All Chapters of Diamond Eyed Luna: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
102 Chapters
Chapter 81
Waylon POV “My fucking head.” I moaned. “What the fuck happened?” “Hailey happened.” Jessica was standing beside me, pushing something onto a tube. That tube was in my arm. “What’s wrong with Hailey?” It still sounded weird. “I don’t know what happened, Waylon. One minute you were fine and the next it was like you overdosed on wolfsbane.” Axel stated. Nova was in the corner just staring out the window. “The blood pack?” I asked, looking at Jessica. “I believe so. I think when you guys left, someone poisoned Hailey.” Jessica answered. “I can’t get through to Lilith. Waylon, she was with Hailey. There are only two options. Either Lilith drugged her or Lilith is in trouble too.” Axel firmly stated. “By treating you, I can treat Hailey. Well, that is if has anything to do with the blood. You guys share a blood so when she got poisoned, you did too. That’s why people don’t do blood packs anymore!” Jessica slapped my arm. “Hey! It saved Hailey’s life!” I answered as I closed my e
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Chapter 82
Waylon POV By the middle of the next day, Jessica had already given me four syringes of the antidote for wolfsbane. My body was literally exhausted. As much as we brain stormed the discomfort I was feeling, we could not figure out what she was doing. There was times when there wasn’t any pain for a few hours. Other than that, there was a constant sting of pain in my arm or legs. Occasionally, also in my head or back but that was random. We were sitting in my office when Axel barged in. “Look at the news!” Jessica quickly grabbed the remote and turned it on. ‘Breaking news! I am currently standing outside the palace where it has been confirmed that the newly appointed Queen Hailey has been kidnapped. Shortly after the alleged confession of former King Thomas, Hailey was grated an acquittal from her charges. The power was immediately transferred from Thomas to Hailey, making her queen. Quickly after, her attorney, Lilith St. Claire, took her up to her room for safety reason as Thomas
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Chapter 83
Waylon POV I was fucking pissed off. By the time I had made it to the territory in Iowa, the rain was pouring down. Ky thought it was best to invest in waiters to get through the territory without getting exposed to the wolfsbane. My fucking ass was walking for miles in the pouring rain, in a general direction that I wasn’t even sure was the right way. The smell of wolfsbane was enough to make me feel like I was being poisoned. I’m pretty sure there was more water in my waiters than on the fucking ground. When I got my hands on James, I was going to strangle his fucking ass. My socks were wet, my feet were cold and the water that was collecting made this walk ten times harder. Somehow, I was managed to stumble upon a cabin. It was tiny but still, there was footprints all around it. One small window allowed me to see in from the back. My heart sank to my stomach as I realized it wasn’t the place Hailey was being kept. No, this place had a couch and table in it. Maybe this was where
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Chapter 84
“Plus, you don’t have a son.” The lies she was telling me were really piling against her. “Yes, I do!” My hand wrapped firmly around the back of her neck. The force it took to shove her head down was minimal but the fear in her eyes as she looked at the wolfsbane soaked grass was huge. “Try not to lie to me again. Next time, I will be less forgiving.” I whispered in her ear. There would be fingerprint bruises around her neck. “It wasn’t like that! Thomas fucked everything up.” My stomach turned in disgust. How did I ever date her? “Why don’t you tell me what it is like, then.” Allowing her to stand back up, I gave her a gentle nudge to keep her moving. My head started to feel a little woozy. As my heart pounded, I knew what was going on. Reaching into my pockets, my fingers wrapped around the syringe. Lilith was walking away from me but I wasn’t able to make out her words. Biting the cap, I was able to pull it the needle free and stab myself in the shoulder before it got wors
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Chapter 85
Hailey POV “This fucking sucks.” I moaned as I sat there. My legs were exhausted. At one point, the branch I was standing on broke and I fell. The toxin was unforgiving as I landed on my back. Even though I was quick to get up, it still took any strength I had gotten back. Currently, I laid on my back, in this massive tree. To my right was a cliff side. To my left was a river. Straight ahead was even thinner forage that I didn’t believe would hold me. At some point, I must have gotten turned around. The affects of the toxin were swimming in my brain but it was fading. Not as quickly as I hoped but still was. The sun was shinning, finally. The dress I had on was torn but still covered the main parts. Maybe I should just lay here until I get my wolf back. Then I can transform into her and this would be much easier. What a cruel world I live in. I was queen for like an hour before I wasn’t again. The sound of a twig snapping caught me off guard. Every instinct in my body told me to h
