All Chapters of Half-blood Luna and The Blind Prince of Rogue : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
77 Chapters
chapter 61 (Sanktuarium)
"Are you new?" One of the guards asked when it was Xander's turn to get the stale food.Xander pretended to be helpless and nodded like a weak fool."What department do you work in? How come I never see you?" The guard raised one eyebrow.Xander panicked as the guard asked him about something he hadn't prepared an answer for. But luckily his eyes were sharp enough to catch a list tacked up not far from where he was in line now. A list of the places where these rogues were employed."In the sanktuarium." Xander replied casually.The man came closer to his face, sniffing and trying to recognize him."You are rogues, but why do you look like an alpha? Who caught you?" he asked again."Dumbass, hurry up, the queue is getting longer, why are you questioning that guy for so long?" screeched the guard behind them."Yes, big mouth. Be a little patient. Hey you handsome rogues, you have a nice ass! Step forward!" the guard patted Xander's butt and invited him to step forward. Now Xander could
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chapter 62
"How do we get out of here?" Xander asked the man in front of him.The man turned his head and looked at the elevator not far from them."It's the only way, there's no way we're diving in with this woman.""The guard above must be very tight, so inevitably, one of us will have to outwit the guards.""I'll be the one to outwit the guards, and you should take her away from here immediately. Do you understand?"Xander blinked his eyes a few times, he was between belief and disbelief.How could a man he had just met want to be so kind to him. And willing to sacrifice himself for him."Wait a minute-"Xander hesitated, he had no idea what to do with the man. Should he say thank you and leave him, or should he fight with him against those ruthless alphas?"Why are you doing all this for me?" asked Xander."Do you think I'm doing this for you? I'm doing this for my people. I'm going to free them from the confinement and domination of those cruel alphas."The words that came out of the man's
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Chapter 63
"I thought Xander Levon Balstair was a brave man, but it turns out he was just a cowardly rogue prince."Xander stared at the man before him with a face full of anger. His hands clenched into fists, the wolf inside him roaring, wanting to come out and teach the alpha bastard a lesson.But for a moment, his brain went back to thinking about what would happen to Xevia if he fought with that bastard. He feared this was just Alarick's way to break his focus, to take Xevia away from him.He had to think about it first."I don't know what you're talking about," he said flatly, taking a step back from his rival. He did his best not to attack, and prepared to run with all his might, because even if that was what Alarick wanted, he couldn't fight now. Not now, Xevia's safety was his priority."Your mate's body, so delicious and voluptuous. I'm sure you must not have touched an inch of her. Do you know what we have done in the past month?""Every day all we did was fuck, and fuck, day and night
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chapter 64
"Xevia!" Archer approached Xevia's body lying limply on the ground and Xander covered her with a shabby cloth that he didn't know where to get.Archer immediately lifted the woman's weak body. Before going further, he looked to his right and left first. Making sure that the surroundings were safe from interference from Luciad and Ivyari's troops."I will save you," Archer hissed. Ruzkov's words rang in his ears again. About what he should do if things became precarious. But once again he felt the hesitation to leave this place, remembering Xander who was injured because of his carelessness.If only Archer had listened to his older brother more, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this. He was caught off guard by the threats around him just because he saw that girl.The girl he believed was his destined mate.Archer's mind was in chaos right now, he really couldn't think clearly. He couldn't even really focus on his purpose in coming to this place after the unexpected encounter
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chapter 65
"Is it true that the baby I'm carrying is your son?"The man just smiled and nodded."How is that possible?" asked Xevia.Xander stood before her, he looked at her meaningfully, his icy hands reaching for her fingers."You can ask Archer, when you wake up....""Wake up? What do you mean?""You're just dreaming now..." Xander said as his cold hand gently touched Xevia's cheek."Take care of him, take care of our child, I love you Xevia, I will continue to love you even though I know -"Xevia silenced Xander's lips with hers before he could even finish his sentence.But the moment Xevia's lips touched Xander's cold, icy lips, suddenly a blinding light blinded her eyes. She couldn't see anything but that light........***"She's's awake!" Someone shouted."Thank goodness, she's awake!""Arch! Come here, Xevia is awake, she's awake!"Xevia heard the sound of stomping feet running towards her. The sound grew closer, and slowly her heavy eyelids lightened and she was able to open them fully
