All Chapters of Half-blood Luna and The Blind Prince of Rogue : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
77 Chapters
Tonight Xander could no longer wait to mate with Xevia. The wolf inside him was crying out for it. Tonight was the full night when he and his mate were supposed to mate in wolf form.But tonight would also be a crucial night because if they were to mate in wolf form then the guard around Izlav's urban forest would have to be tightened. After mating, the two wolves would usually hunt animals and travel around the forest together.Of course she didn't want her mate's rare wolf form to be known to many people. The few information leaks that eventually resulted in so many other wolves hunting Xevia were enough to overwhelm her.***Xevia woke up in the middle of the night, as her sense of hearing caught the tinkling of a piano strung in beautiful notes. Slowly she got out of bed, and still in a semi-conscious state she made her way to the door. Her steps halted at the doorway. The beautiful, melodious sound was coming from downstairs. "Could it be Xander?" she wondered to herself. She
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Broke his reveries
Since Xevia's rejection of him, the man felt his pride was deeply hurt, so he decided to silence Xevia. And let her do as she pleased. ***Like today, when Xevia said that she would be home late, Xander didn't respond at all excessively other than nodding his head."Grandpa and I used to come here a lot," he responded, glancing at Xevia's beautiful face. The woman opened the windshield wide, letting her hair flutter in the wind. The curl that formed on her lips never ceased to expand. Xevia then turned her attention to Alarick. She looked at him for a moment. Xevia planted a sweet kiss on Alarick's cheek. "I love you..." Xevia whispered softly. "I love you too..." Alarick replied with a smile. Alarick took her hand and squeezed it gently. After traveling for almost five hours, they arrived at a small house. Xevia then followed Alarick into the house that looked beautiful and quiet. Everything looked clean and well-maintained.Xevia chuckled after noticing the funny expression on
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It's a Trap
Author's POV "I miss you..." Xevia hugged him tightly as just as he opened the doors.His eyes widen in surprise as he hugs back, "Me too." He kissed her forehead and then let go. She sat beside him on the couch. "Is that why you haven't been picking up my calls?" She frowns. He sighs, "I got busy with stuff.. and some work," Alarick Glancing at the stack of books and the laptop lit up on the table."Are you still working at Luciad's company?" asked Xevia when she accidentally saw Luciad's company logo appear on Alarick's laptop screen."Yes, I mean it's just a small project and my ex-fiancé's mother asked me to design a new logo for her company, that's all." He looked away from her."It's alright if you can't tell me about it yet, but I need you to remember your promise!"Alarick sighed. "I'm sorry not telling you about this earlier..." Alarick look at her softly and caressed her hair gently.The meeting ended on Alarick's hot bed. Afterwards Xevia fell into a deep sleep and woke
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Author's POVIt was seven o'clock in the evening. Dorothy waited anxiously for Xevia's arrival. She had promised to be home soon, but two hours later she had not shown up. Xander, who was suffering from loss of consciousness and could only remember certain things, could in fact remember Xevia well. He ordered Clayton to call and ask Xevia to come home. However, the old man didn't have the heart to leave his dearly young master in the hospital alone. So it was Dorothy who went home and waited for the woman's arrival. Dorothy was almost asleep when the front doorbell rang. She had deliberately locked the door because she was afraid of another break-in. Just like what happened some time ago. The lanky old woman limped up from the sofa and rushed to check who had rung the doorbell. "You're finally home..." Dorothy murmured in relief, and quickly opened the door for Alice. The womanl looked a little pale. Her eyes looked haggard."Oh my God, honey. You're finally home too, are you si
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Should I believe in you?
