All Chapters of Diamond Eyed Luna: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
102 Chapters
Chapter 71
“Nova’s…” Waylon sounded completely shocked. “WHAT?” I responded as the court room erupted in murmurs. “QUIET!” The judge yelled as to get everyone’s attention. “This will need to be re-ran. Hailey is the only known heir to the throne.” No one moved an inch as we were all trying to piece together what this meant. Nova was of royalty? She didn’t have the markings of a royal. Maybe she was half? Did my mom or dad have an affair? Is she my half sister? Tears welled up in my eyes as the reality of this weighed heavy on me. Never once had I wanted to go back to a padded room before. Until now. I wanted to run. My legs were itching to get up and go. Escape what this meant. There is no way in hell that one of my parent’s cheated but the evidence was right in front of me. If Nova was of royalty, the only other person that it could have came from was Thomas. That could make her my cousin. This whole time I was living with a blood relative. She is currently sitting at home, not knowing t
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Chapter 72
“Are you ready?” Lilith asked me. After getting back to my room last night, I tossed and turned. My dreams were filled with Nova saying she was the child from my dad, the rightful heir to the throne. She knew all along and faked a friendship with me. Never had I woken up crying before like this. My emotions were scattered but I kept my head held high. “I am.” “No matter what happens in there today, keep your head high and shoulders back. I chose that color for you today for a reason.” Lilith gave me a very fitted scarlet dress. It was a business profession style that flirted with the line between procession and night out on the town. She even did my hair and applied a better layer of makeup than yesterday. “Do not show any emotions.” “Give me a second.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Waylon walking up. Quietly, I signaled for him to stop and give me space. He must have caught on because they stopped walked and acted as if they were talking. Closing my eyes, I pushed any and a
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Chapter 73
I wasn’t surprised. I half expected this. His popularity has varied but he has been an honest King for the last 20 some years. King Thomas stood up and made his way to the seat to the right of the Judge. A guard walked up to him. “Raise your right hand.” King Thomas did so. “Repeat after me. I, King Thomas, I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth or so help me Mood Goddess.” “I, King Thomas, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth or so help me Moon Goddess.” He put his hand down and the guard walked away. “King Thomas. Your niece has finally shown up for her day in court.” Mr. Francis stated. “Objection! Your Honor, is this how this is going to go?” Lilith was quick to intervene. “I sure hope not, Mr. Francis. I am already in a bad mood.” “My apologize.” Mr. Francis gave him a little bow. “King Thomas, how do you feel seeing your niece again after all these years?” “Heartbroken… angry… confused.” Wow he was putting on a good show. “How would you describe Hailey as a
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Chapter 74
“That they are involved or scared out of their minds.” Elaine kept her head high. I never realized how she would have been on my side. “Wouldn’t someone run to the police or someone they trusted? Not just run away? I mean, to me it seems as if running away is because you are involved and trying to get away!” “OBJECTION!” Lilith was quick to stand. “What if the person you trusted is the one that killed your parents?” Elaine said before the judge made his ruling. “What yourself, Mr. Francis.” The judge ordered. “I would like to submit into evidence the evaluation done by a license phycologist. It was preformed on Miss. Hailey when she was seven years old by a Dr. Mitchell Watson.” A copy was handed to both Lilith and the judge. Lilith moved over so we both could read it. “Can you read what it said?” “It states that Miss Mertens was labeled highly intelligent with a high chance of being schizophrenic.” Elaine stated. “The actual fuck?” I whispered so low that only Lilith could
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Chapter 75
“No further questions.” Mr. Francis smiled as he sat down. Elaine looked flustered as the judge excused her. “Your next witness?” The Judge Anthony asked Mr. Francis. “I’d like to call Hailey Mertens to the stand.” He looked over at me and smiled. I was caught somewhat off guard. I knew at some point that I would have to tell me story but I assumed I’d get to do it when Lilith called me. “Your honor, that is not appropriate to call my client to the stand and actually illegal. We have to put her on the stand first before Mr. Francis can question her.” “Fine, then put her on the stand.” Mr. Francis smirked. “Now you are just making a joke of this court.” Lilith frowned at him. “I agree. Mr. Francis call you next witness or rest your case.” “Okay. I will like to call Mr. Robert Mitford.” Mr. Francis called out. Who the fuck was Robert Mitford? Lilith sat down as an older gentleman walked forward. He didn’t even look familiar to me. The guard walked forward. “Repeat after me.
