Lahat ng Kabanata ng Diamond Eyed Luna: Kabanata 61 - Kabanata 70
102 Kabanata
Chapter 61
“Your big relaxing day!” Waylon kept a straight face but winked at me. I had asked for a day outside, doing basically nothing. Maybe a picnic or something small but nothing major. What could Jessica possibly have up her sleeves? My mind went wondering as I got ready. It was going to be a long time before I saw the inside of a private bathroom or at least one as equipped as this. Using more lotion than needed, more dry shampoo and even styled my hair. However, I kept my makeup light. No reason to get overly done with that. Grabbing a pair if flowy shorts, I paired it with a crop top and sandals. “Ready.” I mind-linked Waylon. He had slipped up to his room to get dressed but he was taking longer than needed. “Okay. I’ll be right there.” He sounded almost out of breath as he spoke. I was able to use this time to clean up this room a little. There was an empty box that I had set aside. Folding my clothes neatly, they all fit inside the box. My pencils and sketch pads were placed in
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Chapter 62
“Arlo?” I was confused as why he was here. “I must say, it is quite easy to sneak in here.” Laughing, he sat down like he was invited the whole time. Looking over at Waylon, he was just shaking his head. “It is when I have told you how to do it. Why are you even here?” Waylon sighed. I got the feeling that if Arlo is here, that isn’t a good thing. “I was just strolling along the stores the other day. You know, minding my own business. When I happen to come across a certain maid from the palace. Beautiful girl. She told me that the palace is in an uproar over her escape. They have implemented new safety measures and visitors are very limited. All trials are off limit to the public. That is, until someone is brought to justice.” “What safety measures?” Axel asked. “No. We are not doing this here. Arlo, follow Axel and Ky to my office. I will be there shortly.” Waylon stood up. He was pissed off. Not at me but part of me wanted him to be. It was incredibly sexy, so much that I knew
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Chapter 63
“How reliable is this information anyway?” Ky spoke up. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe it was real. Listen, believe me or not but the security has gotten tighter.” Arlo stood up. He was clearly annoyed that we weren’t taking him seriously. “Dude, calm down. If I was coming up to you and telling you a booty call told me information like that, would you believe me?” Axel asked as he leaned back in his chair. “Yes I would because I would know that you wouldn’t be coming to be with bullshit. After all I have done and you are going to question this?” Arlo narrowed his eyes. “You’re right. My apologies.” I tried to sooth things over. Motioning to the chair, Arlo sat back down. “What did she tell you?” “Metal detectors, wands, security cameras and even guns. They pulled out all the stops. There is only one entrance and exit. That’s it. Everyone must come through the front doors. Even the staff. She was bitching that she used to show up in her sweats and change there but now
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Chapter 64
“What happened?” I asked as we watched Waylon march off into the trees. Nova was standing there, trying to stop crying. Ky took off after Waylon and Jessica and I helped Nova sit down. Brayden looked like a lost puppy, trying to decide where to go before finally running off after Ky. “How I figured it would go.” Nova took a few deep breaths before finally she was ready to speak. “We were sitting down on a large rock. I kept stumbling over my words before I finally just blurted out, ‘I’m pregnant!’ His jaw fell to the floor before yelling what really loud. He got up and started pacing before mumbling something. I only caught some words. Blood, time and finding out were the only words I could figure out. Then he looked at me, almost like he was scared and then took off running.” Jessica and I looked at each other. Not fully sure what to say. Finally, Jessica spoke up. “There was this dad… well, he just found out he was going to be a dad. He freaked out. The responsibilities and hi
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Chapter 65
“The fuck was that?” I asked in the mind-link. Our bodies froze, waiting to see what it was. “If it was a rogue, we would know by now.” Waylon responded. Waylon slowly made his way off the gazebo. Crouching down, he slipped into the darkness. I felt exposed, almost like I was the target from a 360 degree angle. Scooting back until my back hit the wall, I waited for something to jump out at me. Waylon’s feelings were getting more angry by the moment. There was some grunting and wrestling of the leaves but then silence. No birds, no owls or even crickets were filling the air. It was dead, a horrible feeling that something was wrong came over me. Waylon was okay, pissed off but okay. The minutes ticked by. Then ten minutes and twenty. “Charlotte?” Axel’s voice caused me to jump as he emerged from the brush with Nova and Jessica in tow. “Here!” I said, realising a breath of relief. “Let’s go.” Axel kept a firm grip on Nova and turned back towards the trail. Jessica motioned for
