All Chapters of Second Marriage, Ex Regrets So Much: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
350 Chapters
"Nothing!"Vicdor Blake pushed the butler away: "I went upstairs and prepared some light dinner for me. I just had a meal. I might be drunk after a few drinks.""OK."The housekeeper hurried to order people to prepare.He stood at the kitchen door waiting anxiously, worried about Vicdor Blake in his heart: "I don't know how long I can stay in this way. I'm afraid that one day my husband will suddenly fall down. Alas, if my wife is at home, my husband won't do this."Snow Cecy sneezed a dozen kilometers away.She wondered who would think of herself at this time."This is a good set." Alice is choosing the date dress for Snow Cecy on Christmas Eve.When Snow Cecy saw the exposed red skirt in Alice's hand, he immediately waved: "No, it is not suitable for me!""Where is not suitable? I feel very suitable!" Alice waved on her body a few times: "Your figure is so good, it is to show!"Snow Cecy couldn't resist Alice and was pushed directly into the dressing room by her.After the clothes we
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Snow Cecy was helpless to help her forehead. When she saw that Mike was coming, she quickly said to Alice, "Mike is coming out. Let's go.""You must dress up well and wear that skirt. If you don't wear the dress I bought for you, I will be very sad." Alice held her mouth and made a fake cry."Oh, hurry up!"Snow Cecy really doesn't want to talk to this guy.After Alice left with her children, she leaned against the door frame and wondered whether to wear that tonight.She went to the dressing room, opened the door and saw the new clothes that had just been hung up last night.After she had done enough mental preparation, she reached out and took it out.An hour later, she dressed up and sat on the sofa waiting for Terrence Edmin's people to meet her.She put her hair down today. Moreover, she rolled a big wave and wore a rare bright makeup. Her red lips were very dazzling.She is very suitable for this bright makeup.The whole person's morbid state was covered in an instant.When Terre
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"You should not have too much burden." Terrence Edmin has said this many times. He feels that his saliva is almost dry.Snow Cecy also bored of this.She smiled and nodded: "Well, I actually understand. Don't worry, I'm slowly getting used to your kindness to me, and I won't refuse directly like before.""That's good." Terrence Edmin sighed with relief.He looked at Snow Cecy's face now, and raised a spoiled smile at the corners of his mouth: "In fact, even if Miss Feng bought you clothes, you can not wear them, but you are specially dressed so well tonight to attend the appointment. Can I think that you are dressed specially for me?""Hmm?" Snow Cecy didn't expect Terrence Edmin to talk about this topic.She used to blush, but now she is even redder.After swallowing her saliva, she smiled and nodded gently: "Well, after all... I bought it for dinner with you.""That's good."Terrence Edmin was momentarily elated.While they were eating, Terrence Edmin's mobile phone suddenly rang.He
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"Thank you for taking the trouble to choose such a gift for me!" Terrence Edmin bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead.This blinded Snow Cecy directly.She blinked and looked at the man in front of her.After swallowing, she raised her hand and touched her forehead.The heart quickened at this moment.No, no!This man is really too provocative.Snow Cecy felt that she was going to fall into the trap of this man tonight. In that case, she felt that she could not fight with Vicdor Blake wholeheartedly.She tried to calm herself down and let Terrence Edmin take her home.She didn't let Terrence Edmin upstairs."I enjoyed this meal tonight, Terrence, thank you for your hospitality." She stood in front of the car and politely thanked Terrence Edmin."Why did you suddenly..." Terrence Edmin was surprised at her attitude change."I just think we can't talk until I get divorced, and I can't guarantee how long I can live, so please give me some more time, please." Snow Cecy pulled Terre
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In addition, she still remembers Grandpa 's kind appearance, and Snow Cecy doesn't want anything to happen to him.She sighed a little and could only take up the injection again and tear open the package.When she was preparing for injection, Vicdor Blake suddenly woke up with half squinting eyes.Seeing that the person standing at the edge of the bed was Snow Cecy, Vicdor Blake flashed a little information in the bottom of his eyes, raised his hand and grabbed her wrist, and said in a hoarse voice, "Snow, I knew you would not be willing to leave me like this, Snow... would you like to come back to me..."This man is only willing to speak his heart when he is burned.But now Snow Cecy is no longer moved by these words.She smiled faintly and pulled her wrist back from Vicdor Blake's palm: "Mr. Blake is really burning a little too much, and started to talk nonsense..."She motioned to the butler to hold Vicdor Blake's arm. She directly inserted the needle and pushed the medicine in.Aft