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Chapter 86
“Waylon?” His eyes were closed and his jaw was clenched shut but he held onto me. Never once letting go. My hair whipped my face as the helicopter went higher and further away. Trees turned into green blurs but the bullets stopped coming. Suddenly, the rope jerked. I could barely see from all the wind but it looked like the helicopter was getting closer. “Hold on, baby. Almost there.” Waylon tried to sooth me. “Keep your heart calm. Breath slow deep breaths.” I yelled to him. The whole bottom part of his shirt was sticky with blood. His head rested against the rope but his eyes stayed shut. “Give me your hand!” I heard above me. Looking up, two men with sunglasses and helmets were holding their hands out to me. “Take him!” I yelled as I grabbed his hand. “No.” Waylon opened his eyes and hoisted me up to them. It was so sudden that I jerked away and almost slipped out of their hands. Waylon made an sound that broke my heart. A painful growl echoed acrossed the valley. “HE’S BE
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Chapter 87
"Thank you.” I said as I took them. All my clothes needed to be trashed so I had no underwear or bra to wear but thankfully the scrubs fit decently. The pants I had to tighten but it was okay. Jessica pulled a hair tie off her wrist and put my hair up for me. “Not sure you are model worthy but better than before.” Jessica laughed. “I do need a shower.” I agreed. “Technically, you got a few showers with the rain, you just need soap.” Jessica teased as she wheeled me out of the room and down the hall. “What is our next steps?” I asked. The hospital was buzzing with activity. I got more than one glance as we made our way. A few times, it looked like they wanted to say something but didn’t. The doors to the WIC unit slid open for us. “What is WIC unit.” “Wolf Intensive Care.” Jessica stated, almost annoyed. “Ah.” We made our way to a room in the back. Waylon was strapped to multiple machines but his blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen were all stable. “As for your question
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Chapter 88
“Go?” I asked Jessica as she walked in, still clearly annoyed. “Yeah. Go take a shower. I am going to change his bandages. Hannah is getting supper.” Jessica bossed. “Want to tell us what happened?” I looked at her questioningly. “The bitch had the nerve to say that I was just being emotional and I should remove myself from the situation. Like I am the problem!” Jessica was tossing gloves around as she spoke. “Is she fired?” I asked as I got up. “Fuck yes she is fired! I got the last laugh there. Stupid cunt.” “Wow, the C word?” I asked as I grabbed the towel she tossed on the bed. “Yes the fucking C word!” Jessica glared. Looking at Waylon, “Good luck.” I mouthed as I walked into the bathroom. “Be gentle!” I heard him groan. Getting undressed, I laid the scrubs on the counter since I have to put them back on. Turning the shower on hot, I stepped in it. The whole thing felt amazing on my skin. It burned a little on my cuts but most of them were fading away. Placing my han
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Chapter 89
“Where is his wolf?” I asked Jessica. “It is there. He just lost a lot of blood and I think he pulled a stitch on the inside. The bleeding has stopped but I need to do an ultrasound to make sure he isn’t bleeding internally. “And if he is?” “Than I will open him back up.” “Doesn’t that increase his risk for infection?” I tried to recall my BLS training. “Highly so. That’s why we will start with an ultrasound.” Nodding, I just held onto his hand. It was lifeless but I still held onto it. We rode in silence the rest of the way. It was only when the helicopter was descending that Jessica starting moving around. Putting any and all used gauze or instruments in a biohazard bag and tying it shut. Her hands were coated in dried blood but she didn’t seem to care. When the helicopter landed, There was a gurney waiting for Waylon. Axel and Ky were standing nearby as we put him onto it and Jessica and the EMTs took him into an ambulance. I started following them. “No. You need to do wh
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Chapter 90
“Jessica?” I knew Waylon was still alive as I was still standing here talking but I didn’t know what condition he was in. “Hey. He had some transfusions but is stable.” “That’s good to hear. I’ll be down shortly.” I said feeling uneasy. “Okay. I’ll be here.” Jessica sounded tired. “Thanks, girl.” I said and hung up. “Everything okay?” Ky asked. “Yeah….” The fear of losing the blood pack hung in my mind. It was the only connection we had together. With everything that is going on, I’m not sure if we will be able to ever mark each other. “Earth to Hailey!” Axel snapped his fingers in front of my face. “What’s wrong?” Ky asked. “Oh, um… Waylon got a blood transfusion but is stable and doing good.” I tired to smile. “So, why are you upset?” Axel asked. “I’m not upset. Waylon and I had that blood pack. If Waylon got the transfusion, do we still have it?” They both looked at each other, before looking back at me. “I don’t know.” Ky said eventualy. “What does Jessica say about
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