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Chapter 66
“If there is one, there are more.” Jessica said in a sullen tone. “We can’t let them get anyone in the packhouse!” I need to get out there was strong. “Look, it looks like he is searching for something.” Jessica got closer to the screen. I saw what she meant. He wasn’t going rampant but smelling the walls and floor. “Searching?” “For what?” Jessica barely said. “I think the question is… for who.” Jessica looked between me and Nova. “How would we even know?” “We don’t but they are not welcome and need to be eliminated.” I said firmly. “I can’t let you go by yourself but I can’t exactly leave her either.” Jessica was torn between what she should do. “Waylon. Are you about done? We have a situation?” I mind-linked him. Holding up a finger to Jessica, she instantly understood. “Wrapping up, why?” “We are looking at a wolf in front of your office door on the security cameras.” I was met with silence. “You figured out how to get into the cameras?” “No, Jessica did but is th
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Chapter 67
I didn’t look back, I couldn’t look back. Waylon’s eyes were on me as I kept putting one foot in front of the other. If my eyes landed on Waylon, there wouldn’t be any way that I would be able to have the strength. My will power would be shattered. Instead, I just kept walking. My heart breaking with each step that he couldn’t say those words. Maybe he didn’t feel that way just yet. It was a big step and maybe he was saving it for when we actually mated? That was a possibility I guess. There was so much on Waylon’s plate that he might not have even considered it. He didn’t even tell me what happened last night. I know we got attacked and by the sounds of it, they were able to keep it extremely quiet. I doubt the pack even knew about it. The fake safety drill wasn’t so fake after all. The sun was hot in the sky as I walked. There wasn’t any trees around, just wide open fields. This road looked to appear that no one uses it anymore. Maybe that is why I am on it. No one will stop me the
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Chapter 68
“Do you really think she is sleeping?” Craig asked quietly. “Looks like it.” “How do you think she escaped in the first place?” Craig asked. “That’s not really the question you should be asking.” “What do you mean, Vincent?” “The true princess has the most powerful aura. She could easily compel us to do whatever she wanted. If she is turning herself in, there is a reason. You can’t tell me after twenty years of being on the run, she just now wants to clear her name? No, something else is going on here.” He wasn’t wrong, but yet he was. If I would have been able to mate with Waylon and my identity stayed a secret, none of this would be happening. Thanks to Jasmine, I am here. Taking back what is rightfully mine. “What’s a lot to unpack.” Craig whistled. “I’m just saying. Feeding her and treating her like a person is going to go a long way. Let’s say she wins, do you want her to remember you as the cop that pissed her off or the cop that fed her?” “Defiantly the one that fe
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Chapter 69
“I suppose.” It was as if she was trying hard to not roll her eyes. I watched as she labeled everything and placed it in a ziplock bag. After taping it shut and labeling that, she placed it in a container. Going over to the wall, she put the container in a shoot before hitting a code. It took off like a rocket before she turned around and frowned at me. “Please follow me.” The tape she had placed on my elbow pinched me to the point that it kind of hurt. “Can you just take the tap off me please?” “No, you are still going to be bleeding.” “I can promise you that I am not bleeding. Just check.” “I said no.” She didn’t even turn around and look at me. Instead, she walked faster. The sound of footsteps behind me caused all my internal alarms to go off. When I looked back, no one was there. As I turned around, I almost ran straight into the wall. “Shit.” “Watch where you are going.” The glare that I was getting would have been annoying if I wasn’t more occupied with the phantom foo
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Chapter 70
Charlotte (HAILEY) POV “GET HER OUT OF THERE!” Voices sounded from outside my padded sell. A second later, the door slowly creeked open. Only to reveal a very pissed off Lilith. “Let’s go.” She said firmly to me before turning and walking off. Quickly, I got out of my cell. Avoiding contact with the pissed off guards, I had to run to catch up with her. “What is happening?” I asked looking backward. “Quiet.” Her tone was short crisp. That shut me right up as I fell into step beside her. Lilith’s angry red bottoms echoed. If that didn’t tell you an angry woman was walking, I wasn’t sure what would. She quickly turned right, opened the door and waited for me to enter. Not wanting to be yelled at, my ass darted inside. It was another basic interrogation room. After sitting in the chair, I waited patiently for Lilith to talk. As I didn’t want to get snipped at again. My back was straight as ‘yes mom’ was on the tip of my tongue if Lilith wanted to go on a rant. Slamming down her brie
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