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She would rather give to charity than take his money.Vicdor Blake, who received this message, was taking medicine and almost choked to death after drinking a mouthful of water!"This dead woman!" he muttered.The housekeeper was frightened by his words, carrying a glass of water: "What's the matter, sir? What did you just say?""Nothing." Vicdor Blake handed the medicine box to the housekeeper and asked in a low voice, "Why did you call that woman? Last night, Doctor Cheme was not on business.""Isn't yesterday Christmas?"The housekeeper smiled vaguely: "You want Mrs. Blake to come back to see you. You also prepared a gift, didn't you?"Vicdor Blake was stunned.He didn't expect to be guessed by the housekeeper that it was for Snow Cecy without his signature.His face was embarrassed.After taking a deep breath, he whispered, "Who said it was for her? Do you think she is worthy?""This..." The housekeeper didn't expect that Vicdor Blake would be tough even at this time.He looked at
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the smelly boy planned her second marriage.With a little silence, she pinched the child's face heavily, and Snow Cecy stepped on the accelerator to leave.--After Christmas, it is the end of the year.The company is getting busier and busier, and Snow Cecy has no time to pick up Mike every day. This matter falls on Terrence Edmin's shoulder. Taking advantage of this opportunity to pick up Mike, the relationship and feelings between the big and the small are getting better and better.At the New Year's Eve, Snow Cecy took the initiative to invite Terrence Edmin to her home to celebrate the New Year.Terrence Edmin thought she was drunk when she received her call."Are you sure?" Terrence Edmin's voice trembled because of the surprise."If I'm not sure, why should I call you?"Snow Cecy laughed at his tone and said, "Well, come earlier then, Mike has prepared a New Year gift for you.""Mike is the only one ready?" Terrence Edmin asked with scheming eyes.Snow Cecy's ears were red. She
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"Oh."Mike nodded cleverly.He actually recognized that the male voice outside was his father's voice.However, Mike was scared when he thought of his father's fierce appearance. He would rather stay alone in the room than go out to see his father.When Terrence Edmin came to the living room, he saw Vicdor Blake dragging Snow Cecy's arm. His face sank. He walked over and waved his fist directly to Vicdor Blake's face: "Let her go!"Snow Cecy didn't expect Terrence Edmin to make a sudden move.When she saw that Vicdor Blake was stumbling and Terrence Edmin wanted to swing two more fists, she quickly hugged Terrence Edmin's arm and said, "Don't Terrence, he didn't hurt me. If you hurt him anywhere, he will definitely make a fuss.""Snow Cecy!" Vicdor Blake wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Snow Cecy in shock. "What do you mean by that?""Nothing, I just want to tell Terrence that you have a lot of revenge! No matter whether it is true or false, you can retaliate
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Vicdor Blake took off his coat, put it on Leyi's shoulder, and hugged her shoulder.After going to check out, I took her away.When she went out, a cold wind blew and made Leyi wake up.She opened her eyes slightly, moved her nose, smelled a familiar smell of aftershave, and smiled giggly: "Am I dreaming? How could Vicdor still be willing to come to me? It must be a dream..."She raised her hand and hugged the neck of the man beside her: "Even if it is a dream, I am happy, Vicdor..."This infatuated appearance made Vicdor Blake more and more soft to her."Well, let's go home first."Vicdor Blake was going to put her in the car, but she suddenly stood on tiptoe and blocked his mouth.The two people kissed directly on the street.Leyi has been longing for Vicdor Blake for a long time. Even though she thought it was a dream, she is also very active and bold.Vicdor Blake was startled and quickly picked her up, and finally got into the car.He stood in front of the car and wiped his lip.I
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Alice said with disgust.She seemed to compare Leyi to a dog."It has nothing to do with me whether they have reunited." Snow Cecy moved her eyes away from the picture and said calmly to Alice, "I just didn't expect that this man is acting so well now.""What's the matter?"Alice immediately realized that the girl had something to say.Snow Cecy told everything about Vicdor Blake breaking into her house because he saw Mike last night.After hearing this, Alice immediately became angry and said, "What does this bitch man want? It's not easy for you to make an appointment with Mr. Edmin for dinner, but he came to destroy it. I think he just knows that Mr. Edmin is with you, so he came to disgust you!""Maybe."Snow Cecy sighed in silence: "I can rest assured that he and Leyi are separated. At least it proves that this man is not worth any heartache.""Don't be soft-hearted, he doesn't deserve it." Alice was afraid that Snow Cecy would be soft-hearted, so she quickly advised again.Snow C
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