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Chapter 66 ( Leonidas)
After that celebratory moment, Xevia went to her room, to the room Xander had prepared for her and the baby long ago. There she bemoaned her fate, regretting what she had done. Regretting that she had wasted Xander. The man who loved her tenderly.She hugged her baby, then her shoulders began to shake and she cried."Leonidas..." Xevia murmured her baby's name. The name was given to the baby by Archer."I wish you were here, Xander, look at him, he looks so much like you," she hissed as she stared at the clear glass before her.I wish you were still here Xander. I wish I could make up for all my mistakes. If only....Xevia could only wish, it was too late and she wouldn't be able to turn back time. The regret inside her would be useless if she didn't do something to avenge the death of her son's father.More or less, Xevia began to know that Xander's death and the destruction of her mate's organisation had something to do with the Ivyari and Luciad families.***"Can I come in?" Someo
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Chapter 67
"My father? What do you mean, do you really know my father?""I've known who your father is since the first day I saw you. Right on the day Xander took and saved your life." Uncle started his story."Uncle, do you know what happened to me that day? Can you explain it to me?"The man let out a long sigh, "Actually this is all my fault. Because I forced Xander to drink a potion that hadn't really been tested. I was selfish and asked him to be a guinea pig.""When your pack kicked you out and banished you to the Aminour forest, Xander found you. And by then he was turning into a big uncontrollable wolf, so he couldn't control his own abilities. He acted brutally and caused the baby you were carrying to die.""So?" Xevia shook her head in disbelief."The one who died back then was the baby from you and Ivyari's youngest son.""Then how come after that I got pregnant again and carried his son?""Xander brought your dying and badly injured body to me. He cried and said that he was very sorry
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Chapter 68
One month later...I thought it was time for me to pick myself up and stop mourning. After a discussion with Archer and Calya, I decided to start my new journey.Without taking Leonidas with me, of course. Because I knew the road before me was a winding road full of dangers. And I could not possibly put his life in danger, Leonidas' safety was everything to me.So from today I leave Leonidas under the supervision and care of Calya, Archer and Uncle.I know that leaving Leonidas behind will not be easy. And I know that my heart will bleed every time I look into those beautiful eyes of his, the exact same eyes of the late Xander."Are you sure you're going to do it?" asked Archer, looking at me compassionately.I nodded, and tried to swallow the pain that continued to gnaw at me."I'm very sure, I'll do it.""Xevia, you know it won't be easy for you. To reach your goal you must find the whereabouts of the Alpha who trained your father. Just so you know, the forest that uncle mentioned i
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Chapter 69
"Who do you want to see?" Some guards- they were the omegas of uncle Siege's men."Uncle Siege, is he home?""Who are you?" The guard looked at Xevia with a face full of suspicion."I'm Xevia Brielle Farkass, tell that to uncle Siege. I'm sure he recognises me."The guard furrowed his brow."Wait here!" he snapped and went inside, leaving Xevia still outside the fence.***"Beta Siege, someone is looking for you," the omega guarding the house contacted Beta Siege using the interphone embedded in the front wall."Who?" The man's hoarse voice answered."Xevia Brielle Farkass-"What? Did he already know her true identity? How is that possible? Who told her?Beta Siege muttered to himself."Bring the girl in. Take her straight to my office!" His order which was immediately obeyed by the omega guards.***"Miss Farkass, you are welcome to enter by our master. Come with me..." The Omega guard who had been cynical and stern changed his attitude towards Xevia instantly.The omega man became mo
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Chapter 70
"Mum, take it easy," Alarick tried to calm his mother, who had been emotionally explosive for several days."Calm down? How can you ask me to calm down at a time like this?" Lourve shouted back at her son."Yes, I'm asking you to calm down, because I'm sure I can fix everything.""Everything? Are you sure you can clean up all this mess?" Lourve shouted again, this time lowering her voice slightly as the argument with her son was not something she wanted to be heard by the Luciad family who were now hosting them.After the failure of the ritual, both Lourve and Alarick no longer dared to go home.The North Aminour region was now controlled by her first son, whom she had put in a dungeon for refusing to join the sect of demon worshippers she led.The commoners who had favoured his eldest son from the start revolted and freed Domani Ivyari. They then forced the councillors to crown Domani that very night, disregarding the other rule of waiting for the presence of Lourve or any other broth
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