a talk? Why did you talk about this with me? What on earth do you want to say to me?""I saw the photos of you shopping in the science and technology park with another man. I was just concerned about your current situation. No wonder you don't car
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"I just don't want Mike to lose his mother at a young age." Vicdor Blaky pulled the corner of his lips coldly and said sarcastically, "You don't think I love you, do you?"Snow Cecy smiled: "Of course I won't be so sentimental. I know more than anyone how much you hate me. After all, I am a wicked woman in your eyes! In this case, you should watch me fall on the ground with cold eyes instead of picking me up!"She thought of Leyi's pathetic appearance, "Your Miss Cecy is the one you should leave with, so you should open the door for me now, I want to get off!"She really felt sick when she stayed in the same space with this man for a second."I can't take you away, then, is Terrence Edmin OK? Snow Cecy, don't forget that we are still legal couples, even if I want to take you back to the Blake family to sleep now, it is reasonable."Vicdor Blaky saw that she was moving all the time. He could not bear to stretch out his hand and grab her wrist, and pressed her on the seat."You......" Sn
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Leyi went to the hospital here, and Snow Cecy went home directly.She is also very sad now, but she really went to the hospital and was known by Alice and Terrence Edmin, which will make everyone worried.She can't give these people too much trouble.She went home and threw herself on the sofa to relax.As soon as she fell asleep, the phone rang.She took it over and looked at it. It was a strange number.She thought it was Leyi who was testing her bottom line again. She frowned and answered the phone. She said angrily to the other party, "Leyi, are you sick? Today you set such a trap for me just to make me worse. How do you want to cheat me?""You've made Leyi so badly. How dare you say that Leyi has made you worse? Snow Cecy, your shameless ability has grown a lot after five years!"The voice that rings in the phone is not Leyi, butMadam Blaky.Snow Cecy's body froze when she heard the strange and familiar voice.She sat up stiffly like a marionette."Mom?" Snow Cecy was very sad to
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Mike was painting when he came to the living room."Mommy, this is the homework assigned by the teacher to let us draw the family."After Snow Cecy sat down, Mike carefully explained his picture to his mother: "This is my mother, this is me, this is uncle Edmin...""Mike?" Snow Cecy changed her look and looked at the child helplessly: "Do you know what you are talking about? How can it be uncle Edmin?""Mom, uncle Edmin told me that he likes you very much, but mother has been unwilling to open her heart to accept uncle Edmin. He is very sad." Mike took Snow Cecy's hand and said, "Mom is still so young. After leaving with Dad, are you going to live a lifetime alone?""You..."Snow Cecy felt that Mike could not say such a thing as a child.Someone must have taught him that.She narrowed her eyes and looked at Mike carefully: "You tell Mom, who told you to say that?""Mom, this is what I think. Nobody taught me." Mike shook his head. After his mother's eyes became more severe, his defense
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Do you mean that as a father, I should behave well in parent-child activities?"There was a hint of banter in Terrence Edmin's eyes."Well, it depends on your performance."Snow Cecy smiled sweetly.Seeing this smile, Terrence Edmin suddenly felt that everything he had done these days was not in vain.He worked so hard just to see such a smile again."It's very cold downstairs. Just send me here. With your words, I'm relieved now. I'll call you when I go back." Terrence Edmin entered the elevator and waved at Snow Cecy. "Mike is at home alone. Go back quickly!""Okay, bye."Snow Cecy didn't go home until the elevator went downstairs.She wanted to make it clear to Terrence Edmin and ask him not to think about changing the relationship between the two. She didn't expect that now she gave Terrence Edmin a chance to get closer to her."Snow Cecy, you are such a fool!" she cursed herself in her heart and hurried home.After getting on the car downstairs, Terrence Edmin took out her phone a
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"Do you mean that I should behave well as a father in parent-child activities?"Terrence Edmin's eyes were a little playful."Well, I'll see how you behave."Snow Cecy smiled a little sweetly.Seeing this smile, Terrence Edmin suddenly felt that everything she had done these days was not in vain.He is trying so hard to see such a smile again."It's very cold down here, so you can send it here. I'm more relieved now with your words. I'll call you when I get back." Terrence Edmin waved to Snow Cecy after entering the elevator: "Mike is at home alone, you hurry back!""Well, goodbye."Snow Cecy didn't turn home until the elevator went downstairs.She clearly wanted to make it clear with Terrence Edmin and let him stop thinking about changing their relationship. Unexpectedly, she now gave Terrence Edmin a chance to get closer to herself."Snow Cecy, you are such a stupid fool!" She cursed herself secretly and hurried home.Terrence Edmin took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone after
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Vicdor Blake is very tired of hearing Leyi's voice now.Frowning, he got up and walked to the door. When he opened the door, he glared at Leyi and asked angrily, "What do you want to do again? Didn't I tell you earlier to pack up your things and leave the Blake family?""I won't go!"Leyi looked up and glared at Vicdor Blake: "I have been with you for so many years, I had made a lot of erroft. Don't forget that I lost a child for you before. These are all losses of my youth. How can you compensate me?""You mean money?"Vicdor Blake read Leyi's meaning and asked sarcastically."I don't want money, Vicdor, I just want you to give me another chance, and I promise you that this will never happen again!" Leyi quickly grabbed Vicdor Blake's arm, "Vicdor, I love you so much, I will never deliberately damage your reputation and the whole Blake family's reputation, I am framed!""Whether you did it on purpose or not, the reputation of the Blake family has been damaged, and you can't give me th
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"You..."Snow Cecy guessed that this must be the idea of Mike and Terrence Edmin.She suddenly felt stabbed in the back."Mom, are you angry?" Mike now learned to observe Snow Cecy's face, and when he found that Snow Cecy's face changed, he asked in a low voice with some fear."Must be a little angry."Snow Cecy took a deep breath, tried to keep her anger down, then squatted down and pinched Mike's cheek: "Mom just asks you not to sell your mother like this in the future. Mom knows how to deal with adult matters, so don't interfere as a child, okay?"She felt like she was going to cry."Oh..." Mike nodded somewhat lost.Seeing Mike's look, Snow Cecy realized that the child really liked Terrence Edmin and wanted to have a father like Terrence Edmin.If you can't fulfill your child's wish as a mother, you will make the child very sad.She could only smile helplessly. "My mother tried to accept this relationship.""Really?"Mike's eyes flashed: "Mom, you...""However, it's only after your
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