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Chapter 76
“I don’t agree. Everything is followed up by the state. If they deemed it unfit, they would have sent the Feds in to handle things. You may not like my findings but that doesn’t mean I am wrong.” Robert was getting red in the face. “I would like to submit into evidence another piece of documentation. It was in the came envelope that had the pictures in it. Since those were deemed truthful, this shall too.” Lilith picked up Patrick’s view of the murders and handed them to the guard. He gave them to Mr. Francis and to the judge. I watched out of the corner of my eye, Mr. Francis show Thomas. “How is Thomas reacting?” I asked Waylon in the mind-link. “Not good. He is pissed off and very stiff.” “Objection! How you did you come by this? What…just what?” Mr. Francis asked, panicked. “We have been over this but I can go back over it if it pleases the judge?” Lilith asked. “Yes, please.” The judge looked at the two reports. “I was delivered a vanilla envelope to the palace. They watch
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Chapter 77
“I don’t work directly with King Thomas. That is for more public appearances. Not much different than the president of the United States. He gets all the credit but doesn’t actually do any of the hard work.” Waylon kept his face passive. “Would you have done anything differently?” “Do you mean in the capture of Ms. Hailey?” “Yes, would you have done anything differently in the capture of Ms. Hailey?” “Certainly. Firstly, I would have given her a chance to respond. Then if she still refused, you always start with the less lethal option first. That is how police work goes.” “Is that how you practice in your pack?” “Not particularly.” “How so?” “Well first off, we generally don’t have murders. However, if a crime is committed, we will take them to our cells and have a trail but most differences are resolved with a conversation and then a punishment.” “What about enemies?” “An eye for an eye.” “That’s not how police work.” “I’m not the police.” Waylon shrugged again. “Howe
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Chapter 78
“My three friends and I were playing secret agents. Cassie, Molly and Eva. We were wanting to spy on my parents so we ran into their bedroom. Since they were not there, we hid in the closet. After a few minutes, they still didn’t show up so we started playing patty cake to pass the time. After around thirty minutes, the bedroom door flew open and my mother was tossed inside. We watched as her body landed against the dresser. She was naked, covered in blood but her eyes landed on me. I’ll never forget the fear I saw in them as she spotted us girls. One of the girls screamed and the killer found us. He wasted no time in sticking his hands into Cassie, pulling her heart out. Molly tried to get me to run but I was frozen. Unfortunately, he got her next. I watched as he bit into her neck, spraying me with her blood. Eva was able to get me to move out of the back of the closet.” I paused as I took a few breaths. “I wasn’t quick enough and he grabbed my ankle. Eva tried to get him off of me b
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Chapter 79
“The proper way to address me is King Thomas.” “You will never be my king and actually if you want to compare strengths, my aura will be stronger as I am the rightful heir.” “Is that what you believe?” He asked, like he knew something. “It is. Even nature knows that you are a crook.” My face was passive but my emotions were not. Him questioning me was more than I think I could have handled if Waylon wasn’t there taking away my anxiety and anger. “I can see you are a little emotional but I will let the disrespect slide, since I am a forgiving King and all.” He paced in front of me. “What evidence do you have that I actually killed your parents, my brother and sister-in-law?” “My own eyes.” “No blood was found that was mine? No hair or anything?” “You had gloves on and we will let the new examiners tell us what was found after they tear apart that room to find the answers.” “That is your hope. So when it comes down to it, it is your word against all the mounting evidence a
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Chapter 80
Waylon POV The entire helicopter ride, I was restless. The further I got away from Charlotte the harder it was. Or Hailey? Do I call her Hailey now? Either way, I just had a terrible feeling that I was going to the wrong location. “What’s wrong?” Axel asked. “I don’t know. I just feel like the danger isn’t at my pack. I feel like Hailey is the one in danger.” Loosing my tie, I started to sweat. “What is going on with you?” Axel felt my head. “I don’t know. It’s like-” “Seatbelts! We are descending.” Looking down, we were at my pack. So far, everything looked… empty. Jessica and Ky were standing by the landing doc. As we went down, my hand fumbled with my phone. “Dude..” Axel looked concerned. Finally, we touched down. It took me a couple of tries but I was able to get the door open but my legs gave out and I fell to the ground. “WAYLON!” Jessica yelled as she ran forward. “What’s wrong with him?” Ky asked. “No idea.” The helicopter took off as soon as we were out. Didn’t
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