Author's POVXevia didn't know where Alarick was taking her and her baby. But she trusted the man she loved completely. Trusting him like the moon trusts that the night is only for him. And like the clouds that believe the rain will come.***"It's been three days. And he did not return here? I'm scared to be in this place alone," Xevia whined as she scrunched up her face. This was the fifth time she had called Alarick iam, whining for him to come soon. Yes. Alarick had left her alone in the lakeside house. It turned out he was just dropping her off and heading back to the city because he had work to do. Alarick's promise to take her to church and tie the knot had not been realized. Until three days later, Alarick had not returned to the house by the lake. There was no transportation in that remote place, so Xevia couldn't go anywhere but eat and sleep.In the past few days, she has also felt sick and nauseous all over. She attributed it to her body's reaction to the cold weather i
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Author's POVXevia and her pregnancy. Now she could only lie in bed all day, her whole body weak, so Alarick had to put an IV tube for her to prevent unwanted things from happening.Alarick was still busy with his work. Working at the shelter in Izlav city, he couldn't just disappear if he didn't want to be suspected. However, the man now returned every day to his lakeside home. To take care of Xevia and bring her food, while during his absence he would lock her in her room.Xevia's white skin had paled, and her body was thinner than ever. The girl looked heartbreaking.Her belly, which contained a fetus, began to grow slightly even though she was only a few weeks pregnant.Only the sound of birds chirping could signal the arrival of morning and evening.Now that evening is approaching, the sound of swallows returning to their home at the end of the hill is circling above the roof of the house.It was a sign that it wouldn't be long before Alarick would arrive and bring her food. He
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Who are you?
Author's POVArcher continues to persuade Xander to find Xevia's whereabouts. However, his selfishness and pain exceeded the limit. So for a while he chose to stay in place without movement even though his heart was in turmoil."Come on bro, are you going to let your baby be taken away by that rancid bastard?" Archer tightened his fist on the table.Meanwhile, Xander was like a fool who continued to brood and remain silent."Are you going to-""Will you shut up, Arch!" Xander snapped and snapped at him.Instantly Archer fell silent in shock at his brother's yelling."I'm sorry, Brother, I didn't mean-""I know you are deeply hurt by your mate betraying you. But you can't let our successor fall into the hands of those ruthless alphas. You know what the Ivyari will do with your mate and baby, right? Are you going to stand by like this? And let us lose? Are you going to continue to mourn your heartache for her?" Xander stared silently at his uncle, not daring to argue or do anything that
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Author's POVThe female beta approached Xander and immediately introduced herself."I, Ralia, you must be Xander, the dangerous rogue prince, right?"Xander took a few steps back in anticipation."Don't be afraid...""I'm not afraid of you, I'm just wary," Xander replied quickly."Who are you looking for in the forest of the alphas? Do you want to steal the Alpha's treasure?"Xander chuckled, "The alpha's treasure? Do I look so poor that I would steal from those poor alphas?"The woman named Ralia laughed blandly, her laugh sounding more like a wail of sadness."Don't force your laughter, because it will only make your pretty face look hideous." Xander sarcastically told her."Really? Do I look pathetic? But .....""Is it you? Who said that looking happier than me?" Ralia mocked back.Xander growled, "don't waste my time, now quickly tell me are you here to arrest me?"Ralia got closer, until now the distance between the two was only a few centimeters."Are you going to help me get my
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Author's POV"Alarick, we have to hand over the girl and the baby to the organization. You can't put it off any longer..."The voice echoed in the silent room, it sounded so clear to Xevia's sense of hearing.That voice made Xevia curious, she knew this would not end well for her, considering it was Louvre Ivyari who said that. Yes, that woman, Alarick's mother.The cruel woman who had made her life more miserable than ever."When will the sacrifice be made, mother?""As soon as possible.""Don't we need to wait for the baby's birth time?""I don't think so, we can cut open the woman's abdomen to force the baby out.""Then what about the other potential sacrifices?""We will do the same to the other potential sacrifices. It's just that you know, this ritual won't do any good if the baby of the blind rogue prince doesn't exist? We really need them, that bitch and her baby...""Alright, mom, I'll take her to the ritual site.""No, you but us...""We have to take her now, we don't have m
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Chapter 60
Xander slipped into a truck that had just stopped in front of the dome-like structure. It was the only way he could think of at the moment."Who sent you?" someone asked from outside."Mrs. Luciad.""What's in the truck? Can we take a look?""Just groceries and fruits, you can check if you want," the driver replied.Xander's heart skipped a beat at the sound of the guards' footsteps approaching where he was hiding. He was hiding behind wooden boxes that were filled with vegetables and fruits."Matte, Mrs. Ivyari will be here soon, she asked us to be ready.""And what about this truck? I have not checked it yet.""Mr. Josh told me yesterday that there will indeed be a truck carrying groceries for us. So I guess this is the truck he was referring to.""Are you sure?" The officer raised his eyebrows."I'm pretty sure, because this old man has often delivered goods in and out of this place.""Well, if that's what you say,""Hey old man! Come on, you can come in, bring your truck straight
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