All Chapters of Second Marriage, Ex Regrets So Much: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
350 Chapters
Vicdor Blake felt that this must have something to do with Leyi.Now think about it. It happened that Leyi called last night.However, Vicdor Blake thought that Leyi probably just wanted to announce to everyone that she was still his own woman and he didn't care about the previous videos.This can stimulate Snow Cecy."Then..." Special Assistant sees Vicdor Blake so angry, and asks tentatively: "Should we go and remove all these photos?""Of course, I want to withdraw. I don't want to be stared at by everyone of my private life. You go to greet the major gossip magazines and marketing account holders. If there is any more information or photos of me in the future, let them directly contact Blake Group, and Blake group will buy it no matter how much it cost!"Vicdor Blake has had enough of this kind of life in which his private life is arbitrarily commented.He felt that now he had no privacy."OK."Special help nodded and went out.Vicdor Blake is still angry. He wants to call Leyi and
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"Aunt!"Leyi didn't expect Hoho to be so crazy this time. She glared and yelled, "As long as I sit firmly in Mrs.Blake's position, Vicdor will certainly treat you and Second uncle Blake well for my sake. What are you afraid of?""What are you afraid of? I'm afraid that you will change your face by the time!" Hoho knows Leyi's temperament better than anyone else. This girl is a ungrateful rat with extreme selfishness.She can say the words of cutting relationship now, and will only do it better in the future."I..."Leyi struggled with her arm, but could not take it away from Hoho's palm. Her face was speechless: "I was such a person in my aunt's eyes, so I don't think my aunt and I have anything to say. I don't care if aunt is willing to tell Vicdor or not!"She pulled Hoho's hand away from her arm and turned straight away.This one blinded Hoho.She thought Leyi would be frightened by her own threats, and then quickly confessed to herself and promised to give her enough resources and
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After sitting down beside Snow Cecy, Thomas Reagan looked at her pale face and said, "Cecy group is getting better and better now. Can you leave with peace of mind and go for a good treatment?""No..."Snow Cecy shook her head and said, "My goal is to divorce Vicdor Blake. I want to take Mike with me, and take him with me!""You want to divorce Vicdor, shouldn't you just do it for Mike?" Thomas Reagan said in a low voice with a little teasing and joking."You..."Snow Cecy didn't expect Thomas Reagan to say so.She suddenly felt a little angry and stood up and looked at Thomas Reagan: "What do you mean by that? Do you think I want to divorce for the sake of marrying Terrence Edmin?"If other people say so, she will be fine, but the man in front of her is her best friend.Snow Cecy felt like she was going to get sick with this bastard.She gritted her teeth to hold back the discomfort in her heart and all over her body, and stared at Thomas Reagan with scarlet eyes: "Thomas, if you thin
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"Because of some messy reasons, if we don't go back, Uncle Swiss and Uncle Edmin will be in danger. Mike, didn't you say you should grow up and protect your mother? Now you have to be strong as a young man, you know?"Snow Cecy trimmed the child's clothes and said very gently.There was a smile in her eyes: "With my mother, I won't let your father and Aunt Zhuang bully you.""I'm willing to go back for the sake of uncle Edmin..." Mike said weakly, but he was still scared.He tightly held Snow Cecy's waist and buried his small face on Snow Cecy's belly.Seeing the nervous appearance of the child, Snow Cecy scolded Vicdor Blake severely!When she returned to the Blake family, it was past midnight.Mike fell asleep in Snow Cecy's arms because of his nervousness and fear.When she got off with Snow Cecy in her arms, the housekeeper was waiting in front of the door.Seeing Mike asleep, the housekeeper quickly took off his coat and put it on Mike's body. He was still saying, "Sir. In such a
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Snow Cecy was so angry with him.She went over and glared at Vicdor Blake: "You just want me to humiliate me? Vicdor Blake, you are so boring!""Mom..." Mike was afraid that she was too close to Vicdor Blake. If Vicdor Blake hit someone, his mother would not escape.So he stretched out his hand to hold Snow Cecy's hem, pulled it and reminded her: "I'm not hungry, when can we leave?"He has to go to school."Can't leave." Vicdor Blake wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at Mike faintly: "This is your home. Where else do you want to go?""I..."Mike's face was pale when asked."Vicdor Blake, can you stop being so cruel to Mike? He will be so afraid of you now. It's all your own fault!" Snow Cecy put Mike behind her and said to Vicdor Blake in a sullen voice, "I want to see how long you can shut us down!"She led Mike back to the room.Soon a servant brought breakfast.She found that Mike likes breakfast.She didn't think it was arranged by Vicdor Blake. After all, those servants too
