All Chapters of Half-blood Luna and The Blind Prince of Rogue : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
77 Chapters
Run Away Planning
Xevia's POVI was still thinking about that woman, Alarick's future wife, who turned out to be gorgeous. Not just stunning. I can call her perfection. I felt pierced by pain and jealousy when I saw her.But the question I have now is, did Xander invite her on purpose? Then what did he do that for? Should I ask him? Would asking about her make me look like a teenage girl jealous of her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend?As I was lost in thought, the car continued to drive through the darkness, Xander and me sitting in the back seat in a hush. The blind man didn't seem interested in chatting with me, and I wasn't either.Until I finally decided to say something first, "did you invite her?"Xander cleared his throat, "who are you talking about?""Lourve Ivyari and Velove Luciad.""No-""Liar!""I didn't invite them. What did I invite them for?""Balstair and Luciad's company have never gotten along.""Is it true what you say?"Xander didn't answer with words, and he just nodded slowly, "I'm n
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Ran Away!
Xander's POV"Alright, I'll send my men there, sir. Yes, yes, you don't have to worry. They'll be there in fifteen minutes. Calm down, sir, calm down, take a breath. Yes, everything will be fine. My men will clean up everything without a trace. Yes, as usual. By the way, Mr. Moralez, would it be best if you flew out of the country tonight as well? I'll arrange everything for you and your son, do you agree?""Alright, good night. I'll send the e-ticket to your email.""You're welcome, sir."I quickly hung up the phone with the poor man before he continued the conversation, which made my ears hurt.Jo Moralez is a human with wolf pups.Her son became a wolf because of the illegal actions of the same organization that made Archer a wolf. This time, Abner had eaten two servants in his house, leaving only their heads. The rest he ate and tore to pieces.And again, my men had to step in to clean up the crime scene. I also had to help him create an alibi so that this crime would go undetecte
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Xevia's POVI thought the place I was heading to was a dark, lonely mountain range surrounded by dense forest.But I was wrong.No wonder they chose this place as their wedding location. Because it turns out that Mount Vermont is a tourist mountain, a volcano that is no longer active and is now used as a nature reserve and tourist spot.The mountains are not too high, around which luxury cottages and hotels are built. There are forests, but they are not as thick and wide as I thought. Because the forest is no longer natural; instead, it is an artificial forest specially maintained to accommodate wild deer and antelope.There was a park in front of my destination where children, parents, and tourists alike used to sit on one side of the river and watch the fish playing in the water. But there were a few other places in between where people gathered to eat a kind of food court. They look like shops with all sorts of delicious snacks, and they sell drinks, coffee, candy, and more."Miss,
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Xander's POV"It will be a full moon soon, brother," Archer told me.I just nodded at his words. Yes, Archer, yes, I could feel it. I could feel an immense power exploding inside me. The Moon Goddess, Xerenity, fulfilled her promise. I'm sure she couldn't have lied to me. She wouldn't deceive a poor wolf like me."Do you feel the change, brother?" asked Archer again, and again I just nodded. Yes, I'm enjoying this change process, where my vision returns to normal, and I can see everything again, although this will only happen until sunrise tomorrow morning. At least every month, I can still enjoy the scenery around me for one week.In just a few seconds, an explosive feeling ran through my veins and made me feel hundreds, if not thousands, of times more potent. The darkness grew brighter and brighter, and my blurry vision became clear and bright.I could see the dark road ahead of me, highlighted only by the headlights of Archer's car."Are we still far away?" I turned my head and loo
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Xevia's POV"Sorry," he hissed and looked at me with pity while locking the iron cage that confined me."Don't move so much that the wound on your arm stops bleeding.""Logan, please, please let me go. Get me out of here." I begged as he began walking away without looking back at me. "I can pay you, now I have a lot of money, and I promise I Will pay you. How much do you want? Logan, please," I whispered, trying to reach him. He turned around and looked at me, then said, "sorry, Xevia. I don't need your money." His eyes were shining with anger when he said this, and I knew that he was about to leave me. "You are nothing but trouble," he added coldly and walked away, leaving me alone in this. I screamed and cried for help, but nobody came. Damn, am I going to die in this iron cage? What will they do to me this time? This wasn't in my plan, so what should I do now? Should I give up and let them kill me? As I was lost in thought, suddenly, from the front of the dark cave, a flashlig