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This bastardSnow Cecy's eyes are red and her heart is sad.How can this guy trust her?She thought of Aunt Zhang's desperate help. She couldn't imagine what situation Aunt Zhang was facing now.She walked up and down the room in a hurry to find a way. Mike didn't dare to bother her because of her present look.After hanging up the phone, Vicdor Blake stood on the balcony and calmed down in the cold wind before turning into the room."Who called?" Leyi asked, pretending not to know."But..."Leyi looked curiously at Vicdor Blake and said, "Vicdor, what are you doing by forcing her to stay in the Blake family? She is so unwilling to leave, but she still has to let her go at last?""I..." Vicdor Blake was dumb when asked by Leyi.He thought carefully, then shook his head: "There is no reason, I just want to make her unhappy.""But don't you feel very painful in this way?" Leyi said that she loved him very much. She stretched out her hand to hold Vicdor Blake's neck and stood on tiptoe to
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"I..."Snow Cecy didn't expect Aunt Zhang's attitude to change so much. It was Aunt Zhang who called for help on her own initiative. Now what's the tone?She blinked in some confusion: "Aunt Zhang, you just called me this morning...""Don't talk nonsense!" Aunt Zhang was ready to turn around and enter the ward.Snow Cecy quickly grabbed her and said, "Aunt Zhang, what's wrong with your face?"She suddenly found that Aunt Zhang's face was red and swollen, as if she had been beaten by someone. Moreover, Aunt Zhang looked very strange. Although she was avoiding herself, Snow Cecy also saw the despair in her eyes."Aunt Zhang, is something wrong? Tell me, I can help you." Her tone became more and more anxious.But Aunt Zhang still has the same attitude: "Miss Cecy, I have nothing to do, so you don't need to say anything here. Let's go. I have to take care of my son.""You..."Snow Cecy was almost mad at Aunt Zhang.After a while, play her like a monkey.The bodyguards looked at each other
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"Thank you very much, Miss." The policewoman was eager to take Snow Cecy to a corner and began to record a confession to Snow Cecy alone.The bodyguard sighed helplessly when she did this.The couple became more and more nervous and continued to insist on being together. In fact, it was painful for both sides.Therefore, Mr. Blake should let go early.Snow Cecy even took out the bank statement and showed it to the police, then smiled: "I wish Aunt Zhang could live. She knows what happened six years ago. Now I am eager to know the truth six years ago. I will never kill Aunt Zhang."As she spoke, she felt despair again and wanted to cry.The policewoman looked at her appearance and quickly comforted her: "Miss Cecy, rest assured, as long as you make sure that the information you gave is true, we will continue to check what happened six years ago.""Thank you."Snow Cecy is really grateful.When she finished recording her confession, Aunt Zhang's body had been cleaned up.Snow Cecy did no
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Thomas Reagan heard the name come out of Snow Cecy's mouth, and his heart was a little jealous.However, he thought that Snow Cecy would believe Vicdor Blake's words, which was really silly."With Terrence Edmin's ability, how could Vicdor Blake move him?" Thomas Reagan frowned and asked anxiously, "Have you contacted Terrence Edmin?""Because I didn't get in touch, I......"Snow Cecy suddenly realized something. She stood up and walked to the window with wide eyes.Thinking carefully about Thomas Reagan's words, she was cheated by Vicdor Blake.He pinched her weakness to threaten her but Terrence Edmin couldn't contact her.That's why she was cheated."What a treacherous madman!" Snow Cecy said with his teeth clenched.She didn't want Thomas Reagan to feel that her mood fluctuated too much. After she tried to stabilize, she whispered to Thomas Reagan, "Don't worry, even if I was cheated back, I still have a way to escape. Vicdor Blake can't lock me up for a lifetime."She reassured Th
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"Huh?" Vicdor Blake didn't expect that the woman would dare to ask her now.Snow Cecy turned pale and said in a low voice, "I hope you can trust me, at least when I check the truth, don't hinder me.""Am I blocking you?" Vicdor Blake suddenly felt a little innocent: "I at least...""You restrict my freedom is to hinder me, and now that Aunt Zhang is dead, I feel that the clues are interrupted. Aunt Zhang's death must not be so simple. Vicdor Blake, think about it. She just called me for help. I rushed to her and she changed her attitude. Is it really beyond doubt?"Snow Cecy is eager to persuade Vicdor Blake to trust her, but Vicdor Blake always has doubts about what happened six years ago.So, he just slightly pulled the corner of his lips: "What if she committed suicide in despair because her son's illness was really incurable?""Impossible!"Snow Cecy didn't expect that Vicdor Blake would be so difficult to make sense. She stared at the man in front of her and said, "So, you don't b
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