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Xevia's POV My eyes widened as blinding light peeked out from behind the open curtains due to the breeze. Instantly I felt a severe headache, which strikes my head hard. It hurt as if a vast sledgehammer had hit it."What is this place?" I wondered to myself, I've never been to this place before. This isn't Xander's house. At least it's not a mansion with lots of glass windows.I looked around and realized I was alone in a vast room dominated by monochrome colors. The owner of this room was a mysterious person, predominantly black, with only a few white ornaments. Slowly my memories returned, and I sighed; again, he saved me, even after I betrayed his trust by running away and going to Alarick's wedding in secret. The masculine perfume still lingered, and I could still smell it. This scent, somehow, gave me comfort.I slowly exited the bed with a slight stagger while walking towards the half-open white-curtained window due to the strong wind outside.As I passed by the large mirror
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Burned Desire
**** Xevia didn't realize someone had entered the room and was watching her outside the bathroom door. The man smiled, seeing how Xevia seemed to enjoy all the facilities he gave her.****Xevia'sAfter washing my entire body and hair, I walked out of the shower area and was about to pick up the bathrobe I had seen folded neatly in the closet near the door.At that moment, I realized that the bathroom door was wide open. Did I forget to close that damn door?And I suddenly lost my breath when I saw someone else in my room. And that person was standing in front of the bathroom door, with such a calm face, but I was sure that he was the same man who had seen and enjoyed the sight of my naked curves in the shower earlier!I reflexively rushed to cover my body parts with my hands and quickly grabbed the bathrobe until I didn't have time to grab a towel for my wet hair."Y-you? What are you doing here? When did you come? Can you see me?" I demanded with angry, defiant eyes and barked wildl
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Mating Night
Xander's POVI followed Archer out of the room and left Xevia in that awkward state."How was it? Is everything settled?" I asked as we came down the stairs to the first floor.Archer stopped his steps, then turned and looked at me, "Yeah, your room will be prepared soon.""Good," I said with a flushed face that was actually still holding back embarrassment."Who is the housekeeper who works here?""Zee's uncle, his name is Mr. Clayton.""Is he the one you ordered to prepare the room?" I asked him; Archer nodded."Thanks, brother," I said as I patted his shoulder."You can always count on me," Archer smiled before walking towards the main door. For the next few nights, he would take over my duties at the headquarters because there were some things I needed to sort out with Xevia. Something I really don't want to force, but I have to.After seeing Archer off, I went back inside and looked for Clayton, Zigas' uncle, who Archer had hired to look after my mansion.I wanted to ensure everyt
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Hold yourself
Xevia's POV I tried to struggle and cry out at him, pleading with him to put me down, but he didn't react. He was too strong, and my body was too tiny compared to his. I was presumably only about the same height as Xander's muscular chest."Where are you taking me?" I insisted as I gripped his back tightly.However, Xander still didn't answer back to my question. He just kept walking down the long corridor of the second floor and stepped towards a staircase connected to a mysterious room with a black door.I saw him fingering something next to the door that looked like a fingerprint sensor. A few seconds later, the door opened automatically. It revealed a room whose walls were covered in black velvet, similar to the door. In the center of the room was a large bed with bright red sheets that looked contrasting."What are you going to do with me?" I shouted right into the ear of the man carrying me. However, again he flinched and just twitched his corner lips upward.He looked peacef
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Rude or Ride?
Author's POV"Are you hungry?" asked Xander unexpectedly, recalling that Xevia hadn't eaten anything since morning."Yes, I'm starving," Xevia replied stammeringly."I'll ask Mr. Clayton to bring you dinner," he said coldly, contrasting to the warmth of the kiss he had just given her."Can I ask you something!" interrupted Xevia suddenly as Xander left."Go ahead.""How can you see today and be blind the next?""During the full moon, I will continue to be able to see you as I can reuse my sense of sight. But on other days, I will again go blind and live in darkness.""That is not important to you. What is important is that you know what duties and responsibilities you must fulfill as my mate.""What do you mean by responsibilities?""Like the responsibilities a mate has towards their mate, you must be able to maintain your honor, your loyalty, and hand over the rest of your life to me. It's that simple, and I wouldn't be this hard on you if you could be trusted. But I see you're still
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